Building B

Chapter 1569: Broken Harbour City

Lou Yi called out Huang Hao. Although this guy was impatient to wait a long time ago, Lou Yi took over the east and north gates, while Yuwen Wudi took over the west and south doors. It is not for Yuwen Wudi Lou Yi. How worried, but for the scaled golden beast, he was still a little worried.

This is mainly because he has never seen the battle of the scaly golden beast after reaching the ninth level, but Yuwen Wudi told him not to worry, he can only trust what he said, but it is the fellow Huang Zhang, except for fear of it. Besides, there is really nothing to worry about.

Lou B asked it to go to the north gate position by itself, and told it to be able to play nonsense as much as possible, but not to attack the city gate and the city wall, so Huang Gang showed the side of an extremely chicken thief. It hid far away and used a dragon. The method of shaping creates large groups of dragons and beasts.

Most of these dragon beasts are pterodactyls, flying over the sky over Harbour City, and the overwhelming bone-wishbone spears whizzed away, shooting them in the air. However, this is not painful for the yellow scorpion. Itchy things.

More dragons and beasts were shaped. It was still far away, condensed huge stones, and threw them in the direction of Harbour City. For a while, they attracted the attention of the guards of Harbour City, because the north of Harbour City was originally It belongs to the Heike family, but it has long been destroyed in the war, and one step in Dala Kun's encirclement strategy is to start from here.

Ever since, just as the yellow gangster was provoking people in the city in high spirits, many people suddenly came out behind it. These people were all Fusang Qiandao monks who were ambushing outside after crossing the bank. Their purpose was only one. Use Harbour City as a bait to kill all those who are going to break the city.

When Huang Yun found someone behind him, he raised his head to the sky and let out a dragon chant. In this way, he warned other people to be careful of lying in ambush. Lou Yi was the first to understand, and he quickly passed the message on. Mingxin has Yuwen invincible.

   Mingxin’s arrangement was almost complete, and he couldn’t get out at all at this time, so Lou Yi summoned the black armor and them, and let it take the Void Insect Guard to protect Mingxin’s safety.

   Lou Yi news about the situation of Yuwen Invincible, he told Lou Yi not to worry, he has contacted the monks of the Emperor Daomen, they have already turned around to stop the enemy's ambush.

   Floor B is a polished commander, but he has many methods, such as...

With a flick of his hand, four **** of different colors were added between the five fingers. This thing was used in his free time to study the formation. When he was on the tower of the book, he had learned it. The strength of each formation and the difficulty of the formation, he often used this thing to test.

So this thing filled a corner of his Naxu ring, and now he only took out four, and it was enough to trap these people for some time. These **** are the results of his test, and they are better than the original formation. With more uncertainty, even he himself doesn't know how much this thing can play.

He threw the four line-up **** into the air, and then the surrounding scenery began to change rapidly. Building B was in it, but was not affected by it. Although the surrounding environment had changed, the city wall and the city gate were still on him. In the sight of.

Soon Mingxin issued the first wave of attack instructions. The instructions were given to all four of them at the same time. Lou B looked at the direction he wanted to attack, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place. In order to reduce unnecessary trouble, he Without hesitation, he used the Spirit Swallowing Technique and the Wind Covering Technique.

Hearing a loud bang, Lou Yi slammed his fist on the formation barrier with all his strength at the moment he appeared. At the same time, Yuwen Wudi was surrounded by the dragon emperor's breath, and he waved his hand. The sky painted a halberd and pointed towards the direction where he wanted to attack, a golden light whizzed out, turned into a golden light halberd, and slammed the mark.

On Lou Yi's side, he found that a round mark of about ten zhang suddenly appeared on the original formation enchantment. This mark resembled a Go piece controlled by Mingxin, with a faint white halo on it. .

   On the side of Yuwen Invincible, after the light halberd stabbed, there was also a circular mark about ten feet away, but the mark exuded a black halo.

   The golden horns on the head of the scaly golden beast opposite to it released a golden thunderbolt, and also made a circular mark exactly like Lou Yi.

In the end is the yellow rooster. This guy is the most violent. He just raised one foot and kicked the mark fiercely. Then a huge sole with a diameter of more than three hundred feet appeared in the sky. The momentum fell suddenly.

With this kick, the entire formation enchantment was trembling, and the ripples produced by the enchantment continued to spread to the surroundings. It was so similar to a nonsense blow, but it helped Mingxin a lot to make all his layout alive, one after another. The circular marks began to connect into pieces, and they resonated in black and white at the same time.

Relying on the power of Huang Gang's stepping into the sky, this game of chess came to life completely. They twisted and formed two long black and white dragons. When they were connected end to end, they heard the formation of Harbour City. Jie made a sound like broken glass.

