Building B

Chapter 1504: Blood Mill Festival

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Zhongzhou Tianxia Academy has always been hailed as the safest and most powerful place in Zhongzhou besides the territory of the Yanlin tribe. The monks and people living here enjoy the absolute power of shelter that the Academy brings to them.

However, in recent years, the situation has begun to change, and undercurrents are surging under calm. Since the last time the invasion of Bloomingbi City occurred, the senior officials of the academy have immediately launched an investigation.

The result of the investigation pointed the finger at the sea monster clan of the sea deep, but what moved them and confused them was that according to the information provided by the Liu family, it was the forces of the Fuso Thousand Islands who initiated this invasion of the east coast of Zhongzhou, but they But there was no clue.

The corpses of the monks from the Thousand Islands who were killed by Lou Yi and the others were strangely dispelled, and those who were captured were strangely transformed into salty sea water, without exception.

Afterwards, the academy sent people to the Fusang Thousand Islands to verify, but they were blocked by the strange sea fog. After many attempts, they were still unable to break through the strange sea fog, and there seemed to be a dangerous atmosphere under the sea surface of the sea abyss. Existing, after weighing them, they can only go back to the academy to reply temporarily.

But not long afterwards, strange things began to appear in the outermost area of ​​the academy. First, some mortals in the village disappeared inexplicably, not one or two people, but the entire village at the same time.

After that, some remote counties began to have problems, some of the past business travelers disappeared without a trace, and some monks who went out strangely disappeared. As the first encounter with this scene, the city of Xuanbi was invincible with Yuwen. Under his guard, there was rarely a similar incident.

So many forces in the academy came to learn from the experience, and Chirk gave the crystal produced by Lou B to the other party. However, these people found that they could not imitate with their abilities. In the end, Chirk invited them many times. Next, I went to other states in the college to help.

But Yuwen Wudi and Li Tianrun stayed where they were and continued to guard the city of Blooming Bi. When Chirk left, a large group of gravel and golden guards were left behind. Each of these people was equipped with a small spar for induction. Those sea monsters in human skin.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that Huanbi City was able to survive the disaster, but at the moment outside Huanbi City, it was already a scene of purgatory. The terrible totems of flesh and bones were erected in the city, and the blood smeared in the town. On the streets, the ground is full of bones and pieces.

All the villages in Shilibaxiang were slaughtered, and dozens of nearby states were reduced to death. A large number of people began to move, trekking through mountains and rivers to leave here. However, they did not know that they were mixed in the fleeing team. Scary Kraken.

And their ideal refuge is naturally the dozens of states under the jurisdiction of the Tianxia Academy. It is just weird that these people who fled as if being guided by an invisible hand, bypassed Knowing where the state is, flooded into the territory of the outer forces of the academy from other directions.

Refugees were all around for a while, adding unimaginable difficulties to the rulers of these states. At the same time, coupled with the constant disappearance of villages and towns, a feeling of fear slowly spread on this land... …

While patrolling these areas, Chilk unexpectedly discovered the aura of a lot of human skin siren. However, doing so was only a temporary solution, because although Chirk was able to sense the existence of these human skin siren, The number of those crystals is too small.

Faced with the infiltration of such a large area, their efforts can only be a drop in the bucket, and what is even more difficult is that within the scope of these forces, there are people who seek more and inform the news. They are not sea monsters, so they are safe enough. The hidden conditions.

As long as Chirk appears in a certain sphere of influence, they will inform in advance, and those siren who infiltrate will hide in deep lakes or caves, which will bring Chirk’s search Great difficulty.

As a result, after a period of time, Chirk could only stop doing this kind of effort without the slightest return, but he still gave the other party some ideas, such as imposing a curfew at night, increasing perception-type prohibitions, and so on.

After Chirk returned to Bloomingbi City, he asked the Liu family to pass the news to Lou Yi as soon as possible, so that he could quickly find a solution to this matter. Otherwise, once these human skin siren had formed a scale, it would be harmful to the society here. People cause immeasurable disasters.

But the members of the Liu family disappeared as soon as they left, and no news came back. This caused Chirk to feel a great sense of crisis. He felt a large net quietly surrounding him.

At the same time, after day and night practice and exploration, the few people except Building B basically reached the ninth floor. Building B stayed alone in the surgery building on this day, with a light in his hand. The group, the spirit just penetrated into it, suddenly a sense of crisis came out of thin air.

Lou Yi had always believed in his instincts. His mental power was recovered in an instant, but he still kept his eyes closed. He brushed his hands and held the light ball in a cultivating state. After that, some people entered the surgery building one after another.

