Building B

Chapter 1367: arrive successfully

The four of them looked at each other at first, because they didn't know what was going on here, and then they swept straight ahead. Among the group of mummy, the lady of the palace lord of the beast control palace sat on the ground with a desperate expression. The color of despair.

She was the first to enter here, and she was the first to notice that the situation was different. There was a dead silence in the entire Demon Tiger's territory, without leaving any living mouths. All the corpses were like these mummy corpses in front of them, and they could even be seen. The appearance of painful convulsions at death.

"What's the matter? What's wrong? Nanwu Pankang, what have you done...?" the woman muttered to herself.

By this time, all her hopes were shattered, and she faintly knew a terrible secret, which was about her husband, Nanwu Yukang, the current lord of the Yu Beast Palace.

The woman’s face slowly turned cold from despair. She struggled to see her body from the ground, and coldly glanced at the four elders of the Nanwu family who later entered here. From their faces, she found that these four were equally shocked. Among.

This means that the few of them don't know what happened here. The woman's face was so gloomy, as if she could squeeze out the ink, she said coldly, "What you see now, remember not to say it!"

The four of them shook their bodies at the same time, nodded and said yes, the woman said bitterly, "Nanwu Yukang, you bastard, what do you want to do?!!!"

She was angry that she could not avenge her son, and at the same time that her husband did not pay attention to the lives of their wives. For nearly a thousand years, he seemed to have disappeared. Except for occasional orders, other times Then there was no news.

The five people left the territory of the Demon Tiger, each with a different mood, flew towards the direction of the Beast Control Palace, and at the same time Lou Yi also came to another territory of the monster.

This time it seems that the deterrent effect of the yellow deer has worked. He clearly felt that the monster's killing intent was missing. This is a good phenomenon for him. Not all the monsters occupying the territory above the mountainside The tribes all possess the mighty strength of the Scarletback Mountain God. The Scarletback Mountain God has its own particularity, and not all races can follow suit.

There are some special territories, only races that can adapt to them can survive, and Lou B is in one of them right now, here is a special area shrouded in various mists.

As soon as Lou Yi entered here, he was stained with a big face, and even his whole body was stained with this kind of pungent pollen. There is no doubt that the pollen here is highly poisonous.

This is a paradise for all kinds of strange flowers and weeds. They rely on the terrifying pollen poison to keep out a large number of monsters that pose a deadly threat to them. Even those spirit bees have no place here.

And the ruler here is the old knowledge of Lou Yi. At the beginning, he relied on the creatures here to support his cultivation in the Haoxue Sect. It was the silver-patterned pipe snake, and Lou Yi now stepped into it. Their territory.

The mountain peaks here are divided into five areas, which are ruled by various spirit insects and zergs. They are glare butterfly, big-eyed wasp, human-eating sand ant, silver pipe snake, and sun colored arm beetle.

They rule this mountain together, they are safe with each other and together resist the foreign tribes trying to occupy this place, but not all of these five zergs are suitable for fighting. Among them, the big-eyed wasps are more on guard tasks, and the glare butterfly is It is mental interference, and only the human-eating sand ants and Yang Cai-armed beetles are the real fighting forces.

As for the silver-patterned pipe snake itself, although its combat effectiveness is weak, it is the most special place among the five races, and it is also an existence jointly protected by the other four races. Them.

Their role is to give vitality to the fields of this place, and to maintain the food that their respective territories rely on for these Zerg species. Before Lou Yi came here, he first encountered the kind care of the big-eyed wasp.

They are not monsters. For them, he was considered an enemy from the moment he stepped into his territory, but Lou Yi couldn’t help it. The route he chose made him have to cross this mountain to be able to. Really reach the destination.

The big-eyed wasp is slightly larger than the five-ring belly, and their most important food is the fruit produced by a strange plant called the wild baron. This plant looks ugly and its leaves are like tumors. same.

However, its taste is very special. There is a sweet and refreshing taste, which is very popular with big-eyed wasps, and the tumor scars on their bodies are also an essential hotbed for big-eyed wasps to lay eggs and breed.

It’s just that this kind of plant needs special care, so the existence of the silver-patterned pipe snake has become an indispensable object for them. The entry of Building B aroused the alertness of the big-eyed wasp, and it quickly passed on the location of Building B to Other races in the mountain.

But they pounced on Building B in groups. The biggest difference between this big-eyed wasp and the five-ringed belly bee is that their tail needles can shoot directly, and they are not only as hard as a crossbow arrow but also contain terrible paralysis. The poison.

Fortunately, Lou Yi has six rounds of green protection, but he is not afraid of their tail needle salvos, but he is shot too many, and it is inevitable that he will be troubled. He actually doesn't care about these guys too much, just wants to do it as soon as possible. Go through here to get the recognition of the demons in the Barren Mountains.

