Building B

Chapter 1439: Jin Yuan Tiger Emperor (Part 1)

Looking at the battle below, Lou Yi didn't intervene. After all, he has encountered too many things like this these days, but when he saw another thing, he endured it anyway. Can't help it.

   "Father, what do you think they want to do over there?" Hualianlou pointed to a position on the left rear and said to him.

Lou Yi withdrew his gaze from Huang Han who was raging on the battlefield below. He turned his gaze to the direction his daughter was pointing at. Only then did he realize that there were thousands of people kneeling on the ground. Most of them had no weapons. These are old and young women and children.

There were countless corpses lying in front of them, who wanted to guard them and were killed by the other side. These people doubled them from three directions. When the other side knelt down and begged for mercy, they began to grinning and deciding what these people were. fate.

The first to be abandoned were the old people. They were brutally dragged out and chopped their heads. These people onlookers laughed wantonly, pointing their heads on the ground more than ever, as if they were showing off who killed more and whose axe. Sharper.

   Those who dared to resist were dragged out by them, cut off their limbs cruelly, and then broke their abdomen, and when the opponent was dying, they would split it in half with an axe.

These people are deliberately torturing these people, making them reluctant to resist, and then brutally killing them, and all this is done in front of everyone, the purpose is to make them dare not even resist. , Let them take whatever they want.

What Lou Yi couldn't bear most was that they arbitrarily pressed the female relatives under him, but they let their children watch them violently. If these children cried or even stepped forward, they would end up like those who resisted. same.

   Building Yi was suddenly angry, and Shen Wansan on the side said, "The **** is empty, the devil is in the world, do you want to control it?"

Without waiting for Lou Yi's answer, a figure had already jumped off the flying boat and went straight down. He heard a loud bang, and it fell onto the ground. His palm flashed light and his bones were cracked. Appearing in his hand, a wave of violent force swept away all the soldiers who hadn't figured out what had happened before him.

After that, the Rock Armadillo and the Ant King appeared, with a steady stream of human-eating sand ants, they pounced on each other like this, Lou Yi sighed, "Go on, now that you have met, then you can't leave it alone, these people There is no humanity at all!"

The flying boat made of Ruyi Bodhi beads descended from the sky and landed on the ground. The pungent smell of blood all around made him frown. The land where he landed was full of falling heads. He could only see from above the sky. To a general idea, but now it seems that there are enough tens of thousands of heads that have been chopped out here.

The confined crowd sat on the spot as if they had lost their souls. There was no desire to live in their eyes. Some children hid in the arms of the elderly and wept, while the crowd could be seen unclothed and cruelly ravaged. The deadly woman.

Lou Yi walked through the crowd, his body exuded soft emerald light, and the power of healing spread among the crowd. At the same time, Hualianlou, Shen Wansan and the others began to build a defense against the prisoners. .

Shen Wansan used his true energy to build an earth wall nearly ten feet high and two or three feet thick. It was entwined with orange light to enhance his defense. Mou Mingzhen flew in the air, shining all over his body. The pure white light, filled with intoxicating fragrance, formed a nearly transparent cover.

Afterwards, plants began to grow on the city wall, forming a colorful wall. It was the first time Lou Yi saw Mou Mingzhen's move. The aroma she released was rich and fragrant, with a calming effect, and those growing in the city The colorful flowers above the head are all epiphanies, and the epiphanies are budding.

On the other side, Lou Yi saw his daughter, using his own true energy to build a thorny and durable wall of thorns, and among these thorny plants, one could see five thorns in their abdomen. The spirit bee of the road halo.

Those were the five-ringed belly bees that Lou Yi gave her. When he completed the ceremony of worshipping the mountain, he gave them all to Hualianlou and the others. Finally, the queen bee gave it to Hualianlou, and the two queen bees returned. Li Zhongxia and Hua Nianqiu.

As for the other spirit bees, they have also been carefully cultivated in the past hundred years. Of course, thanks to Cha Zheng’s help, the Cha family’s breeding method is uniquely endowed. With his help, the strength of Snake Panwei has been over the past century. But greatly improved.

In order to make up for the guilt in his heart, Man Qianjun even gave the feeding ring he used to Hualianlou. Hualianlou was naturally a precious moment with him. He envied the destruction of the other two, but Huo Yan also He has already begun to study this thing, after all, for him, the unknown method of refining is full of magic.

At this moment, the queen bee followed Hualianlou, and the bee guards faithfully guarded the surroundings to protect the safety of the queen bee and the Hualianlou. The periphery was so powerful that it was hard to get rid of it, and they swayed the cracked bones crazy. Quartet, no one can get close to him within three feet.

