Building B

Chapter 2244: Mountain rain is coming

Everyone is a cultivator who is racing against time in this renewed area. Lou Yi hasn't done too much. He divides this place into a hundred, occupying three of the boundaries. Of course, they adhere to the first-come-first-served principle. Naturally selected are the best areas.

Lou Yi encircled all the areas where the vitality of the world was the most abundant at the time, laid down a lot of forbidden barriers, and personally urged the monks in the world of homosexuality to build a corresponding building for it. The purpose was to make other people spectacular and magnificent. Knowing that they cannot retreat.

Those powerhouses in Shenhu Sanctuary did not relax at this moment. Just as Lou Yi expected, they had already sent people to the place where the Tianfeng lineage survivors were located, and began their layout to find the Tianfeng lineage survivors. In fact, it is not difficult, because they have visited the door more than once over the years in order to recognize their ancestors.

  In the God Tiger Sanctuary, many strong people adopt the method of marriage. The so-called strong alliance can not only check and balance each other, but also work together to fight outsiders, so the relationship among the families is complicated.

Tianfeng, the holy beast, as the most favored and most promising offspring of the White Tiger God, naturally attracted countless families to fight. Even if he could not marry him, then he could marry his offspring or relatives, and this gave those who were driven out. For the bereaved, a chance to get in touch with each other.

But after the death of the holy beast Tianfeng, most of his relatives and relatives he wanted to do were expelled from the God Tiger Sanctuary. Those people who used to be cold and warm in the past also quickly got rid of the relationship with them. This is still the White Tiger God's unfavorable, not wanting to be implicated Too much, otherwise in this Divine Tiger Sanctuary, I am afraid that more than half of the family will be expelled.

However, the Tianfeng survivors who had been shunned and feared have now become the fragrant pastries of the gods and tigers. They dispatched envoys according to the coordinates left by each other in the past, and promised that as long as they cooperate with them, The resources for the reconstruction of these bereaved families are all taken care of by them.

Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. The big figures of the God Tiger Sanctuary naturally have their own calculations in their hearts. For them, it is still unclear whether the bereaved family can grow up. Even if they grow up, they still need to rely on it. They will be able to return to the Sanctuary of God Tiger.

As long as these guys are obedient and obedient, they will have a bite of leftovers to eat. If they are not obedient, they can also take advantage of their unsteady heels to draw their salaries. However, these big men still have to look up on the nose of another heir of the white tiger god. .

It can even be said that the ultimate success of this matter depends on how big the child’s heart is. The survivors of the Tianfeng line have asked for help the most, but he has ignored them for so many years. , But not long ago, they got news that the young prince who wanted to become the second god-sovereign had secretly met with the Tianyu clan.

   The situation of the Tianyu clan is extremely special. It can be said to be a very special one in the line of Tianfeng. After being driven out of the realm of Shenyue, they have not left the realm of God, but have been looking for opportunities to rejuvenate the race.

   By coincidence, they rescued an upper Protoss prince who had gone out and practiced at the border between the Protoss and the Demons, and was therefore granted a special pardon. Moreover, they have been highly regarded by the other side because they have assisted each other in their karma over the years.

Now that they have secretly contacted each other, it is natural to imagine how they will develop in the future. Meat must be picked first by the owner. If something happens, it must be the unlucky eating meat first. The White Tiger God Lord is extremely sensitive to Tianfeng matters, although he He is a Mingjun, but if things go wrong, it will not end well.

   The development of the original situation into this situation was unexpected for all of them. At the beginning, they had an idea here, but the White Tiger God ordered them not to step in there personally, saying that it would disturb the souls of the dead.

   They were also unwilling to send people there, but the people who returned only told them three things, dangerous, very dangerous, extremely dangerous...

The area is full of weird auras, terrible wind gathering and poisonous miasma, and the depths are full of demonic and resentful auras. The boundary is shattered, and there are ruins and debris everywhere. Here is the answer they got. , And in order to get this answer, they paid huge manpower and material resources.

I was already prepared to give up, but whoever came up with the idea, the scene now appears. You must know that although the barren land is dangerous, it occupies a very large area, because it was originally the resident of more than a dozen **** tiger tribes. Later, he was slaughtered by the enchanted Tianfeng, and the battle was earth-shattering, and even the boundary was broken.

But now they don’t know what methods these guys used to conquer this dangerous place. They really wanted to witness it with their own eyes, but they didn’t expect that the Lord Baihu would personally inform his heirs and prevent everyone from entering. Half a step during the period, the king's order cannot be violated.

Therefore, they can only use this method to seek benefits for themselves. The realm of the gods is so large in total, and it is also the safest place. Under the shelter of the white tiger god, naturally there is no need to worry about foreign enemies, and future generations can stay here safely. thrive.

