Building B

Chapter 2623: Save Luan Yuefeng

Naturally, it was Tu Jiu who spoke. After the previous battle, his original self-confidence was greatly affected, and he responded to the old saying that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trickery are futile.

The current Tu Jiu deeply felt this. Tu Jiu was a very thoughtful person, and therefore he considered things differently from others. He lost to Lou Yi and did not make him think that he was inferior to the other person. , But he would call to live in Building B, but it was because Building B was not alone.

While Tu Jiu called to live in Building B, he glanced at a place farther away. Naturally, there is no need to say anything. He chose to live in Building B because he already wanted to understand one thing. The power of the Alliance of Fighters is no longer possible to take advantage of the final glory.

So he changed his strategy in an instant. Although Lou Yi seems to be very strong now, he still knows it well. The Monster Race is now the dominant family, and the Ghost Race has withdrawn from the stage early. It was careless. The reason why it was so strong this time was because of the personal participation of the five dragons.

But he got the definite news that the five dragons did not come here for the victory of the floating monster battlefield, but for a rehearsal of a great event. The key is the one who is next to Lou Yi. Girl.

The appearance of Lou Yi made him think of more things in an instant. He saw the purple dragon with his own eyes. Since it appeared here, it meant that the other four dragons had failed, not to mention that he had seen it from afar. A few Canglong and Zulong.

Being able to defeat the four dragons is an extremely difficult thing in itself, but the man in front of him did it, and Mr. Tu Jiu felt that there was an unpredictable power in Lou Yi's body, especially in the beginning. At that time, the other party had faint signs of transforming a dragon.

Although Tu Jiu didn’t know what caused this, he thought it was a gift from Lou Yi after winning the five dragon clan battles. He combined the Canglong and Zulong in the distance, which made him instinctively think that Lou. B has incorporated the five dragons.

Coupled with one of the two giants of the Yaozu Jinwenyan, and the Fengyun Palace, Wenjian Pavilion, and Fire Cloud Palace in the Human Alliance, plus the original people around this guy, then Lou Yi now has it. What a powerful force.

Tu Jiu had never thought about this. He even thought that Lou Yi had already completed the perfect situation he had imagined at the beginning. Such an opponent made him a little admired and frightened.

Tu Jiu never doubted his strength. He thought he had the strength to negotiate with the other party, so he decisively stopped Lou Yi who was about to leave, and wanted to negotiate a deal with him.

However, the result was unexpected again. Not only did Lou Yi not stop, he did not even look at him again. Tu Jiu's body was trembling, either because of his anger or because he was too weak at this time. Up.

The powerhouses of the Blood Slaughter Valley made a sound of indignation, but at this moment, Tu Jiu sighed and muttered to himself, "Smart is wrong by cleverness. The best time is missed... "

He looked at the powerful Fighters Alliance gathered around, and said to them, "I have decided and I am ready to abandon my current status as the leader of the Fighters Alliance. I am going to condescend to chase that arrogant fellow. If you wait If you don’t want to, choose another talent!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar all around, not only the major forces of the Alliance of Fighters, but also the powerhouses of the Blood Slaughter Valley, all showed incredible appearances.

But Tu Jiu has indeed made a decision. After a brief uproar, everyone slowly calmed down. In the end, they clasped their fists and said to Tu Jiu, "Without the help of the leader, I would not have been able to walk until now. I left the field early, now that the leader has made your decision, I am still willing to follow you!"

Tu Jiu looked around, nodded with a reluctant smile and said, "You guys can see it clearly. I've missed it once, but I will never miss it twice. You won't decide for this moment. And regret it!"

After that, Tu Jiu ordered the entire Fighters Alliance to chase the pace of Building B. However, they did not directly contact each other, but followed at a certain distance. Although this seemed shameful, Tu Jiu’s decision, they But it is always obedient.

Lou Yi had already noticed that there was a long tail following them behind. Jin Wenyan asked if they should be driven away, but Lou Yi shook his head and refused.