  The man-eating sand ants were led by two ant kings to defeat the golden armored soldiers. However, among these people, there were many powerful generations who joined forces to stop the ant king's attack.

The abnormal situation here was quickly notified to the rear, and Man Qianjun and others were regarded as those rebelling reinforcements, so more soldiers in the golden armor began to gather here, and more distant places appeared. The rumble of war drums.

   Not far away, a figure shining with orange and yellow light was killed at an astonishing speed. The light and shadow of the ancient bullock gave people an indescribable sense of oppression. The other party was obviously aimed at a thousand miles.

Quite Qianjun naturally felt the oppressive force of the opponent. He snorted coldly and slammed the stick in his hands at the enemy in front of him. He rounded and swung it out fiercely. A violent wind mixed with terrible power, fanned forward. All those who were in the way swept away, creating an open space enough for the battle to come out.

  咚! boom! ! !

Ah ah ah ah ah……

A terrible crash sounded, and the sticks in the hands of the two slammed together. The violent wind blew everything around. Their clothes were swayed by the wind, but their footsteps were There is no wavering.

   Under the feet of the two, the ground cracked into a cobweb-like collapsed pit. The soldiers who were caught off guard were directly swept up into the sky by the violent wind, and the rest immediately left far away, for fear of being affected by the fighting between the two.

   Huang Han, who raised his head, was obviously taken aback. It seemed that he recognized the person in front of him. He wondered, "Are you the palace owner who controlled the Beast Palace at the Beizhou Conference?"

  Man Qianjun snorted coldly, "Do you recognize me?"

   "Naturally recognized, this is not the place to control the beast palace, why did you hurt my Tiger Emperor's army?" Huang Han asked in a cold voice.

   "Why? Because you mobs have no humanity, I look upset!!!" Quite a canthus, with blue veins protruding all over his body, and his power was released crazily, trying to force Huang Han back.

   However, his power is increasing, and so is the other party. Moreover, the faint Huang Han seems to be better. Quite Qianjun sighed silently in his heart, "There are talented people from generation to generation, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward waves..."

   It was obvious that his own strength alone was not enough to contend with Huang Han, so he shouted at the Ant King who was breaking through frantically, "Da, come here!"

   Hearing his call, the ant king desperately tried his way out of the crowd. The rock armadillo helped it block the pursuers. At the same time that the ant king arrived, Man Qianjun also used psychic methods.

The Ant King's body slowly became illusory, and attached to the extremely powerful body. His skin suddenly looked dark, terrifying power burst out in an instant, and Huang Han's feet were clearly pushed back. Small step, apparently at this time, is quite impressive, and has suppressed the opponent in strength.

However, at this moment, a golden mask on Huang Han's face suddenly burst out with a misty light. Almost instantly his power began to increase exponentially, and behind it, a huge ancient bully phantom emerged. It shrank quickly again and attached to Huang Han's body.

   Hum! Huh! ! !

Huang Han was panting heavily. The armor on his body was constantly expanding outward due to the expansion of his body. Huang Han's body instantly enlarged. The two waved the big sticks in their hands and slammed together again. This time, quite Qianjun was directly knocked off by this force.

At this moment, a figure appeared. Pushing his palm forward, he firmly supported Man Qianjun who was flying At this moment, Man Qianjun's arms trembled constantly, his eyes were Zhongman is an incredible look.

   "Master, let's take a break, let the disciple solve it here!" Lou Yi's voice came from behind Man Qianjun.

Quite Qianjun nodded unwillingly, but he didn't plan to just rest like that. Turning his head and rushing to the golden armored soldiers besieging the Ant King, Lou Yi shook his head helplessly and walked straight towards Huang Han. At this moment, crimson light was shining under the latter's mask, and the whole body was filled with heavy blood.

  咚! ! ! !

   Huang Han’s feet slammed on the ground, and the earth trembled frantically. In an instant, Huang Han disappeared in place. The next second he waved the exaggerated stick in his hand and came to Lou Yi.

   a big stick volleyed in the air, and terrible power suddenly wreaked havoc around the stick, but Lou Yi did not face it head-on. The main reason is that Huang Han nowadays is no longer the stunner he used to be.

   The reason why he didn't recognize himself was obviously that he had used the [Shenzhen Zhen] mask, and was temporarily hypnotized by the mask. It seems that Shi Zun Qianjun has put a lot of pressure on him, otherwise he will not try his best.

   Just as Lou Yi was entangled in how he should deal with Huang Han, a sharp and extremely sharp aura suddenly came to his face from behind, and a voice rumblingly said, "The one who disobeys the emperor, the corpse is broken!!!"...


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