Building B

Chapter 1443: Enter Zhizhou

Huang Han banged his feet to the ground and splashed a piece of dust. He took off the Zhenzheng mask on his face, revealing a vicissitudes of life. When the helmet was taken off, it was still the big bald head that Lou Yi was familiar with. But there are a few more scars.

"Come with me..." Lou Yi said.

Huang Han was stunned for a moment, his expression turned awkward, he looked at Jintu who was lying on the ground glaring at him, and said, "No, cannibalism, loyalty!"

"You follow him to do this, it's a path of no return, forget it..." Lou Yi persuaded again.

Huang Han sighed heavily and said, "You don't understand, what happened after we came to Zhongzhou, he is what he is today. We all worship this gǒurìde thief God!"

Huang Han told Lou Yi what they have experienced in the past few hundred years. At first, the two of them moved their family from Beizhou. They were full of pride and wanted to make a fortune in Zhongzhou. However, things are fickle and people in Zhongzhou are everywhere. Make things difficult for them, even the original sect of Jintu.

They lived a dire life, but they were still angry with the sect. In the end, Jin Tu was expelled from the sect because of the malicious frame of a powerful figure in the sect, and the reason why he was actually driven away was because Because of the land where the two of them are located, they were taken by the other side.

Jin Tu killed the sect in a rage, and Huang Han’s head was injured at that time. Although they succeeded in taking the sect, they were besieged and suppressed by other forces that came and finally fought. If he got his fate, he instantly handed him over.

It was also at this time that the devil in Jintu's heart occupied his heart. He began to become very terrible, even Huang Han felt so, but also because of his ruthlessness, they eventually occupied a state, and A hundred years later, the original forces were destroyed and the Jin Yuan Dynasty was established. Jin Tu also proclaimed himself the Golden Yuan Tiger Emperor and began to recruit troops to expand his territory frantically.

They have been fighting almost every day for hundreds of years. People like them have not stopped for a moment. In this way, Jintu also swept dozens of surrounding states. Those forces that did not obey his orders would be **** cleansed. Although John was unwilling, he couldn't defy him, so he was one of his accomplices.

After listening to the story calmly, Lou Yi turned his head to look at Jintu, only to find that he had fallen into a coma due to the side effects of the forbidden technique. Lou Yi sighed silently and said to Huang Han, "I didn't think about it. Kill him, just want him to stop."

Huang Han threw the exaggerated stick in his hand on the ground with a muffled bang, and the whole ground trembled. Lou Yi said in amazement, "You guy has really unique taste."

"It has been these years that I have been able to live safe and sound. It can be said that it is my lifeblood..." Huang Han said with emotion.

Lou Yi gave him a glance, "Point your face!"


The two laughed at the same time, as if they were back when they had escaped from the dead together in Hansong Town. Lou Yi looked at him and said meaningfully, "If you figure it out someday, you will go back to Beizhou to find me, I Waiting for you to go home!"

Lou Yi handed the token of the Thousand Chance City to the opponent, and then patted the opponent on the shoulder. Huang Han opened his mouth to say something, but finally decided to shut up. Lou Yi looked at Jin before leaving. Tu glanced at him and said in a low voice, "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will die, so do it yourself..."

In this way, Lou Yi returned to Shen Wansan and the others. At this time, the battle here was over long ago. Man Qianjun was holding two people here. It was the two who had been knocked out by Lou Yi before. He vaguely remembered the two, one of whom claimed to be What Tiger Emperor is protecting Yu Baosi, it should be a close guard, the other one told himself that he was called Li Tianrun after being threatened by himself, and he was regarded as a general of Jintu.

At this moment, the two of them were restrained by the combined efforts of Man Qianjun and Shen Wansan. Compared with Yu Baosi's struggling, Li Tianrun seemed to have accepted his fate and stayed quietly in place, which made Shen Wansan who suppressed him a little embarrassed.

Lou Yi came in front of the crowd and looked around. At this moment, the so-called Tiger Emperor Golden Guards had already run away, and those who hadn't run were lying on the ground, their bodies were already cold.

Lou Yi gestured to release the two of them. Yu Baosi stood up and rushed towards him. The hairy arm rounded out was a punch, but Lou Yi easily took it. He wanted to punch another punch. He was also caught by Lou Yi. As a result, this guy Nuo had a big head and slammed into Lou Yi's face with a grin. It seemed that he was planning to go shopping with him.

As a result, Lou Yi's whole body was released, and a terrible gravity instantly enveloped Yu Baosi's whole body. He gritted his teeth to support him, shaking like a chaff, but still insisted not to kneel down.

Lou Yi recovered his true essence and sighed, watching Yu Baosi stumbling on his back and falling to the ground. As a result, this guy had to get up and desperately. Lou Yi asked him, "Why help him?"

Lou Yi was naturally referring to Jintu. Unexpectedly, Yu Baosi sneered and said, "Lao Tzu made the gold because of Brother Huang Han, because Brother Huang saved the lives of thousands of people in my family!"

Lou Yi nodded and said, "That's it, you go..."

