Building B

Chapter 2077: Breath of Shura

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Lou Yi's consciousness began to blur. He witnessed the joint battle between the two emperors of Yan and Huang, and the process of sealing this peculiar Zhu Wei. Perhaps the people of later generations only remember the two emperors of Yan and Huang, Banquan. The battle, but never witnessed the two emperors teamed up to seal the battle of Zhu Wei.

After that, the two Emperors of Yan and Huang were reconciled. Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang were promoted to immortals one after another. The two clan of Yan and Huang have since merged into one. However, there are also some members of the Lieshan clan who do not like to be ruled by the Xiong clan, which is the later Xuanyuan clan, so they hide. Entering the Saturn Mountain Range, he could not escape from the world, and continued to live a primitive and simple life.

Under the leadership of countless sages, the Yan and Huang clan fought against fate. The ancient three emperors were pioneers and the five gods were the cornerstones that led the human race to prosperity. Lou Yi's consciousness slowly returned to the original world, but he was leaving. Before, I clearly saw the two Emperors Yan and Huang looking at his location at the same time, and the two emperors nodded at him at the same time.

Lou Yi felt flattered, but when he wanted to say something, he disappeared into this world. He slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the familiar bronze pillar, but the gold on the bronze pillar. The seal script has lost its light, and they have also become quiet. Only the bronze chain that binds the huge heart is still making noises.

Lou Yi felt the power of his bloodline soared, and his whole body was full of power. He looked at all this in surprise, thinking about what happened to him in reality when he witnessed the Battle of Yan and Huang.

His mental power began to look at himself, but he found that his blood was more than three times wider, the flow of blood also increased, and his heart jumped vigorously, making a loud sound like a drum, Boom! Boom! Boom! ! !

The kiss of gluttonous kiss had calmed down, Lou Yi looked at the god-shooting arrow in his hand, and saw that the symbol imprinted on it had disappeared. It became lifeless again, but just in case, he still chose to continue holding it.

Looking around, the sea of ​​blood has gradually calmed down, as if nothing had happened, but he still hadn’t found Tieshan’s whereabouts. Disappointed, he decided to leave here first, because he already knew that he was sealed here. Who the **** is it?

In the original battle, this Zhu Nai was really too strong. He is now glad that he is still alive. Lou Yi just moved upward against the bronze pillar, slowly moving away from the sea of ​​blood below and Zhu's disgusting beast. That heart.

But at this moment, in the huge heart that was entangled in layers, a ray of breath suddenly appeared, which is exactly the same breath that Lou Yi felt in the mark on Zhu Wei’s forehead, which is strange. Yes, the bronze pillar didn't even react to it at all, letting it approach silently, and enveloped Lou Yi's body.

But just when it was about to succeed, Lou Yi suddenly turned around, his eyes exuding extremely sharp gaze, and an eye emerged from the center of his brow, which was staring at the breath.

They are like dead enemies for generations and generations, and this eye is the knife eye of the Conferred Swordsman, and that breath is the culprit that it and the owner who created it, and the people in this world, call it It is King Asura.

Every time it appears means a catastrophe sweeping the world. It is neither god, nor devil, nor demon, nor spirit, nor spirit, nor strange nor human. No one knows its origin, and no one can To eliminate it, it is like a nightmare shrouded in this vast world. Even the transcendent saints are helpless and can only seal it together.

However, this method can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. The long years will not make it weak. Although the powerful seal will imprison it, as the years pass, it will gradually be broken away by its increasingly powerful force. No one knows how it got out of trouble, and no one knows how it acquired that terrifying power.

Thousands of years have passed since the last war of extinction. There are very few people who have experienced that war. Years have not been able to destroy King Asura, but have sent countless races that fought against it into the cycle of reincarnation. Perhaps only the saints still remember the original battle, but the number of saints is really too small...

Every time King Asura appeared, it was accompanied by a terrible omen. Every time it appeared, there was a terrible power that could overthrow the entire world. Even now, the saints did not take it lightly. They ventured into the chaotic universe. , Looking for an opportunity to resist the next catastrophe, their cultivation base has reached a bottleneck, and only relying on the innate treasure born in the chaos can resist King Asura's extinction.

However, the innate treasure is so rare, not to mention that it has a great relationship with the transcendence into the sacred. There are many people who have cultivated the Dadala Jinxian. If you find the treasure of Hunyuan, you can comprehend the path of the universe and find the opportunity of sanctification. It is known that all the gods, gods, monsters, spirits and monsters are all eager for it, and the birth of this treasure depends on the secret of the sky, and the secret of the sky cannot be revealed, and the innate treasure cannot be traced to its location, even if it is obtained, if the other party is not willing to expose it , There is no way to track it down, here is the reason why the Fengshen Sword General in Lou Yi's hands has not been discovered.

