Building B

Chapter 1902: Guixu Battlefield

This kind of highly concentrated shuttle actually tests everyone’s mental strength. Fortunately, Jiang Feng and Guo Youde are arranging from the side, but accidents cannot be avoided. Members of the Quicksand Organization and Guo Youde’s people have always formed a wall of people. Avoid uncontrollable situations.

However, for some reason, some monks couldn't stop the speed too fast. As a result, they directly drove the two Guo family monks and a monk from the quicksand organization who were blocking the man’s wall. He escaped by luck. However, the three people were swept away by the turbulence and disappeared without a trace.

Since then, everyone’s nerves have collapsed completely, but there are good things when there are accidents, that is, as everyone gradually becomes familiar with ocean currents, the maneuverability has been greatly improved compared with before, so more The situation of the human wall.

The monk who was still unskilled or mentally weak, was wrapped in several layers of human walls, as if headed geese flying with young geese, so they finally waded through this turbulent zone without any risk, and they came into sight. It is a hellish scene.

After the turbulence, it seems to be another world, a huge ring-shaped ocean current belt, constantly extending toward the high altitude, and you can see the chaotic ocean current violently colliding at a high altitude, and the sky seems to have a huge sea eye. , Overlooking everything here from top to bottom.

   And in front of the second floor of this building is a piece of collapsed ruins. These should be the dragon palace of the Xuanlong clan, but it has been razed to the ground at this moment, no! To be precise, it has become a bottomless abyss.

   There are countless corpses floating in this abyss. In addition to the corpses of the Xuanlong clan, there are also incalculable corpses of the Shaman clan and the corpses of the sea clan guarding the Dragon Palace.

Lou Yi remembered the wise sea monsters before, so he also collected some corpses of the mackerel tribe. Most of these dead corpses were incomplete. Lou Yi asked Jiang Feng to search carefully for a long time before he found less than ten complete ones. Corpse.

After   , they began to move towards the abyss, and it didn't take long for the sound of battle to be heard from the front. A behemoth was in the abyss, twisting its body, as if trying to throw something away.

   After they got closer, they discovered that this huge creature was covered with dense sea monsters, and they were using the sea weapon in their hands to attack this huge creature.

This is a bull whale and a branch of the ancient sea clan. Seeing that it will not support, Lou Yi decisively issued a reinforcement order, so a large number of monks swam past his head, and instantly joined the battle group. in.

At this moment, a faint blue lightning flashed suddenly below, and Lou Yi disappeared in an instant, and went straight to the spot where the lightning appeared. In an instant, five or six kings of the abyss appeared in his vision. They Teaming up to besiege a squat turtle.

   With its mountain-like shell and thick tortoise shells all over the body, this harrowback mysterious tortoise seemed to be unafraid of the attacks of these kings of the abyss. It fought with these guys on its own, and did not lose the wind.

In a situation like this, Lou Yi found a dozen places in total, but looking at the allied forces of the Xuanlong clan, they are at an absolute disadvantage at this moment, because there are so many sea monsters, Lou Yi looks huge. On the battlefield, a ray of light flashed in his hands, and the things Cha Zheng personally handed him fell into his hands. Lou Yi started to urge this object in accordance with the method of unblocking that Cha Zheng said.

   Under the faint flash of light, the seal opened a corner quietly. The dark red object in contact with the sea suddenly seemed to bleed, and there were strands of **** light floating out.

It's just that after they appeared, they suddenly rushed to the large number of corpses gathered around as if uncontrollably, and then saw the dark red began to spread at an unimaginable speed, and the dead corpses were being affected by the dark red. After being wrapped in the substance, it moved quickly.

   Building B carefully controlled them so that they could not escape their control, so soon an army of turbid blood demons controlled by the turbid wart fleas began to conquer...

Lou Yi is different from Che Ruoshui. In addition to learning how to control blood wart fleas, he also holds natural enemies to restrain them. This makes these guys have to be controlled by them, even if they reproduce more. Half-divided, then he would use God-killing leeches to make them disappear.

Only with a radish in one hand and a big stick can they be obediently obedient. Lou Yi will take the utensil and seal it again and put it away. With a flick of his hand, the blade of Cang Cang falls into his hands. His figure suddenly disappears, and the next moment he is besieging the hullback. An abyss king of Xuangui suddenly trembled all over, and then died with his belly up.

   Before his comrades had time to react, they saw a basket of one red and two streams of light, flashing at an alarming speed in their eyes, after which their eyes lost their luster, and their belly faced up and died.

