Building B

Chapter 2028: Human and animal husbandry

Just when Song Zhong took the thousands of people to the former site of Tongtian Peak, Zhu Chongba and others also rushed to various places in Zhongzhou, because they were worried that Song Zhong would come in disorder, they also left someone ready to respond and evacuate at any time. .

Because this action is very secretive, it will not attract the attention of the Yanlin Clan in a short time. The purpose of their trip is to race against time and rescue as many mortals as possible.

But what all of them did not expect was that in just a thousand years, the city created by the Yanlin clan to house humans would be countless. This is only the area along the coast of Midway City. I really dare not dare. Think about what other regions look like today.

Zha Zheng rushed to the deserted state with the troops of the Royal Beast Palace. He wanted to see the situation in the Royal Beast Palace and the surroundings of the deserted state. Zhu Chongba took the people back to the place where the Zhu family was located, and wanted to see what the ancestors of the Zhu family had done. The Ming Dynasty was created by the Yanlin clan.

Wang Kai took Haoxuezong and the doormen of Shangyang Palace to the former site of Shangyang Palace, while Tieshan rushed to the Taiqing Palace with people. Most of the various forces adopted the same method. After all, they were nostalgic and wanted Take a look at the place where I have lived for most of my life, what is the situation now.

But what they saw along the way were the cities used to raise humans in captivity. These cities were large and small, large enough to accommodate a million people, and small enough to accommodate a hundred thousand people, in each city. There are Yanlin people stationed there.

Large towns have relatively high levels of formation barriers, so most people choose to avoid these cities. The monks will transport the rescued mortals underground to the area where Midway City is located in a similar way to Song Zhong. , And then unify them to the monks there, and send them back to Beizhou in batches.

In special times, talents are the most important wealth. After all, when the Kunwu realm was at peace, the sects also used this method to select people who can cultivate from among the mortals, but now the situation is special and there is not much time. Let them gradually improve, so most of the various forces use their own means to promote those who are qualified to cultivate as soon as possible.

Even so, there are still more times when there is no response, because the Yanlin clan is growing at an alarming rate. They rely on engulfing captive humans to speed up their cultivation, and at the same time reproduce uncontrollably in Zhongzhou.

In the past few hundred years, the frequency of the Yanlin tribe’s travels to and from the four states outside has increased, and the scale has increased gradually. Although the human race is also struggling to contend with it, the great mountain of the Lord Yanlin Always pressed on the body makes them always jealous, always feeling overwhelmed, and feeling breathless.

Song Zhong and others have repeatedly challenged the Lord of Yanlin, but they all ended in failure. No one can contend for its Tianlin Fire, because the energy level difference between the two is too large, and it can barely be invented by Wang Kai and Mingxin. The [遁空符] escaped, but in the end he still failed to escape the fate of failure.

And every defeat means that a large number of monks are going to die. Therefore, in the following hundreds of years, the frequency of fighting has become lower and lower, and even many forces no longer organize personnel to resist. They are like evading. Hiding in the dungeons and waiting to survive.

This time some of them were unwilling to follow Zhu Chongba and others to come here, but could not resist the cold eyes of others, and finally chose to come here, but they came here only with the big army. , In essence, is no different from hiding in a dungeon.

Because the Taiqing Palace is close to Midway City, Tieshan took the lead to reach the destination. In his eyes, the Taiqing Palace has now been turned into a ruin. The original lofty mountains are now completely gone. Instead, it is a very huge city. .

Next to Tieshan are the monks and elders who survived the academy and the Taiqing Palace, plus the people from Wenxianlou. This time Wang Zhen came here with him, and there was Li Chuang.

Li Chuang came here for the purpose of investigating Lou Yi’s traces. He always believed that his boss would not die like that. For thousands of years, he has been annoying why he didn’t take part in the battle of Tongtian Peak. If you were there, maybe the boss wouldn't do anything.

Of course, these are all his own wishful thinking. Although he did not participate in this war, he also knows the result of this war, because he has also personally faced the Lord of Yanlin. In his eyes, the opponent is really invincible. .

For so many years, he has been forcing himself to improve his cultivation, and at the same time, his prosthetic limbs have also taken on a new look. Now the prosthetic limbs on his left arm and left leg look like they are covered with a layer of lin armor. This is Huo Yan himself. The unicorn arm built for it, even the core used for the drive, is made from the inner alchemy of the Yanlin clan elder.

Now he uses his own cherry spear, and can even release the fire of the Jinlin that is exactly the same as the Yanlin clan. The power is very powerful, and this arm and left leg also allows him to resist the flame attacks of the Yanlin clan, and is even more able to ignore it. In the strange environment around him, even fighting in this ghost climate with his current prosthetic limbs can increase his combat effectiveness several times.

