Building B

Chapter 1919: Shirasawa Mound

Lou Yi fell into deep self-blame, and he began to change his mind to revive the family business. With a little accumulation, after ten years, he finally restored the look of the collapsed family that was about to be tossed by him.

However, his mother was too worried in his early years and was unable to survive until he married a wife and had a child. Lou Yi once thought that this was the end of his life, but in the end he could not let go of the important task of inheriting the family that his mother said. After forty or so, I found a matchmaker to protect a matchmaker and won the entry of an ordinary-looking woman.

In the twelfth winter of the next year, with a loud cry, his son fell to the ground. However, the moment when building B saw him, he suddenly smiled bitterly, because the child looked at him like he was at the beginning. Look at the eyes of the old Orion, because he is the old Orion, who was reborn and returned to seek revenge.

Reincarnation, unhappy retribution, destiny is such a trick, in fact, after becoming a gentry, the old Orion began to do a lot of relief to the villagers, so he also gained the reputation of a home of goodness. He wants to come to know that he committed the sins. , Is to be sentenced to eighteen levels of hell.

He spent the second half of his life to accumulate blessings and virtues for himself, but in the end he died tragically in his own hands. Lou Yi had already met his end, and his hand was placed on his son's neck, which frightened the weak daughter-in-law. Son and Wen Po.

Just when everyone thought he was crazy about killing his son, Lou Yi suddenly palmed his hand and picked up his son. He said to the other party, "I know you are here to collect debts, just like I did before, but you have to remember Live, the object of your debt collection is me, it has nothing to do with your mother. If one day I find her sad and painful, I will kill you with my own hands. Do you understand?"

After Lou Yi said this, he actually left home, but he has not gone far. He has been silently paying attention to everything in the family, watching his son grow up day by day, watching his gold list title, watching him Guangzong Yaozu, only when he knew that he was running out of oil, ordered people to carry himself to his son's residence.

   The other party looked at him condescendingly, with extremely complicated eyes. While Lou Yi was still alive, the other party told him that he had been photographing people looking for him a few years earlier and wanted to kill him personally to avenge him.

   But when he seemed to disappear, he was indeed very angry for the first two or three years, but his mother was silently giving from the beginning to the end. He thought of what he had said to him.

   Gradually he let go of his hatred, began to concentrate on his studies, and began to gain fame. Knowing the day his mother passed away, he never thought of himself again, but what he didn't expect was that Lou Yi would take the initiative to look for him at this time.

He did not kill Lou Yi in the end, but sent someone to take care of him until he closed his eyes and died, and buried him with his mother. Lou Yi's soul was separated and gradually flew into the sky. During this time, he was always there. Silent, because these two lives brought him too much shock...

Lou Yi unknowingly returned to the secret realm, and then ushered in several trials. The anger and hostility on his body were gradually smoothed out after the life experience again and again, and he began to get more and more I can plan my own life and learn the attitude and method of dealing with others.

   He unknowingly walked out of this area, and came under the light of the day. At this time, Lou Yi had experienced a hundred different lives and experienced the ups and downs of them.

   These can be said to be illusory, but they can also be said to be real. After all, he spent every period of his life earnestly. When Lou Yi appeared again, his eyes had already changed.

In front of his eyes appeared a huge circular forest belt, and he happened to be at its entrance, surrounded by fairy mist, giving people a paradise-like feeling. There were also pink flowers inside, which seemed to be bred. Some peach trees.

   Building B stepped forward, and a voice in his ear asked, "Do you understand something?"

   Building B stopped and said, "The killer does not die, and the living does not give birth."

   "It is a thing, all without exception, all without exception, all without failure, all without failure, all without failure, its name is Yingning."

   "Those who are stunned, and those who are stunned will succeed!" Lou Yi finished these questions waiting for the other party.

   "Is this your perception?" The voice asked with a little surprise.

Lou Yi shook his head and said, "This is the Confucianism that the juniors and academies occasionally read. It's a pity that the juniors are dull, and they have not yet reached the state of ping Ning, let alone a higher level of doubt. Realm..."

"The beginning of no beginning, the realm of Xuanming, if you really get to this realm, and you empty everything and you emptied yourself, you have truly reached the realm of saints. It's a pity that many people have the talents of saints but no way of saints. The follower needs to be both. I have searched for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, I regret this. It is a pity in my life..." The voice looked lonely and said.

   "Junior, I have been taught!" Lou Yi clasped his fists and arched his hands in front of him and bowed his discipleship.

"You are good, but you are not the one I want to look for. A hundred times of life is a portrayal of your heart. I hope you don’t forget your original intentions, always maintain a heart of integrity, and hope you always remember to put down the comfort The reason is that the desire is too strong, the obsession is too strong, and there is no end to it!" the other party said to him.

   Lou Yi slowly raised his head, and said again, "Junior, I have been taught! But the junior has never forgotten his original aspirations, and he is unwilling to compromise with Feiying and Gougou. My destiny must be controlled by myself."

