Building B

Chapter 2516: Unexpected situation

Just when Lou B went to the direction of Ba Lei and experienced the battle with the Asura Demon Clan, Yun Lan was also walking forward according to the agreement with Lou B, and they came to a strange place.

There are many huge stone walls here, and each side is as smooth as a mirror. The area covered by these stone walls is very wide, and there are even many flying mountains in the sky above.

The sky was filled with clouds and mist, and there was an immortal family atmosphere. After some discussions, the three took the monks from their respective sects and stepped into this somewhat peculiar area.

After entering this place, they felt the difference here. This place contained a certain kind of special Taoism. Looking up at the sky, they suddenly felt a sense of sitting in a well and watching the sky. Only then did they suddenly realize that the arrangement of these stone walls is particularly interesting.

Looking up from the bottom to the top, you will find that all the stone walls seem to be suddenly pulled closer, and they have also changed from a flat appearance to a slightly curved arc. After visual and the outline of the surrounding clouds, they are actually real. A very special well was formed.

Li Wenfeng took his junior and the monks in Wenjian Pavilion to choose a clean place and practiced on their own. They sat cross-legged and looked up at the sky. They exuded a unique aura, as if they wanted to merge with this world. One.

Yun Lan brought the monks from Fengyun Temple under the gate from Ye to step onto the clouds to observe the bright stone walls around them. When I first saw the stone walls, there seemed to be nothing on them, but when they focused on them, As if seeing something.

This feeling is very special. It cannot reflect the figure standing in front of it, and it is useless even for someone standing in front of it. What it reflects is always the changing clouds around and the light refracted by the rest of the stone walls.

From standing in front of one of the stone walls, Yun Lan gradually merged his spirit into it. He seemed to have come to a very special spiritual world. Everything around him seemed to show it to him, but he still didn’t know what it was. what.

On the other hand, Huo Yunlie was also walking and watching. He was standing beside him, Mr. Sima Xiangru, the water mirror with ears. He looked very excited at this time, holding his water mirror condensed with the power of immortality, and he is constantly deducing. What's going on.

Huo Yunlie cast his gaze around, he didn't realize that there was any special inspiration here, as if this place had no meaning to him.

But at this moment, the bizarre skeletal helmet that was subdued by him suddenly showed a strange fire light. The fire light formed a special flame in front of his eye pupils, and Huo Yunlie looked at the world through it again, instantly I found that everything around me became indescribable.

The whole world turned into a sea of ​​flames, and those stone walls turned into strange flames. He seemed to be in a huge burning pillar of fire. They gathered into a very strange picture, but Huo Yunlie didn't know it at the moment. What, but I always feel that as long as I figure it out, it will greatly help the cultivation base and mood.

At this moment, the skeletal helmet was shining with the flames of fire, enveloped Huo Yunlie, and then flew upwards. The elders of the Huoyun Palace were dumbfounded. Someone shouted, "Young Master! Young Master! !!!"

But Huo Yunlie did not give any response. His body continued to climb upwards, and then floated above a certain area. Then his body was completely wrapped in flames, like a flower bone flower in bud.

The originally nervous Huoyun Palace elders couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly put a guard around them to protect their safety, but at this moment Sima Xiangru quietly left with the monks from the Shui Jingmen.

They did not tell the whereabouts of the monks in the Huoyun Palace. When the elders in the Huoyun Palace found out that the other party was not there, they were nowhere to be found, but Huo Yunlie once confessed that he and Sima Xiangru were just a cooperative relationship. It was not a affiliation, so the monks in the Huoyun Palace did not intervene too much. This Sima Xiangrui came from a high regard. Since he left on his own initiative, perhaps he found something of interest.

Sima Xiangrui did infer something. The ancestors of Shui Jingmen were familiar with this deduction technique, and Shui Jingmen was a giant of the ordering party a long time ago, but for some reason, the sect gradually declined. Many magical powers in the door are lost, but this deduction method is extremely demanding, and very few people can understand this method, so it is passed down as a practice passed down from generation to generation.

Although the Water Mirror Gate is now inferior, thanks to this water mirror technique, it is also well-known in the human world. Any sect with some influence is willing to give a little bit of face.

The reason why Sima Xiangru came here is also because he is the successor of this generation of Shuijingmen. He needs to open up the situation for the future of Shuijingmen. Also because he has been favored since childhood and his self-esteem is very high. With the idea of ​​revitalizing the Shui Jingmen, this floating monster battlefield is naturally the most suitable.

However, after he came here, he found that these big sects were polite to him on the bright side, but in fact he couldn't really integrate into it. There was always a pair of invisible hands pushing him outside.

But fortunately, he met Huo Yunlie, and the two of them hit it off right away. Sima Xiangru felt that this was a very good opportunity, so he stayed by his side as best as he could, gained Huo Yunlie’s trust, and helped Huo Yunlie start the game in the first place. A few fairy cities.

No matter what actions are taken afterwards, Huo Yunlie will take Sima Xiangru and his Shuijingmen with him, and even protect them very well, until the appearance of Building B, it seems that everything has begun to change.

Sima Xiangru is a person who knows the direction of the wind, as well as a person of high self-esteem. Regarding Li Wenfeng and Yun Lan from these top sects, Sima Xiangru's generosity and manner make no one say anything. Not good.

But when he treats Lou Yi alone, he looks down on the opponent from the bottom of his heart, because Lou Yi is not a person in the human world, and he has no roots, even if he can shine on this floating monster battlefield, etc. After leaving the battlefield, there is still no future at, at most, it is favored by a large sect force and recruited as sect disciples.

But even if they can finally step into these sects, how can they be compared with Huo Yunlie and Yun Lan from the true core people, but Lou Yi's repeated abnormal performance makes him feel incredible, of course more Still reluctant to admit each other.

He took advantage of the opportunity of staying by Huo Yunlie's side to constantly seek opportunities for himself, but unfortunately he missed the opportunity for several deductions, but now he finally seized a chance.

Sima Xianglu took the people from the water mirror door, and continued to follow the guidance of the water mirror. Unknowingly, he passed through several hidden spaces and appeared in front of a jade bi.

But the scene that happened next made him frightened. There were scattered clever parts and the bodies of many Luan Tianzong disciples everywhere.

Zhou Likui's unbridled laughter was heard in the distance, and then he heard an angry roar, "Zhou Likui, you despicable and shameless person, if I don't die today, I will kill you!"


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