Building B

Chapter 2237: Yufeng's Tribulation

Upon hearing Yu Qiong’s words, the entire Yufeng clan’s senior leaders were shocked at first, and their faces were filled with unbelievable expressions, but soon their doubts disappeared, and their faces became ashes instead, because Yu Qiong began to divination. So far, there has never been a failure. They can't even suspect that the other party is wrong. This mood is extremely desperate.

   Yu Qiong's grandfather looked at Yu Qiong with the sunken eye sockets, and then asked, "Qioner, is there no way to resolve this disaster?"

   "Yes, but I can't see clearly. I can't bet on the lives of the whole clan, because I hope my divination is wrong..." Yu Qiong said with great annoyance.

When everyone heard this, their expressions seemed to have suddenly recovered. Someone asked quickly, "The patriarch, if you are in a disaster this time, you might as well say the only glimmer of hope. If it is really wrong, then It's my Yufeng clan's fate!"

   "Yeah, yeah..." The others echoed.

  Yu Qiong looked at Grandpa Grandpa, who nodded to it. Yu Qiong hesitated and said, "What I can't see is the most dangerous crisis, and..."

   "Say it!"

   "Don't hesitate the patriarch, just say it!" everyone urged.

   Yu Qiong sighed, "Moreover, once I am wrong, no one in the whole clan will be able to survive..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone fell into silence. If the Yu Feng clan’s fate was said to be like this, at least someone would be able to break out of the siege and live incognito from now on, or even escape directly into the exile to survive, but Yu Qiong told They, this so-called first-line chance, a wrong step will lose all of them, and no one can escape. The price is too great...

The place of Nuo Da, suddenly became silent, and everyone’s face was struggling. This would be a gamble of life and death. If you lose, the whole family will be ruined. Someone asked under tremendous pressure, "What if What if there is a silver lining?"

   "We can leave this place from now on, step into an unprecedented place, and come back again..." Yu Qiong said vowedly.

The entanglement in everyone's hearts is more obvious. If you are right, you don't have to live in fear. You can start all over again, but if you lose, you will lose everything. How to choose? Their decision indicates Yu Feng. The future of the family.

This decision was too difficult to make. Just when they were hesitant, someone from the clan came to report that strange behaviors began to appear around the Yufeng clan. Everyone immediately woke up and looked at Yu Qiong, who sighed. After a sigh of relief, "I hope you elders make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise, please flee separately..."

   "Qioner, you..." Yu Qiong's grandfather asked.

   "My fate should be like this, I can't avoid it..." Yu Qiong said somewhat freely.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone immediately understood that it wanted to use its own life to hold the enemy and buy more time for its people to escape. At this moment, everyone's hearts were shaken even more, and they began to reflect on their selfishness. Li, the ethnic group no longer exists, what is the significance of the existence of the Yufeng Clan? Linger? Continue to live a life of fear?

   In the end, some people forced to speak first, "I am willing to trust the patriarch's judgment, and I am willing to take my family to follow the patriarch!"

   Other hesitating people, one of them said, "Patriarch, sorry, I...decided to leave!"

   Yu Qiong nodded lightly, and did not stop him. At this time, someone said, "Yu Sitang, how can you..."

   "Don't do this, everyone has the right to make a choice, no matter what decision everyone makes, we should understand and respect, so don't say it!" Yu Qiong interrupted the man's scolding.

   The strong man known as Yu Sitang didn't answer anything, so he hurried away, and then some people came to tell them that Yu Sitang had left the Yufeng clan's residence with his family.

Everyone fell into silence again, and then someone left one after another. It was not until the remaining strong men of the Yufeng Clan walked nearly halfway before Yu Qiong, who had remained silent, said, "Let's go, it's time to leave... ."

A look of surprise appeared in Yu Qiong's grandfather's eyes, because when Yu Sitang said he was leaving, he saw a sad color flashing in Yu Qiong's eyes. Now when all those who are leaving have left, he I want everyone on the road immediately, which means...

I don’t know if it was frightened by its own conjecture. It looked at its own great-grandson in disbelief. The latter cast an apologetic look at it. This directly confirmed its guess. Those who left with their respective clans before. People may become the introduction of those who stayed now. Yu Qiong used their lives to find a way out for the people who stayed behind, but this move is really too...

It didn't dare to think about it anymore. It knew that Yu Qiong was forced to do so, so it didn't say that at this time, with a heavy heart, summoned all the remaining Yufeng tribesmen, and followed Yu Qiong, galloping in a certain direction. Away.

