Building B

Chapter 2037: 10 party access

Although Ji Guangwei’s method was extreme, it did make him advance all the way. Before the Yanlin Holy Master did not stop him, the Yanlin tribe had no way to stop him, and the purple-green Promise Sword drew a brilliant light in the air. Arc, slashed a giant sky beast from the sky.

To this day, the unique unicorn fire of the Yanlin tribe can no longer be used by Ji Guangwei. Even the fire of the Jinlin tribe displayed by the elders of the Yanlin tribe can hardly be effective under its terrifying speed and killing.

The Yanlin clan tried to form a formation to trap him, and first cleared the Ji family alliance he led, but unfortunately the Ji family’s core combat power, headed by Ji Kong and others, even formed a large formation to correspond to it. Standing in one position, one person set up the Jiuding Great Formation in the shape of nine ranks, and a bronze cauldron hung above them, which was the nine supreme cauldrons that the Ji family originally had.

Every supreme cauldron releases terrible pressure, which makes the monstrous flames lose their power in front of them. Among the nine people, Ji Kong is not the eye, but Ji Chong is the core of urging the formation. .

Ji Chong felt the endless imperial aura and injected it into his body, giving him a kind of grandeur and grandeur of the heaven and the earth. With a look of excitement on his face, he waved the sword in his hand and killed all that appeared in his eyes. Enemy.

However, it was precisely because they rushed so fast and too eagerly that people from all over Zhongzhou all gathered towards their location. Lu Ruogu personally brought his research results for nearly a thousand years to stop Ji Guang. For the advancement.

The two met in the air, Ji Guangwei deliberately released his own strength, and asked contemptuously, "Do you regret it?"

Lu Ruogu calmly looked at him and said, "In my opinion, you are nothing but you! If you count it, the dead kid is much better than you, but it's a pity..."

When Ji Guangwei heard the other party’s evaluation of him, he immediately snorted coldly, flicked his hand and shot out a thunder light from the Purple Promise Sword, and went straight to Lu Ruogu’s head, but at this moment, Lu Ruogu touched his finger. Now He is full of clever mechanisms. He is not so much a human as he is a puppet that looks like a human, with colorful lights shining on his fingers, and a strange puppet appeared beside him. .

There was a loud bang, thunder light flew in all directions, a dark monster blocked Ji Guangwei’s cut. It was like a ball up and down, covered with scales as large as a ruler, and its body radiated. With an astonishing **** evil spirit, his body suddenly swelled after coming out, turning into a small flesh and blood puppet with a height of hundreds of meters.

This is the flesh and blood puppet specially modified by Lu Ruogu through the evil blood corpse. They are fearless and painless. As long as they give orders, when they do not take back, they will desperately kill the enemy, consume their flesh and blood, and transform into themselves. the power of.

Ji Guang was surprised that he hadn't split the clever puppet with his sword. He coldly snorted Ziqing Wuji and made a piercing sword sound. Then Ji Guangwei cut forward again, but at this moment, the blood Lin Mou suddenly spread his arms forward, and blood-colored shields emerged one after another, blocking the direction where the Ziqing Promise Sword came from, layer by layer.

This time Ji Guang became serious, but his attack was still blocked by these flesh and blood puppets, which made him very annoyed, but Lu Ruogu said at this time, "They will be killed by you, I have something else. I won’t be with you here..."

After that, Lu Ruogu turned and left, Ji Guangwei frowned sharply and yelled at him, "Want to go, dream!!!"

His figure suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, chasing Lu Ruogu, but at this moment, the space suddenly distorted, and a vortex emerged. Ji Guang could not escape and was directly sucked in. When he appeared again, he had already Appeared above Hong Yuan, and was very far away from his previous position.

"Asshole, damn!!!" Ji Guangwei's angry roar echoed above Hong Yuan. He once again turned into a flash of lightning and whizzed towards the family's location, because the speed was too fast, which caused the space. distortion.

For Ji Guangwei today, this little trick is actually useless. He can use the method of shifting to return to the place where he was just now, but he is angry at the moment because he was given by Lu Ruogu. Shit...

On the other side, Zhu Chongba and Yun Shang and others acted separately. Although this method is very time-consuming, it can provide extremely safe protection for the follow-up personnel. Ji's method is too extreme. If the attack is not smooth, it is very likely. Being rounded up by the enemies behind, although they possess Ji Guangwei's top combat effectiveness, if the Flame Lin Sage Master appears, he will also be restrained by him.

For more than a thousand years when the Yanlin tribe occupied Zhongzhou, Ji Guangwei did not know the momentum of development. Ji Guangwei’s defiance might make him suffer unimaginable setbacks, but these forces in the Kunwu Alliance over the years, Almost every moment they are fighting wits and courage with these guys, they are familiar with everything about each other, which is not available in the Ji Family Alliance, which has disappeared for thousands of years.

