Building B

Chapter 1464: Control the enemy with the enemy

Those forces attached to the academy saw several rays of light flashing like meteors from the sky, and then a huge pattern appeared on the dark sky, and then everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened. general.

But everyone has seen this scene. The heads of these family representatives are looking at each other. If they want more support and status in the academy, they can only show their loyalty to Gen Kuang.

Because in Tianxia Academy, Tianyuan is an unattainable existence, even if they work hard, they can’t get their tentacles into it, so people like them can only retreat to second place, but Gen Yuehong is rigid and impassable. It can be said that the oil and salt do not enter the master.

As the dean of the third academy, Liao Wuya, has disappeared mysteriously for many years. As for the last dean of the academy, Gou, this person is difficult to understand, and it is quite uncomfortable to deal with him, and even if he is good at it, For these families, there is no benefit.

Because among the four academies of the World Academy, the academies are almost the easiest place to enter, and their status is not as high as that of the third academies...

When they were helpless, Gen Yuehong’s grandson, Gen Kuang, took the initiative to contact them. Although the other party was only a junior, his identity made these people very excited. After some tentative contact, they found this Gen is wildly ambitious, and a cruel man.

If such a person communicates properly, then his family and descendants must be able to rise to the top, so these forces have retaliated, and Gen Kuang also asked them to do a lot of things in private, but most of the two sides are testing each other.

Although Liu's family was one of them, their status was completely different. Liu Bao was once his grandfather's book boy, and Liu Bao was too obedient. It can be said that he was obedient to his words. This made Gen Kuang feel incredible, the ruler of a state. , It is rare to beg for mercy.

Even the younger generations of his family can't stand it anymore, but Liu Bao still goes his own way. No one in the Liu family dares to disobey his will. This time the academy clearance operation, Liu Bao staged a wonderful cry in the academy. , That old tearful look of humiliation, made the mood of the upper and lower academy rise to the climax.

With the help of many forces, the Crusade Army was established, and Gen Kuang smoothly took Yan Weiqing with him, because he was the person who was informed by Gen Kuang's seal, and Gen Kuang has always done things meticulously. This relationship is likely to make him do good things. Expose, if that's the case, just come to cut the roots.

When Yan Weiqing took the people to leave them and enter the Blooming Pen City, he pained the killer to solve his students who followed Yan Weiqing, so that regardless of whether the actions in the city were successful or not, he could take everyone in Blooming Pen City. Kill it all, and then shirk all the responsibilities on Lou Yi...

Nowadays, the number of people coming to the academy is extremely large. It can be said that it will never fail to deal with a small city of blooming pens. What's more, the powerful figures of the various forces in the academy have also come here this time, and voluntarily invited people to destroy the city.

Although the situation has changed now, the plan has been unfolded, and there is no possibility of shrinking anymore, so these people can only bite the bullet and rush to Blooming Pen City, Lou Yi sits in front of his eyes, and has a panoramic view of everything.

Just when the people of the academy were cautiously marching towards Blooming Pen City, far outside the city gate on the other side, it was another scene at this moment. The terrible black frenzy was advancing quickly here, and the number of them was incredible.

There are countless huge figures hidden in the dark clouds. Each of them is a hundred feet long. Outside the scales of a black and blue fish, there is a palpitating light of thunder.

It seems that the Fusang Thousand Islands have also lost their patience. They want to destroy the Blooming Pen City in one effort, and forcibly plunder the things they want from the people they want. They still think that the guards of the city are still from the Academy.

For the Dara family who planned this attack, since they have already fought the grass and frightened the snake, they can only make a quick decision. The two groups of people came with the same purpose and broke into the Yuzhen universe in a daze.

Gan Linglong came to Lou Yi. She took over the task that her father had undertaken at the beginning. She manipulated the nine palace map to separate these intruders. Lou Yi chose suitable ones for those who entered the formation. The battlefield and opponents.

At this moment, in the second formation of heaven and earth, they are their own people, and Lou Yi has only one task for them, which is to stand by and wait for the harvest time.

The teachers of the academy and the monks from the surrounding forces of the academy smashed into the universe of Yuzhen. Qimen gossip array opened, sending them into an illusory world. At the same time, Qian Linglong manipulated the nine palaces and gossip to divide these people. Batch sent to the nine palace map.

