Building B

Chapter 2505: Candle salamander

Yan Peng was severely injured by Huang Hang's counter-attack. Furiously, he used another dragon head to gnaw the dead Huang Hang frantically, breaking his already ragged body into pieces.

After Huang Hang died, the shooting stars that were fixed in the air also fell one by one. At this time, the candle salamander had already left the place, and the power of the flame rushed from all directions to the dragon ball of the candle salamander, and the entire magma sea The temperature dropped instantly, and the magma that was shining with crimson light gradually cooled down.

After Yan Peng vented, he immediately realized that he had missed the opportunity. It was just that one of its legs and the right head were seriously injured, making it inconvenient to move.

Yan Yan looked at Huang Hang, who had been sunk directly into the magma sea in disgust. After retracting his gaze, he raised his eyes and let out a long roar. Four dragon **** gleamed at the same time. Numerous inscriptions of the Protoss appeared, wrapped around Yan Yan’s body, carrying it. Chasing the candle salamander.

And the candle salamander also changed its strategy at this time. It no longer fought against Yan Yan, but kept as far away as possible from the opponent while continuing to draw the power of the surrounding flames.

Its dragon ball became more and more hot, and the flame power stored in it became more and more refined. The energy collected by the dragon ball also began to feed back to the candle salamander, making its own breath gradually recovered.

The candle salamander flashed its wings and kept escaping from Yan Peng's pursuit. The latter was very angry and roared at him repeatedly, but the candle salamander was no longer provoked by him this time. If it weren't Huang Hang's counterattack. I am afraid that it has already died under the attack just now.

While the candle salamander was evading Yan Yan’s chase, Zi Li was also entangled with Meng Sui. Originally, as long as Meng Jiao came forward to explain, this misunderstanding could be resolved, but he did not expect Meng Jiao to be slashed by the fairy puppet. He was seriously injured and temporarily lost consciousness, and the people of the Canglong clan had no reason at all at this moment.

Meng Sui was also seriously injured because of Meng Jiao, and the family members suffered heavy casualties. His reason was swallowed by self-blame and anger. It forgot its fear and launched a crazy attack on the shadow of the tree where Lou Yi was located.

After Zi Li wanted to stop it, he returned to the battlefield to rescue Candle Salamander according to Lou Yi's request. However, Meng Sui's abnormality made it difficult for her to be cloned anymore, and she was forced to stay and contain Meng Sui.

Meng Sui once again used the method of fighting against the blue dragon, which made Zi Li also had to deal with the opponent cautiously. However, Meng Sui had just escaped from the dead and his physical condition had not really recovered. Forcibly using this taboo method again, his body must be overwhelming.

However, its current emotions have long been out of control, and all she thinks about is revenge for the people. If Zi Li wants to kill the opponent, she only needs to constantly improve her aura, but under Lou Yi's inspiration, she has completely figured it out. Up.

She didn't want to win any dragon sacrifice anymore, she just wanted to stay safe and secure beside Lou Yi. On the other side, Huang Yuan witnessed Huang Hang's death with his own eyes, but it was sealed in place by Lou Yi. It can only make waves of wailing.

At this moment, Lou Yi is doing his best to deal with the remnant soul of the real dragon that is causing trouble, and to stop the Dragon King's Breath from raging. As long as he can persist for enough time and wait for Zi Li to solve all this, this cruel farce can be declared over.

However, what he did not dream of was that the direction of things did not go toward what he had imagined, but far beyond his imagination. At this time, Yan Cheng had already killed Ao Fu of the Xuanlong tribe and Huang of the Zulong tribe. Ram.

It can be regarded as the biggest winner in this dragon festival, and at this moment, in addition to the power of the domain of resonance, it also feels that the power of the dragon king is constantly giving it the blessing of power, which means that it won the dragon from the distance The victory of the festival is just a matter of time.

Yan Peng’s wounds gradually began to come back to life due to the blessing of the Dragon Emperor’s Qi. This is naturally good news for Yan Peng, but his dragon feet were bitten by Huang Hang and swallowed into his belly. There is no way to regenerate for a while.

It can only fly in the air all the time, unable to land on the ground. This scene is naturally controlled by the candle salamander. It constantly uses this breach to go around among the mountains, relying on these flames to make it out. A huge volcano, to block its attack and sight.

Yan Yan was so irritable by the candle salamander that he could only use the domain of resonance and use the Earth Dragon Ball to sink these volcanoes into the magma sea again, but when they all sank into the sea, Yan Yan suddenly It was discovered that the candle salamander disappeared.

The one-eyed on its left side of the head is constantly looking for the place where the candle salamander may hide, the sky, the earth, and even the magma sea. The result is nothing, and the candle salamander seems to have completely disappeared.

Yan Yan let out an incomparably angry roar, spurting terrible dragon flames in the air, and constantly sweeping the sky and the sea. For it, he did not believe that the enemy would disappear out of thin air, so it must have been hiding in some way.

At this time, the candle salamander was indeed hiding. Its hiding place was not elsewhere, it was the magma sea, but it cleverly hid in a volcanic crater and sank itself into its interior, which made Yan Yan couldn't immediately notice himself.

