Building B

Chapter 2619: Deep-minded

The addition of Tieshan caused an instant reversal of the battle. Mingxin and Gan Zihao, who were roundabout on both sides, also made the defense gap on Tu Jiu's side gradually filled.

It's just that the people on the Fighter Alliance side are obviously quite defensive against the cultivators of Gathering Xiancheng. They have been tightly guarding the line of defense to prevent the cultivators of Gathering Xiancheng from entering. This made Mingxin had to make adjustments and only intervened in general. The battlefield area, in this way, can advance, attack, retreat and defend when the monster beasts aggressively attack, and will not be consumed as cannon fodder.

The battle lasted for a whole day and night. Just as Mingxin began to predict, the monks who gathered together in Xiancheng lost some men and horses, but they also seized a large amount of monster materials. However, when cleaning the battlefield, there was something wrong. Harmonious note.

The cultivators of the Alliance of Fighters began to squeeze in deliberately, and they were about to drive out the cultivators of Gathering Xiancheng in order to seize the right to pick up the entire battlefield. This naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of the cultivators of Gathering Xiancheng, and the two sides became furious.

At this time, Tu Jiu was confronting Tieshan. During the battle, both sides had an assessment of their respective strengths. What Tu Jiu did not expect was that the follower next to the building had become so strong now.

However, in the face of the cultivators of his own alliance, these people brought by Tieshan are obviously not enough to see, but Tu Jiu also knows that in addition to these people, there are Yun Lancong and Li Wenfeng in Lou Yi. Waiting for the help of others, this little squad has become so strong, and it is naturally impossible for Yun Lan to wait for others to be a fuel-efficient lamp.

Tu Jiu evaluated the combat effectiveness of Building B several times in an instant, and constantly revised it. The final conclusion was that his Union of Fighters was more tyrannical, and after he observed the current situation on the battlefield, Another idea emerged in my mind.

He now has two cards in his hand, which he got accidentally. He originally wanted to use these two cards for a showdown with floor B. Now the other party has sent him so many chips, which is really rare. good chance.

But now there is another real problem in front of him, that is, after a big battle, it is obvious that his crew is more exhausted, and it seems that the equipment of Lou B's crew is obviously stronger than his own. .

Another problem is that after the battle, he discovered a problem, that is, some of them are always on guard for the people on his side. If he really wants to do it, I am afraid he will not There are good fruits to eat.

Tu Jiu kept deducing possible bad results in his mind, and at the same time assessed how much it would cost to take down the guy beside him, but at this moment Tie Shan suddenly said coldly, "Let the people go. !"

A look of danger flashed in Tu Jiu's eyes, but it quickly disappeared. He changed into a carefree look and asked, "What does this brother say? Why don't we understand?"

Tieshan looked at Tu Jiu, and in an instant two sword marks appeared in his eyes, and a sharp aura appeared, causing Tu Jiu’s entire body to stand up, and Tu Jiu instinctively made a defensive posture. The suffocated air instantly shook the air, and two terrible waves of air formed between the two, bounced away all the others.

The giant ancient sword in Tieshan's hand made a deep buzzing sound. The shadow of the sword king appeared at the same time as the ghost of the blood demon **** ape. The blood ape continued to roar at the shadow of the sword king. The shadow of the sword king stood with the sword, fish intestines and work cloth. The pure Jun sword spirit surrounded him, and countless sword shadows scattered all around. This sudden scene made the atmosphere suddenly tense.

The cultivators of the Fighter Alliance immediately organized, circling from the two wings to encircle the cultivators of the immortal city, but at this moment a huge chessboard appeared in the sky, and an astonishing spatial force began to envelope from the sky. Come down.

At the same time, the monks gathered in the fairy city began to gather the front, and the fog began to cover the place quickly. Gan Zihao held a star pen with a strange light reflected in his eyes. He stood in the air with his foot on the ink dragon, and countless characters appeared and shrouded in the air. On, release a dangerous breath.

The strong on the side of the Fighter Alliance also flew into the sky for the first time and sacrificed their own magic weapons. They would go directly to war if there was a big discrepancy. The number of monks who gathered in the fairy city was only about the total number of the Fighters Alliance. Less than one-fifth, it can be said to be at an absolute disadvantage.

But the aura displayed by Tieshan and the others now made the cultivators of the Fighter Alliance not dare to act rashly. Tieshan did not move like a mountain but its aura was as heavy as the sea, even Tu Jiu felt the pressure at this moment.

He once again evaluated the strength of Tieshan and others, but at this moment, the monster beasts who retreated around seemed to begin to gather here again. What is even more dangerous is that there seems to be a powerful monster king of the monster race toward them. Came to where he was.

