Building B

Chapter 1622: Evil spirits

Lou Yi's gaze swept towards those who had returned, only to find that their souls were still there and there was nothing unusual, but their emotions were unusually excited, which was very suspicious.

Then look at the treasures they hold in their hands. They are indeed very precious things. There are panacea that cannot be named, there are strange and strange treasures, and the world is exuding a strong fragrance of medicine and exuding colorful glow. Treasures, and the most eye-catching ones are those rare and ancient treasures that are held or held in their hands. You must know that most of these things are old and most likely from the upper realm. They have no value. Measurable.

Their appearance greatly stimulates the monks who are already ready to move, and those who leave the team without permission, they seem to be alive and kicking at this moment, and naturally make the inner anxiety disappear, so more and more people leave. After leaving the team, marching towards the mountains, under the leadership of those people, disappeared without a trace.

Just when Lou Yi regained his gaze, Jiang Feng came to him and asked for instructions, "Lord, do you want to send someone to investigate?"

Lou Yi frowned slightly, "It is true that I should investigate, but I always feel that there is a problem in it, but for a while I don't know where the problem is..."

Jiang Feng nodded and said, "The subordinates will send someone to investigate. If there is an abnormality, we should take precautions early. If there is no abnormality..."

Lou Yi glanced at Jiang Feng, nodded and said, "Well, tell those brothers who are going to investigate, be careful, if there is anything abnormal, come back and report immediately!"

"The subordinate knows, then the subordinate will arrange it!" Jiang Feng resigned, but this scene made Gen Yuehong and the others watch. He called Lou Yi to go for questioning, and Lou Yi naturally couldn't refuse.

"Are you going to explore this place?" Gen Yuehong asked straightforwardly.

"Well, the younger generation does have this idea!" Lou Yi answered truthfully.

"You are confused! You have opened this head now, what do people from other forces think? Isn't this taking the lead in violating the regulations?" Gen Yuehong criticized.

"Senior, you have misunderstood. This is just to prevent the slightest failure. The junior thinks that if this matter is not clear, and the situation continues to spread, the situation will only be a hundred times more troublesome than it is now!" Lou Yi explained.

"But if you do it like this, those people don't have the same style?" Gen Yuehong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard his explanation, but he still said his own question.

Lou Yi nodded and said, "What you said is reasonable, so I only sent a small team this time, and it is a scattered operation. I believe that all the forces on the scene are not more suitable to do this than I asked the shadow guard. The younger generation thinks that if there is really no problem on this mountain, it would be a reassurance for everyone, and we don't need to slowly climb around this mountain."

After listening to his words, Gen Yuehong sighed silently, "Okay, I hope you are right..."

"The younger generation will go back first!" Lou Yi said with a fist.

Gen Yuehong waved his hand, Lou Yi turned around and left. Gen Yuehong looked at his back and muttered to himself, "Child, learn to control inner desires..."

Gen Yuehong actually misunderstood Lou Yi. He took everything Shen Wansan did as an expression of Lou Yi. In fact, all of this was Shen Wansan’s layout. Lou Yi was just an insider. Gen Yuehong was afraid. This person he valued, lost himself because of some benefits, so some rushed to regret it...

Naturally Lou Yi didn't know all of this, but he showed an extremely keen interest in this mountain, but in reality he was carefully observing this strange mountain with his unsullied eyes.

From the beginning to the end, the women of the Luo clan did not stop chanting prayers. They walked barefoot very slowly. The royal coins in their hands were swayed rhythmically. The clean water was sprinkled on both sides to get rid of those that might appear again. Ghost.

Gen Yuehong felt annoyed inexplicably, because they had been delayed for several hours on this mountain road. Do they really have to walk several days and nights to reach their destination?

And the situation has become more and more complicated as Lou Yi said. More monks have returned with a full load, but they just show everyone what they have got, but they don’t return to the big army. Lou Yi silently wrote it down in his heart.

He was waiting, waiting for the news of the return of the Shadow Secret Guard, but more and more people came back, but none of the Shadow Secret Guard returned and returned to life, so that Jiang Feng asked whether to send more people to find and explore.

But this time Lou Yi refused, because in addition to not wanting to take risks anymore, he didn't want to go against the wishes of Gen Yuehong's predecessors. If he continued to shoot people, then it would really make Cha Sheng suspicious. There are more worries in his position, after all, so many eyes are staring at him...