   The voice was silent for a while, and said to him, "No matter, I can't see through your destiny. Maybe this is your strength, come on, come closer..."

Building B respectfully bowed again, and then walked forward. The mist of the fairy spread to both sides, and also the strong prohibition surrounding it. If someone wants to forcefully break into this place, I am afraid that even if it is The Lion Sage and the Tiger Sage have only one dead end.

The reason why Lou Yi was able to perceive this was due to his profound research on the formation enchantment. Although there was no way to get an insight into the realm of the universe at a glance, it could also allow him to perceive whether there was anything around him at the fastest speed. Danger.

Lou Yi stepped into the ring-shaped forest, and what caught his eye was tranquility and beauty. It is no exaggeration to call it a paradise outside of the world. The strange flowers and grasses fight for beauty, and the strange trees know the intricacies. Horizontal and vertical.

A tortuous road, like the thread on the side of a snail's shell, guides Lou Yi's progress. During this period, the other party asked him several times. Lou Yi answered the opponent with his heart. So far the voice has no more words. Obviously it The evaluation of Building B has been reached.

After Lou Yi turned a corner, his eyes suddenly opened up. A huge tree nest woven from countless tree roots came into his eyes. The sky light shined straight on the tree nest. Among them, there is an egg white as snow in the tree nest, while shining with shining jade light, there are countless complex and mysterious golden light patterns around it.

   Building B followed the road woven by trees and vines, slowly came to the tree nest, a strange power instantly enveloped him, making him feel the vast and pure power like a sea of ​​stars.

   The egg was shining, and a voice came from it, "Take it away..."

Lou Yi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded, but just as he reached out to pick up the egg, the voice spoke again, "The moment it leaves here, it is equivalent to the birth of a new life, and I will no longer exist, I hope you can promise me three requests!"

   Building B stopped, retracted his hands and stood up straight, and said, "Please say!"

"First, I hope you don’t interfere with its growth. You are not the one I choose, and it is certainly not the Lord that it will choose to serve. We Bai Ze feeds on the awe-inspiring righteousness, and takes the awe-inspiring power as our own power. One day it meets the person it should meet, and I hope you can let it go."

   "I promise!" Lou Yi nodded.

   "Secondly, I have a request that I hope you can accept. I hope to leave a ray of soul in your mud palace to correct its growth. I will not interfere with your thoughts. What do you think?"

   "I can do nothing, the junior agreed!" Lou Yi nodded again.

"Third, ah~" At this point it suddenly sighed and stopped talking. Lou Yi was not anxious, but waited for the other person to finish speaking. After a while, something appeared in front of Lou Yi out of thin air, Lou Yi Some puzzled looked at this thing.

It looks like an unusual stone, but occasionally this stone will emit a strange light. This stone is not small in size, about half the size of a person, with a narrow top and an oval shape at the bottom. There is a groove, and there is a semicircular gap on the groove.

The other party seemed to know Lou Yi was curious, so he explained, "This is the boundary stone, or it can be called the heart stone. It is the center of the Kunwu world. Mastering it is equivalent to mastering the power of life and death in the entire Kunwu world. !" When it said the last four words, it emphasized its tone.

Lou Yi couldn't help but take a breath. He carefully looked at this ordinary-looking strange stone, and couldn't see how it has such a supernatural At this moment, the voice said again. "Don't doubt its power, it does have the power to destroy all the creatures in Kunwu Realm, and it can even change everything in Kunwu Realm, but it lacks one thing, and I hope that thing will never merge with it..."

The other party revealed a message to him, and Lou Yi learned a great secret. It turns out that Kunwu Realm is not the mustard world in the ordinary sense, but the world of the shattered master world after an extraordinary battle on the Nine Heavens. A corner...

This news could not be shocked, but what made him even more shocked was that he finally understood why Kunwu Realm has not been able to ascend to the upper realm for so many years, because Kunwu Realm is located in the demon realm and the spiritual realm. Junction.

   When Huangquanzong came to fight for this place, they angered the creatures of the two realms, so they secretly made an agreement to prohibit anyone from this realm from flying to the upper realm, and then the two defined the agreement to jointly control this realm.

The control of the    Spirit Race is the Yanlin Clan, and the Monster Race was originally governed by the Monster Races, but the Monster Race wanted to seize power and wanted to turn this world into a ranch for raising the Human Race, so that the Monster Race could feed at will.

In the end, its appearance prevented their cruel thoughts and indirectly restrained the behavior of these monsters. However, now that it has passed away, the monsters are ready to move again, and the successor it has chosen cannot completely restrain them at this moment. Up.

Originally, it placed its hopes on the Yanlin clan. Unexpectedly, the saint master of the Yanlin clan had such thoughts, and the man in the red flame armor was sent by the Yanlin clan to communicate with Jieshan. Negotiated.

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