Obviously it was the appearance of Tieshan and the others, which disrupted the plan of the monster clan. After being beaten back, they reported the situation here as soon as possible. Therefore, the strong men of the monster clan sent out, if Tu Jiu went to war with Tieshan at this time If they do, the consequence will most likely be the annihilation of the entire army.

Tu Jiu put away his thoughts, put on a carefree expression again, and said to Tieshan, "It's okay to let people go, but you have to take me to see him!"

Tieshan glanced at the other party, and the power of the Sword Lord retracted the sword, and said to him, "Yes!"

Tu Jiu cast a look at the cultivator in the Blood Slaughter Valley, and the other nodded and left. Not long after, a man and a woman were brought to Tu Jiu, but Tu Jiu did not release them immediately, but said to Tieshan. "This brother, I can let people go, but after I meet the people I meet, this requirement is not excessive, right?"

Tieshan frowned. If he were to rob someone forcibly now, he would most likely harm Huang Shang and Bai Ling, and would even be trapped again by the demon clan who had returned, and the situation would become even more dangerous.

After a brief ideological confrontation, Tieshan nodded and agreed, so the Alliance of Fighters and the people gathered in Xiancheng began to retreat quickly to the rear. Before leaving, Gan Zihao and Mingxin doubted the formation, spreading the formation. Doubled, and then left the ink shadow drawn by Gan Zihao and the demon slave left by Tu Jiu.

With these, they successfully escaped from the battlefield and rushed to the place they had agreed with Lou Yi. At this moment Lou Yi also just woke up. He suddenly found himself lying on a huge gold-patterned back. The golden animal hair is extremely warm.

When he got up, a voice rang in his ears, "You are awake!"

Lou Yi knew who its owner was when he heard this voice, and quickly got up to jump off his back. But a domineering force pushed him back, and the voice continued to say to him, "It's okay, just stay like this!"

Lou Yi said with a wry smile, "Thank you in advance!"

As far as Lou Yi is concerned, the Jinwenyan nowadays is no longer the little guy in his and Li Dou's eyes. It is now a veritable and powerful existence, even when it was still young, the sense of oppression it showed, It is by no means comparable to those demon saints in the depths of the Helian Mountains.

After such a long time, it has become extremely powerful. The natural advantages of the race and the incomparable nature of the bloodline have shaped it today. Even if you just lie on its back, you can feel the vastness that it exudes from time to time. Power.

The two king violent bears looked at Building B with grinning teeth, wishing to pull him off his own king, but when they thought that the other party had sacrificed their lives to save them, they suddenly felt a bit of trouble.

Ba Lei was staying next to his big brother at the moment, looking up from time to time to observe their reactions. When he saw their tangled reactions, he couldn't help but laugh, but he didn't expect that the two king blizzards immediately turned their eyes on it, and said, , "Boy, we were bothered by you before. You don't seem to be in good condition. Let the eldest brother help you relax!"

As soon as Tyler heard it, he quickly turned into a golden electric light and fled from them, but how could the two king blizzards let it go, so they roared and chased them, and the tiger and the bears gradually lost their traces.

Mo Sheng and the others were staying in this group of terrifying monsters at this time, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe, but Yuwen Wudi and others, because there were Zi Li by their side, they seemed calm and composed.

The monsters kept looking at them. They suffered a heavy loss this time. They lost at least 60% of the horses. However, the truly powerful existence was protected by their king, but the horses under their hands were lost. too much.

These behemoths looked at Yunlongwei. This Yunlongwei is a mixture of fish and dragons. There are all races, but they are willing to follow behind a human monk. What's more, they are seeing the same huge Linjia Jinsi beast. , When he was willing to serve as this person's mount, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

But their king has ordered no one is allowed to be hostile to these people, otherwise they will be punished, so even if they are not angry, they can only endure it.

Huangyuan and Meng Kai followed their respective clansmen at the end. Their hearts at this moment are extremely complicated, and at the same time they are at a loss. They don’t know what will be waiting for them if they go on like this. They don’t have a heart at all, but It can only be counted as one step.

At this time, Zili was soaring above the sky alone. It is now in charge of the surrounding vigilance. Although there are still many monsters in the sky, it still decides to do it by himself. After the exploration, Zili will also look at Building B. .

The power of Jinwenya is beyond doubt. This also reminds Zili of the war that took place in the Helian Mountains. The Golden Winged Dapeng clan is a powerful monster clan that exists on the same level as Jinwenya, and the crowd gathered around it. The powerhouse of the monster clan is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Now only relying on Yunlongwei and the so-called alliance, can it really reach the end?

Zili didn't have full confidence in his heart, but he firmly believed that no matter what happened later, he would stand beside Lou Yi without hesitation, even if he paid the price of his life.

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