They deliberately moved closer to where they were, but they didn't approach him directly, and there was a certain distance between them, but under Lou Yi's sense of consciousness, they seemed to be locking themselves carefully.

Moreover, Lou Yi found that the positions of these people seemed to be the prototype of a certain formation. Although it had not been activated for the time being, he believed that his judgment was correct. He began to recall the formations in the tower formation. The structure of the law quickly resolved the prohibition of this formation, and could not help being shocked in a cold sweat.

Because this is a sacrificial formation, with the lives of twenty-four monks in the combined phase, to sacrifice against the formation, through the power of the formation, directly kill all the people in the formation.

"Who is it that is willing to spend such a blood...?" Lou Yi couldn't help but start thinking.

Twenty-one people have already built the prototype of the sacrifice formation. Each of them is holding a light group and locking him with mental power. Soon three people entered here.

Lou Yi's heart was shocked, because of the three people who came in last, one of them turned out to be the floor manager of the eight-story building, and the other two had strange auras all over their bodies, and the three of them turned out to be the Mahayana cultivation base.

With the lives of three Mahayana monks, plus the lives of 21 monks in the Conjugation Period, the purpose is to want him to die. What is going on?

Lou Yi felt the threat of death instinctively. He was about to act, but he heard a harsh voice among the three people who came in later, saying, "Don't pretend, we know you are always sober, but this is not It’s important, because you’re sure to die now, Jie Jie Jie..."

The other party let out a penetrating laugh, and Lou Yi was about to leave, but suddenly felt a terrible forbidden power covering him. He immediately thought of something and secretly said, "Oh! How can I forget this? Up!"

It is naturally the prohibition of the book tower that restrains the actions of Building B. It is necessary to know that the prohibition of the eight-story building is more terrifying than the previous seven-story, but he does not understand one thing, the administrator of this eight-story building has not done anything. If you don't do it late, why choose to do it at this time?

And he couldn't understand, what drove him to give up such an important position, even at the expense of his own life, to die with him, this is really weird.

Knowing that when Lou Yi looked into his eyes, he realized that the eighth-level manager had been taken away by the opponent and became the puppets of the two. It's no wonder that the two of them have been with each other since entering the present. Inseparable.

He began to think quickly about how to get out of trouble and how to help that person to get out of the siege. But at this moment, the **** rays of light lit up, and Lou Yi's heart was shaken, because he didn't expect that these people would be so decisive and proceed directly. Sacrifice.

Lou Yi suddenly felt a very uncomfortable breath enveloped him, forming a **** mask on the outside of his body, and the two of them entered the formation with the eighth-level managers under their control, and forced the other to also. A sacrifice was made.

The effect of the monks' sacrifices in the Mahayana period was terrifying, but the people outside the operation building did not find any abnormalities. Of course, this was naturally also covered up by the eighth-level managers after being held hostage.

The terrible blood energy turned into a millstone, Lou Yi and others were placed in it, and the two holding a terrible blood gleamed in their eyes, and said, "Boy, blame you for being nosy, let's get on the road!"

After all, the two men also sacrificed fiercely, khakaka...

The blood-colored grinding disc was condensed almost instantaneously, the world turned into a blood-colored stone grinding, and it began to slowly turn, Lou Yi suddenly felt like he was about to be crushed, his spirit and spirit would be wiped out in an instant.

The power of the sacrifices of the three Mahayana monks can be However, Lou Yi is still making the last effort, but in the end he sighed, because he found that his efforts were meaningless.

Almost instantly everyone was turned into blood-colored stone energy, including Lou Yi himself. The blood-colored energy rose up into the sky, forming a weird withered flower, and then everything returned to calm, leaving only a large area on the ground. Bloody bone meal.

At this moment, someone walked into the surgery building and saw the terrifying **** mark on the ground and sky. They couldn't help being frightened. They crawled out of the curtain door and passed the news, and at the same time they notified the book. Teaching at Tower Zhenyuan.

At this time, Lou Yi, who was supposed to have been killed by the Sacrifice Array, appeared in the central hall of the nine-story book tower. His face looked extremely solemn. In fact, when he intuitively felt the danger, he just Condense the clone first and hide the true body in the assessment space of the eight-story tower.

When he discovered that he was imprisoned, he began to think of ways to get rid of the imprisonment. His clone became a victim instead of him. However, this attack made him a little scared. If the opponent was not targeting him this time, the consequences would only be Afraid...

Building B stood in the central hall on the ninth floor and began to think about who it was, willing to make such a big deal, to put him to death...

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