Building B

Chapter 2102: 5 lines (below)

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Lou Yi said goodbye to the Arrow Water Mantis, and followed the turbulent downward current to go deeper. The downward channel was washed by the turbulent water all year round. The walls were very smooth and there were no obstacles. This saved him a lot. Could not help but speed up.

He felt that he was advancing in a downward spiral, which made him even more sure of his guess. The outermost circle was fire, which was used to confuse the audience, because the flame lizard world was originally The residence of the Yanlin Clan is filled with terrible flames all year round, and because of the two suns, the heat here is even more unbearable.

But for the Yanlin tribe, who is naturally fond of fire, this world is really a rare place. Of course, this is also the case for today's Yanlin clan. However, when the Yanlin clan rules this place, there are often two groups of spirit monsters. There are more other races such as Protoss and Humans coming and going here to experience it. It is very likely that this place was specially created by a certain power.

The outermost circle is fire. The appearance of the fake mountains deceives the outside world. The inner circle is a wood with an emerald enchantment as a barrier to prevent others from peeping at this place from above. The wood is spiraling downwards. If he expected it well, the following should be Golden Land...

Lou Yi couldn’t help but speed up his heartbeat when he thought of this. His speculation was not an unfounded guess. When he saw the emerald barrier, he already realized something. After passing through the spiral water channel, he was sure of his own. guess.

Because he speculated that the innermost circle must be the land of the earth, and this land of the earth is where the secret realm is located, this mighty power is likely to find a secret realm, and through the power of the secret realm, the earth generates gold, gold water, The five-element intergrowth method of aquatic wood and wood-fired fire has laid out this mountain.

In this way, the outermost fire land looks very natural. No one cares about a place full of fire, because this kind of place abounds in the flame lizard world, even if someone notices it, then facing infinity The endless mantis zerg, they are too lazy to clean up.

So this place was preserved, Lou Yi sighed silently in his heart, sighing that his luck was so good, and soon the water channel reached the end, and a colorful color appeared in front of Lou Yi's eyes.

Lou Yi felt a stunned, because these colors are all emitted by the ore here, and there is a huge and incomparable mine across Lou Yi's eyes. At this moment, it is exuding rich gold gas, and the water flows along the mine. An upward force drove it back to the top.

So Lou Yi saw a huge waterfall flowing backwards towards the sky. It was like a curtain, covering the mine behind. The light of colorful minerals reflected on the water and let it It looks as colorful as a rainbow.

Lou Yi was amazed. He jumped deep into a metal platform that was obviously made by man. He escaped from the water flow and came to the entrance of the mine. The waterfall separated from the top of his head like a curtain. Lou Yi took a deep breath. Step forward.

This passage seemed to be cut out with an axe. The edges were unusually flat, extending inward in a triangle shape. Lou Yi felt a qi lock on him here, Lou Yi knew that the next challenge was coming.

He quickly walked to the end of the passage. Here was a metal platform that was thought to be flattened. The colorful patterns were formed from natural ores. Lou Yi stepped on it and found that they were very hard.

There are many irregular holes around this platform, spar and ore are exposed, and a lot of aura can be felt inside. I think it is the residence of this strange mantis worm in front of me.

In front of Lou Yi, a very huge Zerg Mantis appeared. Its size made it impossible to leave this place. It was three hundred feet high, and it looked like it was carrying a mine. It was covered with sparkling mines. Jing, a pair of compound eyes are densely packed with spar minerals.

When this guy saw Lou Yi's arrival, the whole metal platform was trembling at the moment he got up. Lou Yi took a deep breath, and the orange light flashed all over his body. It seemed that the opponent's size could only be used. Zulong is fighting.

Boom, click~~

The joints of Lou Yi's whole body sounded as he walked, and a mountain-like power was rising steadily. Not long after he came to the opponent, the power was surging like a tsunami. At this time, the zombie mantis lifted up. His own sickle slammed at him slowly. Although this blow was slow, it directly covered half of the metal platform.

The two knives were swung together, Lou Yi had no place to stand, but he did not move. Instead, he clenched his right hand into a fist and received his side waist. The other hand held his wrist tightly. The moment the sickle was about to hit the top of his head, he let out a deafening roar, "Dragon clan warfare, ancestral dragon collapsed!!!"

With a loud bang, Lou Yi's fist blasted out with overwhelming power, hit the Zerg Mantis's face, and raised its head, but Lou Yi clearly felt that the blow did not make the opponent. compromise.

So he raised his fist again, and before the opponent fell, he threw a second blow. There was another loud noise. This time this huge creature was lifted up again, and Lou Yi found that it was in it. Under the body, there is an entrance to the secret realm.

