Building B

Chapter 2042: Secret Realm

Tieshan stood with his hand in his hand and gave the rest to the people below. He took the initiative to meet him, wanting to see the eldest brother who had been missing for so long, but suddenly came to him today, what he wanted to do.

Qin Hai saw Tieshan take the initiative to greet him, his facial expression cheeks twitched violently, his hands quickly clenched and loosened, as if he was engaged in a very big psychological struggle, whether he wanted a brother or a family. It is too difficult to choose.

Tieshan looked much flattered. He expected that his eldest brother would appear not just for reminiscence, otherwise it would not be possible to meet at this time, and he still came out of the Ji family, he must have a special purpose.

At this moment, the sword print on his body was flashing light, as if to warn himself, be careful of the person opposite, but Tieshan speeded up and rushed forward, and without Qin Hai reacting, he hugged the opponent fiercely, and then Said, "Big Brother!"

An orange-yellow aura suddenly appeared on the two of them. It was a very special talent. When Qin Hai and the Tieshan brothers met, they also appeared once, but now they have long been cultivated. The difference is different, so this orange-yellow light group becomes extremely thick, and is not peeped by outsiders.

Qin Hai obviously did not anticipate this scene. He was ordered here to provoke a battle between the two sides, pretending that the brothers knew each other, and on the way back, he was deliberately seriously injured or even killed in anger, so that Ji Chong would have an excuse to revive Tieshan. Asking for guilt, and with Tieshan’s current status in Thousand Chance City, Thousand Chance City will definitely not stand idly by. At that time, Ji Chong will have reason to start a war based on this ground. Even if his third brother Ji Kong wants to stop him, his People are still enough to muddy this pool.

At that time, Ji Kong will have to fight even if he does not want to fight, because he has no choice. When the time comes to wipe out these guys in the Kunwu Alliance, the ancestors will definitely appreciate him when he comes back, and his position will be completely consolidated. This was Ji Chong's plan, because he was an adventurous person.

But when this light group appeared, Qin Hai knew his inner thoughts, but Tieshan still only hugged him, because this is his only relative in this world, he is not a person with rich feelings, even He was facing Lou Yi, and he just let it go, and didn't express his opinion very much.

This lost brotherhood of Qin Hai seemed precious at this time. The sword is ruthless but the sword also has the heart. The heart of the person who uses the sword represents the power of the sword in his hand. A person with a cruel heart, the sword in his hand. It was also icy cold, and the sword of the hearted man had a god. This was Tieshan's enlightenment in Taiqing Palace, and it was also an important opportunity for him to condense the sword heart.

Qin Hai struggled, but couldn't break Tieshan's embrace. He sighed and said, "You already know the purpose of my coming here, let go..."

"Brother, you have worked hard all these years!" Tieshan didn't listen to his words, but still hugged him. Qin Hai sighed heavily. At this time, Tieshan felt the hot and humid moisture falling on his shoulders. The sea cried...

"I'm sorry for you and the host!!!" Qin Hai cried and said.

Under Tieshan’s sincere feelings, Qin Hai seemed to finally let go of the shackles in his heart. The balance in his heart fell to his brother, and he decided to tell Tieshan everything, and hoped that Tieshan would take the Qin family’s Clan people, brought out from that devilish place.

He told Tieshan one thing, and that was what Ji Guangwei had done over the past millennia. It turned out that after Ji Guangwei had failed in the battle, he had already made arrangements for the future. He secretly issued a frenzied order. , And Qin Hai was one of those who executed the order.

Ji Guangwei ordered them to bring all the mortals from all over Zhongzhou back to Ji's house, and severely warned everyone that no one should disclose the slightest noise, so every day there will be a large number of people coming in and out of Ji's house. Thousands of mortals were brought into Ji's house and sent to the back mountain forbidden area of ​​Ji's house.

Qin Hai looked at Tieshan excitedly, and shouted in grief, "Do you know what they have done to these mortals?!!!"

Tieshan looked at him soothingly and said, "Brother, don't be so excited, speak slowly..."

He felt Qin Hai's body trembling violently, so he released his hand and watched Qin Hai holding his head, crying bitterly and said, "They made these mortals into wine!!!"

Tieshan was stunned, because it sounded too unbelievable. Using mortals to make wine is too weird. Qin Hai looked at Tieshan with doubts on his face, so he went on...

He told Tieshan that after these mortals were sent to the Forbidden Area of ​​Houshan, they were all handed over to the grandson family, and the grandson family administered needles to these mortals. After the needles were administered, the mortals would become delirious and then be taken away. In the inner position, he did not see what happened in the end, but he heard the sounds of praise from the depths of the forbidden ground. These sounds were very strange and were not made by normal people.

Qin Hai told Tieshan that in order to control them, Ji Guangwei asked them to send their family into the Forbidden Area of ​​Houshan, and asked them to watch their family members and walk into a cracked gap. And that gap is like a dark mouth, exuding a frightening breath.

Ji Guangwei told all of them that if you want your family to be safe, you must bring back enough mortals every day. He didn't tell Qin Hai what they wanted these mortals to do, but just told them to keep arresting people everywhere.