At the same time, it disperses all its own flame crystals. A huge cone-shaped flame crystal is placed in each volcano. It uses them to continuously absorb the power of the flames in the volcano, which makes the power of the candle salamander unconscious. Accumulate in the sleep.

But it is also very clear that doing so will not last long and will soon be discovered by Yan Peng. However, at this time, it can increase its chances of winning by one more point if it can be delayed because of its plan. It's always in progress.

After venting frantically, Yan Peng determined that there was no possibility of hiding in the air, so he once again cast his gaze to the magma sea below. He used the earth dragon ball to raise the sea level again, and the silent huge volcanoes rose one after another. Up here.

But at this moment, a huge vortex suddenly appeared in the magma sea not far away. At the center of the vortex, a golden-red light gushed out, and the surrounding magma sea gradually dimmed in an instant.

A terrible light was released from Yan Yan’s one eye, and the dragon’s mouth was opened to spray a terrible breath of dragon flame. However, after the breath of dragon flame, he did not notice the location of the candle salamander. At the same time, there were new ones around it. The huge vortex emerged one after another.

Yan Yan roared again and again, and continuously sprayed deadly dragon flame breath towards these vortices, destroying these huge vortices one by one, but still no trace of the candle salamander was found.

Just when it was about to lose its sanity, a golden-red figure suddenly whizzed out from below it, learning what Huang Hang looked like, and rushed towards Yan Peng.

But how could Yanping, who had suffered a loss once, overturned the car twice in the same place? It immediately twisted the dragon's body and used the dragon's tail to pull downwards, trying to fly the candle salamander back into the magma sea.

At the same time, a more powerful dragon flame is gestating in his mouth, ready to take the opportunity to give the candle salamander a fatal blow, but at this time it is not the candle salamander that is greeted, but countless cones of huge flame crystals, they are like sharp fire The blades gathered together to form a spear of flame, facing the huge dragon tail of Yan Yan.

The two violently collided, and Yan Peng let out a painful roar. The scales on its dragon's tail instantly shattered, and its huge tail became **** and bloody, and the flame spears that the cones of Yanjing turned into were also It fell apart under the opponent's smash.

Countless small Yanjing fragments, under the action of turbulence and updraft, rushed toward Yanbian. Yancheng was immersed in pain, and he didn't even realize something more dangerous, but had already pounced on it.

It twisted its body painfully, and the dragon flame in the dragon's head could no longer be restrained and sprayed to the candle salamander below. The candle salamander did not choose to avoid this time, but rushed up to face the opponent, and its whole body emerged again. Countless flame crystals, layer by layer, filter the power of other elements in the flame of the dragon, and then inject the purest flame power into the body of the candle salamander.

The candle salamander is relying on the power of these newly captured flames to repeat the action of repairing the flame crystal. Although doing so can not completely offset the damage caused by the dragon flame, it can greatly weaken it to itself s damage.

Soon the candle salamander came to Yan Yan's side. When it got close to the opponent, he knew that the opportunity had come. The candle salamander made a terrible dragon roar, and the whole body began to shine with golden and red light, and countless candles appeared out of thin air and rotated around. On its body, at the same time, Candle Salamander directly used the most powerful taboo method of the Candle Dragon clan, Yanlong Wushuang.

Wushuanglong flame caused the entire body of the candle salamander to burn violently, and the terrifying golden red flame unexpectedly exceeded the flame aura released by Yan Yan in a short time, which made Yan Yan had to adjust his state and desperately urged the four The power of a dragon ball.

But another unexpected situation occurred. Three of the four dragon **** suddenly appeared cracks at the same time, and then all of them broke apart. Yan Yan was stunned by the sudden scene, waiting for it to realize that it might be deceived. At that time, the attack of the candle salamander had already arrived.

Yan Yan, who didn't want to sit still, began to mobilize all the power of the flame dragon in its body to prepare for a counter-attack, but at this time the time bomb buried in the candle salamander erupted, and countless fine flame crystals emitted at the same time. Guang Guang began to **** the power of the dragon in Yan Yan's body frantically.

Originally, Yan Cheng was confident enough to kill the candle but suddenly found that the condensed dragon power disappeared strangely, and then its body began to flash strangely, it felt that its body seemed to Suddenly it was hollowed out.

Real panic began to appear in its eye pupils, but Candle Salamander did not give it any chance to escape. Candle Salamander bit on its left side of the head and tore it off instantly.

Then he used his dragon claws to tear off the injured head on his right side, losing all the head of Yan Yan, and his huge body fell from the sky and fell into the churning magma sea below.

At the same time, the body of the candle salamander began to continuously release powerful golden red light. After defeating Yan Peng, it felt the endless power of the Dragon King and began to inject into its body madly.

Soon its body shrank quickly, and not long after it turned into a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl from a dragon, her eyes were shining with golden red light, and she looked at the direction of Building B with some nostalgia. , Opened his mouth and made a strange calling sound, and all the flame dragon guards instantly looked in the direction where he was, broke away from the shelter of the tree shadow, and ran towards their new dragon master.

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