Building B

Chapter 1389: The Anaconda Disaster (Part 2)

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Chirk's face was extremely solemn, and at this moment he heard the sound from the mountain. He looked around and saw a large group of gravel and golden sculptures fighting with the flying snakes. After weighing it, he issued a new order. , The order is to aid the coalition forces.

When Chirk gave the order, Chicoli had already started fighting with the snake monsters. The monks of the Qi family opened the feeding ring and feeding bag one after another, and the overwhelming worm nest emerged.

Although the most powerful of the Qi family is the gravel golden eagle guard, in fact their Qi family is also a master of insects. For example, the Turtleback Black Sword Worm used by the Qierke is a very famous fighting insect.

But at that time Chirk was still weak, so he couldn't control more advanced Zergs, and now the people who followed Chikoli to kill the Spirit Peak were the elite forces of the Qi family.

I saw these released alien worms, resembling a mantis with a pair of sickle-like forelimbs. The edge of the sickle is a serrated black spike, while the back side is shining with a faint purple light. Their backs are oval. There is an opening in the middle, which should be the location of their insect wings.

But this does not mean that they can fly. This is a problem caused by their evolution. The two halves of their wings are as hard as a tortoise shell, and can be turned at any angle to form a round shield for protection to protect the body from harm.

This insect is called Turtleback Purple Sword Insect, which is more powerful than Turtleback Black Knife. After they have fully evolved, they will turn into the Blackback Golden Sword Insect controlled by Chehoha. In the ultimate form, with terrifying defense like a mysterious tortoise, and terrifying lethality that is unstoppable, it can be described as a perfect partner.

At this time, among the Zergs released by Chicoli, there was a Blackback Golden Sword Insect, which was more than ten times larger than the Turtleback Purple Sword, and more than a hundred times larger than the Turtleback Black Sword.

After the worms were released, some people stopped, took out the bone flutes and began to play. These zergs listened to the tune and began to act according to the owner’s wishes. Chicoli was different. He jumped directly on the black back gold in front of him. The knife worm rushed towards the mountain.

A giant python descended from the sky and opened its blood basin and swallowed it with a big mouth. The Xuanbei Golden Sword Insect suddenly opened its back wings, and the two semicircular carapaces snapped upwards and turned into an inverted golden pot.

With a loud noise, the python demon bumped into its raised golden back. It opened its big mouth unwillingly, revealing its snake teeth and chewing on the back of the pot, but it didn't think it was so hard. It fell apart.

The giant python wanted to change its strategy, so its huge body rolled downwards, and wanted to wrap the Blackback Golden Sword Insect and its sad Chickoli directly and strangle, but at this moment a golden light flashed. The python demon was cut off at the waist, and the smelly demon blood splashed out.

The python demon twisted up and down in pain, but a few golden lights flashed, the python demon was chopped into pieces of meat, and Chicoly held up his weapon and shouted, "Kill!!!"




Hiss hiss...

The men of the Qi family yelled loudly, and the response to them was the increasingly terrifying sound of threats from the entire mountain. Chicoli's face was firm, and he patted the seated Xuanbei Golden Swordworm and said, "Xuan Yu, let's get started!"

The Xuanbei Golden Sword Insect raised his head and raised two golden sickles at the same time. The front part stretched out like a scimitar, bursting with terrible golden light. Chicoli had a word in his mouth, and there was a strange connection between the two. , And then the two merged into one.

After performing the psychic method, Chicoli's appearance has changed significantly. His arms have become more than five times longer than before, and his palms have completely turned into insects and sickles, and the blade is shining with terrible golden light. Looks invincible.

There are worms on his back, and the armor on his legs and shoulders is extraordinarily thick, but the biggest change is on his back. There are two huge semi-circular turtle backs on his back, combining the two into one. It was the inverted gold pot that the Xuanbei Golden Sword Insect used before.

With it, Chicoli no longer only enhances his offensive ability, even his defensive power has reached a terrible level. There are many people like him, but they are all turtle-backed purple knife worms.

However, the number of people who can merge with it is only about a hundred. They followed in the footsteps of Chicoli and rushed towards the overwhelming snake tide. They wanted to become a sharp knife and pierce the snake tide's defenses. , To open up a road to the upper peak for the coalition forces.

Followed by the Qi family who played the bone flute. They had no way to control the power of fusion, so they could only rely on the method of insect control to command the tortoise black knives they released and the rare purple knives. insect.

The monks of the coalition army consciously protected the players beside them, helping to resist the snake monsters from all around and from the sky, but when Chicoli was waiting to open the way in front, a sudden change occurred in the rear.

