Building B

Chapter 2422: 1 net catch

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Although Lou Yi broke the opponent's five-point formation, the threat of the puppets themselves was still there. After Lou Yi felt it personally, he really understood the power of these puppets.

Originally, Lou B thought that these clever armors were only rehearsed in the name of heavenly stems, distinguished by their power and refining materials, but after he really felt it, he discovered that things were far from as simple as imagined.

Especially after feeling the power of the clever puppets of Ren and Kui, he really has a real understanding of the puppet art of Lian Tianzong.

This type of clever puppet can spin silk like a spider, but this kind of silk thread is an element of force, which is almost invisible to the naked eye. Their function is like a sticky net for catching insects. Building B has several times to avoid the puppet. Attack and accidentally fall into the net.

And this almost invisible mesh is smeared with some unknown toxin, which can paralyze the mental power of the person who touches it. If Lou Yi hadn't opened the Immaculate Eye to deal with it, I am afraid it would have been folded on it long ago.

The Ku-shaped puppet is very annoying. They continue to transform into a phantom phantom, which is used to interfere with the judgment of the confused building B. The reason for the trouble is because the decyl-shaped puppet does not know what material it is made of. , Can also exude the same breath as it is, which is very easy to cause misjudgment.

Coupled with the participation of other types of puppets, he fell into a bitter battle for a while, but Lou Yi firmly believes that there must be some kind of connection, because even if Zhou Likui is strong, he cannot withstand the simultaneous manipulation of more than a thousand puppets. Serious load.

Lou Yi was looking for flaws while avoiding. This Type A puppet was worthy of being the main battle among these puppets. When attacking, it was no less than that of Yuzhan and others among their monks, and even vaguely stronger.

Type B puppets are more similar to assassins. Although they are far from Leng You and others, because of their large numbers and tight layout, Lou Yi was caught in entanglement for a while.

And when Lou B is fighting these puppets, he always feels that his surroundings are constantly being disturbed. This kind of disturbance is very subtle. When something is moving, he will suddenly feel like being pulled by someone, or the space in front of it is weird. A twist occurs.

I think these are the special abilities of those puppets, but at this moment Lou Yi is secretly grateful, he is thinking that if Lu Yue is controlling these thousand puppets at this moment, then the result might be very different.

"You really can't be the leader of Tianzong Refining School..." Lou Yi muttered to himself as he looked at Zhou Likui with a smug look.

The besieged Lou Yi's figure disappeared suddenly, and a violent wind suddenly rose, flying all the oncoming puppets, Lou Yi rushed forward, like a dragonfly, walking in the air quickly approaching Zhou Likui.

Zhou Likui's face changed, and his body involuntarily wanted to go backwards, but at this moment, the puppets in C-shaped armor appeared in pieces and connected their bodies together to form a semi-circular protective wall to block Zhou Likui. Rear.

The figure of Lou Yi quickly shuttled between them, sparks splashed in all directions, Lou Yi’s pleated sword did not cause fatal damage to these puppets. After trying, he came to a conclusion that these Type C armours are defensive Amazing...

But Lou B has found a way to crack it. The armor is very strong, but these clever puppets are not necessarily so. Just now, all his attacks hit the joints between the puppets and the puppets, which seemed to be just a sword. But it was a combination of the Cuifold Immortal Sword and the Kongming Sword Dance he displayed.

In addition to probing, he also caused damage to the opponent, but when he used the sword tactics, he tested the hardness of these armors by the way, and Lou Yi left with a single blow, not daring to drag his feet.

A strange and unsearchable aura quickly enveloped the surroundings. First, Lou Yi saw countless fine air nets, covering the surrounding sky, and wanted to seal him in it.

And outside of these air nets, the puppets in the A-type and smart-type armor had long been put in their positions, but this time their intentions fell through.

Lou Yi's figure suddenly twisted, and then using itself as the axis, thousands of sword shadows whizzed out, smashing all these meshes as if they were rotten, and when the puppets were ready to resist the next impact, the people in Lou Yi suddenly The weirdness disappeared.

Zhou Likui looked nervously at the place where Lou Yi disappeared, his throat was trembling unconsciously, he swallowed fiercely, and a drop of cold sweat fell on his temples.

Now he is indeed nervous, because Lou Yi's performance has exceeded his cognition, his ambition and desire have blinded his eyes, and after this battle, he seems to really see the opponent's strength.

Zhou Likui only wanted to save his life at the moment, and he had also sent a distress signal to the cultivator of Lian Tianzong. As long as he could hold the opponent, he didn't need to use final means.

This method was prepared for the brothers Luan Qisheng and Luan Yuefeng, so he must hold back. If he prepares in advance, then even if he can defeat Lou B, he will not be able to achieve a surprising victory, at least he still has Reasonable, knowing that with his power alone, there is no way to deal with Luan Tianzong at the same time.

Lou Yi's disappearance was extremely abrupt, making Zhou Likui feel uneasy. At this moment, a breeze suddenly appeared beside him, and Zhou Likui was so scared that Zhou Likui immediately mobilized the C-shaped puppet to protect himself.

