Building B

Chapter 2269: Lou Yue wakes up

After Lou Yi walked out of the house, he found that the soldiers at Tianfeng Station had been neatly standing on the square waiting for his arrival. At this moment, the image of the roaring tigers carved by the staff on the upper floor of the square was similar to the soldiers at this time. Lou Yi thought of what Liming had said, and muttered to himself, "It is indeed very exciting..."

The corner of Lou Yi's mouth rose, and the light flashed. There was an extra thing in his hand, and he lifted it high. It was the Guardian Blade that Bai Ling had exchanged for him. When all the Tianfeng Army saw it, they couldn't help but shouted. , "God! God! God!!!!"

The sound of the tiger's roar shook the sky and the earth. Under the passion of the crowd, the fighting spirit became particularly high. The surrounding air gathered together and turned into a huge cyclone, whizzing up into the sky, turning into a sky tiger shadow, opening up The wings roared towards the sky again and again. At first glance, I thought it was the White Tiger God Lord. If you carefully identify it, you will find that it is actually condensed according to the Tianfeng statue carved by the White Tiger God Lord. It is just that the shadow of this **** tiger is unparalleled in power. The world.

   "Good!" Lou Yi exclaimed sincerely.

   He ordered people to distribute all the pills he recently refined, and said to Liming and everyone, "Let me go out and meet them!"

   "Hoo~~" The soldiers roared in unison in response to Lou Yi's words.

Lou Yi led everyone to the outside of the barrier. He wanted Tian Cong to know that Tianfeng Station was not a place where he could intervene, and he was no longer hiding at this moment. He held the guards handed to him by the White Tiger God Lord. Zhi Blade, if Tian Cong really loses his mind, then this dagger will make him calm and calm.

Soon the enchantment that enveloped the entire Tianfeng resident began to show abnormal fluctuations, and then Lou Yi and five powerful men of the gods appeared outside the enchantment, two chicken masters and the golden brown demon ferret. The old man of the Yufenghu clan and the other **** spirit realm powerhouse who is willing to return to the Tianfeng surviving clan under Bai Ling's command, a total of five **** spirit realms are standing behind Lou Yi at this moment, plus the **** of heaven after the baptism of war Army, these scenes are no longer defeated by the powerhouses of God Tiger Sanctuary led by Tian Cong.

The two sides are facing each other across the river, and they are looking for their opponents, but these big figures in the **** tiger sanctuary have never thought that the Tianfeng survivors will have such a powerful force, and their eyes are on Standing in the forefront of Building B, this young man is no more than the realm of the gods, and he is able to control the five powers of the gods. How did he do it...

But when their eyes focused on the tiger-tooth dagger in their hands, almost everyone's complexion changed drastically, because they were so familiar with this thing. It was the magic weapon guarded by the white tiger **** Sovereign who sacrificed his tiger teeth. The blade, on top of it, embodies the power of his own unique **** pattern, which can be said to have the power to cut through all things in the world, and it is truly sharp and unmatched.

Seeing that their eyes were focused on this thing, Lou Yi lifted it up and said to all of them, "It seems that you all recognize this thing, so you must know what the Lord God once said, so everyone What is the purpose of coming here today?"

"Shut up!!!" Tian Cong suddenly shouted at Lou Yi. Lou Yi watched his trip and felt his state, and found that he behaved abnormally, and there seemed to be signs of confusion. This is not good news. If Tian Cong also changes. Just like the sky wind at that time, the entire Divine Mountain Realm and even the Divine Tiger Sanctuary will face huge doubts from the upper layers of the Divine Realm, and even the White Tiger Divine Lord himself will definitely be involved, with disastrous consequences.

Because he is the direct heir of the White Tiger God Lord, his cultivation level is also the top in the entire White Tiger Sanctuary. If anyone can break through the God Realm and impact the Emperor Realm, I am afraid that he is the Prince Tiancong alone. This is also his heart. Wanting to inherit the position of his father became the main reason for the superintendent.

And the reason why he has become like this is because the big figures of the gods and tigers sanctuary have praised and lied about right and wrong all the time. Tian Cong is ambitious and talented, but his mind is not high and he is very vulnerable to people around him. Impact.

I often hear people compare him with his elder brother Tianfeng. After listening for a long time, he will inevitably feel jealous. Coupled with his paranoia, he always thinks that his father loves the dead brother more than he loves him. , He always believed that since the eldest brother is a sinner, since he has become a demon, he does not deserve to be mentioned again.

But looking at his father’s constant trance, the flames of jealousy could no longer be contained. He desperately squeezed his potential and made himself stronger, but it seemed that his father’s concern for him was uncontrollable. Without the slightest change, he became more demanding, which made him feel wrong, thinking that his father had begun to dislike him as an obstacle.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, but when he thought that as long as he was as strong as his father, the position of supervising the soldiers would one day belong to him. However, the sky did not fulfill the wishes, and the father agreed. The descendants of the sinners returned to the realm of the gods and mountains, and they personally solved the resident problem for them, and even hurt the soul for this reason, and had to retreat.

