Building B

Chapter 1869: Demon knife

The army is ready to go. People from Building B are everywhere on the river bank. The soldiers operating the siege equipment in the rear are slowly sending the dismantled siege equipment through the hook under the iron rope to the other side.

It can be said that as long as these siege weapons reach the other side smoothly, the ancient city of Nara, no matter how strong it is, will be razed to the ground, but it is clear that the defenders of Nara Castle will not allow this to happen.

The ancient city of Nara is located not far from the bank of the river, with strong fortifications built around it. Various types of horses have blocked the ancient city, and the ancient city is not only one wall. If you want to truly enter the ancient city of Nara, you need to cross three The towering city walls and two moats are enough.

Because it was built along the river, the water conservancy projects in the ancient city of Nara are extremely developed, and huge diversion trucks are everywhere, which can continuously transport the water from the river to any corner of the ancient city of Nara.

Lou Yi came to attack the ancient city of Nara. To be honest, although the timing was good, it was also difficult. In order to defend the Oda clan’s attack, the Nara clan spent every penny on the blade. The defenses were strong and durable. Juma gully undulates.

Coupled with strong bows, catapults, and ballistas, they are now pouring their firepower towards the Lou Yi army who has just passed through the river. If it is siege at this time, it is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

Therefore, Lou Yi ordered the people to make full use of the fortifications along the river. Although they were broken by their own giant slings, these things still had a good defensive effect.

The siege cloud car that Yanagyu Jubei was riding in before was being erected little by little behind these fortifications. Hundreds of craftsmen worked together, and the scene was spectacular.

Perhaps they saw Lou B's attempt and feared that the previous tragedy would be staged again. When they discovered that a long-range attack had little effect, they brazenly launched an attack on the army outside the city.

The attacks of these guys were a bit cruel. They used the catapult to launch the earthen jars from the city wall. Then the soldiers went out of the city. After reaching the shooting distance, they began to launch rockets toward the river.

This directly disrupted Lou B's arrangement, so the team was forced to move forward and began to march toward the ancient city of Nara. The corner car that had just been erected slowly moved forward under the push of the soldiers.

This is a horseshoe-shaped scooter wrapped with iron skin on the outside, filled with straw in the middle, and a horseshoe-shaped scooter made up of solid wooden structures at the back. The huge wheels are almost as high as the body. The advantage of this is that it is stable and does not fall into each other In the trench dug out.

Their appearance directly became the living target of the crossbowmen on the city wall, and a large number of crossbow arrows flew out with a whistling, and instantly shot these big guys with several feet wide and ten feet long into hedgehogs.

Because of the thick straw barrier, bows and arrows can't shoot through these big guys, but they also can't resist the attack of kerosene. There are several assault vehicles, unfortunately, watered by kerosene, and then turned into huge ones by the rockets. Fireball.

Hundreds of people inside were instantly burned into fireballs. They ran out of the rushing car, burning flames all over their bodies. They instinctively wanted to return to the shore and jump into the river to put out the fire, but they were followed by them. The crossbow and arrows were shot dead on the spot.

Seeing this, Lou Yi immediately began to recite the incantation. He took out a magic weapon in his hand. This was the first time he used it. It was given to him by Sakuramachi Hanadon. It is said to be something held by the national teacher. Can greatly enhance the power of spells.

Lou Yi muttered a word, and his mental power overflowed from his body. He pointed the magic weapon at the sky, and the sky was suddenly covered with clouds. He pointed the magic weapon at the river again. Da Jiang roared and turned around. Lou Yi raised the magic weapon and shouted. , "Get up!"

A stream of water whirled up from the river, and went straight to the sky like a water dragon. Lou Yi muttered a word, and the stream of water continued to fly from the vortex and injected into the dark clouds above the sky, flashing and thundering for a while , The sky began to dim.

Lou Yi waved his hand and pointed forward, drinking, "Down!"

Rumble! Rumble! ! !

Thunder fell from the sky, and the wind whizzed the dark clouds towards the ancient city of Nara. In an instant, heavy rain fell from the sky and spread to the ground like a pouring. The original raging oil fire began to spread around because of the dilution of the heavy rain, and the flames also spread. Then it slowly weakened, and the flame went out soon.

When the guards on the ancient city of Nara saw it, they were impatient. They continued to launch the remaining kerosene through the catapult, but at this moment, Lou Yi twisted his fingers and quickly waved the magic weapon in his hand. Shouted at the kerosene jar flying in the sky, "Qing!"

I saw those kerosene jars that were originally flying over, but for some reason they turned around in the air. It turned out that Lou Yi took advantage of the surrounding wind to lift them in the air, and he waved the magical weapon at the city below. The Rockets, waved a little, "Go!"