And for the mass disappearance of mortals, all the responsibility was ultimately placed on the Yanlin Clan. No one would have thought that Ji Guangwei, as the leader of the Kunwu Alliance, would act so cruelly. This incident continued until Ji Guangwei ordered them. Stop it.

At that time, the Patriarch of the Sun family, Sun Siyao, tried to prevent Ji Guangwei from doing this, but Ji Guangwei cut it in half in front of all the grandchildren. He even threatened the grandchildren if anyone wanted to follow the grandchildren. Like Yao, you can stand in front of him.

In the end, the Sun family chose to compromise. After that, Ji Guangwei took all of them into the terrifying secret realm together. Only at that moment did he understand why the other party wanted them to catch mortals. the reason.

After entering the secret realm, the first thing I saw was a huge statue, which was carved by Ji Guangwei himself. It stands in the center of the secret realm. The size of this secret realm is not particularly large, about the size of three or four states. , But the period was full of mortals.

There is a palace suspended in the sky above the secret realm. This palace is the building like a heavenly palace that Building B and the others saw in Ji's house. It is now on the outstretched palm of the statue, exuding gold The brilliance.

From any angle on the ground, you can see the mortals who bow down. They keep bowing to the statue and chanting the Ji family's merits mechanically. Qin Hai didn't understand the meaning of this at the time, but when the sky fell After the golden light rain, Qin Hai found that these mortals were emitting weak golden light.

As they continued to chant, the golden light on their bodies gradually enveloped their bodies. When the golden light completely enveloped the bodies of some of them, they would fly into the sky involuntarily, and this was the beginning of evil.

Qin Hai and the monks were taken to the imperial palace of the Ji family, where they met their families. The imperial palace was bigger than everyone thought, like a real imperial city, except for the core area belonging to the Ji family. Apart from residence, all other areas are now allocated to other monk families.

Qin Hai told Tieshan that the members of the Qin family were still in the Imperial Palace. He asked Tieshan to remove the Qin family from the devil anyway. He didn't want to see that terrible scene again... ..

Under Tieshan’s questioning, Qin Hai finally told the nightmare in his heart. He told Tieshan how Ji Guangwei used mortals to make wine. They first used silver needles to mess up the mortal spirits, and then instilled them into each other. A piece of mind, the whole content of this mind, is for their unconditional dedication, even their soul.

It is this extremely evil mind that makes the previous scene happen to those mortals, and those mortals who fly into the imperial palace will be taken to a huge lotus pond, in which a kind of tense is born. The huge golden lotus, with six lotus flowers, exudes dazzling golden light.

However, Qin Hai felt that under the dazzling golden light, it was an extremely cold and evil aura. Finally, the mortals who lost their minds automatically walked into the lotus pond. At this time, the golden lotus suddenly became The color of pitch black, they have bleeding pots and mouths, swallowing all the mortals that enter.

After only a few moments, they turned into golden lotus flowers again, but in the empty lotus pond, there were suddenly many golden lotus seeds. Qin Hai saw Ji Guangwei take out these lotus seeds and brought them there. In the imperial palace, here Ji Guangwei brags to them a way to quickly improve cultivation.

Here Qin Hai saw a Jiu Zun Ding, its shape was like a cow, but the facial patterns of various divine beasts were painted all over the The gluttony was branded on its body. The animal pattern, from its upload, is not a strange aura of unknown debut.

Qin Hai didn't know what it was, but the moment Ji Guangwei opened it, a pungent **** smell overflowed. The other party triumphantly told everyone that he wanted to use these mortals to make wine and boasted Xiahaikou said that as long as they drink this wine, they will never forget its lusciousness.

Qin Hai told Tieshan that he could hardly control his charge at the time, but for the safety of his family, he finally chose to compromise like those people. The moment Ji Guangwei threw the lotus seeds into the wine pot, there was There were wailing sounds, but Ji Guangwei admired the sounds with a look of intoxication, and then closed the lid of Jiu Zun.

About half an hour later, there was a strange fragrance in the wine statue, accompanied by a faint **** smell, Ji Guangwei called everyone to the front, and the moment the wine statue was opened, the wine was as slow as blood. Flow out slowly.

Ji Guangwei took out a bronze wine cup and drank it one by one in front of all of them. Qin Hai noticed that after drinking this wine, Qin Hai noticed that Ji Guangwei's breath seemed to be It was weakly strengthened by one point, and then other people started to taste the blood-like liquor with the idea of ​​trying it.

As Ji Guangwei said, it is indeed difficult for them to give up this wine, not because of its deliciousness, but because of the leap-like realm improvement it brings. There are also people who do not drink this wine voluntarily like him, but But unable to defy the opponent's order, in the end, he could only choose to compromise.

They drank this wine every day for more than a thousand years. The dense mortals under the statue eventually turned into a red wine. Qin Hai said that his emotions could no longer be controlled here, and he begged for iron. After Shan must have rescued the Qin family members, he turned and left.

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