Building B

Chapter 1956: Save Pagota

The blood witch clan's residence is very wide. It can be seen that after Wu A'duo became a holy witch, he paid much attention to Pagota and its people. Looking at it, the Wuzhai is scattered in the forest and basin, but according to the style From a point of view, it seems that the architectural styles of the curse witches, gu witches, bone witches, and blood witches are still the most prominent.

But the closer to the flame peaks, the architectural styles that appeared were dominated by the witches and the dark witches, which also showed that after the two clans seized the witches' rule, they took it for granted that only the two of them were worthy Occupy the position closest to the forbidden mountains.

The medical tribe is located in a small corner next to them, and it looks somewhat deserted. It is also because their tribe is too small and has no right to speak. Lou Yi is thinking about these medical tribes, they should be in a very rich mood now... …

   The tall buildings are full of prohibitions, obviously to prevent people from approaching, but for Lou Yi and others, killing these monitors is just a blink of an eye.

   A certain dark witch clansman located in the tall building was looking mockingly at the two clansmen who were arguing below. Suddenly, there was a flower in front of her. Before she could figure out what happened, she fell straight down.

At the same time, the tall buildings in other locations around Wuzhai are performing exactly the same drama. These dark witch clansmen who are responsible for monitoring are not high in cultivation. They are just like soldiers in the lookout and realm. In other words, the movement of these people's fingers is enough to kill them hundreds of times.

But Lou Yi spared their lives. He brought the unconscious Dark Witch tribe to the place outside the stockade and threw it to Bian Mingxing. At this time, Gu Ani came out to prevent him from preparing to administer the medicine. Bian Mingxing of boiling soup.

   She said, "My Gu can control their will, maybe I can solve all this!"

   After that, she pointed to the noisy people of the two races outside the stockade, Lou Yi nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "I will leave it to you!"

After that, the dark witches were sent here one after another. Gu Ani cut her wrists and fed her blood to these unconscious dark witches. She looked a little strenuous, and Menglu on the side looked also Quite nervous, Lou Yi asked, "Senior, is there any problem?"

"Hey, this girl's natal Gu has been sealed by those people. She is now using her own blood and soul to perform Gu art, which will have a lot of impact on her..." Menglu said distressedly .

Lou Yi saw that Gu Ani's face became paler and paler, and even the raised arm was trembling. He walked over and bit his finger, and put the finger stained with his own blood on Gu Ani's lips. Side, said to her, "Open your mouth!"

Gu Ani sensed that Lou B's blood contained a power temptation that she could not resist, so she opened her small mouth obediently and held his fingers, her pretty face turned red, and she gently licked Lou B's. With his fingers, he felt the surging power contained in Lou Yi's blood.

Menglu looked at Lou B hesitantly, trying to say something several times, but in the end he didn't say anything. Gu Ani was nourished by Lou B's blood, and her face slowly turned red. After she was ready, She withdrew her hand, but she continued to hold Lou Yi's finger, a bit reluctant to let it go.

Lou Yi looked at her with a slight embarrassment, the latter glared at him reluctantly, then let go of her mouth reluctantly, she walked to Menglu's side, leaned gently next to him, Menglu sighed He took a sigh of relief and stroked her hair with the palm of his hand.

   Lou B intuitively felt that he seemed to have done something bad unintentionally. He scratched his head awkwardly and asked, "Senior, did I do something wrong?"

Gu Ani heard his question and ran away without looking back. Menglu sighed and replied, "We Gu Wu clan have a tradition. Two people who agree with each other, they fancy each other. Give your own blood to the other party to plant love. In this life, you will never betray the other party. If there is a betrayal of love, you will kill the person who feels bad, and at the same time integrate his or her lifelong cultivation base into the love. Among Gu, the power that becomes the other half..."

   Menglu looked at Lou Yi and shook his head, "That girl should..."

   Meng Gelu was a little bit hesitant and stopped, Lou Yi realized that his behavior was a bit reckless just now, but he didn't know that the Gu Witch Clan still had such traditions, he just subconsciously felt that he should help Gu Ani and nothing more.

Menglu saw the embarrassment on Lou Yi’s face, and he sighed, "Don’t worry, our Gu clan has another tradition, that is, only intermarriage with people of the same clan. You are not from our clan, so ......"

Seeing Menglu helping him out, Lou Yi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He looked at Gu Ani who was hiding far away. The two of them met each other. Gu Ani hurriedly lowered his head, Lou Yi sighed. "I'm so reckless..."

After that, the atmosphere was always awkward, but fortunately, Gu Ani still focused on the overall situation. She quickly adjusted it, but when looking at each other with Lou B, she would still look away unnaturally. Lou B tried her best. Don't see her, lest both parties are embarrassed.

