Building B

Chapter 1462: Human Skin Siren

A terrible explosion sounded from the wolf behind him, and the ground was buried by energy beams. After the smoke passed, the land was covered with wolves, huge ravines criss-crossed, and there were huge corpses lying in them. These corpses were huge, and the smallest ones were more than three feet tall. .

With just a glimpse of Lou Yi's eyes, he immediately wanted to return to the city, because he suddenly realized a terrible premonition, but when he was about to return to the city, there were bursts of exclamation and screams from the city.

The pitch-black sky moved forward, enveloping the entire Blooming Pen City, the dark blue thunder above the sky roared, Lou Yi's clothes roared and hunted, he slammed into the city from the sky, trying to figure out the situation.

On the originally orderly streets of the city, suddenly there were hundreds of huge sea monsters. They sprang from the streets and buildings, preying on the residents who could be seen unscrupulously.

At the same time, on the other side, you can see that Shen Wansan and others are fighting against these behemoths, but the number of the opponents is too much. Lou Yi's figure swiftly came to the top of the city, where it is now entrusted to Li Tianrun to guard, surrounded by The puppet and the machine crossbow.

It's just that he is not familiar with manipulating these things. Fortunately, Qian Linglong came here, and saw the girl holding the Rubik's Cube in both hands. The Rubik's Cube was spinning rapidly in the air, separating countless filaments that were difficult to discern with the naked eye. These filaments were tied together. On top of the puppet and the crossbow, with the manipulation of the little girl, they quickly counterattacked the targets in and outside the city.

Xue Xing is guarding her at this moment, and the rest of the Xue family cultivators are fighting in the city at this moment. Through the cooperation of the battle formation with the same mind, and the improved waterfall sword art, every attack is like a waterfall roaring, and the river is in it. Pentium.

Even if the monsters are huge, they will only end up with dead bodies under the combined attack. Lou Yi breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, there was pain in the waist on both sides of him at the same time, two shy and angry voices. , Scolded, "Rotten guy, when are you going to hold us like this, let go..."

Lou Yi found out that the two sisters were still caught under his armpit by him. He quickly put them upright and slowly released their hands. As soon as the two girls landed, they gave Lou Yi a fierce kick. The person grinned, "I saved you both, it's rude!"

The two took off their cloaks, revealed two reddish faces, stared at Lou Yi and said, "Shameless, nasty!"

People around suddenly looked over, especially Qian Linglong's eyes were obviously scrutinizing, Lou Yi quickly cried, "Heaven and earth conscience, what did I do to me?!!!"

However, the two sisters suddenly stopped talking. Lou Yi was depressed and had nowhere to vent. With a flick of his hand, an orange light flashed. There was a loud noise under the city. Lou Yi said, "Pay attention to the buildings and the people in the city. All these are cleaned up!"


The yellow scorpion roared up to the sky and the power of the earth began to gather. Then a group of clay sculptured dragons and beasts rushed to kill the sea monsters in the city. At this moment, the form outside the city was also extremely severe, and more and more scarlet lights began to turn towards Coming from the direction of Blooming Pen City, Lou Yi frowned and muttered to himself, "This is only more than a month, why did it suddenly become like this?"

At this moment, the two sisters on the side began to speak, "This was supposed to be the trick of the Fusang Thousand Islands, but they were so frantic that they gave this method to the sea monster to use, I am afraid the whole Kunwu world will be in big trouble. !"

"Do you know what is going on?" Lou Yi asked in surprise.

The two sisters nodded, and Luo Tianyi said, "In fact, this method was originally a taboo method recorded in the temple. As for where it came from, our Luo family's record says that this method is a method of evil spirits. Chuang is said to be an extremely powerful and terrifying monster. It claims to be Jiutian Fairy Boy, but our Luo family has called him Jiu Tun Evil Boy for generations."

"According to rumors, this ghost is extremely fierce. What it is best at is sewing human skins. After killing people, they are peeled and made into skins. They are branded with special patterns. As long as the skin is covered on the body, it will shrink into the skin. Hidden people are unpredictable." Luo Yuyao continued.

"It is said that it is used to make skin bags in this way, often turned into a beautiful young man, to seduce those women who have not been out of the pavilion, and then...then..." Luo Tianyi seemed a little bit difficult to say here.

"Eat it?" Lou Yi couldn't help asking when seeing her embarrassed.

Seeing Lou Yi's question, Luo Tianyi nodded and said, "Yes, eat it!"

Lou Yi looked at the scarlet evil pupils that were constantly emerging outside the city, and sighed, "People's hearts are so evil that evil spirits..."

Lou Yi thinks that his perception of mental power has always been outstanding, but even he did not notice the abnormality in the city, so ordinary people can even imagine. In just one month, the surrounding area was covered by the sea. The demon fell completely, which made Lou Yi couldn't help worrying about the safety of Beizhou.

"How did you discover their identity?" Lou Yi asked.

The two looked at him with idiot eyes, and Lou Yi suddenly realized, "The method of heart communication? Pure power?"