So he began to speed up and dash forward. At this moment, a black light slammed up from below and slammed into the blue light. The blue light trembled violently, forming ripples.

Lou Yi looked down, with a strange look on his face, because it was an ant king that caused this blow, and it was a man-eating sand ant who showed hostility to him. Building B, where they were getting along, felt an inexplicable feeling.

At the same time, a huge butterfly suddenly appeared in front of it. Its wings are very beautiful and full of confusion. On it is a weird pattern encircling a circle. There is a butterfly on the upper and lower wings. Very gorgeous spot.

When Lou Yi put his gaze on it, his eyes were involuntarily sucked into it, which made him feel incapable of extricating himself. He quickly stopped looking at it, but the butterfly was dancing in the air, each The rays of various colors, with the help of the sun, turned into special refracted lights in the air, they dragged Lou Yi's line of sight and returned to the light spots on its wings again.

Lou Yi simply closed his eyes and ignored the dazzling light. At this moment, there was a roar in his ears. It was the sound of a creature shaking its wings. It sounded like this guy is not small.

Behind him, the big-eyed wasp blocked his retreat, and he was trapped in an encirclement in an instant. Lou Yi felt very depressed at the moment, and wanted to set off a fire to scare these guys away, but the deadly pollen was everywhere. , If the fire is used, it will inevitably spread to the entire mountain peak, and the casualties will be huge at that time, I am afraid that there will be no way to explain like Chahadi and others.

After all, this is the barren mountain range of the Palace of Controlling Beasts. He can't always kill and kill at all costs and leave a mess for them to clean up. This goes against his original intention, and at the same time, it doesn't seem like the master and others have explained.

So he speeded up and wanted to break through this encirclement. At this moment, an extremely sharp aura suddenly pierced and shot towards him. He was just about to leave. The rhythm was disrupted, and then he was caught behind him. The ripples of countless bee needle salvos.

There was a roar from the front, Lou Yi wanted to dodge to the sides, but suddenly there was a thick tree trunk on the left side, and he stopped him suddenly. He had confirmed the terrain and there were no trees here. .

Then the only explanation is that this should be part of the body of the roaring creature. Based on the creatures he encountered, he inferred that it was also a kind of worm, a very large worm.

At this time, he also felt the azure light from below, which was clamped by something, and his strength was very huge. It was not necessary that the man-eating sand ant king had restrained him from below.

And it seemed that more than one force was pulling him, and he felt at the same time that there was a force on the left and right sides shrinking inward, as if he wanted to squeeze out his bright blue light.

Lou Yi was extremely depressed, and opened his eyes violently. The first thing that caught his eye was the dazzling light released by the giant butterfly. He felt a whirl of heaven and earth, and forcibly mobilized his mental power to form a soul mask. A terrible glare was blocked.

At this time, he saw a calf-sized zerg in front of him, with two huge worm arms growing at the front of his body, and finger hooks like pliers were growing on the front of the worm's arms. At this time, he was caught tightly in Qingcanzhi. Above the shield formed by light.

The man-eater ant king below was riveting enough strength to bite his body mask with its worm teeth, and at the same time, six legs stubbornly held the ground, and pulled back and down, Lou Yi suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

At this moment, the queen bee of the big-eyed wasp and the silver-patterned pipe snake that had just launched an attack are now ready to attack again. Lou Yi shook his head helplessly, and suddenly stimulated the rebound of the blue light. force.

The first to be disintegrated was the king ant, the man-eating sand ant. It has the strongest power and the strongest natural rebound power. The third is the monster with huge forelimbs in front of you. It is huge and shining with blue. Lou Yi vaguely remembered the light of green glaze as if he had seen it on the bone book, but he couldn't remember it now.

After he broke free he stomped on the giant worm, and then flew towards the sky above with his strength. When he passed by the giant butterfly, he pulled it violently as a prank Circling in the air, then disappeared into the sky like a gust of wind.

The queen bee of the big-eyed wasp wanted to chase, but was blocked by the giant worm. At this time, the giant dancing butterfly was spinning in the air, looking a little confused.

The man-eating sand ant king kept colliding the two big teeth together. Obviously, it was still very unconvinced. Only the silver-patterned pipe snake that launched an attack kept restraint from start to finish, and then they returned to their own territory.

And Lou Yi crossed this mountain as he wished, and his eyes suddenly opened up. A huge and rough building group slowly appeared in front of him. It was the first time that Lou Yi came to Yuju Palace in a true sense. , Looking at the magnificent stone wall and the huge Lingfeng, my heart beat faster.


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