Building B

Chapter 1993: Yan Lin Feng Tian (Part 1)

   Lou Yi stayed in place to guard the unconscious young man. Many days passed in a flash. Because he was worried about disturbing him, Lou Yi never fiddled with each other, but quietly waited for him to wake up.

   The pattern on the young man's body has completely disappeared, but the white bull's head pattern on the chest exudes an amazing breath. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as ancient and mysterious.

Without disturbing the other party, he began to study the power of the bull's head pattern, in order to find the cultivation methods of those real powerful people in the ancient and even ancient times, because there is a secret realm in his body that can grow, and It contains chaotic vitality.

When Lou Yi tried cautiously, the outside world suddenly ushered in a terrible catastrophe. The cause of the incident came from the Ji family. They had arranged a large number of monks around the Tongtian Peak of the Yanlin Clan. It was withdrawn because of the formation of the Kunwu Alliance.

In fact, after the Lord Yanlin made a blow to the Helian Mountains and other places, it did shock the entire Zhongzhou, but this also completely stimulated Ji Guangwei, making him realize that his own strength is not enough to deal with Yanlin. This terrible existence of the Holy Lord.

So although he has reached a consensus with the entire Kunwu world, he has his own ideas. The main purpose of doing this is not to really use the power of the entire Kunwu world to fight the final battle. Use this method to temporarily avoid the forces opposing him from pulling his hind legs when he fully launches an offensive.

   Just like Tian Renyi's evaluation of this person, he is a talented evildoer, self-directed, self-centered, and uses all the resources available to achieve the goal he wants to achieve.

This is also one of the reasons why Tianren was worried that he would go crazy and lead the Kunwu world to the end of the world. Xu Wuhui chose him at the beginning because Lou Yi's growth is too slow, and Ji Guangwei is the only possibility at this moment. The people who integrate the entire Kunwu world have to say that Xu Wu was indeed right, but he was also used.

Ji Guangwei personally took the cultivators of the Ji family alliance to start an attack on Tongtian Peak. The battle was extremely fierce. This time, the investment almost emptied the entire Ji family and Luhua family. What he had to do was actually very simple. , If he wins this time, he will have the final say in Kunwujie from then on.

If he loses, then he will use the name of the alliance to recruit monks from other forces to launch a second offensive. As for resources and consumption, he can also draw directly from the forces of the alliance. After all, he has a magnificent reason. Against the Yanlin Clan, for the benefit of the entire Kunwu Realm Human Clan, even at the expense of all your own resources, as a member of the Alliance, shouldn't you give your due support for the community with a shared future for mankind...

   Ji's wide participation made the battlefield progress very smoothly. Although the three ancestors of the Ji family were all injured, he did not have any opponents before the Lord of Yanlin returned.

  Because of this, the area around Tongtian Peak was taken by the monks of the Ji Family Alliance, and their morale was like a rainbow, shouting to level the Tongtian Peak and slaughter all the Yanlin tribe.

   But their blind self-confidence changed terribly when they approached the Tongtian Peak, because they overlooked one thing, as the sacred land of the Yanlin clan, how could there be no formation barrier.

However, the Yanlin Clan’s current representative in charge of the Yanlin Sacred Land, deliberately showed the enemy in a weak manner, luring them into a fierce attack, and led them to the Tongtian Peak. Although Ji Guangwei noticed the unusual aura, he I have been here in the future, and I thought it was born this way.

It wasn't until the situation suddenly changed that he realized that he had been deceived. The army under his control suddenly began to have people self-immolation for no reason. At the beginning, the number was very small because they attacked too many people and did not cause any forces. People’s attention.

But soon, the situation began to deteriorate rapidly. People kept screaming and burned to the ashes of the car in a very short time. However, no one knew where the flame came from. This made the high morale of the army and began to steadily. fall back.

   The crowd began to panic, and more and more people died inexplicably. This greatly increased the psychological pressure and burden of these offensive people. Their offensive pace was slowed down, and they even wanted to leave this ghost place immediately.

   However, at this moment, the Yanlin clan appeared, their huge bodies, shining with golden flames, Yan Mie took the Yanlin clan elders, and directly approached Ji Guangwei and surrounded him.

Ji Guangwei is indeed very powerful now, but he has not yet reached the point where he is invincible and the world. He is only one of the most powerful cultivation bases relative to the human race in Kunwu Realm, but Yanlin is different. They are not affected by this world. Imprisoned, so the realm of cultivation is not imprisoned.

Each of these Yanlin elders has a cultivation base similar to Lingsheng and Yuansheng. If they are individually applied, they are naturally not Ji Guangwei’s opponents, but don’t forget that Yanlin has been operating here for tens of thousands of years. , How could there be only such a small number of existences that reached the level of spiritual saints.

