Building B

Chapter 1519: Battle of the Tower

Lou Yi and others passed through the central hall on the first floor and directly ascended to the hall on the second floor, only to find that there were dead people everywhere. Among them, the managers on the second floor were stripped of their clothes like a prank. Tied to the pillar, peeled off the skin.

A pair of his eyeballs were also plucked away with a dagger. At this moment, he was looking at them directly with the hollow eye sockets. He had always had a serious and clean mind, and rarely showed disgust. He even took out a large cloak from the Naxu ring and covered it on the dead.

   Shangguan Fei stepped forward and solved the opponent. He looked at the blood stains on his hands and said, "I must let these guys taste a nightmare thousands of times more terrifying than this!"

Mingxin didn’t speak. He looked up and took the lead towards the third floor. When everyone came to the third floor, they found that the situation here seemed to be similar. The only difference was that the managers of this floor were still there, just He chose to hide in his place and ignored the academy's disciples being slaughtered.

There were many women on the corpses on the ground. They were naked, their expressions solidified when they died, they were so scared and desperate, and the corresponding thing was that the managers of this level saw them coming, and they were all piled up. Smile.

   However, what responded to him was a **** with a clear mind, which flew in from his open mouth and out of his forehead accurately. No one had said a word for him, because he was not sorry for his death.

The situation on the fourth floor is similar to that on the second floor, but fortunately, the managers of the fourth floor secretly hid the female disciples of the academy while fighting those people. Some disciples with good talents were also there. among them.

   The rest of the people were with him, fighting each other to the end. In the end, their heads were in a different place, and the enemy continued to advance to the upper level. At this time, Mingxin and others were holding a sigh of anger in their hearts, an anger that needed to be vented urgently.

   The moment they arrived on the fifth floor, the first thing they heard was the sound of fighting, and then Lou Yi saw Diao Qi, his whole body was bloody, and there were more than a hundred obvious wounds.

Some shadowy people were surrounding him and the academy disciples beside him. At this time, Lou Yi also saw Diao Deyi. Now he is also a monk in the fit period, so he is helping his grandfather Diao Wei. fighting.

   It may be because of the learning method that Lou Yi gave him at the beginning, which allowed him to deal with these people. He had a lot of ideas. I saw that he kept opening small barriers to block enemies from all directions.

   Building B's pill made his realm very stable, so that assassin killers want to kill him, naturally it will not be so easy...

Mingxin didn't say a word and started directly. He raised the token in his hand. There were signs of loosening on the originally sealed floor, but in just a moment, everything was imprisoned again. Mingxin didn't seem to have any. It was too unexpected, because the outside master wouldn't let him control this place easily.

Tieshan, Huo Yan, etc. went directly to find their opponents. Lou Yi did not participate in the battle. He came to Diao Wei's side. I wonder if he saw Lou Yi and their arrival. The other party's original breath suddenly vented... ....

The other party slumped directly to the ground and stretched out a trembling hand. Lou Yi grasped one of them. Diao Yun tried to speak several times, but all was blocked by the blood spurting from his mouth. In desperation, he could only use his eyes to sweep Diao Deyi who was still fighting, his eyes were full of requests.

   Lou Yi nodded to him, Diao Qi's mouth moved, and the corners of his lips rose slightly, and then he passed away as soon as he turned his head. Lou Yi felt his slowly stiffening hands, and the anger in his heart burst out instantly.

   The blue plum petals flew in the hall, turning into terrifying blue and white plum waves, filling the surrounding space, and the enemies hiding here had no way to evade this kind of attack.

   "Dead!!!" Lou Yi said bitterly with a palm of his hand.

The blue and white plum Tao shrank fiercely, and the blue plum petals were like sharp blades, strangling those trapped in it together. The blood-sticking plum petals were sprayed on the floor of the hall, and then turned into aura and disappeared... …

At this time, everyone’s face sank into the water, and Mingxin’s face was even more rarely full of anger. Now he can’t take Diao De and the others away, nor can he let them go out. Kill the people who were lying outside.

Moreover, Lou Yi believed that the concubine must have sent someone to follow them to wait for an opportunity, and they would never let those who had escaped from the dead, so Lou Yi asked Diao Deyi to take his grandfather’s body into the management temporarily. The place where the person stays, and at the same time bring these people alive.

   Diao De's eyes were red, and he shouted that he wanted to avenge his grandfather. Lou Yi looked at it and said, "It's not the time to be arrogant. What you have to do now is to protect the lives of these people and let yourself survive!"

As soon as Diao De looked into Lou Yi’s eyes, he wanted to refuse but in the end he compromised. He carried the body of his grandfather and disappeared in front of everyone with the rest of them. Before leaving, Diao De said to Lou Yi. , "Help us get revenge!"

