Building B

Chapter 2273: Xingshi asks crime

Tian Cong's efforts were finally not in vain. He successfully aroused Lou Yue's interest and curiosity. Lou Yue left shortly that year. This made Tian Cong quite helpless. He had to stand up and leave and decide to live some time. , Wait until he is ready.

A few months passed in a flash. During this period, Tian Cong came three times, but he did not get his wish to make Lou Yue like him, but he accepted all the treasures he had brought. Tian Cong was extremely helpless, but Thinking of the other's curious eyes and the smiling face close at hand, he felt that everything was worth it.

During this period of time, Lou Yi did not relax for a moment. Tieshan’s injuries gradually recovered. Lou Yi began to figure out when to leave this realm. After all, they killed the two powers of the gods with their own hands. The Divine Army they carried was killed and clean, and even if the Naro tribe had a good temper and slapped each other blatantly, for the sake of face, it was impossible to let them go.

He frequently traveled back and forth with Tieshan, Wang Kai, Ba Lei, and his residence, planning when he would leave the realm of Shenyue, but in order to allow Bai Ling and Lou Yue to stay for a while, he did not leave the realm of Shenyue in advance. .

He was counting every day when the other party might arrive and the time he was ready to leave. During this time, he also went to Huo Yan's office and asked him about the progress of the emperor's fourteen star formation. Huo Yan asked him to wait patiently. When there is a result, I will naturally talk to him and listen.

Several years passed in a flash. During this time, Lou Yi continued to study alchemy and discussed the planning of the big formation with Wang Kai in his spare time. In this way, the days passed by, and Tian Cong finally made a successful appointment. When he arrived at Louyue, he quietly entered into the Sanctuary of God Tiger.

After Lou Yue came back, the whole person looked radiant. Wanting to come to God Tiger Sanctuary, it was indeed full of good places that could attract her. Lou Yi and Bai Ling were also sincerely happy for it. Bai Ling had beaten on the side. I asked Louyue about what she thinks of Prince Tiancong.

In the end, this girl only said that he didn't look that annoying anymore. Bai Ling looked at Lou Yi with a smile on his face helplessly, only thinking that this good thing was too much to wear, but such a day was soon due to the arrival of the white tiger god. And was forced to interrupt.

He brought bad news. In order to save his face, Luo Feitian personally led hundreds of powerhouses in the realm of gods, and he was coming across the realm towards the realm of Shenyue. He wanted Lou Yi to lead people. Leave this place as soon as possible, as for the Tianfeng resident, leave it to him to personally guard.

It is believed that he will come out in person, the Naro Protoss does not look at the face of the monk to see the Buddha face, and will sell him a favor. After all, the tribes of the **** tiger sanctuary have great contributions to the gods. If Luo Feitian is too errand, it will also cause dissatisfaction from other upper Protoss.

After Lou Yi came back, he called everyone together. He asked Bai Ling what he thought was to leave with him, but to stay with Lou Yue. When the other party had trouble choosing, Lou Yi told her his plan again. Said that he would participate in the floating monster battlefield, so as to enhance his own perception through battle.

   Bai Ling immediately made up his mind and decided to go with him, and he could come back secretly when the time comes, but this period of time, I am afraid it will be suffering.

Unexpectedly, when the two told Lou Yue about the situation, she agreed. It seems that all her attention now is attracted by the rare treasures and wonders in the holy land of the gods. Instead, both of them were relieved.

Lou Yi called the Yufenghu tribe and the Tianfeng surviving tribe's two gods and spirit realm powerhouses, told them that they were about to leave, and asked them to shoulder the responsibility of guarding the Tianfeng resident, and guide the Tianfeng survivors to work hard , Strive for an early arrival and lead the Tianfeng survivors to the right path.

The two spiritual realm experts swear that they will spend the rest of their lives escorting the Tianfeng resident. Building B appoints two of them as resident guardian elders. They have the same rights as the suzerain, and can deploy resources in the resident, but they must be approved by the representatives of the members of each race. agree.

After a series of things, Lou Yi has been properly arranged. This time because he is going to participate in the battle of the floating monsters, he does not want to bring too many people there, so there are only two chicken masters and golden brown monsters on the list. Itachi, Wang Kai, Ba Lei, Huo Yan and Tieshan.

Liming is still staying here, continuing to practice the Tianfeng survivors’ divine army. At the same time, those who are left behind are the Thunder Tiger’s army. They have now completely integrated into the Tianfeng survivors’ army and become among them. A member of.

When he left, Building B took away a batch of supplies from the resident. These were what he needed urgently and would not affect the daily expenses of Tianfeng resident. Huo Yan also kept the people he brought to help. The **** army of the Tianfeng survivors made armor, and he also took some disciples and grandchildren on a whim, and taught them the method of forging weapons of the monster race.