Tieshan and others led a group of people to advance in a carpet-like manner, and behind were the team that carried the luggage and the team responsible for the investigation. Jiang Feng, Zhang Shun, and Chirk occupied the ground, Hongyuan and the sky, respectively. The Dragon Guard, Shadow Secret Guard, and Crushed Stone Golden Carving Guard, each launched an action to clean up the remaining enemy forces, take precautions, and wipe out the enemy's backhands in advance.

It is also because of their care that Lu Ruogu gave up on their side and turned to stop Ji Guangwei from advancing with all his strength. He actually set traps in various places as early as the beginning of the battle, which can be described as ambush on all sides. There are traps everywhere.

However, under the continuous sweep of these reconnaissance units, they were removed little by little, and the Yanlin clan and Yanlin slaves of the Kunwu Alliance that were used to block them were vulnerable to the greatly increased strength of Tieshan and others.

Because the offensive method was too extravagant, they couldn’t surround them like Ji Guangwei, and if they were alone, Tieshan, Zhu Chongba, Wang Kai and others are not Yanlin clan at all. What the elders can stop.

Coupled with the command of Qi Jiguang, Chang Yuchun, Yuwen Invincible and Liming, his subordinates are like a rainbow, stepping on the corpses of the Yanlin clan and Yanlin slaves to play triumph, not only destroying the front line of the Yanlin clan to resist the coalition forces, It rescued countless mortals more indirectly.

These mortals were sent to safe places in batches for temporary resettlement, because the number was too much. It is now during the war period, and there is no way to safely send them all to the states. But precisely because of Zhu Chongba’s suggestion, Only these mortals can pass freely in the rear. They don't have to worry about the enemy suddenly coming out from a corner, and they don't have to worry about falling into a trap set by the enemy while walking.

They can choose the escape route at will and return to the safe rear. There is also a troop in the rear, which provides them with a place to rest, and at the same time provides them with plenty of food and water, so that they will not walk because of dryness. Thirsty and hungry, throwing his own life on the way to escape.

After Shen Wanqi's death, Peng Lu finally took over his position, and his original position was handed over to Li Zhongxia, and at the same time Qian Fu took over the things that connected the states. The three were closely linked together. A large number of resettlement points were set up on the road, and these mortal people who were still in shock were led to the resettlement points for resettlement. After they calmed down a little, they were transferred out through the underground passage.

A large number of Yuanyuan boats stopped on the coast of Hongyuan, surrounded by the dragon guards that Lou Yi had cultivated at the beginning. These big guys made sure that nothing appeared within thousands of miles around, and escorted these boats. The mortal headed towards the states.

No one can predict the final result of this war, but some things have to find a way out in advance. This is not a cowardly performance, but a way for oneself in everything, and a little hope. If they fail, There will also be future generations who will continue to succeed. In such a long history of Kunwu Realm, such things have happened too many times. This may be the way mankind fights against destiny.

When your weak enemies are incomparably powerful, you cannot defeat them with brute force alone. Wisdom and planning are needed. The place where the human race emerged at the beginning was so weak and sad, it was just the plaything of the **** race and the food of the monster race. .

It was through little accumulation and forbearance that the human race finally got rid of the enslavement of the powerful protoss and the fate of being killed by the monster race for food. They began to develop rapidly until they occupied a place in this world. All races no longer ignore the rights of the human race Let all races no longer kill the human race unscrupulously.

Although there are still many worlds and even small worlds with the same fate as Kunwu, the tenacity and wisdom of the human race allows them to retain the fire of hope even in the most difficult moments. As long as the human race is still there, there is hope to be able to Rebelling against fate is the main reason why the human race can prosper.

Ji Guangwei’s arrogance made him pay a painful price for this. The Ji family alliance under his command was surrounded when he was teleported away, and a large number of Blood Fiend puppets were thrown into the crowd from the air. At the same time, there were terrifying ingenious organs that kept shooting deadly crossbow arrows from the dark. A large number of monks had paid their lives before they figured out what had happened.

For a time, the battlefield was full of sorrows, and Ji Chong, as the controller of the Supreme Jiuding Formation, turned a blind eye to his own people who were suffering. He only shrouded the Jiuding Formation on his family, which caused many people to have a chance to survive, but In the end, I could only watch the hope shattered, and the puppets who subsequently exploded took their lives.

Maybe at the moment before their lives pass away, they will regret choosing to follow Ji Guangwei, but the road is chosen by themselves, and the fate has long been doomed, the blame is on their own, no one else...

In a short period of time, the cultivators of the Ji Family Alliance received a devastating blow. Before Ji Guangwei rushed back, the number was reduced by as much as 50%. However, Ji Guangwei seemed to have no reaction to the death of these people. After cleaning up the flesh and blood puppets participating in the scene, he took the rest of the people and continued to rush towards the Tongtian Peak, but his face was like rice paper smeared with thick ink, and the black one could grab ink.

The difference from the Ji Family Alliance is that the Kunwu Alliance has played triumphant songs on all roads, advancing like a broken bamboo, and now all roads are smooth, and all roads are open.

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