Building B

Chapter 2002: Transcendence

A dazzling sword aura whistled across the sky, scared that demon shadow swished and fell downwards, and instantly merged into Jintu's body, turning around and leaving without looking back, and at this time those Yan Lin slaves , Is still searching for the treasure of Yuqing Palace. 35xs

Jin Tu's sudden escape made them caught off guard. Even some of the hungry ghosts who were doing **** things hurriedly carried their pants and prepared to escape. However, at this moment, a figure appeared above the sky, his voice rumbling. Said, "Since it's here, stay here..."

The sword blade storm roared into the sky, and instantly turned into a sword picture covering the entire Yuqing Palace. The overwhelming sword aura flew out of the sword picture, and began to chase down the Yan Lin slaves who fled in a hurry.

This shadow in the sky, looking far away, a sword mark appeared on the center of his eyebrows, and as the sword in his hand pointed at where the opponent was, he saw a bright white light, like a light. Pass away.

He was desperately running away from Jintu, and suddenly felt locked in by a deadly energy. The moment he turned and looked to the rear, a light flashed across his head, accompanied by a mournful wailing, and Jintu's eyebrows suddenly burst open. , A shadow of blood evil struggled to escape.

But there is a white mark on the center of its eyebrows, which is spreading to the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it is completely wrapped in a very short time, and then a scream of screams resounds through the sky, and the shadow of the evil spirit bursts apart. , Turned into a rain of colorful blood, dissipated in the world.

Jin Tu's body crashed down, and an inch-sized sword hole appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and then a brilliant white sword shadow in the sky circled Jin Tu's body and turned into a light. The road returned.

At this time, a shadow appeared out of nowhere. Although she was covered with a turban, her enchanting figure still aroused the imagination of countless people, and she disappeared after the battle in the Fusang Thousand Islands. A butterfly fan without a trace.

She leaned down and looked at the corpse. When she was about to turn it into her own thing, the corpse suddenly moved. He grabbed the butterfly fan's arm, and with the other hand, he wanted to raise the blood to kill the opponent.

However, he was too weak to hold this terrible axe, and then his other hand loosened the opponent's arm weakly, blood and tears fell in Jin Tu's eyes, and it seemed that he was extremely unwilling.

To be honest, the resurrection of the corpse from the dead really scared the butterfly fans, but she was more surprised and curious. She covered her face under the veil with an intoxicating smile and muttered to herself, "The instinct to survive is actually It is commendable..."

She looked at Jintu and said, "It's a pity that all I need is a corpse, but I have a good suggestion. I will save your life, but you must promise me one condition, that is, after you die, Your soul will belong to me. If you agree, how about I save you?"

Jin Tu's body trembled slightly, the butterfly fan looked at him contentedly, licked his lips and said, "If this is the case, then I will accept it unceremoniously!"

On the other side, the person who killed the blood evil demon shadow, controlled the sword map to kill the Yan Lin slave who was in the sword map. The other party obviously knew that he was in danger, so he began to revenge wildly and vented his anger. The already riddled Yuqing Palace.

An hour later, most of the Yuqing Palace was turned into a sea of ​​flames, and all the Yanlin slaves who participated in the attack on the Yuqing Palace were all punishable. However, after this battle, the Yuqing Palace has survived in name only. Nearly 90% of its disciples died in violent deaths, and almost all of the elders and Taoists under the sect were killed. Zong.

The remaining disciples gathered around Jianzi Murongge, because now he is the only one left to truly lead the remaining people in Yuqing Palace...

The slaughter figure fell from the sky, surrounded by terrible sword aura, countless flying swords neighed and fell from the sky, those with masters returned to their respective masters, and those without masters were directly inserted into the ground of Yuqing Palace, leaving only a foot. Xu's long and short hilt and blade.

Ji Ruqing and Xue Xing, who survived the catastrophe, looked at the tall figure with sword aura, Xue Xing muttered to himself, "It's him! It's Senior Tieshan!"

At this time, Ji Ruqing's mood was extremely complicated. He looked at the sword in his hand and couldn't help biting his lips. The blood flowed down the broken lips, and his face showed an extremely unwilling look.

"What are you doing?!!!" Xue Xing looked at Ji ruthlessly exclaimed with his mouth full of blood.

"Ji ruthlessly inserted the saber that had just flown back into the ground, with only the hilt remaining exposed above the ground. He took a step and turned into a golden rainbow and shot into the distance. Xue Xing looked at the sword. Looking at the sword in his hand again, he suddenly seemed to have understood something, he also thrust the saber in his hand to the ground, and chased Ji ruthlessly away.

The Shuanghan Sword exudes luminous blue light, and it seems that he feels extremely resentful for Xue Xing's departure. Ji ruthlessly roared, venting all kinds of emotions in his heart. At this moment, Xue Xing chased him, Ji Ruqing He shouted, "What are you doing with you?! I don't need anyone to be pitiful!!!"

