Building B

Chapter 1894: Turn things around

Gen Yuehong's pen touched the old knife man's body. The other party's body seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. He disappeared from Gen Yuehong's sight. He raised his head and looked at the injured Jiu Tun. He straightened up sharply.

At this moment, he was ready to die. The pen in his hand was like a splash of water, violently bumping in the air, countless characters appeared beside Jiu Tun, and the latter's magic flame rose and shouted, "You humble ones Mortals, die for me!!!"

Gen Yuehong opened his eyes, with awe-inspiring killing intent in his eyes, and he retorted, "You are the one to die!"

With a swipe of the ink blade, the pen whizzed out, falling like raindrops on Jiudun’s body, but most of it was burned out by the magic flames, but even so, a small part of them broke through the magic flames. Cut on the armor of Jiu Tun.

Jiu Tun Jia was about to split, waved the sky clouds in his hand and chopped indiscriminately in the four directions. The dark sword light swept across the four directions, almost slicing the small world into pieces. However, it still couldn't stop the ink blade from cutting it. The light of Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu counterbalanced these ink blades, while clutching the wound, he quickly rushed towards Gen Yuehong.

Gen Yuehong mobilized the power of the entire world at this moment, a giant pen from the sky fell from the sky, and every pen was like a nail in the sky. Jiu Tun roared and swung his sword upwards, but it led to it. Its wounds couldn't help but weaken, and the ink pen was not cut open.

The ink brush whizzed down and pierced the entire ground, burying the Jiutun Boy on the ground. At the same time, the ground painted with ink has also turned into an abyss at this moment, and the cliffs are surrounded by hideous bulges. , Biting Jiu Tun's body like fangs, the three parties used force at the same time to put Jiu Tun to death.

It’s just that with Jiu Tun’s madness, the magic flame instantly melted the earth, and at the same time the huge ink pen was also melted, leaving only the barrel of the pen. Jiu Tun threw the sky cluster cloud out, and it instantly turned into eight dragons. Pounced towards Gen Yuehong.

"You can stay quiet for me first!" Gen Yuehong yelled, the pen in his hand danced quickly, and a series of eight characters flew out, sealing the eight dragon pythons from all directions, and he swiped the pen to the ground. At the same time as the earth cracked, the temporarily sealed eight snake pythons sank deep into the ground.

Jiu Tun, who had lost his weapon, looked very angry. It threw a fist into the sky, pulverizing the only remaining ink pen barrel, and kicked its feet, carrying hot lava water, from the ground into the air.

At the moment of landing, its feet pushed the ground hard, crushing the ground, but its people went straight to Gen Yuehong at a terrifying speed...

"Stop it!" Gen Yuehong wrote down characters such as slow, slow, slow, tangled, and bound. These characters turned into huge patterns and acted on Jiu Tun's body, but they only let it His speed slowed down a little bit, during this period the opponent had already rushed to his side.

Gen Yuehong's pen tipped on the ground, and his body suddenly sank below the ground. Seeing this, Jiutun Boy hit the ground with his fists in anger. There was a violent bang of the sky and the earth, and it was all within a hundred miles around it. Dust was made, and a terrifying huge abyss appeared without bottom.

The ground further afield was covered with huge ravines, mountain peaks were razed to the ground, rivers were turned into waterfalls, everything that was originally beautiful was instantly destroyed, but it never found Gen Yuehong's trace.

However, because of its mischief, it accidentally regained its own sword. It furiously grabbed the sky and clouds, but at this moment, the ink flashed, and only heard a puff. The palm of his hand was firm. Slashed a sword.

Jiu Tun Chi pained to look at his sword, and suddenly an extremely terrifying magic light was shot in his eyes. It turned out that it was played by Gen Yuehong. The other party drew an almost identical sword of the sky clouds with a brush. The ability, once again made Jiu Tun injured.

It's a pity that the strength of the ink blade is far from enough to cut off the palm of Jiutun Boy, but it is already a very good record to be able to hurt it, at least under Jiuquan, he can also explain to the old swordman.

Jiu Tun, who was so furious that he could not contain his anger, began to destroy the world frantically. At this time, Gen Yuehong, who was in hiding, knew that his limit had come and the world was drawn by his power. If the world was completely destroyed, Then he will suffer heavy losses as a result, and this backlash is beyond his current body.

Gen Yuehong smiled relievedly, and muttered to himself, "Little guys, we did our best..."

Gen Yuehong's figure appeared high above the sky. His pen walks like a dragon, and his magic weapon affects the power of this world. At this moment, everything is re-transformed into ink, and under the influence of the magic pen, it becomes A huge and incomparable town character.

Gen Yuehong's body spurted out a mouthful of blood. At this time, his face was very ugly, his face was like white paper, but his eyes were still clear and clear. At this moment, he and Jiutun looked at each other in the air, and he exhausted the last "You are indeed very strong, but I also hope you understand that this world is not as weak and weak as you imagined. Even those of us who are weaker than you will do our best to protect us." The world you live in, please stay here before you destroy it...!"

