Building B

Chapter 1890: Blue ghost haunt

Song Zhong and Lou Yi were almost on par, and Tieshan at a later position on the right was behind them. In front of them, a staircase reached by intertwined tree roots appeared, a very high and steep mountain road extending all around, here I can vaguely see the glory and luxury of the temple at the beginning, but it is a pity that everything is wrong, everything is destroyed in the explosion.

The roots of the God Fusang Tree exudes a very uncomfortable aura. When Lou Yi felt this breath, he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable all over his body. His gift of life seemed to resonate with the God Fusang Tree at this moment. I can feel the pain the hibiscus sacred tree suffers at this moment.

In a daze, he seemed to see five shadows of different colors. They were almost exactly the same in shape. They were green, black, red, yellow, and blue. Each of them was very large. At this time, they were hugging the Fusang tightly. The sacred tree, five distinct powers, seems to have sealed its power, and it seems to be taking its power.

Lou Yi suddenly felt the pain of a thousand ants biting his heart, and violently pulled his thoughts back, his face suddenly turned pale, he covered his chest and panted heavily, Song Zhong on the side asked. , "Are you okay?"

On Lou Yi's forehead, sweat beads the size of soybeans rolled toward his cheeks. He tried to squeeze a smile, shook his head gently, and said, "It's fine."

Seeing that his face was not good, Song Zhong took the initiative to move forward, swinging the sword in his hand continuously, and the huge blades of the sword slashed forward like a crescent moon, and groups of ghost dogs and ghouls were split in half. , To open up a **** road to the sea for Lou Yi.

Tieshan seemed to have noticed the changes in Building B. He rushed up from behind and looked up to the sky. Numerous dark crows came over the sky. He manipulated the sword formation to rise up and took the initiative to greet him. For a while, the sky was noisy. Accompanied by the sound of screams one after another, the lightsaber shuttled in the sky wantonly, cutting down the heads of the dark crows.

A large number of headless dark crow corpses in the sky fell from the sky and smashed fiercely on the ground, which caused a lot of trouble to Huo Yan, who came from behind, but he was always happy to collect their corpses.

At this time, there was a loud rumbling sound from behind, Shen Wansan finally pulled the turtle shell out of the ground, drove it to rush up quickly, came to the place where Huo Yan was and stopped deliberately, and walked around like showing off. He turned around twice, and Huo Yan raised his head and said, "If you don't want to be a beggar, stay away from me. After that, flames suddenly rise all over his body.

Shen Wansan smiled wryly, the corpse of the Dark Crow that ran along the way was bumped by him. Huo Yan looked at the back of the tortoise shell leaving, shook his head helplessly, and continued to stop to pick up the corpses. At this moment, a strange breath suddenly appeared beside him, whispering something in his ear in a strange voice, Huo Yan didn't care if he couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Unexpectedly, this voice kept floating in his ears along with his picking, making Huo Yan a little upset. The flames all over his body rose up, shouting to the surrounding, "Get out!"

The voice was loud like Hong Zhongda Lu, and it continued to spread to the surroundings. The annoying voice stopped abruptly, but Huo Yan vaguely heard the cry of crying. He frowned and quickly forgot about it.

But soon he began to have abnormal conditions around him. The world around him suddenly became blood red, and everything around him began to twist and deform. He looked at his body like a flower of oil sprinkled on water, twisting it A piece.

There was a loud rumbling noise in the distance, from far to near, Huo Yan desperately raised his head, but saw a scarlet giant who was blocking his way. At this moment, it glared at Huo. Yan slammed the fist that was bigger than the house, and slammed it on his head.

Huo Yan raised the Yangyan sledgehammer and slammed it towards the sky. A similarly huge shadow of the hammer crashed against that huge fist. A terrifying force instantly bounced back, only to hear a loud bang. The Yangyan sledgehammer in Huo Yan's hand was shaken to the ground, smashing into a deep pit as large as ten feet, and the ground within four hundred feet of four feet split like a spider web...

However, the opponent’s offensive posture was also disrupted. Its fist also bounced upwards, but it immediately swung another fist and slammed downwards. Huo Yan brows, knowing that he cannot resist its attack. Immediately retreat quickly.

Hearing a loud bang, Huo Yan felt that the entire ground had been overturned. The terrible storm made his face hurt. The half-room-sized stones continued to fly around randomly, and a huge crater nearly ten thousand feet appeared. Huo Yan was extremely surprised at the place where he stood just now.

The Yangyan sledgehammer that he flew out with one stroke returned to his hand, and at the same time the nine stars returned to their place, and the Huo Yan nine hammers became one and turned into a thousand-foot flame sledgehammer, smashing at the terrible red-skin giant.

The other party didn't dodge or evasive, and even directly slammed his fist against him. The two collided in the air. The loud sound and the violent energy almost shook Huo Yan directly. He shook his head vigorously to prevent himself from fainting. Dazzled.