Soon it darkened, and none of the Shadow Secret Guards came back and even sent a message back. Lou Yi's worries were written on his face. He gathered the leaders of all forces together and dispatched himself. The Shadow Guard, the news of their never returning, told these people.

He also expressed his worries, but he found that everyone present was absent-minded, with a false smile on their faces, Lou Yi knew his reminders were not listening at all. In the ear, let alone remember it in my heart.

Only the forces of Duanmu Siming and the Heavenly Sword Sect listened carefully to Lou Yi’s concerns and analysis, followed by the academy. However, after all, the academy coalition is crowded with people from all sides, and everyone is the same. Together with every purpose, with Gen Yuehong alone, there is no way to convince them all.

But Lou Yi felt that he had done everything he could and reminded him, and he had done everything he could. If these people still can't resist the greed and desire in their hearts, then don't blame the coalition for being unreasonable and unkind.

This night is destined to be unstable. A large number of monks sneaked out through the night, and even a whole faction of monks all left the main unit. But Lou Yi and Gen Yuehong were just silent. Looking at it, there was no word to stop it.

The road is chosen by themselves. Maybe they can make a fortune, but they may also be overwhelmed. The choice is determined by their own will. Originally Gen Yuehong was worried that Lou Yi would be like them, choosing to take advantage of the night. Yes, but he found that the other party was just looking at the mountains outside, with a vigilant look in his eyes, and he could not help but negate his previous judgment, and silently cast a glance of approval.

But when he regained his gaze, he couldn't help sighing, because among the academy coalition forces, in addition to the families of the academy’s eight states, more than half of the forces in the entire academy’s jurisdiction went out in the dark. Some of them came out, and some secretly dispatched some people.

Obviously these people have found another way to go, one that can get rid of the academy and no longer need to be attached to the academy. As long as they can find enough treasures, they can soar in the sky and the ocean. Once they find the precious ancient treasures , Then it will be the future star of the ever-changing situation.

This temptation is really too big, so big that Gen Yuehong could not help shaking his head and sighing. The road was chosen by them, and Gen Yuehong had no right to interfere. He could only wish these people and forces silently. Don't be surprised.

Just like this, the night passed quickly. When the black sun shining on the earth again, hundreds of small and large gaps appeared in the long winding dragon, but no one said anything, everyone was tacitly aware.

Just as everyone was preparing to continue on their way, the monks who slipped out at night suddenly came back. However, their expressions made everyone feel very surprised, because their eyes were red and they didn't have any treasures in their hands. The situation when it first appeared was far different.

I don’t know who yelled first, "Give back our baby, you chores!"

Afterwards, the overwhelming swearing sounded one after another. The emotions of these people became extremely excited, and their bodies were full of strong hostility and murderous aura. Lou Yi looked at them with unsullied eyes, but found that these people are not. No one was taken away.

It's just that he still didn't see the shadow of the Secret Guardian. They seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Lou Yi's inner doubts reached the culmination. He shouted, "Everyone is ready. If they get close, kill them!!! "

After shouting out this voice, the people on the coalition side hesitated first, because among those people, there are their relatives and friends, and there are forces with interests and entanglements or even intricate relations with They hesitate. At that time, the place suddenly launched an attack.

Fortunately, Duanmu Siming and the cultivators of the Heavenly Sword Sect faithfully implemented Lou Yi's orders. When the other party had an abnormal movement, they first attacked them. All kinds of magic tricks flew all over the sky, spears, swords and rain. A ball.

Those who came back late at night yelled, "Returning their treasures, despicable thieves, hypocritical bastards, etc., a series of vicious language, it seems that these monks in the academy's alliance have an incompatibility. Hatred."

Moreover, their attacks were extremely crazy, regardless of whether they would be injured or not. It was completely a kind of dying style, which quickly caused the coalition monks to lose a lot of people.

And this time, there were so many monks who went out in the dark. Yesterday they talked and laughed with them. At this moment, they all turned into enemies who were inconsistent with them. This sudden scene made many people unacceptable, and they did not even want to believe that this was the truth. , When you do it, you are naturally bound...

However, the other party has no scruples at all. The shot refers to a killer move. Under the situation, the number of casualties of the coalition monks is constantly increasing, but no one knows what this is all about, as if They really angered the gods, and suffered the same...

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