Although Lou Yi's request was to separate them as much as possible and try to hold them down, it was obvious that this girl had her own ideas. She was constantly manipulating the nine palaces and gossip, which moved the monks in it. despair.

At the same time, various hidden weapon organs appeared in an endless stream. After only half of the time, they lost a lot of people. Building B did not interfere with this. After all, for him, these guys who came in had only one end.

On the other side, the forces of the Thousand Islands of Fusang also slammed towards the city gate, but the same experience as the people of the academy, they were all passed into the illusory world, the only difference is that they did not fall into the nine palaces. It was assigned to different worlds by Lou B.

The people who entered the academy first have been around like a headless fly for a long time. When something else enters the world they are in, they instinctively treat it as an enemy.

Naturally, the same was true on the other side. Those cold-blooded sea monsters suddenly found the monks in the academy's Confucian costumes, and regarded them as monks in the city of Blooming Bi. Therefore, there was no need for Lou Yi to instigate them. The fight.

Qian Linglong turned her head and said to Lou Yi, "You are too bad, let them bite each other!"

Lou Yi said with a smile, "Using the enemy to control the enemy is the best choice. No matter which of them wins in the end, there will be no loss for us, so good!"

Qian Linglong gave him a white glance, turned his head and continued to manipulate the nine palaces and gossip, and according to the requirements of Building B, constantly arranged the people of the academy into six different formation worlds.

Building B carefully arranges the personnel on both sides. When one of the personnel wins, he will start to change the world, allowing the two victorious worlds to temporarily overlap. When they see a new enemy appearing evil, they will fight again. together.

Since both sides have just defeated each other and another group of people, the morale will be high when they fight again, and the more so, their casualties will be heavier, and at this time, in the original world outside, the leaders on both sides feel the matter. Nothing is right.

Because the battle has been going on for more than an hour, but why there is no movement in Blooming Pen City, but the leaders of both sides think that it will be a sure thing for them to win the Blooming Pen City, so another hour passed.

At this moment in Yuzhen Universe, blood was flowing into rivers, and corpses piled into mountains. Now Lou B only needs to focus on the two formation worlds, and the people on both sides finally ushered in a big battle.

The minds of the various forces faced the extremely powerful sea monsters. Although they were all injured, they did not see the cowardice in their eyes at all, and the sea monster army on the other side was also blushing.

They just wantonly slaughtered the weak monks, killed them cruelly, ate their flesh and ate their bones, and the king of the abyss conger who was responsible for leading them cruelly swallowed the souls of these monks.

A terrible battle was on the verge of breaking the world, and the mountains and rivers were hanging upside down. It was just that the two warring parties would never have thought that the world they are in now is a world that Zhuge Shisheng is not worthy of ten thousand mountains.

When the huge mountain peak hanging upside down in the sky crashed down, everything soon calmed down. Only the most powerful monks and sea monsters were still lingering, but this was not important to Lou Yi.

After another period of time, Man Qianjun and others were sent into this world by Lou Yi, harvesting those who had exhausted their own vitality, just like this two groups of people who were originally murderous, in Lou Yi’s Under the control, all the power was poured into the enemy of Lou Yi.

At this moment, the people outside the city who were waiting for the news had already noticed that something was wrong. They issued the offensive order almost at the same time, and the new cycle started again, but the situation changed when they met.

When Lou B was preparing to repeat the old tricks, they found that after the two sides met, they stopped strangely. In the illusory world, Gen Kuang and the people from the Dara family were standing there. Together, they didn't do anything. This made Lou Yi realize that they probably knew each other, and he thought about the female slaves, which made Lou Yi frown.

At this time, two groups of people in Yuzhen Universe, Gen Kuang looked at the person opposite, and asked, "Dala Kun, what do you mean?"

The man named Dala Kun, with a dangerous light in his eyes, said, "It's not interesting, just come here to get something!"

"You killed all my people?" Gen Kuang's eyes were full of anger, and he asked sharply.

Dala Kun shrugged and said, "I think this is a misunderstanding. I didn't expect that your crazy young man came to guard this small city of blooming pens. I knew I wouldn't have to spend so much time."

"What?!!!" Gen Kuang said in surprise.

He originally thought it was a deal between Lou Yi and Dala Kun, but he did not think that the other party thought he was the one who guarded the city. This meant that both of them were tricked by Lu Kang. He used their two men. Exhaust each other, let them both lose!

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