Time is fate for mortals, but for the monks on the path of immortality, it is just a number, a hundred years or a thousand years, but it will only take a moment. It is even said that a retreat with great power is one hundred thousand or even one million. year.

The vicissitudes of life are just a passing moment for them, and they want to cultivate further, no matter how boring, no matter how dangerous, one step of sanctification is the culmination, otherwise they are still ants, and such ants are in this world. China is more than trillions.

But even so, every time the asura king appears, it foreshadows the end of an era, and the world’s creatures will not exist, and then a new round of reincarnation will begin. Only the most powerful race can survive the catastrophe. This is why the dragons, gods, and monsters have survived until now.

However, this round of catastrophe has not yet begun, and the Human Race has already been preparing for the rainy day. From being created, enslaved, and slowly taking control of its own destiny, the Human Race has gone through the efforts of countless sages to achieve today's achievements.

However, the Human Race has no experience in dealing with this level of global catastrophe, and many human races have already speculated that a new round of catastrophe is very likely to come in this era, and the Human Race will face this catastrophe. 's arrival

At this time, Lou Yi didn’t know what he was encountering. His current spirit was controlled by the Fengshen Swordsman, because he himself couldn’t compete with this breath of Shura, a secret that countless people couldn’t break. Building B broke through accidentally.

The reason why King Asura was able to break through the shackles was the breath of Shura that he spread out. He used this power to seduce other creatures and make them serve himself. King Asura's power comes from all negative emotions.

Anxiety, tension, anger, frustration, sadness, and pain are the sources of King Asura’s strength. These negative emotions and even desires fill the entire world. By absorbing these negative energies, he continuously strengthens himself, and then Break through the seal laid by the sanctuary and once again turn the entire universe into purgatory.

The four fierce beasts of the ancient ancient times, gluttonous, 梼杌, chaos, and Qiongqi were the monsters created by the breath of Shura, and the place where Lou Yi is now, the weird Zhu Weibing, is also the breath of Shura. Monsters coming out.

They have a common characteristic, that is, immortality, no one can destroy them, no one knows the reason, but now this secret is exposed in Lou Yi unconsciously, when the breath of Shura was abandoned When Zhu Wei, who was sealed here, wanted to enter Lou Yi's body, the beating Zhu Wei's heart began to decay and wither.

The entire Boneless City began to vibrate violently. The Asura's Breath did not expect that a small human would hide such a huge secret. It wanted to escape from this place, and inform the other Asura's Breath that was scattered outside, and then come. Encircle and suppress Building B together.

But Fengshen Sword General's divine eyes had locked on it, and a white light flashed between them, and this wisp of Shura's breath was slashed, an unwilling roar came from the air, and then everything fell into dead silence.

The Fengshen Zhanjiang carefully searched the surroundings. After finding that there was no remaining Shura's breath, he opened a rift in this space and took Building B away from this place. Then the entire space collapsed, burying everything here. Lost.

In the world above, because of the loss of Shura's breath, Zhu's tired souls could no longer withstand the destruction of the years, and eventually it swallowed everything and burst apart.

The Boneless City was completely destroyed as a result, terrifying energy swept all around, all the bones shattered and died, countless souls were detached, they made a whistling sound and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Lou Yi was sent out of this bone city, and all of this was without his knowledge, but the matter did not end because of this, because people from the Dread Crow Dark Feather tribe are waiting outside at this moment. Suddenly, there was an abnormal change in Gubo City, which immediately caused a vibration in the entire flame lizard world, and the great powers of all races turned their attention to this place.

The horror here is deeply impressed by the strict teachings of the elders of the family. It is said that there is a great horror in this bone-wearing city. Even the most powerful race of the year cannot escape the doom of death. They can or come back. He kept his mouth silent and didn't dare to say a word to the outside world. It was like a pair of invisible eyes were staring at them. As long as they moved this idea, they would immediately die on the spot.

There was once a strong man from the Zhanli clan. After 100,000 years, he thought that the matter was over and wanted to make the secrets of Miguchi City public, but he just moved his thoughts and was immediately pumped. The soul was stripped of its marrow and died, and its family also died overnight without a single escape.

The scene it encountered made those survivors even more dare not to speak, so the secret was kept, which shrouded all races like a nightmare, making them cruel and ruthless towards Boneless City. Fear, but greed is instinct. They are extremely curious about what is in Boneless City. After all, the terrible danger is often accompanied by chance.

Now, there is a sudden violent explosion in Boneless City, the entire Bone City collapses, and countless dead souls are freed. This means that someone has broken this Boneless City, then who will it be?

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