So taking advantage of the silence in the dead of night, a few Xulou ships quietly sailed away from the realm of Shenyue and headed outside the realm of God. They did not choose to return to the realm of Chongming again, because this would attract the attention of outsiders, and the eyes of the gods were all over the whole God Realm, the most important thing for them now is to leave without knowing the gods and ghosts.

Just before Lou Yi left the gods realm, the passage of the upper realm suddenly opened a gap. The horrible protoss army walked out from the gap in space, and a gentle-looking protoss man sat on the imperial court. Above, a few giant sweats, carrying the emperor on their shoulders, stepped out steadily.

Their destination is the realm of Shenyue, and the person sitting on the imperial palace is Luo Feitian. His face is as sinking as water at this moment, and he loses face two and three times, making him extremely embarrassed and angry. The purpose is to personally slay the guys who dare to ignore the majesty of the Naro tribe, and those who ignore his majesty, in order to follow suit.

This Luo Feitian's aura is very powerful, even stronger than Tian Cong, but his aura is mixed with a lot of strange auras, and the realm seems to be unstable, he declares that he has entered the emperor realm. , But it seems that he is just the pinnacle of the realm of gods, and it seems that he still used some unknown methods to forcibly upgrade.

But the hundreds of powerhouses in the Divine Realm behind him are all true powerhouses that were smashed out of the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. Together with the divine army they led, it is no exaggeration to say that. The realm used by a force to destroy a certain force is more than enough.

At this moment, this extremely powerful force is approaching the realm of Shenyue. They stepped on the auspicious clouds and howled, and in the blink of an eye they came to the edge of the realm of Shenyue. At this time, Luo Feitian used his divine power to shout to the realm of Shenyue, "Naluo Clan Luo Feitian, come to visit the **** Baihu, and hope that the **** will come out!"

Luo Feitian's voice resounded throughout the realm of the gods and mountains, and spread to the gods of the tiger sanctuary, which immediately caused a shock and panic. The **** Baihu sighed and said, "What should come is always coming... ."

  He appeared on the edge of the realm of Shenyue, and arched his hands towards Luo Feitian and the army behind him, "The guardian visits the Naroite Luo Feitian prince!"

   Although the White Tiger God Lord is not a courtier of the Naro tribe, the Naro tribe is also a member of the upper Protoss. Although they do not have the right to formulate the rules of the Protoss, the upper Protoss is the upper Protoss. Naturally, the rules should not be neglected at all.

   Luo Feitian saw him like this, showed a satisfied smile, nodded and said, "The gods should know the purpose of my trip, and I hope that the gods will hand the people back to me to send them back!"

The White Tiger God Lord showed an embarrassed expression and explained to the other party, “It’s really a coincidence that Emperor Luo Fei, those thieves have already escaped from this world after murdering people and overtaking goods, and... and it doesn’t seem to be the time to pursue this matter. Something happened in the sky!"

   Baihu Shenjun deliberately changed the subject. Luo Feitian showed an unhappy look at first, but when he heard that something was wrong with the sky, he immediately increased his vigilance, and then asked, "What happened?!!!"

"That Fengyuan somehow broke through the seal, enveloped the entire front line of the sky, and sealed all the soldiers of God in it. It is precisely because of this that the subordinates allowed the culprits to escape. The prince calmed down his anger, and although I went to investigate together, to prove my innocence!" The White Tiger God Lord said with an anxious look on his face.

"Lead the way ahead!" Although Luo Feitian does not believe what he said, if something happens to the sky, this seems to really affect their upper Protoss, an elder in his family who is familiar with divination, predicts The thing that exists in this wind abyss will be the thing that will affect the destiny of the Naro If it can be taken, it will rejuvenate the Naro Clan’s former glory and become one of the true Gods. Get rid of such an awkward situation today.

   Baihu Shenjun led the way and deliberately passed the Tianfeng Station. In order to confirm that the thieves had left, he ordered people to open the isolation prohibition at Tianfeng Station, and let everyone stand on the square to accept Luo Feitian's inspection.

The **** who fled later will inform Luo Feitian that there are no thieves who were fierce at the beginning. Luo Feitian’s attention was attracted by the sky, so he just let the crowd below with a cold snort, and he didn’t want to be too embarrassed. The White Tiger God Lord, after all, he is a war-monitoring God Lord who was rewarded by the God, shouldering the burden of guarding the entire Protoss, in charge of the power of life and death, and cutting the thorns and thorns for the Protoss, charging and fighting.

The family has warned him several times, and they can only try their best to win over each other, and must not conflict with them. The White Tigers have served for the Protoss for generations, and their forces have already penetrated into the entire Protoss. If you accidentally cause conflicts, they will Will cause turbulence in the entire God Realm.

He could only endure his anger and suffocation. Under the leadership of the White Tiger God, he came to the place where the line of the sky was. Before he arrived, he noticed the weird atmosphere in the atmosphere, and then saw a huge hurricane. The vortex enveloped the entire area in front of you. The sky and the surrounding mountains have been completely swallowed by it. Like a terrifying beast, it opened its huge and hideous mouth to swallow everything in this world. .


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