Building B

Chapter 2088: Iron Mountain Arrives

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Lou Yi's words caused the Crow Crow people who surrounded him to look at each other. From their eyes, they could see their desire at this time. Obviously, there was nothing more serious in their hearts than the problem of bloodline talent.

"Don't listen to this guy's slanderous words, he is lying!" Fear screamed.

"Do I know if I just try it, who dare to try?" Lou Yi said, looking around.

There was a lot of discussion around them, they wanted to try it, but because of the fear of words just now, they were also afraid that there would be problems with the pill. Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a childish voice spoke. Said, "Can I try it?"

Everyone cast their gazes down, and saw a small child standing on the top of a ghost tree below. Lou Yi did not know how the children of the demon clan distinguished the age, although he brought it out with his own hands. Three dragons, but the true age of these three dragons is unknown.

Just like the candle salamander nowadays, it will be very huge when it is on its own, but now when it is wrapped around its neck, it is only as long as a ruler, and it looks like a half-large lizard.

This child of the Crow Crow tribe looks abnormally thin, but his eyes are very bright. The feathers on his body are stained with a lot of dirt and the like. It seems that he is not doing well. When you see When it happened, he immediately yelled, "What nonsense, go back quickly!"

The child of the Crow Crow was very stubborn. It shook its head abruptly, looked at the fear, and said, "Leader, my family has all died in Boneless City. Now I am the only one left. Even if I eat this If the medicine is dead, it will be faster to reunite with my family. Let me try it!"

The Dinosaur tribesmen all around looked at Dinosaur. From their eyes, they can see that they hope Dinosaur can win. For the entire monster race, the survival of the fittest is an iron law. Yaozu can violate.

However, I was very hesitant. Lou Yi guessed that maybe this child of the Arow tribe was only afraid of something to do with it, but in the end I was still under pressure and agreed, and his eyes died. Staring at Lou Yi, threatening, "If it dies, I promise you will die thousands of times more painful than it!!!"

Lou Yi smiled and said, "Don't worry, it won't die!"

Lou Yi waved to the child, and it spread its wings and flew up. Lou Yi looked at it, and it didn't seem to be afraid of itself. Lou Yi asked curiously, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"What is there to be afraid of? It's just a big deal, I'm afraid of the crow clan man, I will die with great vigor!" The little guy replied with his head held high and proud.

"Then this good man from the Crow Crow Tribe, what is your name?" Lou Yi asked in a persuasive way.

"My name is Fear Yao, the glory of the lintel!" the little guy said more proudly.

"Okay, then this is yours, enjoy the changes it brings to you..." Lou Yi smiled and handed the Ziming Golden Pill to the opponent's hand. The little guy was curious at first I looked at the pill in my hand, sniffed it with my nose, licked with my tongue deep, then opened my mouth and swallowed it directly in his mouth.

It may be that the pill is too big. The little guy was choked. It swallowed its saliva in pain, and then hit its chest with the palm of its hand. This scene made everyone in the fear crow quite nervous. Especially for fear, they almost rushed to find Building B desperately.

But soon a layer of golden mask suddenly appeared outside the fearful body, and then turned into a golden light film to cover the fearful glory, and a purple mist of spirit began to emerge inside the body of the little guy. Wrap it up.

Just as everyone stared at the package of fear that looked like a golden egg, it cried out in pain, "Itching! Itching! Itching to death!!!"

"It hurts, it's numb,'s so uncomfortable..." Its voice left aroused the alertness of all the fear crows, and the fear came closer, and a pair of eyes released a terrible killing. Yi, Lou Yi quickly explained, "Be calm, don't worry, it will be over soon!"

Fear snorted coldly, and cast his eyes on the golden egg again. At this time, Fear was no longer talking. This made Fear somewhat worried, but soon there was a voice of Fear from within. It seemed to be heard. At this moment it was very surprised, and it said, "I...I am different!"

This sentence alone does not prove anything, but the fear is really relieved, at least this little thing is not in danger for the time being, and Lou B is nervous at this time, because this is the most critical moment, why he It was said that the refining of the pill was not successful because he could not really refine the Golden Crowvine and You Ming Grass, so he could only retreat and get a semi-finished product.

A little bit of time passed, Lou Yi's heart was also completely mentioned in his throat. The people of the Dread Raven and Dark Feather tribe waited patiently for the final result. Finally, after a crisp cracking sound, the golden light The membrane is like the shell of an egg, slowly peeling away with the sound of cracking.

