Building B

Chapter 1876: Enraged

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At this time, Lou Yi's spirit was in a dissociation. He turned into pure spiritual power, wrapped in the light of the soul and returned to his body. At this time, the mirage that wrapped his body began to disintegrate from the inner part, and a lot The magic energy quickly leaked out from the gap at the edge of the clam shell.

Huge ripples and water splashes began to appear on the surface of the Black Lake, and huge bubbles burst and cracked frequently on the surface of the lake. At this time, everyone who was still on the bridge looked at the strange phase that was taking place on the lake.

In fact, it was only a few minutes since Lou Yi was taken abducted to the present, but Lou Yi stayed in that spiritual world for more than 30 years...

At this moment, there is a violent concussion in the black lake. The magic eye is burning with raging magic flames. It releases the terrifying magic power in the mirage, and it wants to force it while Lou Yi has not fully controlled itself. Rob home.

However, at this moment, Teng Snake Jade Ring suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and the light of the soul became a barrier, blocking the attempt of the magic eye. A terrifying voice roared, "Damn tengu, how dare you stop Ben The great cause of the general! When this general kills them, it will be the time when your Tengu clan is extinct!"

At this moment, far away at the junction of the land of Tengu and the sacred tree of Fusang, Tianzhiyu quietly watched everything that happened below. It seemed to have anticipated all this. At this moment, it was bathed in divine light and muttered to itself, "My tengu clan has always been distinguished between good and evil, with gratitude for gratitude, vengeance for revenge, and the gratitude that owes you, so please return it to you at this moment..."

Behind Tian Zhiyu, all the tengu, the stone statue and the snow girl in the land of tengu, all gathered behind it at this moment, and under the guidance of Tian Zhiyu, they marched towards the gate below the cliff.

It seems that it intends to help people to the end, because it is very clear that the humans here alone cannot stop the underworld army, and its intervention means that the Amaterasu clan and the Yesha clan are completely at war...

But it also has no way. Since it unlocked the divine light in the body, it has received an important message. It turns out that their **** did not abandon them, but was sealed in Fusang by the Lord of Nightshakes by despicable means. In the sacred tree.

Over the years, Jiutun Boy has been using the divine power contained in the sacred hibiscus tree, secretly trying to open the door of the netherworld in this world and release the Queen of the Night Devil out of the cage. This can explain why it is just a hibiscus tree. , But can hold up the terrible energy consumption of the Nether Gate.

Their emperor is being squeezed out of divine power. This is not just a war for humans in this world. It also cheers for the glory of Gao Tianyuan and is related to the life and death of Amaterasu.

The feathers of the sky spread its wings, and the light of the imperial soul constantly disperses the devilish energy shrouded in the cliff. Its appearance immediately attracted the attention of the Luo Sheng twin ghosts. As the gatekeepers of the Nether Gate, they naturally did not allow these guys to approach. of.

The rapid chain sound began to resound in the air, and huge black shadows began to shroud the position of the feathers of the sky. At this moment, Chirk and Man Qianjun who were blocking below suddenly felt the enemy clearly. The attack speed slowed down.

But the terrifying devilish energy is still rolling, which is enough to prove that their resistance is far from reaching the expected effect, so why the enemy's offensive slowed down?

Chirk began to quickly adjust his response methods, allowing a large number of monks who had long been exhausted to retreat to rest. At this time, Duanmu Si Ming was collecting materials on the spot, refining a large number of precious medicinal materials into pill, and distributing them to the monks for taking.

If everyone used to be extremely excited, but now they are dragging their tired bodies, and after receiving the pill, they swallowed it directly, without even knowing what the pill tastes like.

On the other side is the monk Wenxianlou who prepares meals. A lot of spiritual porridge and spiritual food are placed in front of everyone. Although they have reached the realm of bigu a long time ago, the role of these things is not only to fill the stomach, but also more important. It is for them to quickly restore their true essence.

It’s just that the delicious spiritual food has become a candle-like existence at this moment. They mechanically swallowed the spiritual porridge, gnawed the food in their hands, and then swallowed fiercely, touching the sword and shield on the side, and walking around quickly. He has returned to his post. This situation has continued, but many people have died forever...

The consumption of the coalition forces is far more serious than expected. A large number of casualties have caused the line of defense to be continuously contracted. In addition, more and more powerful demons have fallen from the sky, which has also exacerbated the spread of this situation. At this time, their only hope is Building B and the others. , I hope they can solve all this quickly, otherwise everything will be over.

However, the sudden appearance of this turning scene greatly eased the pressure on Chirk. He immediately began to adjust his strategy, and at the same time let the gravel golden eagles who were already unable to flap their wings fall to rest.

He looked up thinking and looked up at the sky covered by the thick magic cloud, always feeling that someone blocked the other's attack for them...

