Building B

Chapter 2239: Bai Ling Kuanren

Although Lou Yi has this idea, there is a strict boundary between the upper protoss realm and the lower protoss realm. Although it exists invisibly, no lower protoss dares to risk the world and set foot on the upper protoss territory. That would lead to a catastrophe of extinction, and the upper Protoss used this thunder method to dominate the entire Protoss border.

The upper protoss occupies the best areas and resources. Although they are in intrigue on weekdays, once they encounter challenges, they will gather to attack them, and kill the threat in the cradle at the fastest speed. The strongest among the upper protoss Too many, they are the cornerstone of the upper Protoss dominance. Even if the lower Protoss resists, seeing the absolute power gap, they can only choose to yield, because this is reality, and it is a reality created by blood. .

However, the matter between the Protoss is still far away for the current Lou Yi, and he does not think it will be involved, but he still does not understand at this moment that his precious little daughter Lou Yue has now become a member of the Protoss, and With the blessing of the wind and spirit stone beads, and the blessing of the ancient gods, it is destined to have entanglement with the gods.

It took Lou Yi more than ten years to finally return to the realm of Shenyue with the Xulou fleet. The difference is that this time he came with a full load. Lou Yi promised the white tiger **** Feng Yifeng brought it back again, but before that, he had to make this worst place, even where the gods and tigers in the realm of the gods and tigers were unwilling to set foot, become able to let the descendants of the Tianfeng family live and work in peace.

The Xulou fleet kept going all the way, under the gaze of countless people of the **** tiger tribe, sailing towards remote and isolated places, and the **** Baihu also announced to the gods and mountains a hundred years ago that he would bury the remains of his son Tianfeng Here, and place his tombs and sculptures.

During that time, countless people from the sacred tiger tribe flocked to them. Amidst the poor mountains and wicked waters, they saw a huge mountain peak carved into a sculpture by supernatural power. Kneeling like a bow.

There was a lot of opposition in the God Tiger Sanctuary, but when they saw this sculpture and this place where the environment was extremely bad, all they wanted to say could only be swallowed in their stomachs. They knew very well. , This is the final bottom line of the White Tiger God Lord. As the people of the God Tiger Sanctuary, they do not overly criticize the God Lord.

In this way, the news that the Tianfeng line could return to the realm of Shenyue was passed out, but unfortunately, after such a long time passed, the holy beast Tianfeng line had already had to do it in order to survive. Various options.

After a hundred years have passed, the total number of people gathered here is not more than a thousand, and many of them, after seeing such a harsh living environment, could not bear it, and left. Most of the people who remain are really homeless, they are willing Staying here, at least there is no need to worry about living in trepidation, and as for the problem of the harsh environment, it doesn't seem to be a big deal compared to the situation they encountered before.

Tyrants took the Thunder Tigers who had escorted Bai Ling here to help clear a swamp area shrouded by poisonous insects and miasma, as their temporary foothold. For a hundred years, they used the method of step by step to keep driving away. Poisons entrenched here.

Gradually expanded the scope by three or four times, but the counterattack of these poisons is also very terrible, especially those poison ivy and withered ghost tumor trees, which can release extremely terrible poisonous fog, often taking advantage of the turbulent wind and turbulence here. At that time, they inject their toxins into the air.

The originally terrifying gathering wind instantly enveloped a layer of weird brownish yellow and dark green colors. At first glance, they looked like two hideous Yashas, ​​waving the soul-locking fork and the soul-catching cord in their hands, and came to ecstasy. So fateful.

For this reason, the members of the Thunder Tiger tribe have paid a lot of sacrifices, but finally they still rely on strong willpower to stick to this extremely bad place. The White Tiger God has never set foot here. It is not that it is cold-blooded, but does not want to do it. Everything is gossiped about.

But he hasn't done anything before. The Tianfeng sculpture carved from that mountain peak has been imposing a powerful enchantment with divine power. Whenever that terrifying wave swept the place, it would emit a huge blue color. The windshield, outside the windshield is shining densely with imprints of gods, and Bai Ling and the others only discovered after they approached that they were able to step into it, that is, relying on the benevolent act of this white tiger god. All of them, every time they encounter a desperate situation, they can be safe and sound.

As for the powerful people in the Divine Tiger Sanctuary, they naturally understand what the purpose of the Baihu Divine Lord is, but they all remain silent. They are always paying attention to the actions of Bai Ling and others, knowing that they live a lot every day. Someday, the hatred in my heart may not disappear so quickly, but the scenes before my eyes will eventually touch the softest piece of their respective hearts.

   After a long journey, Lou Yi and the Xulou fleet finally arrived at this land shrouded in danger and barrenness. However, it was not Bai Ling who greeted them, but the miasma storm that had just formed.

The terrible dark green poisonous miasma storm quickly swallowed the Xulou fleet, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The **** tiger tribes who followed the trend and watched the excitement retreated after seeing this scene, while facing each other. The miasma storm pointed.

