Building B

Chapter 1617: Consolation

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Lou Yi watched the huge ink written on top of his head, which contained fluctuations that made him extremely palpitating. His expression was agitated, because what he didn't expect was that not only Gan Zihao used the forbidden technique, Even Linglong used it together, which made him a little worried.

The violent thunder blasted on the word return, and the ink rhyme spread out like a sea tide, all resisting the devil thunder, but even so, the terrible impact still suppressed Lou Yi's breath. The ground under his feet trembled frantically and cracked huge gullies.

At this moment, Gan Zihao was the first to take the trouble. The word cut was fleeting in the air, and then a black ink blade that was as long as the entire body of the Abyss Demon Emperor whizzed through the huge Abyss Demon Emperor. Body, but this blow did not kill him.

At the critical moment, it used the demon energy emanating from the demon soul to withstand the blow, but it also hurt it. At this time, it had already recovered its sanity due to pain and fear. When it saw the sky above The two lines of ink slowly dissipating, and then I knew I was fooled again.

It twisted its huge body to escape from here, the sky was raining dark magic rain, everything on the earth began to corrode, Lou Yi hurriedly fled from here with Shen Wansan on his back, and at this time the word "Fan" began to show its mighty power.

In fact, all this is only a short time. The violent demon thunder whizzed and blasted towards the abyss demon emperor. The abyss demon emperor who had lost the protection of the demon soul, felt the threat of death for the first time, and it made a sharp whistle. , As if begging.

However, in the hiding place below, Gan Zihao's face was pale, Qi Qiao was bleeding at the same time, and Qian Linglong was trembling with bloodless face, but their eyes were staring at the Abyss Demon Sovereign, and they shouted in unison, "Death. !!!"

As the sound fell, the demon thunder burst on the body of the abyss demon emperor. Its originally scarred body burst open in an instant. The scales mixed with flesh and blood sprayed to the sky and the earth, and the dark rain of flesh and blood made the entire space. Full of disgusting stench.

Lou Yi waved his hand to manipulate the wind-up array, blowing its scattered flesh and blood away. He came to Gan Zihao and Gan Linglong as quickly as possible. Both of them were unconscious at the moment, but both of them had pale faces. , But with a smile that was difficult to hide, they succeeded and successfully avenged Liao Wuya.

Lou Yi put Shen Wansan on his back aside. At this time, there were four people lying beside him. In order to kill the Abyss Demon King, all of them paid a huge price and did it under indescribable pressure. .

Lou Yi closed his eyes, and the true essence of his body spread out. The emerald true essence, shining with healing light, walked evenly on several people. At this moment, there was a earth-shattering sound outside. At that time, the Abyss Demon King The sound of his skeleton falling from the sky to the ground.

A figure flickered and came to the side of everyone. It was Song Zhong who returned after confirming the death of the Abyss Demon King. He sat cross-legged on the side of Building B and said, "It's dead!"

Lou Yi nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

"Yeah!" Song Zhong nodded, and then he closed his eyes with the knife in his hand. At this moment, the two powers enveloped his body at the same time. Song Zhong's body trembled slightly and did not open his eyes because he knew that the other party did not. Malicious.

However, none of them noticed. Although the Abyss Demon Emperor was indeed dead, the Demon Soul of the Abyss Demon Emperor survived and survived. It panicked and fled into the sky, and fled to the center island in a panic. location.

And because Lou Yi was worried about everyone’s safety, he relaxed his control of the formation, causing the Abyss Demon Soul to escape from his formation range. It was just when the Abyss Demon Soul felt that he was escaping from his birth, he suddenly fell under the sacred tree. Above a large lake, the huge stone statue suddenly raised its head and looked in the direction where it was, and then showed a hideous smile.

After that, the demon soul flew strangely in the direction of the stone statue. It looked very sluggish, as if it was controlled by something, and flew towards the stone statue uncontrollably, but from the slight fluctuations around the demon soul, it seemed that It is not willing to do this, but is restrained by some force.

It thought it was born to escape, but it could not escape to death in the end. It became the nourishment for the stone statue so it could not resist. After devouring the abyss demon soul, the stone statue emitted a black and red magic light, and then the whole lake boiled. It looks like plasma boiled in the same pot at the moment, exuding extremely terrible energy fluctuations.

A murmur that did not belong to this world echoed around the old site of Fusang Temple, as if praying and offering sacrifices for the ultimate goal.

And Lou Yi didn’t know all of this. He was focusing on healing several people at the moment. The six of them who suffered the most injuries were Gan Linglong and Mou Mingzhen. Both of them suffered unimaginable backlash. With the help of the pill and his true essence, the speed of recovery was still very slow, followed by Song Zhong and Gan Zihao.

