Building B

Chapter 1975: Out of Kunwu

In the sacred mountain cave of the Yanlin tribe, huge figures occupies this place. Sitting in the first position is a middle-aged man exuding terrible flames. He is the eldest son of the Yanlin Lord.

Almost all the senior members of the Yanlin tribe are the direct descendants of the Lord Yanlin, and only a few are the elders of the same race. However, because the Lord Yanlin has controlled Zhongzhou for such a long time, the tribesmen of other factions have been assimilated by him, not to mention. The Holy Master Yanlin held the key to unlock the upper realm. If you wanted to enter from the spirit world, you had to seek the consent of the Holy Master Yanlin.

At this time, the atmosphere in the holy cave was depressed, and the flames roared fiercely. Everyone except Yan Huang dared to breathe. Yan glanced at Yan Huang and said, "Brother Huang, the one who hurts the most in the past is you. News from my father?"

Yan Huang swayed Erlang's legs and said, "Big brother, I don't know, my father left in a hurry and didn't leave any explanation..."

boom! ! !

The flames slammed into the wall of the cave with a violent fist, making a huge noise. At this time, a person next to him said, "Brother, calm down, even if these guys really come, we will be enough to deal with it. Up!"

"Huh! Of course I know the third child, but if my father sees such a scene when he comes back, he will say that I am incapable of managing the family!!!" Yan roared furiously.

The surrounding area immediately became quiet as soon as the words were said. Yan Huang yawned, which caused Yan to glare secretly. He was very jealous of this youngest brother. Because of his extraordinary talent, he was born with a trace of Tianlin Fire. Inherit the mantle of his father.

No matter how hard he tried, his father's eyes were always on Yan Huang. The person who was sent to the Helian Mountains to get married was obviously him, but he was cut off by the **** Yan Huang, and even his father did not hesitate to use it. Power, brought this failed guy back.

Every time Yan sees him, he feels the anger in his heart is restless, but he can’t help it, because his brother is his father’s most beloved child, and he can only express himself as much as possible in order to win his father. Appreciation.

Now that his father is absent, the burden of protecting the Yanlin tribe has naturally fallen on him, but as a result, things like this have happened to him. How can he not make him feel restless? His efforts for so many years seem to be caused by the invasion of the human race. It fell short.

Yan immediately ordered a counterattack, and personally took all the high-level personnel except Yan Huang, and went out to fight Ji Guangwei. The battle was extremely tragic, but in the end Ji Guangwei was forced to retreat.

Yan was wounded and lay in his cave with awe-inspiring killing intent. At this time, someone outside the cave was walking towards where he was. This person was the Peng Jin Cai who killed the Python Saint and fled to Zhongzhou to join the Yanlin Saint Lord. .

Her current position is very embarrassing. She originally thought that with the strength of the Yanlin Clan, the Pingping Human Race could regain control of the Helian Mountain Range, but the result was that the Yanlin Clan was beaten back. It looked like the Human Race was repulsed. , But she could see very clearly that that powerful human monk, even under the joint attack of the Yanlin tribe, was only slightly at a disadvantage.

This news is not good for her, and since she came to the Yanlin Clan Holy Land, she has never been summoned by the Lord Yanlin, which makes her quite uneasy, so this time she plans to use the name of care , Secretly inquire.

As soon as I approached the cave where Yan was located, I heard an extremely majestic voice from inside, "My son, something big happened..."

Pengjincai’s eye pupils shrank instantly, because her instinct told her that what she heard at this time would never be discovered, otherwise it would be difficult for her to escape from the Yanlin clan alive. Pengjincai turned around and was about to leave. A terrible thought suddenly enveloped her, and a terrible voice came from the cave, "Kill her!"

The astonishing flame was released from the cave. Peng Jincai was panicked. She transformed into a body and rushed towards the place where the Golden Wing Dapeng clan was, and issued a screaming scream. This is a warning scream to inform her family and Companion escape quickly.

Although Pengjincai is extremely talented, this is after all the Yanlin clan's residence, so they are quickly surrounded by the Yanlin clan. At this time, Yannai appears in front of Pengjincai, and the Yanlin body is released. With the extremely terrifying fire of Jinlin.

Peng Jincai did not ask for forgiveness from the other party, because she knew it was impossible. The reason was that the reason why the Lord Yanlin left the Kunwu Realm was because the monster race and the spirit race were at war...

And it was her mother, the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, who provoked this war. Of course, this war was not started because of the Kunwu world, which is a mustard world that is not even a normal small world. But it was only implicated.

This battle not only included the Monster Race and the Spirit Race, but also affected the Protoss and Human Race. This is a battle in the lower realm. Many small worlds have been destroyed because of the impact. The result of the melee is each All forces have suffered heavy losses...