A look of sorrow flashed across Xue Xing's face, and he muttered to himself, "I am not pitying you, but you and I are reduced to the world at the same time..."

Ji ruthlessly stunned, and then saw the painful and tangled look on Xue Xing's face. He suddenly smiled, but the smile was even more ugly than crying. He laughed at himself and said, "Okay! It's so pitiful at the same time. Sad! Hateful!!!"

At the same time, the sword aura around Tieshan continued to converge, slowly entering his body, that brilliant white light also penetrated into his forehead and disappeared. When he regained all consciousness, he suddenly sensed something and looked towards him. Ji Ruqing and Xue Xing abandoned their swords.

A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he walked over and drew out the two swords that were stuck on the ground. He didn't recognize Ji's ruthless sword, but he felt the sadness and sword intent coming from the sword. , And he recognizes the other sword. It belongs to Xue Xing of Wen Xianlou, a younger generation who is highly valued by Lou Yi.

He felt the unwillingness from the Frost Sword. He seemed to understand something. Tieshan packed the two swords on his back, turned and looked at the only people left in Yuqing Palace, and said to them , "Are you staying here and waiting to die, or take him back to Midway City with me?"

The survivors of the Yuqing Palace, they are a group of frightened birds at this time, and some are even sobbing. The power of Tieshan makes them feel a little warm and safe. After a short period of thought, there are only less than a thousand people left in the Yuqing Palace, so they follow. Behind Tieshan, he left the sect where he had lived for most of his life, and went to take refuge in Midway City.

After that, the misfortune of Yuqing Palace quickly spread in Zhongzhou, awakening those forces who tried to protect themselves. It turned out that they were just covering their ears and stealing bells to deceive themselves. They felt like an ostrich with their head buried in the ground. If you can't see the enemy, the enemy can't see them either.

But reality woke them up severely, so they started to contact Lou Yi, willing to assist him in establishing a frontline outpost, and at the same time fully cooperate with all decisions of the Kunwu Alliance. At this time, Lou Yi also returned to Midway City. He listened to the iron Shan's expression of Yuqing Palace's battle. When he heard Jin Tu appeared and then killed, he did not know why the expression on his face was extremely complicated, but Shen Wansan seemed very happy, because the vengeance was finally avenged, but he didn't personally kill the enemy. , Still made him a little regretful.

When Tieshan handed the Frost Sword to Lou Yi, Lou Yi was obviously in a state of silence. Xue Xing's recent unusual behaviors appeared in front of his eyes. His palm touched Frost. Jian, muttered to himself, "Xing'er, what are your problems, why don't you want to tell me..."

Lou Yi held the Frost Sword, sighed silently, and said softly, "Shuanghua, am I really not suitable to be his elder, I swear I always treat him as my own son, but"


Lou Yi sighed in pain, and temporarily put away the Frost Sword. Xue Xing disappeared. Naturally it was a big event for Lou Yi. So he asked Jiang Feng to find his whereabouts near Zhongzhou. He did not take the matter away. Tell Qian Linglong that he was afraid that the other party would be worried because of this, but his move has laid a heavy foreshadowing for the future...

A few months later, the front line post was finally re-established. However, to Lou Yi's surprise, there was no movement on the Yanlin clan's side. It stands to reason that someone had set up a post at the door of their house to monitor their movements. They should act. However, they didn't do anything.

Not only them, but even Ji Guangwei's side was silent. The tightly guarded water of the entire Ji family couldn't be splashed, and the needle couldn't penetrate. Let alone inquiring about the news, even approaching became impossible.

Yuwen Wudi and others were also forced to leave the place under the jurisdiction of the Ji family and headed to the area where the Zhu family was located. After more than a month, Lou Yizheng was unable to do anything to pace back and forth in the conference hall of Midway City. Suddenly someone rushed in and said loudly, "Tell the original poster that there is an abnormality on Tongtian Peak!!!"

Upon hearing this, Lou Yi immediately went to the Star Gate set up in Midway City. After several rounds, he came to Yulin City, a frontline outpost town. He came to the top of the city and passed through the long-established detection barrier. Looking towards the Yanlin Clan's resident.

When his gaze focused on the location of Tongtian Peak, he found that a golden-red beam of light suddenly appeared on Tongtian Peak. The beam of light rose to the sky and the top was submerged in the thick clouds. The entire Yanlin clan residence was enveloped in gold. Under the red glow.

And following Lou Yi's observation, this light is continuously spreading to the surroundings. It is spreading towards the entire Zhongzhou based on Tongtian Peak. This makes Lou Yi feel uneasy. Yanlin Clan will not come up with such a hand for no reason. , They can do this blatantly, it is most likely that their layout has been completed, it is time to apportion...


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