The ground of Lingfeng suddenly cracked, and the unprepared monk instantly fell into the cracked pit of the ground. Countless terrifying snake monsters rushed out of the cracks frantically, and in the blink of an eye those who accidentally fell into it The monk engulfed.

And this scene was appearing above the entire Lingfeng. What Chirk worried about became a reality. Chicoli, who was opening the road ahead, discovered this situation and was about to turn around to help, but suddenly there was a harsh hiss from all directions.

The huge python madly came from the four-panel room. He waved a golden insect sickle and split a python that was leaping at it into two. However, when it was divided, he slammed from its stomach. A large number of young pythons are gushing out.

Although the aura of these young pythons is not strong, there are still a lot of them, and after Chicoli killed the female demon, he discovered the hundreds of male demon detained on her body.

After these guys sensed that the female python was killed, they fell into a violent state for an instant. They saw their bodies covered with a terrifying blood film, their aura rose suddenly, and they showed crazy gazes towards Chico. Li and others rushed over.

They were so fast that they were too fast to react. Chicoli quickly ordered everyone to form a circle to resist these violent male snakes. Chicoli remembered the female snakes he killed and these crazy snakes. The name of the male snake, their female's name is Puppet, and the male's name is Mandrill.

This is a symbiotic monster snake. When the male Snake Mandrill finds his partner, Puppet, he will accompany him for his whole life, tightly holding on to the female snake's body, because it is a symbiotic relationship, when the female snake dies. At this time, the male snake will fall into extreme madness, and they will quickly burn all the power and even the soul in their body, and take revenge for the female snake at all costs.

If the female snake dies naturally, they will look for the next symbiotic partner. This monster beast is extremely troublesome to deal with, and it is also a very powerful killer of the Yong family.

Because it happened suddenly, Chicoli did not react. When the female snake was dismembered, when he saw the crazy male snake, everything was too late, but fortunately, if hundreds of male snakes deal with it carefully If it is, it can still be dealt with, just be afraid...

Chicoli, who was doing his best to deal with these violent male snakes, suddenly changed his face, because in his line of sight, several puppet demon snakes swam over, and the target was more than a hundred of them.

Chicoli waved the golden insect sickle, beheaded one of the male snakes, and then shouted to the others, "Follow me! Right now!!!"

He turned back and rushed to the rear. Two golden arcs swept forwards horizontally. Several Mandrill Snake Monsters were cut back. He strode on the ground, and the golden insects on his back spread fiercely, blocking him. In front of him, he rushed to the road of coming time with such fierce afterburner.

Unexpectedly, some of the mad mandrill snakes who were circuitously blocking their escape route were violently knocked into flight by the mysterious golden pot. The others fought and retreated and followed Chicoli to the large group. However, the next scene, But all of them were unexpected.

I saw that a pot of porridge had already been made in the rear at this moment. For some reason, the land on the **** of Lingfeng cracked frequently, and there were violent snake monsters everywhere. They were like evil spirits emerging from hell, and surrounded the entire army. .

All of them had no way to retreat. The Turtleback Black Knife Worm, who had had an absolute advantage before, was not as large as the massive snake monsters around. Soon they were exhausted and died, and then the monks began to be shocked.

This was a premeditated massacre. The entire Lingfeng of the third house was a terrible snake den. Luo Yanzhen dedicated a gluttonous feast for them. This feast is the most powerful snake magic warfare in the Luo family. [The Disaster of The back road was cut off, the sky was blocked, and the panic brought about the decline of fighting will. Even though these monks of the Qi family have experienced many battles, they are not after all The monks who rely on their physical fights are destroying the Zergs they release at an astonishing speed, and the tribesmen who can perform demon spirit fusion and psychic methods are only the mere number one hundred.

Just when they were about to fall into despair, there was suddenly a row of black shadows pounced from behind, and a harsh roar came out. Those black shadows gradually revealed their true faces under the spilt of monster blood in the fight.

The Shadow Leopards followed Lou B’s order and came to support from the rear. This made the coalition forces that were about to collapse like a shot, they instinctively grasped a life-saving straw. The idea that he had originally planned to give up was quickly forgotten.

I don't know if they want to live too much, these monks in the Palace of Controlling the Beasts showed a stronger aura from their original cultivation base, frantically slaughtering the snake monsters that were constantly emerging around them.

At this moment, Chicoli finally led the crowd to come back. His return immediately increased everyone's confidence. A battle of encirclement and suppression began. With the sound of eagles resounding in the sky, Qi Erke finally rushed back at this time.

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