The injuries of the two are not light, but they are still within acceptable limits. After all, Gan Zihao is a high-level repairer, and Song Zhong has been carefully treated by him before. Besides, he is still Those who stay awake can run the week to repair damaged meridians on their own.

The least injured was that he and Shen Wansan were in a special situation. Although he suffered the same backlash as Mou Mingzhen, as he himself said, his defense method was among all of them. the most.

And Shen Wansan seems to be the most injured one, but in fact it is not, swallowing mountains and rivers will indeed bring him a huge burden, but Shen Wansan, a lazy and cunning guy, wants him to attack the Abyss Demon Sovereign regardless of his life or death. When there is no way to survive, or when the person he most cherishes encounters a life-and-death crisis, he will give up this life and give the Abyss Demon King a blow with his full strength and even his life.

Lou Yi's spirit discovered through his body that this guy was over-consuming and fainted. He didn't even have a single injury on his body. That's why he was the one who seemed extremely injured, but was the least injured. people.

About two hours later, Song Zhong exhaled and stood up and said to Lou Yi, "I'll go back and take a look first when I'm injured. Stay here and be careful!"

Lou Yi didn't open his eyes, but just nodded slightly. Song Zhong's figure shook and disappeared to the spot. Not long after Lou Yi heard a huge sound, this sound came from Shen Wansan not far away from his stomach. The sound coming out.

Lou Yi frowned, and just then a weak voice said, "Quickly...give me something to eat, I'm going to... die...!"

Lou Yi sighed, slowly opened his eyes, and saw Shen Wansan looking at him pitifully. After seeing Lou Yi open his eyes, his stomach screamed even more joyously. Lou Yi's finger touched Naxu's ring. A huge ingot crab appeared in front of Shen Wansan.

"Eat slowly and quietly, don't you hear me?" Lou Yi reminded.

Shen Wansan nodded quickly, and his saliva fell involuntarily. He stretched out his palm to prop up his body and crawled towards the huge ingot crab. Lou Yi saw that he was so, so he helped him come to the ingot crab, and at the same time helped him in A hole was opened on the top of the ingot crab, and the refreshing scent of crab yellow floated out.

Shen Wansan's excited tears flowed out, with a cheerful belly cry, he arched his head into the mouth opened by Lou Yi, and then there was a sound like eating noodles slipping out of it.

As time passed, Shen Wansan never came out of it, and even gnawing noises came from the ingot thick armor crab. It seemed that this guy was eating very well. Lou Yi shook his head and closed his eyes and continued to help the other three. People heal.

Just like this, one day passed. Song Zhong did not come back, but Duanmu Siming came here with people. They came here to see if they could help him, and the other was for Those who died in the coalition forces of the states mourned.

Duanmu Siming left a lot of pills for Lou B, because he was not able to help Lou B. Actually, there was no need to do this between the two of them, but Duanmu Siming had to show people around him and let them know He Duanmu Siming is a man of love and justice.

Lou Yi naturally accepted these medicines. Although he did not lack these medicines, the two of them had tacit understanding. Some words did not need to be spoken, and they knew what the other party meant. After sending Duanmu Si's life away, he silently He sighed and looked at Qian Linglong.

"Girl, girl, you're confused..." Lou Yi said helplessly.

The injuries of the other two people have basically stabilized, but Qian Linglong has become tricky. Originally Qiqiao Linglong is a very complicated and dangerous ability, but Qian Linglong is still still. When she couldn't fully control it, she used it with overload several times, causing the heart veins to be covered with tearing wounds. I am afraid that she will feel a heart-piercing feeling if she uses a little force at this time.

What Lou Yi can do is help her restrain her injury, but there is no way to help her heal the injury. This makes his brows frowned and unable to stretch out...

After another hour, Gan Zihao woke up and looked a little dazed when he got up, but soon he stood up, covered his face and started crying. He tried not to let himself cry, but his tears were Down quickly along the gap between the fingers.

Lou Yi sighed with emotion and couldn't help but feel that Gan Zihao is too bitter. For the other party, Liao Wuya may be his only relative in this world. The two are called master and apprentice, but they are more like father and son, Liao Wuya's care for him can be said to be meticulous, and Gan Zihao has been looking forward to inheriting his mantle.

But it's hard to imagine that Liao Wuya Soul Broken Academy, walked extremely tragically, as his first disciple Gan Zihao, naturally, he had to avenge him anyway. Now that he has gotten revenge, he feels that he has lost his direction. The world has become a lonely person again...

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