Suddenly, the remaining breath in the temporal membrane spread to the surroundings, but the medicinal properties contained in it had long since disappeared. After the dense fog dissipated, a vague shadow appeared. It slowly stood up, and then opened its mouth suddenly. With one inhalation, the surrounding dense fog accompanied by the sound of its swallowing was all sucked into its abdomen, and Fear Yao appeared in everyone's vision again.

The fear at this time is obviously different from before. The most unique situation is that the feathers on its body have changed from purple-black to deep purple, while its eyes have changed from purple pupils to golden pupils. It was extremely deep, with a golden halo around the edges.

Its beak is extremely black, but its edges are surrounded by a golden halo, and its claws have also changed, from three toes to four toes, and the claws are completely black, but the tips of the claws exude golden brilliance.

Terrorism was the closest to it, and looked at it with an incredulous expression. At this moment, Terrorism suddenly opened its wings and flew into the body at the same time. Suddenly, a huge golden ring appeared in the sky. The place where they live is reflected like daylight.

Terror's throat unconsciously violently shook, because in its eyes, Terrorism seemed to be burning. The black feathers all over its body became golden in an instant, and burned with golden red flames, which came from the blood. The power of the sun's essence and fire in the middle, it could be released at such a young age.

Looking at the fear yao at this time, it is like seeing the future of its horror crow clan, but just before its excitement has not been recovered, the flame on the fear yao's feathers suddenly extinguished, and it suddenly moved from The sky was pierced down, frightened, and he quickly flew up to the sky to catch it, and brought it back to Lou Yi.

"What the **** did you do? Why is it so?!!!" Fear yelled at Lou Yi.

Lou Yi showed a wry smile, pointing to Fear Yao and said, "It is so young, how many cultivation bases can it have, don't you see that it has exhausted its power?"

It is said that caring is chaotic. Fear suddenly realized something, and stepped forward and swept over Fear Yao’s body, and it was exactly the same as Lou Yi said, Fear Yao’s cultivation base was too weak, and the sparkle at that moment was exhausted. All its power.

Xianwei quickly breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the other comrades, "Take good care of him, I will take Xianyao to see Elder An!"

"Yeah! Got it, you go!" Several other people of the same clan with similar cultivation base nodded and said.

Fear lifted Fear Yao excitedly, and disappeared without a trace. Lou Yi only calmed down his emotions slowly at this moment. Anyway, the first stage is considered to be foolish, and the next step is to find a way. Just let the Crow Crow fulfill its promise.

Just outside the Dinosaur tribe's residence, a dazzling golden glow suddenly appeared, Lou Yi felt a familiar breath, and then a light and shadow whizzed to the sky above the Dinosaur tribe's residence, and a voice said viciously. ,"Release my brother, or I will destroy you Manchu Crow!!!"

Lou Yi looked up to the sky. Between Tieshan's whole body was covered with a layer of golden glow. The giant sword in his hand seemed to be different from usual, shining with dazzling golden light, exuding a powerful aura of killing evil and exterminating demons. Lou Yi raised his eyebrows. After picking, I suddenly remembered the source of this breath, that was the sword that Tieshan had slashed outwards at Gugucheng, and the power contained in the two was generally the same.

At this time, the members of the Dreading Crow tribe were divided into two, one part turned into a body and flew into the sky, enclosing the Iron Mountain, and the other stayed in place and looked at Building B. At this time, Building B shouted to the sky, "Come down. , I'm fine!"

Tieshan heard Lou Yi's voice He looked around these many powerful opponents, coldly snorted, "Get out of the way, or you will be killed for drinking!!!"


The angry cries of the fear crow tribe came from around Tieshan, but Tieshan simply ignored them, and the giant **** sword in his hand swept around. Those horror crow tribe members immediately scattered and fled, the power of the giant **** sword at this moment , Enough to split them in half instantly.

Tieshan snorted again, his figure swayed and fell to Lou Yi's side, and he whispered to him, "What are you doing, how can you still be caught here?"

"Oh, it's hard to say in a word. I originally wanted to talk about pen sales. After all, we are not familiar with our lives here, and we can't stay here for the rest of our lives. No, if we want to leave, we need manpower, so I just... ." Lou Yi smiled bitterly and looked at the Crow Dark Feather tribe.

Tieshan sighed and said, "You, you, I wasted a precious sword seal, alas~"

Lou Yi patted him on the shoulder and joked, "Thank you, I will rely on you to cover in the future, my brave and fearless Sword Guard brother!"

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