The two sisters nodded, and their eyes told him that he was not too stupid. Lou Yi didn't pay attention to the two of them, and hurriedly ran the Wushou Eye to look inside the city. It didn't matter at this point, Nuo Da, a city of blooming pens, was almost complete. The monster is in den.

"It seems that I really underestimated the Dara family, and even tolerated it..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

Suddenly, his gaze condensed to the direction of the City Lord's Mansion, and suddenly said loudly, "No!"

His figure turned into a flash of light and went straight to the city lord’s mansion. At this time, a large number of people gathered outside the city lord’s mansion. They cried and asked for them to enter the city lord’s mansion for refuge. At this time, it was the man who guarded the city lord’s mansion. Jun.

When Lou Yi saw that his master, Qianqianjun, was guiding the monsters into the formation outside the city lord’s mansion, he suddenly became anxious, but the next second he was stunned, only to see those who were led into the formation. The monster suddenly disappeared from Wushou's Eye.

Lou Yi stopped in the air for a moment. At this moment, he found that Huo Yan was supporting Jiang Feng standing on the edge of the City Lord's Mansion. Jiang Feng seemed to be saying something to the formation. Lou Yi quickly swayed from the sky and landed on the City Lord's Mansion. Outside the formation.

As his true essence poured into the eyes of the formation, the area covered by the formation suddenly expanded several times, and the monsters in human skin were instantly shrouded in it. At this time, Lou Yi heard the shadow of the leopard in his ears. Roar.

After a short while, the formation calmed down, and a very powerful voice came from the formation, "If the dog hadn't been reminded by Xiao Jiangzi in time, he was almost deceived by these dirty beasts!"

Man Qianjun was covered with smelly blood, and slowly walked out of the formation, Lou Yi also returned to the city lord's mansion, he looked at Jiang Feng and asked, "Is your body well?"

Jiang Feng wanted to kneel down to give thanks, but Huo Yan held him up, Lou Yi said quickly, "You should stay well before your injury has healed!"

Jiang Feng looked a little weak. He said to Lou Yi, "The subordinates are incompetent, and the owner is worried!"

Lou Yi waved his hand and said, "You have done well enough. It is because of my inconsideration that I almost hurt you!"

"Subordinates are ashamed!" Jiang Feng clasped his fist.

"It's useless to reduce these things. Thanks to Xiao Jiangzi this time. If he hadn't reminded me that those people behaved strangely, I would have almost made a big mistake!" Man Qianjun asked Jiang Feng for credit.

"How did you find them abnormal?" Lou Yi asked with interest.

"Return to the original poster, these people are very flustered on the surface, but there is a trace of greed and cruelty in their eyes. People who plead often choose to look at each other's eyes, but these people's eyes are looking in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion. Jiang Feng explained.

"There is also a very strange place. When people are extremely frightened, they tend to have weakness in their limbs and soft hands and feet. However, although these people are shaking all over, they are very stable on the heels. This makes the subordinates feel very strange. I even feel that their trembling is due to excitement!" Jiang Feng continued.

Lou Yi nodded thoughtfully, stepped forward and patted the other's shoulder and said, "Very good, really good!"

At this time, some people appeared in the formation, and behind them were huge shadow leopards. They followed behind these people without saying a word. When they all appeared, they all said to Lou Yi, " Meet the host!"

Lou Yi waved, "Get up, thanks for your hard work, everyone!"

"The subordinates are willing to do their best for the host, after death!" everyone said in unison.

"Take your Patriarch down to rest!" Lou Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone helped Jiang Feng to leave, and slowly disappeared into everyone's sight.

Just then Huo Yan asked, "Do you have to make them like this?"

Lou Yi looked up at Huo Yan and Man Qianjun. Seeing that they both looked at him questioningly, he suddenly said in distress, "This is really not what I asked for, I swear!"

"It will erode people's souls, and rights will erode their souls, remember, kid!" Man Qianjun said meaningfully.

Lou Yi nodded He was waiting for Huo Yan to speak, but when he saw that the other party stopped talking, he couldn't help asking, "You don't want to say something?"

Huo Yan looked at him and said, "I believe you!"

Lou Yi trembled, feeling a warm current rushing through his heart, and said, "Thank you!"

Huo Yan gave a hmm and asked, "What are you going to do next?"

Lou Yi frowned and said, "If I expected it, the people from the academy should be here soon...?"

Hundreds of miles outside the city of Blooming Pen, the academy came to crusade against the people of Building B and Xu Jun, and drove in mightily. The person in charge of the lookout among them came back to report, "Unknown dark clouds appeared over the city of Blooming Pen. City, please indicate!"

"Speed ​​up!" a middle-aged scholar among the crowd waved his hand and ordered.

Standing next to him are all teachings, but these people are mainly Gen Kuang who is beside the middle-aged scholar. It seems that most of the people who are crusading this time are arranged by Gen Kuang. Then they will come in the same building. The desired result went in the opposite direction.

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