Building B

Chapter 1425: Cherish time


The three supreme elders of the beast control palace, look at me, and I look at you, looking at Chazheng again with a dazed expression, waiting for him to specifically talk about what they are doing these days.

The excitement on Cha Zheng's face did not abate, he took a few breaths, and then said loudly, "This time we not only repelled their offense, but also regained the land of twelve states in one breath. It belongs to the territory of our Beast Control Palace!!!"

Qihuoha and others were extremely excited, and Man Qianjun stepped forward and directly grabbed Cha Zheng's left and right arms and asked, "Really? Is it true?!!!"

Cha Zheng’s smile was distorted by him, but seeing Man Qianjun’s extremely excited look, he could only endure nodding and said, “Really, now Chirk and your apprentice are leading people to guard the four. The core forces of Jizhou, Huazhou, Nuzhou, and Mianzhou!"

"Okay! Alright! Hahahahaha!" Very Qianjun raised Chazheng with a pair of big hands, and burst into laughter.

At this time, Chehoha walked over, hitting a kick on Quite Qianjun's leg, and cursed, "What a decent way!"

Man Qianjun hurriedly put Cha Zheng down with a smile. When he saw where he pinched his hand, it was obviously red and swollen. He said nonchalantly, "Sect Master, remember to exercise more...cough!"

Cha Zheng shook his head helplessly, and said to the three of them, “The twelve state areas that originally belonged to our Beast Control Palace have been divided into many states because of the changes of the times. A state."

Chehoha and the others sighed and nodded, and Halkman said, "Yes, the original states such as Yazhou, Tapir, Rake, and? Are long gone, but the original twelve states are now They were all merged, and they had no choice but to master the four core states of Yuzhou, Huazhou, Qizhou, and Zhuzhou, which is equivalent to controlling the territory of these twelve states!"

"Yes, yes!!!" Cha Zheng nodded excitedly.

"Sect Master, you have a long way to go..." Chehoha said in a heavy tone.

"Yes, the younger generation should do their best!" Cha Zheng said vowedly.

After that, one order after another was passed on. After some discussion with them, for now, the monks from the Palace of Controlling the Beasts will sit in the four states of Yuzhou, Huzhou, Xuzhou, and Zhuzhou. These four states are Yuzhou. Located to the north of Nianzhou and Mozhou, the geographical position is very important, guarding a large area above Yuyu Palace.

Hezhou and Niaozhou are located to the west of Lizhou and Mizhou respectively, and the powerful forces in Zhongzhou, which are adjacent to a large area in this direction, can be built into the forefront of Yuju Palace. As for Zhezhou, it is located to the south of Huzhou. Although there is no strong enemy in this area, it can develop with peace of mind under the control of Zhizhou and Xiaozhou.

It has to be said that the recapture of these four states will inject new vitality into the palace of the beast control, and originally these are the sites of the palace of the beast control. Each state has its unique specialties. Now taking them back will control the beasts. Gong saves a lot of resources, and Halkman can't wait to flex his muscles.

But at this moment, Cha Zheng told them that Lou Yi asked him to bring back a sentence, that is, from now on, he will control the beast palace to enter the recuperation and rejuvenation stage, and stop expanding outside at least for a thousand years.

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a lot of discussion. Chehoha looked at Chazheng and asked, "You are the Sovereign now, what do you think he meant by this?"

The quarrels around stopped, everyone looked at Cha Zheng. After organizing the language, he replied, "I personally agree with his opinion!"

"Why?" Chehoha asked again.

"Although we have succeeded in bringing order out of chaos and winning this war, I think everyone is well aware that war will surely kill people and consume a lot of resources. Everyone thinks that our current sect has the power to expand abroad in the short term. Is it?" Cha Zheng asked.

"It makes sense..." An elder nodded.

"Now it does need a good rest period." Another elder said after careful consideration.

"It's okay to recuperate, the millennium too long?" Some elder questioned.

"Yes...Yes..." someone agreed.

"Thousands of years are indeed a bit long. When we are recuperating, those forces with a guilty conscience will never wait for us to be killed in vain. I am afraid that once the millennium is over, we want to take back these places and it will be difficult to pay. The price of imagination..." Someone said after careful consideration.

Everyone talked about it, and it seemed that they couldn't find a satisfactory answer. At this time, Man Qianjun patted the table and shouted, "Shut up, listen to the lord!"

Everyone immediately stopped. Many of them knew how temperamental they were, and he was still the master of those two people. Who would dare to touch him at this time, wouldn't it be death...

Cha Zheng looked at it pretty well, and said helplessly, "You have to change your temper in the future. You are too elder now, you have to look a little respected!"

Quite a little noncommittal, and said to his heart, "I'm just a vulgar person. I'm full of bandit and robber temperament. I have high morals? What is that?"