At the same time, those who left early had already fallen into the encirclement of the enemy. It was an extremely cruel massacre. Just like the result of Yu Qiong’s divination, a huge net shrouded the entire Yufeng Clan. Those A sneaky person is just a guide to find the way.

Yu Qiong is indeed a genius. In countless encirclements and suppressions by the other side, he can always escape the people of his tribe. However, with the encirclement and escaping, the strength of the Yufeng clan has become much weaker than before. However, there are others among them. The trick is.

  Through this kind of constant encirclement and suppression, the Yufeng tribe will be uneasy all day long, and they will not be given a chance to breathe. When they are in panic, they will give the opponent a fatal blow when their strength is weakest.

Obviously their tactics worked very well. Today's Yufeng tribes are just as they imagined, and their will to resist is extremely weak. They just want to do everything possible to escape, especially after hearing the results of Yu Qiong's divination. Even more so.

But Yu Qiong's words were actually spoken to them deliberately, the purpose is to make them flee desperately, and then completely draw the enemy away, only in this way can it have the opportunity to take the people left and escape this airtight road.的网。

   At this time, Lou Yi was rushing to the Yufeng Clan's residence, and had seen a lot of rushing teams along the way. They didn't say anything suspicious, and looking at their moving direction, it seemed that they were the same.

Lou Yi couldn't help but think of what happened to the Yu Feng clan. There was no expression on his face. He even felt that the Yu Feng clan was the result of his own guilt, but it didn't take long for them to hear the sound of fierce fighting from ahead. He quickly sent someone to investigate, and the Shadow Guard told Lou Yi that a battle was taking place ahead, and one of them seemed to be a member of the Yufeng Clan.

Hearing this, Lou Yi quickly ordered the Xulou fleet to move forward at full speed. It didn’t take long before he saw both sides of the war. He immediately ordered all his crew to attack and prepare to stop the Yufeng Clan, but at this moment, the Yu Feng The clan’s only powerhouse in the spirit realm, broke through the heavy siege and brought Yu Qiong to the front of their army. Just as Building B was preparing to defend against the enemy, he heard Yu Qiong speak loudly, "My Yufeng clan is only All the survivors are here. We are willing to surrender unconditionally. Please look at the face of those innocent women and children. Save us!"

Lou Yi looked at the other party, and at this moment, the strong Yufeng tribe, the old, weak, sick and disabled who escorted the Yufeng tribe slowly approached, Lou Yi saw a pair of pairs among the protected crowd. With horrified eyes and faces pale and colorless because of fear, Lou Yi hesitated...

Yu Qiong kept staring at Lou Yi’s expression. For it, what the other party said and did next determined the life and death of the Yufeng tribe. At this time, almost all the upper-level people who knew about it were extremely nervous. Pay attention to the changes in Lou Yi's expression, because the other side's words can determine the life and death of their entire clan.

   Building B hesitated for a long time, then sighed, "Fine, take them all on the boat, your life and death will be decided by someone..."

Yu Qiong's eyes flashed with the joy of the rest of his life, but it was cleverly hidden, and the Yufeng tribe was really a large number of Yufeng tribes were picked up on the Xulou boat After that, he was taken care of, and the Yufeng Clan cooperated very well, without the slightest complaint. Even the strongest old man of the God Spirit Realm of the Yufeng Clan was willing to be banned for cultivation, and he was kept in a separate place.

Afterwards, the Xulou fleet turned its bow and headed towards the territory where the Protoss is located. During this period, many spirit races have seen this scene, but the Xulou ships are extremely fast, their personnel are uneven, and the opponents are extremely powerful. Yu Yidan hit the stone, and even if he notified the clansmen to come and support, the opponent had already escaped without a trace. They could only watch the Void Building fleet disappear into the void with angrily, out of their sight.

These people then returned to the main battlefield and began to encircle and suppress those Yufeng tribesmen who had chosen to leave the station before. In the end, these Yufeng tribesmen who chose to flee, without exception, all died tragically in the encirclement of each other, until the moment before their death. , I didn’t want to understand why no matter where they fled, they couldn’t escape the enemy’s encirclement. They stared at the sky, where there was a blood red color at this moment, and the silted blood flowed through their eyeballs, twisted into a strange At this moment, they are looking at the star representing the Yufeng Clan. This twisted blood web happens to be covered on the stars, just like the scene that Yu Qiong saw when he was divination. .

But they have already lost their lives at this moment. If they are still alive, they will immediately understand why they can’t escape from ascend to heaven no matter how they evade, because they have been deeply surrounded from the beginning, like falling into a spider web. Like a butterfly, there is no way out...

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