Then the whole formation collapsed, but this did not end there. The two dragons, one black and one white, were still there. They kept their postures, but the chess pieces that made up their bodies were completely illuminated at this time. stand up.

   Black and white light beams descended from the sky and enveloped Harbour City. In an instant, a huge black and white chessboard was formed. The position of the nine stars was just in the direction of the city lord’s mansion, and the power of the formation exploded.

In an instant, an extremely powerful spatial force began to operate, and in an instant, the enemies in the city were moved out. Lou Yi and the others took the opportunity to enter the city, and they saw the corpses everywhere. These were leftovers by the sea monsters. What was left afterwards.

   Building Yi rushed to the city lord’s mansion as fast as he could. There were ruined walls and blood stains all over the streets and houses. There were even broken academies and other clothing on the ground.

The more he rushes forward, the more Lou Yi’s heart sinks. It is true that he has gone all the way without seeing a living person, which makes his heart like fifteen buckets of water. .

At this moment, there was a loud rumbling noise from the north. It turned out that after the formation barrier broke open, the yellow roe smashed the northern city gate and rushed here to meet him. It may be because of those collapsed. The house got in the way, in order to shorten the straight-line distance from Building B, it stepped directly on the wreckage of these houses and rushed over violently.

After seeing Lou B, he slammed his huge tail and bumped his head. Lou B was taken aback, and quickly stopped it. Huang Liao looked at his huge body, and then looked down and looked like his toes. The big building B had a sad look on his face.

   This is also something that can't be helped. As its cultivation level improves, its body becomes larger and larger, but this guy refuses to become a human form, so Lou Yi has nothing to do with it.

Seeing this guy's huge body that was about to exceed five hundred meters, Lou Yi could only touch its toes symbolically, which was a comfort to him. He took the yellow roe from the vine snake jade ring and rushed towards it quickly. The City Lord's Mansion, there can be said to be the last barrier of Harbour City, so people like them didn't bother much.

But when they came to the City Lord’s Mansion, it had already been razed to the ground. The original thick City Lord’s Mansion has now been reduced to ruins. Lou Yi’s heart was instantly cut by a knife, and he shouted loudly, "Lianlou! Tieshan! Where are you?!!!"

His roar echoed above the ruins, and at this time Yuwen Wudi also rode the scaly golden beast to his side. Yuwen Wudi jumped to the side of Building B, and the scaly golden beast flashed a golden light. It turned into a huge blond sweat about three feet tall.

Yuwen Wudi's eyes swept across the ruins, and his eyes were quite moved. He didn't know how to persuade Lou Yi. At this moment, a figure floated in the distance. He said, "Don't yell, they are all fine. , You stay away!"

Lou Yi was immediately excited when he heard this. Before he could ask, he was driven away from the ruins like a fly. He and Yuwen Wudi stood outside the ruins of the city lord’s mansion. Yuwen Wudi comforted him and said, "Lord, you Don't worry, they will be fine!"

   "I hope so..." Lou Yi said absently.

At this moment, Mingxin raised his hands up to the sky, and his body was surrounded by many chess pieces. These chess pieces echoed the chess array above the sky. Nine stars descended from eight black and one white beams and pierced into this place fiercely. Under the ground.

Then the wreckage on the ruins of the City Lord’s Mansion slowly flew up to the With the flash of light, disappeared into the air, and the City Lord’s Mansion without ruins was above the ground. A huge array pattern appeared, and nine light beams formed its frame and center.

Lou Yi's heart was agitated again, because seeing this scene, it means Mingxin and they have already taken precautions. Since this formation has not been destroyed, it means that the person the formation used to protect must also be intact. of.

Mingxin retracted his gaze, and shook his hands with ten points downwards. The pattern on the ground quickly moved. There was a burst of rumbling noise from the ground. A downward channel appeared suddenly in the place covered by the white light beam. There are eight black lock patterns.

With Mingxin's fiddling, the eight lock patterns slowly opened, and the prohibition on the passage disappeared. Lou Yi rushed over excitedly. Before he could go any further, he saw a head slowly poking up. Come and take care of Xu Wu's changes.

   When he saw the people outside clearly, Gou Bian quickly said, "Come on, they are going to die soon!"

  Lou B walked into the passage without saying a word, Mingxin said to Yuwen Wudi, "You bring them in too, I will stay and sit down!"

Yuwen Wudi nodded, and brought Xue Xing and Qian Linglong, who were still in a coma, to follow Guan Fei into the passage. Mingxin raised her head and looked around, muttering to herself, "Aren't you giving up? .. let you see and see..."...


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