All of this made Tian Cong uncomfortable. He thought of various ways to make things difficult for the Tianfeng Bereavement. He even let the Naro Protoss come in to defeat the Tianfeng Bereaved Clan against the will of his father, but all ended in failure. This jealousy The fire made him regard Lou Yi as a thorn in his eye, thorn in his flesh, and he wanted to get rid of it.

If it weren’t for this **** human monk, everything could have ended smoothly, but who would have thought that he would appear again and disrupt his overall plan, thinking that the other side would reject him mercilessly and never give With his half respect, this anger can no longer be suppressed.

A terrible air current agitated all around. When everyone in the God Tiger Sanctuary felt his aura of chaos, they all took a step back for no reason. Then Lou Yi said, "Hurry up and stop him, if he goes out. Any questions, the White Tiger Sanctuary is over..."

Lou Yi’s words seemed like a divine enlightenment, awakening the great figures of the **** tiger sanctuary. They immediately thought of another meaning, and their expressions could not help but become more ugly. If Tian Cong also had a problem, the **** tigers of all races would be afraid There is going to be something big.

   So everyone pressed forward towards Tian Cong. Tian Cong's eyes gradually became blood red, and his aura became frantic. He shouted, "I am the prince, the future god, are you going to rebel?!!!"

   "Get out! Give me all out!!!" Tian Cong roared and showed his true body. Just as he was about to kill Wang Kai, Lou Yi said to Wang Kai beside him, "Do it!!!"

   Wang Kai nodded, his cuffs flicked, and three **** edicts flew out and hit Tian Cong directly, trying to seal his power.

At the same time, Lou B waved his hand and threw out a touch of gravel. Each grain is a small world. When they fly out, they turn into a mist to wrap Tiancong, and then he shouts to the big figures of the gods and tigers. Said, "What are you doing in a daze? Let me go in and stop him!!!"

As soon as Lou Yi's voice fell, he rushed into the sand and mist, and then the two chicken masters and the powerhouse of the gods behind him followed. Tyler wanted to go in but was stopped by Dawn. The same was left behind. There are sacred troops of the Tianfeng survivors and the **** tigers.

After the great figures of God Tiger Sanctuary stepped into the sand and fog, multiple distortions appeared in time and space, and then they appeared in a weird and weird world at the same time. This world seemed to be a kaleidoscope, with completely different landscapes in all directions. Even under their feet.

They didn’t have time to figure out what was going on. A horrible wave suddenly appeared in front of the station. Tian Cong was on the verge of collapse of consciousness. The jealousy in his body had begun to invade his nerves, and wanted to make him completely crazy and become crazy. , Kill the Quartet.

Lou Yi has already brought his own people to fight with him. What he has to do is simple, suppress Tian Cong’s ferocity, make him weak, and then use his dream-fearing power to eliminate the remaining hostility in his body. Let him become sober.

However, the difficulty is too high. Tian Cong's cultivation base is extremely strong, and he shot the full blood pheasant flying out with a tiger palm. If it weren't for its incomparably powerful flesh, it might have been killed by someone else. Under the palm.

  Biyu's ghostly childish Biyu, under the violent tide of Tiancong, it has no effect at all, which makes it very helpless. It suddenly thought of the blood pheasant's ironic words, and at this moment it has a sense of identity.

Tieshan once again opened the holy path sword pattern. The interval between the two openings was too short, making his power not at its peak state. He swung a sword to cut the tide, but unfortunately although it was indeed cut, it did not. It didn't hurt Tian Cong, but was blown to the end of the small world by the wind power released by Tian Cong.

Tieshan fainted directly and lost his combat effectiveness. Lou Yi continued to approach Tiancong through the wind map, but his five-ring dragon pattern could not show up in front of others, which made him face Tiancong’s terrifying power. Looks stretched and quite passive.

The two gods of the Yufenghu clan and the Tianfeng surviving clan also have similar fate to the blood pheasant. They can only wander around the periphery of the tide, but they can't help Lou Yi at all~www. It's the golden brown mongoose, with its own magical powers, approaching Building B a little bit.

But at this moment, Tian Cong suddenly made a terrible sound of howling, the wind from the tiger and the cloud from the dragon, and his tiger's howling quickly shattered the surrounding small world with the help of the spread of the wind. At this time, the **** tiger saint The big figures of the domain, no longer caring about other things, rushed forward together, using their magical powers to attack Tiancong.

Some people with extremely strong cultivation bases unexpectedly discovered that their power could not suppress Tiancong, and the latter's divine power was still climbing upwards. Only then did they realize that their prince, Tiancong, was They hide their true power before them.

These big shots looked at each other, couldn't help showing bitter smiles, lost in the desire for power, living in an intriguing environment every day, and finally tasted the bitterness today, why Tian Cong is like this, they know at this moment, this When they had only one thought in their hearts, that was the end of the God Tiger Clan...

But at this moment, the first line of sky guarded and banned by the upper **** race suddenly saw a blue light rushing into the sky, and then there was a light that disappeared in an instant. It seemed to go straight to the Tianfeng station. Those gods responsible for guarding the line of sky , I immediately set off to investigate, but found that I don’t know when, where they were stationed, a terrifying wind tunnel appeared, just like the wind tunnel in the same line of sky. These gods suddenly changed their faces. , Never dare to move anymore.


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