At this moment, after the red-skinned giant hard-wired the nine-star chain of pearls and one hammer, his huge fist blazed fiercely. Nine kinds of completely different flames began to spread along his fist to his arm. The most terrifying of them was the fire of the pure lotus. Up...

It is born to be the nemesis of all evils. As long as the monsters and monsters are contaminated with it, there is basically only a dead end. The red-skinned giant wailed in pain, and constantly hit the ground with his fists, trying to extinguish the flames on his fists with mud.

But after hitting dozens of punches in a row, leaving dozens of huge holes, it still failed to extinguish the flame, and the flame began to contaminate its body at this moment, igniting it as a whole.

When it burned, the illusions around it began to disappear. Everything that hadn’t been seen before seemed to be back again. Huo Yan looked around inexplicably, and looked at the hammer of sun flame in his hand, always feeling that everything was real and at the same time. unreal.

At the same time, Shen Wansan, who was trying to catch up with Building B in front of him, heard the same voice. He naturally didn't understand the other party's language. He was annoying and said, "Where are the flies? , Let this young master go away!!!"

The voice stopped abruptly again, and it didn't take long for Shen Wansan to suddenly feel something wrong, because Mingxin and Shangguan Fei beside him were gone, and he was the only one left in the turtle shell, which scared him a lot. Jump, and said, "Damn, what the hell?"

At this moment, a faint and weird sound suddenly came from the turtle shell. A pinch of yellow flame appeared in the turtle shell out of thin air. It burned and turned into a tangled and twisted face. It said, "It's so tangled. , So tangled..."

Shen Wansan was so scared that his cold hair stood up, and the other party kept approaching him, but at this moment he couldn't leave the turtle shell. He said with a sad face, "Damn, this young master is so handsome, do you really want to cocoon yourself?! !"

"So entangled, so entangled..." the flame turned face looked at him and said.

"You entangle your brother-in-law, you will die! Don't scare my master here!" Shen Wansan roared uncomfortably.

"It's so entangled, is it better to hang yourself or to commit suicide..." The grimace said in a tangled way.

"Both are not good, you have to suffer. It's the easiest thing to stab yourself directly with a knife!" Shen Wansan seemed to suggest a prank.

"It's so entangled, there's one more answer, I'm afraid of pain, so entangled..." The grimace said again.

Shen Wansan's nervousness slowly disappeared at this moment. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the other person, and asked, "Why do you die if you are afraid of pain?"

"It's uncomfortable to live, so tangled..." the grimace said again.

At this time, Youruoruowu breath is constantly surrounding Shen Wansan. As they talked, these breaths continue to enter his body. Shen Wansan began to become anxious and depressed, and he also began to become entangled. Li mumbled, "A crooked neck tree, a large forest, why did I choose this crooked neck tree and gave up the entire large forest, so tangled..."

"I want to carry the rejuvenation of the family, and I have to carry it on my shoulders with the entrustment of my friends. Is it important to rejuvenate the family or the entrustment of my friends? It's so entangled, entangled..." Shen Wansan kept falling into emotional trough in.

At this time, the burning face, with a weird light shining in its eyes, the corners of its mouth were grinning up to the base of the ears, and it kept whispering, trying to make Shen Wansan fall into the deepest depression and finally understand his own life.

But what this monster didn't expect was that Shen Wansan's mental power was actually connected with Shangguan Fei and Mingxin. When Shen Wansan sat in a daze and did not react like a wooden person, they noticed the abnormality.

Shangguanfei originally wanted to directly intervene, but Mingxin stopped him. They first built a mental barrier around Shen Wansan's body so that he would not suffer from continuous mental disturbance, and then he clearly signaled Shangguanfei to do it.

Shangguanfei's whole body mental power turned into a terrible mental storm, and he violently wrapped Shen Wansan's entire body. In the fantasy world, Shangguanfei turned into an indomitable giant and shouted at Shen Wansan, "Wake up!!" !"

This voice was as loud as thunder, and it shattered the burning grimace directly. Shen Wansan trembled fiercely and broke free from the illusion. At this moment, he was covered with sweat and wiped it with his palm. , He asked, "What happened..."

Shangguan Fei told him what happened to him as a nightmare just now, and asked him what happened to him. Shen Wansan explained his own experience, which caused the other two people to look at him frequently.

And while Shen Wansan was still in shock, Lou Yi's ears also remembered the whispering voice, but what the other party could not even dream of was that Lou Yi was the only one of them who knew Gao Tian's original language, and that voice was in him. He whispered in his ear, "I want to make friends with you, are you willing to be my friend? Are you willing?"

Lou Yi turned his head fiercely to look at the place where the sound was made. The Wushen eye on the center of his forehead suddenly burst out with pure light. A cyan figure was reflected in Wushen's eye. The blue-faced tusks had terrifying and terrifying faces, and the sound was like The mosquitoes and flies are generally small, with a triumphant smile on its face, seeming to have a chance to win, but at this moment Lou Yi suddenly replied in Gao Tianyuan’s language, "Okay, I am willing to be your friend, you are willing to take me Are you a guest at home?"

. Zero reading

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