   Ji Guangzai saw that the coalition forces were frustrated, and the first thought was not to find a way to save people, but to dislike these people as too wasteful, even if they were members of his Ji family.

When he was a little irritable, Yan Mie led people to surround him. Ji Guangwei was holding the Tianlei Promise Sword, stepping on the bronze chariot, and the supreme bronze cauldron on top of his head. With his own power, he was in contact with the huge Yanlin Elder and Yan Lin. The war has come together.

He was confident that with his cultivation base, he would still win this battle. However, he did not expect that this time the Yanlin Clan did not intend to confront him head-on, but to kill these monks who attacked Tongtian Peak as much as possible. , Let them tremble from the bottom of their hearts, never dare to come here again, buy him more time to complete the seal on Kunwu Realm.

Although Ji Guangwei’s offensive was extremely fierce, and the purple thunder continued to explode in the air, Yan Mie had a meaningful smile on his face at this time. He glanced towards the sky and said, "Brother Huang, look. Yours!"

When the voice fell, I saw a huge golden red palm print suddenly appeared in the sky. It fell as fast as it covered the sky and covered the sun. It instantly enveloped the entire battlefield. For an instant, the place enveloped by it ignited a blazing flame, and the flames began to swallow the surroundings. All of this took away a lot of monks' lives in an instant.

Ji Guangwei realized that he had been fooled. He swung the purple thunder infinity sword in his hand and drove the bronze chariot. He wanted to reopen the siege of the Yanlin clan elders, but he was blocked by the flames of the other side's Jinlin. .

"You beasts, get out of me!!!" Ji Guangwei swung his sword to the front, Jian Guang turned into a terrible thunder, and cut through the overwhelming Jinlin fire in front, but at this moment, Yan Mi took out something. Throwing it forward, it turned into a huge golden-red scale in an instant, with divine light bred on it, quite mysterious.

The thunder light of the Purple Thunder Promise Sword hit the scale, and it was filled with golden-red light, and it even swept the sword light out. Ji Guang snorted coldly, pointed his finger at the scale, and said disdainfully, "Guilty One A scale also wants to block my way? Break it to me!!!"

   A ray of bronze light shone, and only a loud noise was heard. The Supreme Bronze Cauldron instantly turned into a huge bronze cauldron, and with Ji Guangwei's power of anger, it slammed into that scale firmly.

   Yan Mie’s expression was a bit solemn, he shouted to the Yanlin clan elder beside him, "Lend your power to me, we must buy enough time for Brother Huang!!!"

A group of Yanlin clan elders nodded, and a golden figure with a palm size appeared above their heads. Then they flew towards Yan Mie and entered his body. For a moment, the breath of Yan Mie flew towards him. Rising, a greedy and expectant expression appeared on his face.

   He felt this powerful force at this moment, and dreamed of taking it as his own, but this thought only appeared for a moment, and he suppressed it...

   Yan Mie put his palm on this scale, and began to madly inject the power he obtained into this scale. The sound of dragons and tigers roared all around, and finally turned into the roar of a unicorn and resounded through the sky.

   Ji gave a cold snort and urged the Supreme Ding to hit it again. His pride made him think that his power is invincible!

   However, the result was disappointing for him. This time the bronze cauldron failed to achieve what he wanted, and was directly shocked back by the powerful force emanating from this scale, but Ji Guangwei could not give up, so he kept urging the Supreme Cauldron to attack.

The two sides are in a stalemate, and what Yan Mie wants is this effect. Yan Huang is now condescendingly looking at the human monks in the formation barrier. He has a feeling of controlling the life and death of the common people. He willfully manipulates the family. The arranged Fengtian formation massacred human monks who were panicking and scurrying around.

He likes this feeling very much, especially when he easily burns the last barrier in the opponent's heart, and the desperate expression on their faces, he has an indescribable sense of comfort, which makes him treat the formation more cruelly These Terran monks in China.

The battle turned into a slaughter in an instant, and the human monks were killed and wounded. Although Ji Guangwei went all out and finally broke the opponent's barrier, the overall situation has been determined. This time, the hundreds of thousands of monks who accompanied him are less than 100%. For one, Ji Guang's vitality was severely injured in this battle, and Ji Guang was unable to shirk the blame...

This led to a very terrible problem. The besieged Yanlin tribe got rid of the encirclement. Yan Mie asked the Yanlin tribe to take a large number of Yanlin slaves and kill them all over Zhongzhou, and even secretly sent some people to Other states touched the past, what he wanted was very simple, then he would hold back the humans and buy time for his father. ...


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