But he couldn't say that, after all, he couldn't talk to Cha Zheng, otherwise he was afraid that old Chahadi would ask him to settle accounts when he went to bed at night. He was not afraid of anyone in his life, except that he was afraid of this old man who was not a big threat. Even he himself didn't know why.

Cha Zheng looked at everyone and analyzed, "I know everyone’s concerns, but have you considered these few issues? The first one is naturally the issue of resources. In addition to various materials and money, this issue also includes manpower. Resources!"

Many elders nodded subconsciously, especially Halkman who was deeply concerned, but some elders did not respond much to this. They may think that resources can be obtained by plundering. As for human issues, the territory is too big. Isn't it as much as you want?

Cha Zheng paused and explained, "Maybe many of you think this problem is not difficult to solve, then I will analyze the current situation for everyone!"

He took out a huge animal skin. The location of each state was marked on the skin. Several of them were marked with bright colors. Two of them are particularly noticeable. One is the Ji family and the other It is the Zhu family.

Although the location of the Zhu family is a little farther away, it is only separated by a dozen states, and the most important thing is that the Zhu family’s current expansion momentum is very rapid. The previous scene made everyone understand one thing. The thing, that is, this time the Zhu family came to stir up the muddy water for the purpose of eating the entire beast control palace.

So you can imagine how powerful the Zhu family is, and the Ji family has always been one of the most powerful forces in Zhongzhou. Even when the Beast Control Palace was at its strongest, it was nothing more than fighting against the opponent...

Moreover, it is also the closest superpower to the Palace of Controlling Beasts. Although the Ji family suddenly fell silent for some reason, no one doubts that when it wakes up, it will show terrible fangs!

Cha Zheng pointed to the positions of these two families and said, "Although I don't want to hit everyone, this is the reality. These two superpowers have the ability to annex and control the beast palace. The reason why they did not act rashly is naturally because there are many The factors hold them back, but..."

Cha Zheng drew a circle in the area where Ji's family was located with his hand, and said, "If we expand rashly, it will inevitably make the surrounding forces startled, so imagine what they are most likely to do?"

The discussion sounded in the elders’ pavilion, and Chehoha spoke at this moment, “They will choose to join the Ji family, so that the other party will effortlessly get the territory that originally belonged to our beast control palace, and then we want to take them back. We have to go to war with Beast Control Palace..."

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar in the elders' cabinet, because everyone had thought of this issue. Those elders who had some ideas at the moment seemed to have calmed down, and even they thought of the Zhu family.

Although Zhu’s family is quite far away from the Beast Control Palace, they have reached Nianzhou before, and they still came out. This will naturally give the surrounding forces a clear understanding. Once the Beast Control Palace chooses to go to war, they must take the opportunity. To make a choice, in addition to the Ji family, the Zhu family is another good choice, because there is a way of dealing with it called distant and close attack...

There was no sound in the hall. Everyone looked at Cha Zheng again, wanting to hear what he planned to do. Cha Zheng saw that the time was about to come, and said, "Resources can indeed be obtained by plunder, and they are also very impressive, but it must be done. It will offend many people and even be despised by many forces!"

Everyone seemed to have heard the deep meaning of Cha Zheng’s words, and they all agreed. Cha Zheng then analyzed many things in a unified manner, which attracted everyone's unanimous approval. His prestige was also consolidated and improved at this meeting of the elders. .

Chehoha and the three super elders exchanged their eyes. From each other's eyes, they all saw recognition and approval. In this way, the goal of controlling the beast palace's future was set, focusing on rest and rest, while consolidating Existing territory of Yu Beast Palace.

Halkman was assigned to open up transactions with surrounding Chehoha was responsible for many things in the sect, while Man Qianjun took the initiative to ask for help and is responsible for contacting the various monster races in the Barren Mountains. Communication and coordination.

As for the other elders, under the unified dispatch of the three, Chazhen’s orders were executed in batches. After one month of fighting, Lou Yi handed over the defense work of Zhezhou to Chekoli.

At the same time, with the help of Shen Wansan, Halkman also slowly reached a consensus with the surrounding forces. This time Lou Yi and Chirk had a tacit understanding of avoiding many forces that did not take advantage of the fire, but chose to deal with them. Well, I have to say that this move is very beautiful.

It sent a clear signal to other forces. The Beast Controlling Palace did not want to eat them all at once. They did so only to avenge those who took advantage of the fire and robbed them. The settled Beast Controlling Palace was just a waste. In the state of being ready, many people are now on the sidelines.

The way the animal control palace handles things has made those forces and monks who are holding a wait-and-see attitude take a big step towards a positive outlook on the animal control palace. Although the troubled times can make contributions, it does not mean that everyone is willing to be cannon fodder. There is only one. Only stable and powerful forces will attract human resources, and this is what Cha Zheng is striving for at this moment.

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