Peng Jincai only knows that the Golden Winged Dapeng clan is very strong, but does not know how powerful it is. This time, the monster clan seems to have been planning for a long time, and has captured large areas of the spirit race one after another, completely breaking the original balance boundary, and Kun Wu The world has actually been reduced to the dominion of the demon race, the world of the Yanlin clan is now raging, and the flames of the sacred master is urgently summoned, so he left without explaining anything.

This time, he urgently lowered his mind to ask Yan to do one thing for him, to use all means to block the news, and at the same time to delay the attack of the human race. He told the Yanling race that the defeat was set and that it would use some means to seal the Kunwu world. .

Peng Jincai chose to flee after hearing this. It is conceivable that once the Lord Yanlin seals this world, let alone the human race, even their monster race will be slain.

Facing Yan's undisguised killing eyes, Peng Jincai groaned. For her, the only thing she can do now is to escape, but she can't worry about her three sons. However, resistance is futile after all. The Golden Winged Dapeng clan, facing the Yanlin clan that was several times theirs, ended up miserably.

Peng Jincai had no choice but to escape alone, and it was naturally impossible for Yan to let her go, so she fought crazy against her. Someone here at Ji Guangwei discovered this, but it did not seem to cause enough. Pay attention, and finally they choose to close one eye, as if they hadn't seen it.

Relying on her own speed advantage, Pengjincai flew around like a headless fly, but after all she could not escape the chase of the Yanlin clan. This was because she had been injured before, and the desperate escape affected her wounds. In the end, she crashed into the mountains below in despair and lost consciousness.

I don’t know if it’s her own arrangement, Peng Jincai, in desperate circumstances, came to the site of the Beast Control Palace, and what she rammed into was the Wild Ridge Mountains, which was the demon under the control of the Beast Control Palace. The habitat of the tribe.

Peng Jincai dived into the depths of the barren mountain range and attracted the attention of the monsters entrenched here. Naturally, it also aroused the vigilance of the Beast Control Palace. When they saw the fire cloud roaring from the horizon, they immediately did it. Well prepared to defend against the enemy.

But it is clear that all Yan's attention was on searching for the Pengjin Cai. He let the Yanlin Clan stun the surrounding monsters and asked them to hand over the Pengjin Cai, saying that she had stolen the Yanlin Clan’s treasure. Take her back to Yanlin Clan for disposal.

The demon race of the Wildridge Mountains did not want to offend the Yanlin tribe. After all, they had the Lord of Yanlin above them, so the demon race of the Desolate Ridge Mountains began to search for the whereabouts of Peng Jin Cai for Yan. At this time, the desperate Peng Jin Cai hid In the damp cave, the face was full of despair.

The Golden Winged Dapeng family followed her across the oceans to Zhongzhou, but she did not expect to end up like this. Now she has become a lonely person, which makes her feel discouraged and have the idea of ​​self-closing.

However, she can't die yet. She wants to tell others the news, but she asks herself, who can she tell this secret to...

After thinking about it, she was desperate again. She couldn't go back to the Helian Mountains, and all the people close to her were killed. Now she is alone in her family, and who can tell this secret to anyone~www. A person suddenly appeared in her mind, that is Lou Yi, but the moment the idea appeared, she shook her head desperately to give it up, and she refused to accept this human from the bottom of her heart , I would rather die than to meet this human in a low voice.

However, the past scenes kept flashing in her eyes. For some reason, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have been targeting each other. Since Song Shen used her feather feathers to threaten her to answer the three conditions of the party, she hugged this human being. There is great hatred.

Everything after that happened under her anger. She smiled bitterly when she figured out everything. It turned out that everything was on her own and she couldn’t blame others, but even then it was useless, because she had already sensed it. Someone has already found it.

The cave where she was located was surrounded by groups, and the monster race in the Wildridge Mountains asked her to leave the place immediately. Peng Jincai looked at them and wanted to tell the secret for several times, but for some reason she couldn’t speak, because she always felt that, As members of the monster clan, they actually chose to help the Yanlin clan to expel themselves. She suddenly wanted to see the expression of the Yanlin clan when they slaughtered them after sealing the world.

Peng Jincai looked around with mocking eyes, dragged her severely wounded and exhausted body, took the initiative to fly into the sky, rushing towards the waiting Yan, she knew that she would end up with a dead end, but she could not swallow this breath, Jin Wing Dapeng is a proud demonic race, and he is never allowed to lower his high head.

But just when she was about to be generous, a golden figure suddenly appeared between her and Yan. Peng Jincai saw a pair of golden wings as hers, and subconsciously thought it was her clan, but soon her sight It solidified on the opponent, because the person who appeared was the human man who stepped on the foot of the Nu River in Beizhou.

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