However, as the ethnic group continues to grow, there will always be insufficient geographical boundaries, and only the strong can enter the Divine Tiger Sanctuary, and it will also undergo many severe tests. Since the last incident, the White Tiger Divine Lord has complied with the upper Protoss He ordered the closing of the trial ground for a ray of time, which directly caused those of the Divine Tiger tribe who hoped to enter the Divine Tiger Sanctuary to change their plans and return to their respective families to wait.

But the will of the upper Protoss is hard to guess. No one knows when the Sky can be reopened. This makes many Gods Tiger tribes worried. At this time, the Tianfeng line is allowed to return to the realm of Gods, which naturally caused it. There was an uproar.

We must know that there were not a few ethnic groups who wanted to curry favor with the holy beast Tianfeng. The acquiescence of the White Tiger God Monarch might cause vibrations in the entire Divine Mountain realm, not to mention that they have solved the trouble of that dangerous barren land and gained far more The territories where many Shenhu ethnic groups reside, these will become the capital for the rapid expansion of the Tianfeng family.

The stronger the family, the more unable to get rid of the desire to chase fame and fortune, because they can’t let go, and don’t dare to let go. Letting go means being squeezed by others for the rights and status that the ancestors have fought for. Who can have such courage.

   The more worried they were, the more they couldn't let go. As time passed, the snowballs grew bigger and bigger, and they were completely lost in the whirlpool of power and desire, and they continued to walk on a narrow road, a road with almost no turning back.

Just after the entire Shenyue realm gradually learned that the Tianfeng lineage survivors were allowed to return to the Shenyue realm, the surrounding God Tiger tribes began to hear the wind. They did not receive the warning from the White Tiger God Lord, and his son deliberately did not tell the other party about this. , So countless people of the God Tiger Clan set foot on this once extremely barren and dangerous land.

But when they came here, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. A sky across the east and west appeared in front of them, as if they were splitting them from the other side. This is a huge and broad. The width of the river is ten tens of thousands of meters. The turbulence of the river is endless, and the speed of the river is fast, forming a series of terrible vortexes, and these are the scenes that Lou B deliberately created.

A huge roar came from afar, and among the overlapping mountains in the extreme distance, silver pikes rushed down from it. Those were the falling streams created by Lou Yi Rang Shui San and its people. waterfall.

   He used the most primitive way to create a five-element cycle in this territory. The earth, sky, mountains, rivers and lakes, river wetlands, gusts and volcanoes constitute a new face of this territory.

The mountains and the land are covered by various spiritual plants. Their varieties are extremely heterogeneous, but they are chaotic and orderly, with a sense of comfort with a few people. The river is shining with ninety-nine and eighty-one huge runes that are about 1,000 feet high. , Shining with powerful and strange power.

They built a huge wind curtain above the river, blocking outsiders from setting foot here. Some people jumped in curiosity and wanted to jump over this huge river, but they were shrouded by the light of runes. Thousands of miles away.

And they can’t see at all, what is behind the wind curtain, because everything seems to be hidden. The only thing they can see is what the other party allows them to see. During the period, the big figures in the sanctuary of the tiger, He also sent his subordinates to investigate, but in the end all returned without success.

Building B divides the entire area into four areas. Except for the area occupied by them, the other three areas are vacant. Building B's purpose is not for anything else, just those who want to return again. The bereaved families of the Tianfeng line understand one thing ~ they do not intend to occupy the entire territory, they are willing to share this place with all the bereaved families of the Tianfeng line.

Many years have passed. Visitors from the realm of Gods and Mountains have successively visited them. They are all survivors of the Tianfeng line. Among them, there are many new faces and many old faces. Some who choose to live in seclusion have also taken refuge from the world. After walking out, I wanted to see if the White Tiger God Monarch really agreed that they could return.

However, among these Tianfeng survivors, there are many very abrupt ethnic groups. The faces of these survivors are covered with wind and frost, but they have come with a lot of resources and servants, and they should have been very excited. One thing, but their faces are full of helplessness.

And these are the big figures of the **** tiger sanctuary, the Tianfeng survivors who secretly made a deal. When these people passed through the **** tiger crowd and came to the bank of the river, all the runes began to make a sweet sound, like It is wind chimes, like welcoming wanderers who have not returned home for a long time, which shakes the minds of many Tianfeng survivors.

Then the winds turned into strange cyclones, lifted under their feet, and led them to the other side of the river. They passed through the huge wind curtain without any barriers, but all the people who accompanied them were left behind. .

Soon they entered this newly reshaped territory. Everything here looks so primitive, there is nothing but exotic flowers and weeds, but amidst the ridges of mountains, But there is a huge building complex surrounded by fairy mist, magnificent and magnificent, like a heavenly palace, and it is in the sight of all of them.

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