Feng'er swept the kerosene tank and went straight to the Rockets under the city. The latter was so scared that he turned around and left, but after all, he was a step slower. Some who were lucky enough to be close to the city gate were able to escape and return to the city wall. They had eaten their own evil results, and they were soaked by the pouring kerosene, and the rocket they had originally planned to shoot, in turn, ignited themselves. For a time, the screams came and went one after another, and they turned into A sea of ​​fire.

There was excitement and cheers from Lou Yi, but at this moment, where the city gate was, a very terrifying breath suddenly came, and a shadow actually ignored the burning kerosene and walked out of the fire.

Lou Yi frowned and looked at each other, because besides his appearance, this guy looked like a human being. In other respects, he looked like a monster in human skin. Generally speaking, seven feet tall is considered a standout, but this person is actually tall. He was more than nine feet long, and there was a strange breath all over his body. His skin was abnormally pale, and the blue veins violently filled all around his body.

He held two long knives in his hand, and two different auras of black and red were wrapped around the long knives. Either one gave Lou Yi an extremely dangerous feeling, especially the black long knives that exuded an unknown aura.

Just as Building B was waiting in a serious battle, Jubei Yanagyu who had been staying behind suddenly rushed forward frantically. When he was about to cross Building B, he was blocked by Building B. Lou B asked suspiciously, " what are you doing?"

"I want to kill him!!!" Jubei Yanagi said frantically.

"Huh? You know him?" Lou Yi asked in confusion.

"Because of him, our Yanagyu clan was forced to leave Nara, and we ended up with the tragic fate of being annihilated by the Oda clan. The knife in his left hand was stained with the resentment blood of my Yanagyu clan!!!" The only remaining eye looked at the long knife that exuded blood red.

Lou Yi followed his gaze and was taken aback. He flicked a hand and a talisman appeared in his hand. After chanting a word in his mouth, a long knife almost identical to the opponent's hand appeared in the building. In B's palm.

The moment Jubei Yagyu saw this sword, tears fell like a spring, and wailed, "Father! Father!!!"

Lou Yi was confused by him, and then Jubei Yanagyu stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the knife!"

Lou Yi frowned, "This sword is very demon, I might go back!"

"Give it to me!" Jubei Yanagyu insisted.

Lou Yi had no choice but to untie the seal and handed the knife to the other party. At this moment, Jubei Yanagi took off the extremely tight long package of a bag on his back. After removing the package, it appeared again. He had a knife almost exactly the same, but it was more than sharp but not demon.

Jubei Yanagyu inserted two long swords into the ground and pulled them out together. The moment the sword was drawn, a terrifying breath instantly wrapped around the body of Jubei Yanagyu, a dark red and a light red. , The two breaths caused Jubei Yagyu's body to change instantly.

He yelled and lifted the two knives, his clothes burst in an instant, his body swelled up like a balloon, his muscles bulged exaggeratedly, and his skin seemed to be cooked. The whole body was flushed like a shrimp.

His right eye, which had lost its pupil, was shining with blood at this moment. Lou Yi took a breath and looked at each other in amazement. It is indeed Jubei Yanagyu at this moment, who is completely different from before. Now he is like a monster who is always bloodthirsty.

"Tell your Royal Highness for me to say that Liu Sheng has failed!" After he said this, his body instantly rushed forward roaring and fighting with the monster that came out of the city.

Although Jubei Yanagyu's body has changed a lot, it is a little too inadequate compared with the opponent. The monster's height and weight are not something that Jubei Yanagyu can contend with.

Moreover, the sword in the opponent's hand was obviously stronger than the one in his hand. No matter how you looked at it, the Shibei Yanagyu was inferior, but he was like a lunatic, and he had the upper hand in his momentum.

Lou Yi wanted to help him, so he let go of his anger, but at this moment Jubei Yanagyu suddenly roared, "This is my battle, don't come to add trouble!!!"

Lou Yi had no choice but to order Rage to help the other soldiers. Everyone detoured from the area where they were fighting, but the monster blocked the city gate with his body. It seemed that he wanted to enter the city. Apart from killing the monster, You can only use the Siege Cloud Cart.

Fortunately, all the materials for building the cloud cart have been delivered. Lou Yi ordered them to hurry up and put together. Hundreds of craftsmen began to build them intensively, but there were still soldiers preparing to venture through the gates guarded by monsters.

They hid in the corner car, approaching the city gate a little bit, trying to sneak into the city quietly through this way, but when they thought the plan was about to succeed, the monster suddenly rose into the sky and landed on On the metal guard above the corner of the rush car, the rush car made a loud noise and collapsed downwards, showing how heavy the monster is.

The soldiers hiding in it wanted to flee in a panic, but at this moment they saw a flash of blood, the Jiao Chong car was divided into two, and a large amount of blood was drawn away from the bodies of those soldiers and became part of the demon sword in his hand. .

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