However, in the storm at the moment, there are luminous oval giant eggs, marching forward against the poisonous miasma storm. In front of the virtual building fleet, there is a huge and incomparable rune, it is it that has overcome the obstacles of the virtual building fleet all the way. , Cut open the terrible agitation, so that the fleet can move forward safely.

Loud noises and harsh rubbing noises constantly emanated from outside the luminous giant egg. Those were all rolled up by the hurricane. The flying sand and rocks in this barren land became the deadliest weapon under the acceleration of the hurricane. As long as the ordinary monks stepped into it, they would be directly mashed into flesh, and because of this, this place would be jealous of the **** tiger clan. No one likes to die, and the place is extremely barren, and there is no reason to persuade those who like adventurers to get involved. among them.

After tossing in the storm, they finally saw the cyan streamer in the distance. Lou Yi immediately ordered to go forward at full speed and lean in that direction. Soon the streamer in their eyes turned into a huge cyan light. cover.

The virtual building ship is very large and cannot fully enter the cyan mask, so Lou B just let the front part of the virtual building ship enter the wind shield, and then send everyone into it safely, and then use the force of the rune to fix the ship. , So that they will not be blown away by the wind during this time.

Lou Yi embraced Bai Ling and wept. He looked at each other distressedly. At this time, Bai Ling looked rather haggard. The hard life and the longing for her daughter made her look exhausted. Lou Yi embraced her. In his arms, he kept saying comforting words, his heart was bleeding, and he didn't know how to make Bai Ling cheer up again.

After seeing Lou Yi, her mood changed. Bai Ling fell asleep in Lou Yi’s arms. He told Lou Yi that she fell asleep for the first time in more than a hundred years. It is forcing herself, it seems that she is not so sad and worried by abusive squeeze.

   Building B picked up Bai Ling and took him aside, found a relatively quiet corner, let the other party's head nestle in front of his chest, and watched her sleep like this for a long time.

During   , a large number of people came down from the Xulou Ship. They moved all the huge amount of materials brought from the Chongming Realm this time. These were all used as the starting resources to transform this area.

Baihu Shenjun watched everything that happened there through his godly eyes. When he saw Lou Yi fulfilling his promise to him, his mouth showed a relieved smile. His eyes were fixed on the stone sculpture he had set up for his dead son Tianfeng. Muttered to himself, "There will be such a day, Feng'er..."

Building B sat there motionless for several days, until Bai Ling’s long eyelashes trembled and opened her eyes again. Her eyes were extremely beautiful, but at the moment she felt a deep sense of sadness. When he was held in Lou Yi's arms, he couldn't help crying.

Lou Yi comforted her, so she stopped crying, and told her the news that the Yufeng clan who killed her whole clan in the first place had all been brought back by himself, waiting for her to let her go. .

   Bai Ling's eyes became angry instantly, he got up from Lou Yi with his fists, and then walked towards the Xulou ship. At this time, the storm was still raging outside, and he didn't mean to stop.

   Bai Ling's angry face at the moment, just like the howling hurricane, looked terrifying, but when she came to the place where the Yufeng Clan was imprisoned, she saw the old and weak women and children gathered together.

In her impression, the Yufeng tribe is a very arrogant and domineering group, but the group of people in front of them their eyes are full of fear, and why there are only so few people, and she remembers Yu The Wind Clan had its ancestors, and that was a very powerful God Spirit Realm powerhouse, and it seemed that he was only a thread away.

But now the Yufeng Clan has only one strong spiritual realm who has been sealed for cultivation, and their patriarch has become a young man. At this moment, the other party’s attitude is extremely humble, and he is leading the whole clan to bow to him. Waiting for her hair to fall.

Lou Yi stepped to Bai Ling's side, and the other side looked at him puzzledly. Lou Yi told the Yu Feng Clan's experience over the years. After Bai Ling left a word of blame for himself, the angry expression on his face was unknowingly The disappeared.

Looking at the generations of women and children, she thought of the innocent people who died in her family at the time. These were the people of her enemies, but they were also responsible for the guilt of the family. Bai Ling knew that they were innocent because of family mistakes. The behavior was implicated, and her heart began to get tangled.

Lou Yi didn't say a good word for the Yufeng Clan. He wanted to see how Bai Ling would decide in the end. If she said that she still wants revenge, then the Yufeng Clan who is kneeling here at this moment, whether innocent or not, will eventually die. Even if he did not do it himself, he might look at Bai Ling differently, because hatred will blind people’s eyes and breed seeds of hatred in the heart. Once it takes root and sprouts, it will affect its mind and eventually lead to a huge disaster. .

   But Bai Ling finally let him relax. She said to herself, "Let them stay and make up for the mistakes made by your people. If they don't repent, it won't be too late to execute them!"

  :. :

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