   Building B nodded and agreed, and then they left the fifth floor to the sixth floor. From here on, the situation began to change, because the entire hall was empty, there was no one, and there was no sign of fighting.

   Mingxin checked her surroundings and shook her head, pointed at it and said, "Be careful and go!"

   Everyone ascended again and arrived at the seventh floor. Just as they entered here, they felt a very depressive aura flooding all around. There were still no enemies here, and there was still no trace of fighting.

   "What's the matter?!!!" Man Qianjun asked.

   Everyone shook their heads subconsciously. Quite a bit, clenched their fists, and shouted, "Damn, I'm doing a lot of truth, I'm so sullen in my heart!!!"

   "Go ahead, I think your request will be realized soon..." Lou Yi said blankly.

   A flash of light flashed, and they came to the eighth floor, but the eighth floor was still exactly the same as the next few floors, but if there was any difference, the breath here was even more depressing.

   As if there was something disgusting, he was spreading his breath in this hall, Mingxin frowned tightly at the moment, he seemed to realize something, so he walked upward again without saying a word.

They had just arrived on the ninth floor, and the battle came suddenly, as if the people above had been waiting for a long time. Shangguan Fei's mental power was released instantly, forming a mental barrier in front of everyone, and at the same time creating a mental cage to trap these attacks. man of.

   Mingxin tried to exercise the rights of the ninth-level manager, but found that his spiritual power was integrated into the nine-story tower, just like sinking into the sea, disappearing instantly...

Tieshan fought with Huo Yan one on the left and one on the right. Lou Yi still used Qinghua Meitao as a means of support and attack. Xue Xing stood beside Mingxin to prevent someone from slamming the killer. The battle was fierce, because there were so many enemies on this level. , And there are hidden people with the same cultivation base as them.

Shadows shuttled back and forth in the nine-story tower, but their actions were divided by Qinghua Meitao. Tieshan’s body was full of sword energy, and Huo Yan’s nine-star firepower was full. Shangguanfei’s mental cage, in addition to being able to trap the enemy, can also Self-protection.

This immediately put the offensive people in a dilemma. They had to act collectively. At this moment Mingxin sacrificed the chessboard again, and at the same time hundreds of chess pieces were thrown into the chessboard, and a pair was formed immediately. The chess game looks like, each piece corresponds to one of them.

Then Mingxin began to manipulate the chessboard. When a black piece is eaten, a marked enemy will die, and the corresponding white piece will also disappear. This means that no matter whether it is a white or a black, as long as any party has less One, then the counterparty will also lose one.

   As a result, these enemies from the same camp have now become grasshoppers tied to a rope. No matter who is killed, there will be a companion to bury them.

Quite Chinjun suddenly became interested. He brandished a bone-cracking stick and smashed his surrounding enemies fiercely. After a short time, the number of enemies dropped sharply, but at this moment, a lot of light spots suddenly appeared below. But no one appeared.

Mingxin snorted coldly and raised the token with the word Liao, and suddenly light began to flash on the surrounding walls, but at this moment the power of external intervention appeared, and the exploration enchantment that just lit up, unexpectedly appeared in an instant It went out.

   Building B asked everyone to retreat, because the real dangerous enemy is coming...

At this time, even Lou Yi had to take back the blue and white Mei A very dangerous breath filled the surrounding air, it was a kind of blood, a kind of blood after countless killings. The condensed murderous aura, Lou Yi once felt in the blood slaughter in the Blood Hand Hall.

It's just that compared with this more extreme aura, the murderous aura released by Xuetu is just a breeze, Mingxin looked up anxiously, and said, "We can't wait any longer, we must as soon as possible... ..."

  唰! ! !

Before he could finish, a cold light flashed, and a blood-colored arc of light pierced my heart's throat like lightning, but was blocked by Qinghua Meitao at this moment, but the opponent's speed and strength were very strong, and Qinghua Meitao was also very strong. Unable to stop its progress.

However, it was precisely because of the delay that gave Xue Xing time to react. He pulled out the Shuanghua sword in front of Mingxin and himself to create an ice wall. The ice wall spread out in an arc, and the outer layer was like a dragon. A pointed cone like a tooth.

   There was a pop, and the ice wall was cut apart by the **** arc like tofu, and quickly collapsed. Under the shattered ice, a figure killed Mingxin and Xue Xing at an extremely fast speed.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the figure was blocked by an invisible barrier. He was forced to turn around and leave. The figure quickly dissipated without a trace, but what this man did not see was that Lou Yi, who had not been shot, was in his eyes at this moment. A milky halo gradually appeared!


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