The feather of the sky led the Tengu clan straight to the gate of the netherworld. It hovered in mid-air, guiding everyone forward with the light of the soul, looking for the place of the gate of the netherworld. The huge magic arm wielded the same huge fist and chain. , Constantly drawing towards their bodies, at this moment the cyan stone statue suddenly became extremely huge, transforming into a giant and spreading out his arms to block the opponent's attack.

On the other side, the Snow Girl released a terrible wind and snow, freezing everything around, and even the magic cloud was inevitably frozen. There was no expression on her face, only the wind and snow accompanied her and protected her.

At this moment, in the cuffs of the sky feather, the subdued female soil spider is looking out the corner of the dress. It is not the time when it takes action, so it can only stay quietly in place, the land of the tengu. Tengu, each cast their shadows to open the way for their leader.

Because of their arrival, the monsters and ghosts that were originally sent down turned their guns and began to block their approach. Therefore, the situation below instantly reversed, so Gan Zihao began to quickly repair the formation, hoping to be here. Before this weird thing is over, let the big formation be able to withstand the next wave of enemy attacks.

On the other side, the magic eye trembled violently. It was unable to implement the plan of forcibly seizing the house. It could only watch Lou Yi slowly open its eyes. It was furious to bury everything here and trap Lou Yi. Died at the bottom of this black lake.

However, the light of Yuhun suddenly enveloped Lou Yi, and slammed into the shell of the mirage, suddenly knocking out a hole the size of one person, which was about to be shattered.

Then a light wrapped Lou B and galloped toward the surface of the Black Lake...

"You can't escape, leave it to me!!!" The terrifying voice in the magic eye echoed, and countless dark shadows began to chase and intercept Lou Yi, but Lou Yi was enveloped by the light of the soul. His speed is too fast.

And those demon shadows that blocked the front in advance were vulnerable under the light of Yuhun. They were directly and brutally knocked away. Lou Yi quickly rushed out of the black lake and came to the sky above the black lake. The light shone everywhere, reflecting countless black faces under the Black Lake.

Under the constant wriggling, they turned into a huge, terrifying and extremely angry face. It carried the water of the black lake and jumped out of the water, opening its big mouth to swallow Lou Yi in its abdomen. A voice came from the side.

"Meiyu Qingqiu!!!"

"Zhantian a sword!!!"

"Sunset afterglow!!!"

"Stealing the sky and changing the day!!!"

"Nine stars in a row, destroy and hammer!"

"Cut, destroy, collapse, kill!!!"

"Blade of Reckless Man!!!"

"Five party golden seals, town!!!"


Everyone released their moves at the same time, and terrible energy fell from all directions to the Black Lake. In an instant, the entire Black Lake was overturned. Suddenly, the huge face was severely damaged, and an angry roar sounded, "You all must die!!! "

The water in the Black Lake was evaporated by the terrible energy, and the water in the lake was almost as small as that in an instant, and the rest of the tumbling fell back into the Black Lake. At this time, countless bones were exposed in the Black Lake, but it was not clear. What kind of creatures are they.

Lou Yi returned to the broken bridge smoothly. He smiled and said to everyone, "It's been a long time since I saw it, I miss it very much..."

Shen Wansan stared and looked up and down, and asked, "Are you okay? Is your brain hurt?"

"Get out! The dog can't spit out ivory!" Lou Yi gave him a white glance.

"Your mind is not bad, you have only been down for less than a quarter of an hour, did you tell us it's been a long time?" Shen Wansan reluctantly said.

"Huh? Lou Yi was taken aback for a while, and then he understood, he sighed, "But I stayed in that spiritual world for more than 30 years..."

Everyone suddenly realized it, and the old knife man stepped forward and said, "This time, thanks to the baby, if you didn't arrive in time, the old guy, this old bone, I'm afraid it will be easy to explain here!"

The same goes for the three seniors of Suihan Gen Yuehong stepped forward and patted Lou Yi on the shoulder, "Good job, hard work!"

"Senior praised it, it shouldn't be too late, let's leave now!" Lou Yi said, pointing to the Fusang God Tree at the end.

At this moment, in the place where the sacred tree of Fusang was located, a terrible magical might soared into the sky. Obviously Jiu Tun was completely angered. Its plan to seize the house failed, so he could only retreat to second place. The statue in front of the temple ruins suddenly cracked, exposing the flesh and blood inside.

It wriggled and began to change, and at the same time, all the island owners who belonged to the islands of the Fusang Thousand Islands, who had been standing around, were all included, and it became extremely huge, like a skinned bull demon.

But soon it turned into another appearance, with its blood-red messy hair, and on its dark eyes, the mirage eye was embedded in the center of its eyebrows, and it was releasing a strange and inexplicable light at this moment.

It raised its palm and grabbed the black lake below, and soon a sword with terrifying magic power fell into its hand. It looked in the direction of Lou Yi and the others, and roared loudly, "Come on, come on. Face me! You will be swallowed by me in despair!!!"

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