   These Dark Witch tribesmen, who were soon affected by Blood Gu, were smoothly controlled. They didn't seem to have changed much, but at the beginning, their actions were slightly slower.

   Gu Ani asked Lou Yi and the others to send these Dark Witch tribesmen controlled by Blood Gu back to the tall building, and then nothing happened to them...

   Building B scratched his head. Although he felt a little troublesome, he still did so. So these people were sent back. Afterwards, Gu Ani controlled them to send out thoughts and dispelled the Bone Witch people who had gathered outside the Blood Witch Village.

Then Lou Yi and the others entered the blood witch clan’s stockade grandiosely. When the blood witch clan saw outsiders coming in, they suddenly swarmed around them like ants that had blown up the pot. Be prepared and cut off the surrounding voices, I'm afraid the loud voices of these reckless people will surely lead people around again.

The appearance of Menglu and Gu Ani caused these grumpy blood witches to withdraw like quail. Gu Menglu asked them about the whereabouts of Pagota, but was told that they did not know Pago. Where was the tower taken.

The people in desperation had no choice but to rescue these blood witch tribes first, and then they began to go around the periphery, one village after another to rescue the blood witch tribe, and they organized the rescued blood witch tribe to Menglu At the same time, some people were left behind to prevent the other party from being suspicious.

   However, Gu Ani’s blood gu power is limited, and there is no way to plant blood gu and control them by all the Dark Witch tribesmen, so Lou Yi can only infuse these people with medical boiling soup and make them faint.

Soon the surrounding villages were all rescued, and then there were some villages bordering the Bone Witch Residents and the Qiang Witch Residents. The topography of these villages is quite complicated and they are often close together, so Lou Yi decided to go in and explore himself. , I will not do rescues temporarily.

He sneaked into the Blood Witch Clan’s residence, looking for Pagota’s whereabouts, but disappointingly, no one knew where Pagota was taken. After walking around like this, there was still no clue. , Lou Yi began to suspect that Pagota was taken away from the village of the Blood Witch Clan.

But Menglu thinks this is impossible. He explained that the blood witch race is a powerful witch race with Pagota as its cohesive force. If Pagota is taken away from them, it will be the greatest to the blood witch race. Insult, then the blood witch race will fight with them, and will never be slaughtered and raised in the stockade.

   Menglu guessed that the reason why the prisoner did not choose to kill Pagota, but to hide him after fainting, was probably to contain the blood witch tribe and prevent them from acting rashly.

Because the blood witch tribe is very powerful among the witch tribes, once they all become mad, they are afraid that the witch tribe itself will bring an extremely painful price. The humble two of the Witch Clan are probably trying to control Pagota's will. Once they succeed, the Blood Witch Clan will become an extremely terrifying conquest force in their hands.

Lou Yi nodded. He agreed with Mongluo's opinion, but if he couldn't find Pagota, the centripetal force and willpower of the blood witch tribe would be greatly reduced, and once the prison threatened Pagota's life , Then they are likely to be forced to be their enemies.

   These reckless men can't be subdued casually. Once they become mad, unless they fight with the heart to kill them, it is impossible to stop them. Lou Yi feels quite a bit about this.

   He sighed silently, and just then Menglu said, "Maybe I have a way, and give me some time..."

Lou Yi nodded, Menglu stuck his staff on the ground, and the black gem on it began to glow, and Menglu turned around the stick muttering words in his mouth, sometimes with both hands Raise up to the sky, sometimes grasping the ground with the palms of both hands down.

   After tossing about half of Zhuxiang's time, Menglu opened his eyes again. He frowned and said, "I found it, but..."

   He hesitated to say but looked at the stockade where the Bone Witch Clan was located, Lou Yi immediately understood that these guys hid Pagota in the Bone Witch Clan’s stockade, no wonder the two clans would make a big quarrel about this.

In fact, Lou Yi is also very confused about why the Bone Witch tribe betrayed. He guessed that this was probably because the loss was caused by these people. After all, his soul is not stable. He brought him here to seek help. .

   But Lou Yi also thought of a good way. He smiled and said to Menglu, "Don't worry, I have a way to solve all this, let's kill two birds with one stone!"

   Lou B told Menglu of his plan. When the latter looked at Lou B, he had an expressive look. He gave Lou B a thumbs up and said, "This method is very good!"

After Menglu left, the entire Blood Witch Clan’s stockade became a mess. Almost all the Blood Witch Clan members began to curse loudly at the Bone Witch Clan’s stockade. Their loud voice immediately aroused the Bone Witch Clan. Attention, so the two clans soon shouted and cursed across the stockade, while Lou Yi took advantage of this gap and slipped into the Bone Witch clan’s stockade...


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