He took a step forward, surrounded by dragon energy, his arms danced like a dragon, and the dragon energy gathered on his legs. His body swung around like an ancestor dragon flicking his tail, and he shouted, "Dragon tactics, Shake the mountain!!!"

boom! boom! Bang bang bang! ! !

Lou Yi kicked the Zerg Mantis with its legs staggered and hit its body to the left side of the platform. Finally, at the final blow of his kick, the Zerg Mantis was completely overturned, and its six-legged mantis fell to the sky. On the platform, the entrance that had been pressed under the body was exposed.

Lou Yi turned his head to look at it and smiled, "Just stay here and turn you over when I come back!"

Lou Yi jumped into the entrance of the secret realm, and his body continued to fall downwards. He felt an astonishing aura that was constantly pouring up from all around his body. This is not a secret realm, but it is already so impressive. Surprised, then what is the real secret world like...

The time of the fall was not too long. Soon a gust of wind surging upwards firmly supported his body. Building B knew that the secret realm was about to arrive, and the wind carried him to the ground, where the ground was bumpy. It is uneven and has not been modified in any way.

Lou Yi didn't know what he meant, so he walked along the only path. There was a huge cave in front of him. The cave was full of stalactites, which looked like a blood basin with hideous teeth. Dakou, Lou Yi found bell stone lotion here. It is a very precious treasure. It can refine the stone bell pill that can improve the power of earth monks' perception of the rules of the earth.

However, Lou Yi couldn't use it for the time being, so he didn't use it. He stepped forward, bypassing the raised stalactites. He stepped on some relatively round-looking gravel and couldn't bear to use his feet. To trample on the bell stone below.

Building B felt very strange all the way, because he clearly felt that he was locked by something, but the other party never appeared in front of him, so he let him all the way to the end of the cave and came to the entrance of the secret realm. .

Until this moment, the other party did not appear. What is even more strange is that the breath that enveloped him disappeared after he came here. Although Lou Yi felt strange, his attention was completely lost at the entrance of the secret realm. A small tree was attracted.

Lou Yi swallowed his saliva unconsciously, because he finally found the source of the fragrance. This strange little tree was planted in a pond, which was full of colorful strange solution, exuding the color of glaze. A completely different elemental power.

However, Lou Yi's attention is all on the three tree branches on the small tree. There are three fruits that emit different lights, which are hanging on the tree. The three fruits are orange and emerald. With Crimson Fruit.

They correspond in turn to the three elemental forces of earth, wood, and fire. These three fruits are unusually round, the size of a fist, and the interior is crystal clear. You can see through the skin, and each has a strange rune inside it. , Lou Yi didn't know what this was, but he clearly felt that his body was longing for them.

He slowly walked towards the small tree, and at this moment the surroundings suddenly shook violently, Lou Yi saw a strange rune emerge from the cave wall, and the upper and lower stalactites also moved.

Obviously Lou B’s actions stimulated the protection mechanism of the small tree here, and made it into the object of processing. Lou Yi took a deep breath and looked around. The stones with the power of runes glued together at a speed visible to the naked eye. Together, a very unique rune mantis was formed.

Its sickle is made of stalactites and stones. Lou Yi noticed that at the moment this guy appeared, a mask suddenly appeared above the small tree to protect it, Lou Yi sighed silently , He was actually worried, if there was a fight, it would be no good to ruin the little tree.

Lou Yi looked up at the big guy who was not defeated by the Zerg Mantis blocking the hole, and took a deep breath, "Come on!"

He took the initiative to attack and rushed forward very fast But at this moment, all the runes on the rune mantis suddenly turned into crimson red, and a terrifying flame surged like a sea. Xiang Lou Yi, the latter hurriedly moved to the side to hide. The place where he stood just now was swallowed by the crimson fire waves.

"No..." Lou Yi suddenly had a very bad premonition. However, the more he was afraid of something, something would happen to appear. The rune on the rune mantis suddenly turned into blue. Lulu, then all the stalactites flew up, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, they condensed into countless gray-white water arrows, bursting towards Lou Yi.

Lou Yi had no choice but to dodge desperately. He used the Luohe Nine Shapes to increase the evasion rate. At the same time, with the help of the water vapor formed after the burst of the water arrow, he used the gentle wind and drizzle to create a large amount of water body, but at this moment the rune Mantis raised his sickle, and Lou Yi realized that this abnormal guy had five pairs of sickles.

A pair of five-element knives and sickles each directly gathered the power of the five elements. It was the water sickle that made the attack. It was as flexible as a whip, swung around in the air, chased Lou Yi's body, and burst the water body.

But just as Lou Yi was fortunate that he had escaped a catastrophe, a scene that made him dumbfounded appeared, because he saw that rune praying mantis body, unexpectedly lit up five kinds of rune power at the same time, which meant that he completely removed this The guardian was irritated...

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