Originally, Yu Baosi was still going to work hard, but when Lou Yi said that, he was stunned and asked, "You want to let me go?"

Lou Yi nodded, and the other party asked again, "Why?"

"Courageous courage, a man! I only have one request, take care of Huang Han for me, because he is my dead brother!" Lou Yi said seriously.

Yu Baosi stunned for a moment, looking at the other party's serious expression and the other party's serious tone, he suddenly clasped his fists and said, "Thank you! Don't worry, I will protect him with my life!"

Lou Yi nodded, Yu Baosi returned to the battlefield, picked up his two large axes, and then went back to Huang Han...

At this time Lou Yi looked at another person and asked, "Why don't you resist?"

Li Tianrun looked at him and said, "Because I want to follow you!"

Lou Yi seemed to have expected this result a long time ago, and asked, "Then can I ask the reason?"

"Because Jin túshā has my lord!" Li Tianrun replied blankly.

"Then why didn't you choose to take revenge, but choose to gang up with him, or even help him to abuse?" Lou Yi asked again.

"Because I want to live!" Li Tianrun gave a seemingly reasonable explanation and answer, Lou Yi and the people around were silent.

Lou Yi looked at him and asked, "Aren't you afraid that if you say this, I won't let you follow me?"

Li Tianrun looked up at Lou Yi, and said blankly, "Then I will go back again. As long as I live, I have a chance!"

Lou Yi nodded and said, "In that case, let me go..."

"Okay! Thank you, Lord!" Li Tianrun bowed his head, and Lou Yi raised his hand to help him up.

"It’s fine to call me the host in the future. It’s okay if you follow me. You can’t do anything against your own family. Even if you want to oppose me in the future, you have to leave and ask Xianlou before you can declare war, understand? ?" Lou Yi looked at the other party with stern eyes, and said with a heavy tone.

"Yes, the subordinate understands!" Li Tianrun nodded and agreed.

In this way, Lou Yi accepted Li Tianrun. This person is an individual talent. He is also a fast-growing jade, but it is also a factor of instability. So what happens afterwards depends on how Lou Yi controls this person. He has a high score and is a wise and rational person, but he is a rare talent.

Lou Yi turned his head to look at Shen Wansan, and asked, "Is there anyone nearby?"

Shen Wansan nodded, and Lou Yi looked at Jiang Feng and asked, "Are there any hidden guards nearby?"

Jiang Feng also nodded, and Lou Yi then arranged for him to use Bodhi Ruyi Zhu to transform into a huge flying magic weapon, carrying the old, young, and young women and children who were rescued by them, and sent it to Shen Wansan to dominate the world. The branch where you are.

After that, Jiang Feng contacted the dark guards and planned a relatively safe road. Lou Yi did not send these people to the Beast Control Palace. This was because the owner of the Beast Control Palace was not him after all, so Lou Yi asked them to follow the caravan. Midway City was transported to Beizhou in batches, leaving this increasingly chaotic place full of killings.

Then they set off again. When they returned to the place where they fought, Huang Han had already left with the remaining people and Jintu. This time Jintu suffered a serious loss, but Lou Yi believed that with his ability, it was only time to regroup. The problem is that he still puts hope on Huang Han, hoping that he can persuade Jintu to take a road to the emperor like Zhu Chongba.

After crossing the chaotic state domain, when they approached the state domain where the Tianxia Academy is located, what they saw here instantly changed...

There is no war or gunpowder here. There are only catchy tunes and people living in peace. The four characters of Tianxia Academy are like golden rules. It is an invisible protection that protects all states under the jurisdiction of Tianxia Academy. area.

It's because of the four deans of the Tianxia Academy, because of the unparalleled appeal of the Tianxia Academy, and because the dean of the Tianzi Academy is the first person in the Kunwu realm!

Lou B and they descended from the sky to the most marginal place under the jurisdiction of Tianxia Academy. This place is named Zhizhou. Although it is only the most fringe state, it is also the gateway for tourists and businessmen from all over the world to enter the Tianxia Academy.

The buildings here are antique, with a strong atmosphere of scrolls. The streets here are very spacious. You can see the four treasures of the study, pen, ink, paper and inkstone everywhere on both sides. The shouts from the streets are mostly antique calligraphy and painting, poetry and lyrics. As a supplement, the sound of the book is loud, and the reverberation is around the beam.

Hualianlou was very excited at first, but after walking around, she also lost interest. At this time Lou Yi reminded her, "Didn’t you try to get a magic bean of nine spells before? I know it is just a Semi-finished products, here are many classics and documents, maybe..."

"I know, father! I'll go shopping first!" Before Lou Yi finished speaking, she walked away. Lou Yi shook his head helplessly and nodded at Jiang Feng. The latter's figure suddenly flashed and disappeared. At the same place, chasing Hualianlou and left.

At this moment, Huo Yan walked out of the crowd and said, "I'll go take a look too, let's meet again later!"

Lou Yi nodded, and after Huo Yan had left, he said to the others, "Let’s go around first, and then meet again!" 15

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