Building B

Chapter 2486: Thinking about countermeasures

At this moment, Yun Lancong and others in the water cover are doing their best to keep it running. Although the Shuikui deuterium lion is a strange beast, it is still young after all. As the water cover is constantly squeezed and ground, Gradually, it was almost impossible to maintain.

The elders of Fengyun Temple and Yun Lancong, also because of the Shuikui deuterium lion, are quite tired at the moment. After all, this is about the future of Fengyun Temple. You must know that Yun Lancong had promised his mother to take good care of this little guy. , If it has the slightest error, the consequences will be unimaginable.

   Just when everyone thought that everything was about to end, there was a harsh sound outside, and a golden sword shadow disappeared outside the water cover.

   "Young Master, someone is coming outside!" An elder of Fengyun Palace said.

   Yunlan nodded and said, "Brother Tieshan!"

   The voice just fell, and there was another fierce sound. This time, several golden lights and shadows flickered and disappeared around. Someone wondered, "What is he doing?"

   "It should be testing the direction and strength of this water prison..." Yun Lancong explained.

   He looked outside and said to everyone, "Everyone cheer up, we are going out!"

A sharp color flashed in Yun Lan's eyes. The reason why they fell into this was not because they were inferior to humans, but because they were attacked by the sea. This guy was so despicable. When they broke the maze barrier, they suddenly shot They are stuck here.

Many monks in the Palace of Wind and Clouds died unexpectedly before they had time to react, and they were trapped here waiting to die, but Yun Lan always believed that someone would come to the rescue. He originally thought it would be Li Wenfeng or Huo Yunlie. .

After all, the same human monks, I did not expect that it was Tieshan who came. After another harsh sound, a golden light appeared outside the water cover, as if countless golden fish appeared in groups in the water cover. outer.

   Just then a voice came in and said to them, "Everyone gathers together, I will save you!"

Yun Lan immediately ordered everyone to do the same. After a while, an astonishing energy began to emerge toward the place. The surrounding area was first covered by a piece of gold, and then suddenly an astonishing black light appeared, and then everything around began to violently shake. stand up.

   The terrible roar is endless, the feeling is like a turbulent vortex formed by the constant stirring of huge waves, and the surrounding water keeps roaring, creating an unimaginable terrible scene.

   But after a brief roar, they slowly dispersed towards the surroundings, as if after a huge wave raged, they retreated back into the sea. Yun Lan was saved from waiting...

   A figure came to them, it was Tieshan who helped them get out of trouble. He looked at several people and said, "He asked me to come to you!"

   After saying that Tieshan turned around and left, leaving everyone with an embarrassed look. Yun Lan smiled and said to the others, "Have you seen it? I am very angry!"

   The elders of Fengyun Temple looked embarrassed at the moment, but they thought they had done nothing wrong. The Shui Kui Deutero Lion fell into Yun Lancong's arms, which terrified everyone around.

   Yun Lan flashed a rare look in his eyes, and said to everyone, "You guys rest here!"

   "Young Master, don't be impulsive!" Several people persuaded in unison.

"I have a sense of measure!" Yun Lan chased after Tieshan's leaving figure, and soon he saw the surrounding scene, there were fighting figures everywhere, and his eyes were cast to somewhere in the distance. The flames blazed up there at the moment.

   Yunlan galloped towards there after hesitating for a while. Not long after he came to this boiling battlefield, there were terrible lava fires everywhere, and a large amount of magma rushed in the various rift valleys.

   The cultivators of Huoyun Palace are constantly resisting attacks from fire spirits from all directions. These fire spirits are rooted in the lava flow and constantly attack the cultivators in the Huoyun Palace.

At this moment in the main battlefield, Huo Yunlie is carrying most of the Huoyun Palace monks, desperately resisting the violent attacks from all around, a huge fire spirit, with a flame **** pattern shining all over it, is waving Fist, madly attacked the Huoyun large array that was on fire.

Yun Lan has felt a strange energy fluctuation since just now. What he actually felt was the elemental resonance that Lou Yi had noticed at the beginning, and the huge fire spirit in front of him was Liezhe, the upper Protoss of the Priest Clan. His appearance has undergone tremendous changes. It feels like being wrapped in countless lava, then the lava dries up and cracks, and then new lava flows up.

Huo Yunlie and the others were struggling to support his attack, and it could be seen that the guard was very hard. Among them, Mr. Shui Jing, Sima Xiangru, was sparing no effort to figure out how to get out of trouble, but he At this moment, big beads of sweat are all over his forehead, and there is no result yet.

But just after Yun Lan came here, the water mirror in his hand suddenly moved. Sima Xiangru's face was happy, and his eyes turned to where Yun Lan was from. Yun Lan seemed to feel the other person’s gaze and smiled. Lean towards Huo Yunlie and the others.

However, it also attracted Liezhe’s attention at this time. The other party turned to look at Yun Lancong, and suddenly shook his palm to hit him. Before the palm reached him, he saw countless fire and sulfur roaring, covering the sky and covering the sun. The road ahead is blocked.

When Yun Lan raised his hand, it was a row of cloud palms, blocking all the roaring fire and sulfur, a sound like boiling water came, and Yun Lan muttered to himself through the steam rising from the surrounding area from his eyes, " Feel this power well..."

These four high-ranking Protoss selected their opponents after strict analysis. To put it bluntly, they arranged things that could attract the monks of specific elemental powers in advance, and placed them somewhere, so that these monks with various elemental powers would carry them. Perceive their existence, and then lure these monks to come.

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