"What do you think?" Tieshan stopped and asked the other two people around him.

"Look at a fart, just kill in and do it!" Li Chuang shouted, staring.

"I agree with Uncle Li's suggestion!" Wang Zhen nodded aside.

Tieshan looked at the two of them and grinned, "Then do it!"

A light flashed in Tieshan's hand, and the giant **** sword fell into his hand. He said to the two people around him, "I'll clear the way, you are responsible for cleaning up!"

"Okay! Go on!" the two said in unison.

Tieshan took a deep breath, and the giant sword in his hand vibrated slightly, and then an invisible sword light flashed away, hitting the formation barrier built on the side of Taiqing Palace, causing the formation to be disturbed. Concussion ripples.

"What are you doing? Didn't you do it like this?!!!" Li Chuang exclaimed, staring.

But Tieshan didn't care about this. The sword in his hand began to vibrate violently, and a strong sword aura suddenly enveloped the sword body. At this moment, the Yanlin tribe members who were alarmed began to vibrate from everywhere. He rushed over to see what caused the shock of the formation, but at this moment, a very terrifying sword aura slashed out, directly eliminating the formation enchantment and the Yanlin people who were close to it.

Li Chuang poked his teeth and said, "You call it an open road? Are you calling it a pot end, okay?"

Tieshan shrugged and didn't speak, but at this moment Wang Zhen went straight to the gap in the formation cut by the giant **** sword, and Li Chuang yelled anxiously, "Fuck, little bunny, don't patronize yourself. Leave some for Lao Tzu, so I can’t eat the meat and drink the soup~!"

Li Chuang rushed in immediately, and then the monks behind Tieshan filed in, all entering the great city built in the Taiqing Palace, but at this moment Tieshan looked up at the sky and seemed to feel something, he Holding the sword in both hands, he muttered to himself, "Come on, let me see, how big a gap is between us..."

But soon a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, because the target he was waiting for did not appear. Tieshan dashed into the city. At this time, Li Chuang and Wang Zhen were searching for the target. About half an hour later, The monks here began to transfer the mortals through the underground passage, and at the same moment Song Zhong finally returned to Midway City with the thousands of people.

After that, Midway City became extremely lively, arguing, questioning, swearing, and even mocking voices clamored, but at this moment, the special talismans that had sneaked into the body of this group of people appeared one by one. , And flew up into the sky to arrange in a row, and then they emitted a crimson light, projecting the facts witnessed by these mortals directly into the minds of the mortals below.

After a while, all the noisy and chaotic voices disappeared, and a patch of people sat down on the ground in Midway City. Their legs trembled uncontrollably, muttering like a nightmare, "How could this be? How could it be? what......"

There is no doubt in front of the facts, these images are like they have witnessed with their own eyes, recording all the things that happened and witnessed during the process of wearing the Yanlin amulet to returning to Midway City.

There are many crying people in the crowd. They simply cannot accept this cruel reality. The things passed down from generation to generation have all collapsed and it also made them understand that what they believed in before Everything they worship is nothing more than a dream made up for them by the other party.

What sacrifices and dedications are nothing more than rations for the fruits of their lives. The guardians of the saints of the masters are just more advanced souls. They originally believed that they were the only surviving human race in Kunwu realm, and they were responsible for reproduction. But now I find that more and more mortals are sent here from all over the place, how can they persist.

It turns out that their efforts from generation to generation are only to provide rations to these monsters who know people and do not know their hearts. They are like domestic animals that have been raised. When the other party is hungry, they will make great sacrifices and sacrifices from somewhere. The reason is to bring them in front of each other and be eaten as food, and the corpses left after being eaten are discarded on that terrible peak of bones. Is there anything more angry and desperate than this?

Although they were just mortals, after they learned the truth, their emotions became extremely angry. Of course, many mortals still expressed doubts about these images. They did not believe the evidence provided by outsiders such as Song Zhong.

But in the face of more and more mortals being sent here, seeing more and more humans who look like them appear in front of them, these people do not have the mark of the holy race, but they can still fly into the sky. The breath exuding from the body is just and brave, it is not the demonic aura rumored by the so-called saints, these are gradually changing their perception.

However, there are still some people who are stubborn, and the way to treat them is actually very simple. Just take them to witness it with your own eyes, but this is just an excuse. In the end, the fate of these people is unknown. After all, mortals The number is huge, and these people are stubborn, obviously there is no cure...

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