Lou Yi used the Spirit Swallowing Technique and Night Killing technique to continuously let himself walk around the opponent, and then deliberately made noise to follow the trend, making the opponent extremely nervous. The puppet and the puppet were originally a tight offensive and defensive one, but as Zhou Likui continued To intervene, a trace of flaws finally appeared.

Lou Yi suddenly appeared next to Zhou Likui, scared that the other party hurriedly manipulated the puppet to respond, but at the same time, a clone of Lou Yi appeared on the left, right and behind Zhou Likui. Zhou Likui was already like a frightened bird at this moment, and could not tell which one was the real Lou Yi.

All had to be protected. This operation directly caused a large number of puppets to gather around him. This is what Lou Yi wants. If Zhou Likui adopts the tactics of offensive and defensive integrated inside and outside, and adopts containment measures, even if he can invade the inside, it is so powerful He still can't get the slightest bargain for the protection of the puppet, he only needs to let the puppet expand from the inside out to force it back.

The puppets wearing armor-shaped armor are very powerful, not to mention that they have as many as hundreds of them. This is equivalent to a hundred masters in the lower level of the mysterious fairyland. And because of the ingenious armor, they are better than monks. Harder to deal with.

However, Zhou Likui, as a practitioner of Tianzong, focuses more on his own cultivation and strength. Although there is nothing wrong with this in itself, he is too arrogant. Compared with Lu Yue, he is very proud of his clever puppet manipulation. Difference.

This is why Lou Yi secretly rejoiced. When Zhou Likui wrapped himself into a tortoise shell, the corners of Lou Yi's mouth rose slightly, and he muttered to himself, "Being a cocoon to bind yourself, blame yourself..."

Lou Yi's figure quickly shuttled between the puppets. At this time, Zhou Likui wrapped himself like a zongzi. Naturally, he couldn't figure out the real situation outside now, even if he could get feedback from the puppets in the first time, but because of Lou Yi's The appearance of ghosts made him sweat gradually and it was difficult to cope with it.

Lou Yi's attack from the east with a hammer to the west caused the surrounding puppets to continuously send feedback to Zhou Likui, forcing the opponent to continuously consume mental power to deal with it. Although Zhou Likui's cultivation base is high, his spiritual strength cultivation base is far worse than his own.

After only a moment, Zhou Likui's spirit began to slowly start to trance. When Lou Yi saw that the puppets' reactions began to become clumsy, he knew it was time to do it.

Naturally, the first thing to do is to get rid of those annoying renzi and kui puppets. After taking some pills and taking them, Lou B's body strength is fully activated, and he uses his full strength to use the gentle wind and drizzle technique to turn the surrounding world into himself. Silhouette.

This forced the renzi puppet to start expanding the range of the gas net until Lou B was able to freely shuttle through the mesh. Lou B's figure continued to walk around the renzi puppet, attracting the second puppet and other puppets to help first, and then suddenly Turn to attack the Gu character puppet.

When Lou Yi tried to attack before, he discovered a secret. Although the Kui character puppet moves fast and can produce a lot of phantoms, its own defense power is the weakest among these character puppets.

In just a moment, those dizzy Kui puppets were swept away. Lou Yi accurately pierced the power source of these puppets, paralyzing them all in mid-air, and then all the Zhexi guys into the ring of void .

The puppet with the word Kui quickly disappeared on the battlefield. At this time, Zhou Likui seemed to understand what had happened. He quickly untied the puppets around him and opened his vision again.

As a result, he had just solved all of this, and saw his last renzi puppet, which was stored in the magic treasure by that nasty young man. Zhou Likui was furious with his and immediately ordered the puppet to attack.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lou Yi's mouth, and his figure shuttled between the puppets, avoiding the attack and killing of the second puppet, and once again forced the past towards Zhou Likui, and the same scene was staged again.

Zhou Likui once again restrained himself, which made him very angry and annoyed. At this time, Bai Ling and others also helped Lou Yi with great help and blocked the monks who wanted to rush to Lian Tianzong.

The war is happening right around them, even if they want to go to rescue, but in the face of the powerful Thunder Tiger family, they can only go all out to deal with the puppets in their hands.

Zhou Likui is isolated and helpless at the moment, not to mention how frustrated his heart is. He still hopes that his people can come and rescue him quickly. Lou Yi is constantly using this tactic to harass him, making him painful and at the same time helpless. He pressed his hand several times. On a certain ring in his hand, he resisted and removed his hand from it.

But through the anxiety in his eyes, he can tell that his sanity is disappearing quickly. It seems that it won’t take long for this guy to be unable to bear it and sacrifice the treasure at the bottom of his box. But his eyes were cast to the sky, the forging hammer was hanging lonely in the air, and the light it emitted was getting weaker and weaker. The corner of Lou Yi's mouth rose slightly, retracting his eyes and continuing to kill the puppets beside him.

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