This powerful corpse is naturally the favorite thing to manipulate by the blood wart fleas, and because it has just died, the corpse is fresh and easy to manipulate. Soon these few kings of the abyss became the demons controlled by the blood wart fleas. The corpse of the demon.

The Hulkback Black Tortoise stared at eyes the size of a pond. I don’t know what happened. At this moment, a human figure appeared in its eye pupils. The other party telepathically said to it, “You know the mysterious dragon Where is the Clan currently?"

The Hulkback Black Tortoise looked at this small figure as small as an ant. When it was about to leave, suddenly it seemed to sense something. The huge head suddenly turned to Building B, and looked at Building B in disbelief, only to see this tiny figure. In the hands of human beings, there is a book that gleams with blue light, which is the treasure of the sea palace of the ancient sea clan.

This means that the human in front of him is the owner of the ancient sea palace, which means that these ancient sea races must obey him unconditionally, and the black turtle surrendered to him and expressed willingness to take him. Go to the place where Xuanlong clan fights.

Lou Yi confessed to Jiang Feng, and then drove over to the place where the Xuanlong clan was on the harrowback mysterious tortoise. They stopped several times on the way, just because a large number of sea monsters blocked their progress, the more they went down. The more intense the battle, Lou Yi soon saw the Dragon Guards, which belonged to the Xuanlong clan, which meant that he was not far from the target.

   But at this moment, a huge figure suddenly covered the sky above his head, and then there was a tentacle monster that was almost the same size as the squat-backed mysterious tortoise, or a bigger one, entangled it.

   The Hungarian Tortoise struggled desperately to get rid of the entanglement, but was dragged away from the place by the opponent a little bit. Although the monster was equal to the Hungarian Tortoise, after all, the latter's defensive power was stronger.

After Lou Yi confirmed that it was okay again and again, he rushed to the Xuanlong clan's residence with a reclusive body shape. However, the situation here is far from what can be imagined above. Bai Yueming doesn't know what methods have been used to create such a huge The Sea-Monster Legion, almost the area that can be seen by the eyes, is completely filled with these guys, and he can't even find a position that can pass through the past.

The powerful sea beast below is roaring like thunder, and the Emperor of the Abyss is arbitrarily discharging. Lou Yi wants to find Zili through the dense sea monsters. He is very eager to see Zili and see her safe. Nothing is better.

   If he couldn't pass, he could only find a way to pass. He showed his figure and directly used the air to kill, a dazzling flash of light pushed forward straight, and the sea monsters hadn't figured out what happened, and the body was directly shattered.

Lou Yi just killed and advanced all the way, but soon he encountered obstacles again. The sea monster with thick armor blocked its way. Obviously his amazing behavior caused the abyss moray clan and the sea monster. The clan's attention, so they dispatched these thick armored sea monsters to prevent him from continuing to advance.

The siren spread out in pieces, and a tentacle sea monster that was as large as the previous entangled harrowback mysterious tortoise appeared in Lou B's field of vision. The front end of its tentacles grew a terrifying chrysanthemum-shaped sucker, and the sucker was full They are thick black teeth.

This sea monster looks like an octopus, but it does not have eight hands, but has hundreds of tentacles. It has three big mouths on its head and five asymmetrical. Growing huge eyes.

The eyes of this sea monster are silvery white, but they are shining with a blue light. Lou Yi has never seen this kind of It is like a deformed monster, a patchwork monster. .

   It seems that this thing should also come from Baiyueming. He was upset that he didn't find it quickly, but let it escape successfully. This snake-hearted guy is a perfect match for its ugly appearance at the moment.

   Building B swept the entire battlefield with his spiritual sense, but did not find Bai Yueming. I heard that it now calls itself the Sea-Monster Queen. If there is a chance to encounter it, he will never be soft-hearted.

Hundreds of hideous tentacles rushed towards it at the same time, Lou Yi snorted, and a blue light flashed, and he saw the huge tentacles that rushed over first. They were dismembered in an instant, and then a red light flashed. Divide one of the tentacles into two.

Lou Yi's figure moved towards this behemoth at an astonishing speed, no matter how many tentacles it had, he would be like no one, and instantly shattered all its tentacles, but what he didn't expect was, This guy's regenerative ability is extremely powerful, and in just a moment, new tentacles continue to kill him.

Lou Yi's eyes flashed with a cold star, and his figure suddenly disappeared. Suddenly, two dazzling flashes of red and blue turned into a cross star, which passed directly through the head of the giant sea monster, and the head of the latter suddenly fell apart. , Countless dark liquids instantly painted the surrounding area of ​​a hundred miles into thick black, but Lou Yi took this opportunity to hide again, disappearing without a trace. ...


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