Gen Yuehong pointed at Jiutun with the pen in his hand, and the whole world began to tremble crazily. An unspeakable force enveloped Jiutun. It watched countless ink charms crawling over its body, but There was no way to stop them, and in the end it was temporarily held in place, with a monstrous anger in its eyes, watching Gen Yuehong's body fall to the ground.

The world drawn by Gen Yuehong disappeared after a while. Gen Yuehong's body fell into the black lake and slowly sank to the bottom of the lake, while Jiu Tun was standing in the lake at the moment, unable to move.

Not far away, its sword was still sealed in it, and it began to try to break the seal of Gen Yuehong before his death. At this moment, there was a series of loud rumblings in the distance, and Jiudun's body trembled violently. Get up, because that is the portal he set up to block the enemy from approaching the sacred tree of Fusang. At this moment, they have been destroyed by someone.

It couldn't help but remember that it had felt that someone had entered the secret cave below the sacred hibiscus tree, and was trying to break the isolation barrier it left there. This made it feel a strong anxiety, so it started to attack even more crazily. This town seal character.

The character gleamed under its terrifying power. Obviously, although it was a blow of Gen Yuehong's full strength, it was still not enough to really suppress a demon commander of the level like Jiu Tun.

At this time, Tieshan and Song Zhongzheng were back to back and panting heavily. There were corpses everywhere, all of which were the corpses of the monsters and ghosts that appeared in the previous portal. Song Zhong joined hands with everyone to kill the last one. The demon, Huo Yan was tossing back and forth in the pile of corpses at this time, selecting suitable materials and collecting them, preparing for a long retreat after the end of the war to verify the more powerful forging technique.

Song Zhong’s eyes were rarely sad, and he seemed to have foreseen the ending of the old knife man. He threw the spirit pills into his mouth from time to time, trying to recover his true essence as much as possible, while holding the cloud pattern sky. Hen's hand has never stopped shaking.

Tieshan looked very quiet at the moment. He silently looked towards the direction of Heihu, and also constantly stuffed the pill into his mouth. Not far away, Shen Wansan was lying on the tortoise shell like a dead pig. On, next to him is Mingxin who is taking care of Shangguan Fei who is unconscious.

The super-high-intensity mental output made Shangguan Fei overwhelmed. If he didn't know how to stop him from continuing to consume it in time, I am afraid that Shangguan Fei would be a lunatic who lost his reason even if he did not die.

At the same time, Lou Yi finally opened the shielding barrier set by Jiu Tun. The moment it opened, two huge figures, black and green, rushed towards him. Obviously they already knew that Lou Yi was in the barrier. Out.

So a man and two ghosts fought together. The black ghost was very good at defense, and he was impenetrable, while the green ghost was fascinated and could always appear in unexpected positions, giving Lou Yi a fatal blow.

Fortunately, with the help of the Spirit Swallowing Technique, its trajectory is still traceable. As for the black ghost with terrible defenses, Lou Yi chose to ignore its existence, and while dealing with the green ghost, Continually advancing towards the depths of the cave behind the enchantment.

The **** was extremely anxious. It violently passed Building B, and then swelled its body and became huge and blocked the entrance and exit of the entire cave. It also grinned at Building B, as if it were Laughing at him.

The green ghost also took the opportunity to intensify the sneak attack on Building B, and the latter sighed and a light flashed in his hand, a pinch of colorful light appeared on the finger, and then bent towards the black ghost that blocked the cave and bounced over. The latter suddenly seemed to explode, and his body trembled violently.

The entire underground began to tremble crazily, and the small amount of flames on Lou Yi's brows suddenly magnified, and the entire cave was ignited in a flash. The black ghost was instantly swallowed by the fire of pure lotus, and that was about to go from behind. Naturally, the green-skinned ghost who attacked Building B was not spared.

They struggled to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but at this time Lou Yi muttered something. The black light of the life and death order was shining with black light, and the souls of these two evil ghosts were instantly imprisoned. After the fire of the lotus was burned, only Two scorched black shadows remained, but their souls had already been taken away by the token of life and death.

Lou Yi came to the end of the cave, and finally saw the scene he saw when he first communicated with the sacred hibiscus tree. There is a golden sapling emitting a faint light. It looks extremely weak, and it is all around it. After the weird curse seal, obviously these are good things for Jiu Tungan.

Lou Yi wanted to get close to the sapling, but at this moment all the curse marks around suddenly lit up, and the monstrous magic flame appeared, turning into a terrible big face. That is the wisp of Jiu Tun left here. Demon soul, it looked at Lou Yi with hollow eyes, and shouted at him with a scream of soul, "Get out! Get out of here! It belongs to me!!!"

. Zero reading

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