He was actually thinking about one thing in his heart. Now that he is in this situation, the situation is actually very clear. The Protoss and the Demons are colluding with each other, and there is a figure of the Demons behind them. The Ghost race was cleared by himself in advance. The dragons do not have a leader, and the remaining human forces are divided into three. In this case, whoever has more people will be more likely to get involved in the last place.

Although it was favored by Jinwenyan, the Yaozu lost a lot of people because of the high-ranking Shura. Even the strong ones have been retained, but the number of people is probably the same as the Jinwen Dapeng. Far away.

Under the current circumstances, naturally attracting more people to join is the right way, and after careful analysis and Tieshan's narrative, Lou Yi already understands what the demon clan wants to do.

If there is no way to get more people to gather around him at this time, then when facing the Golden Winged Dapeng clan at the end, I am afraid they will end in an extremely miserable situation.

If it wasn't for Bai Ling's matter, maybe this matter could be finalized at that time, but now Lou Yi's anger is still in his heart, he also needs to let Tu Jiu take a lesson. As for the rest of the matter, wait until the convergence. It's not too late to plan again.

After a long journey in this way, Lou Yi and the others finally arrived at the agreed place, but only Li Wenfeng was the one who received them, and Yun Lancong and Huo Yunlie were not here.

Just when Lou Yi was puzzled, Li Wenfeng talked about what happened after they came here before. Lou Yi sighed when he was shocked. Time and luck are indispensable for both. Luan Yuefeng is a genius of heaven, but It ended up in this field.

He asked everyone to stand still for a while, and if Tu Jiu came here, they didn't need to bother. After that, under the guidance of Li Wenfeng, he hurried towards the place where Luan Yuefeng was.

When he came to that peculiar place, he was attracted by the peculiar shape here. If it weren't for Yun Lancong's voice from the depths of this space, perhaps he would have to take a closer look at this place.

Lou Yi hurried to the depths of this place and saw that Yun Lan was continuing to help Luan Yuefeng’s life. Luan Yuefeng’s condition looked very bad, his whole body seemed to have shrunk, and the whole person was already out of shape. Up.

But what makes him feel strange is that there is an amazing breath in Luan Yuefeng's body, but it is this amazing breath that is currently consuming Luan Yuefeng's life.

Lou Yi stepped forward and pressed his palm to the opponent's heart. He felt the majestic strength. He was sparing no effort to tear Luan Yuefeng's fragile body. He immediately took the hand and cut the palms of himself and the other party. His own blood flowed into the opponent's body.

He got the power of the gluttonous kiss, but he did not expect it to be used at this time. Perhaps all of this is the arrangement of fate. Under the stimulation of Lou Yi's blood, Luan Yuefeng's body quickly swelled, as if The blown up balloon is just like.

His ulcerated arm fell off at this moment, blood gushing out along the wound, and an unpleasant smell permeated all around. Lou Yi quickly used the power of Shennong tea tree to help him keep his pulse and life, which made Luan Yuefeng finally live. Down.

He continued to use his own strength to guide Luan Yuefeng, but he found that the flow of the meridians of the other party seemed to be different from ordinary people, and Li Wenfeng told him that maybe Tieshan could try it.

So Lou Yi asked him to bring Tieshan here. After observing Tieshan, he said to Lou Yi, "His people are dead, but the heart is still there!"

Lou Yi didn't understand the meaning of his words at first, but when Tieshan put his finger on the heart position of the opponent's chest, Lou Yi suddenly realized Jianxin survived but the skeleton is gone, which shows Luan Yuefeng The reason why he still lives in the world is that he is confused by an obsession in his heart. If he cannot completely liberate this obsession, I am afraid that even if he can survive, he will become a walking dead, even a murderous heart. monster.

Lou Yi sighed silently, and said to Tieshan and Li Wenfeng, "I need your help to help him solve his happy knot and resolve this obsession, otherwise I can only kill him... ."

Li Wenfeng and Tieshan glanced at each other, then nodded and agreed. At this time, Lou Yi looked at Yun Lancong on the side, and said to him, "Master Yun, during this period of time, the outside affairs will be on your behalf. !"

Yun Lan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "I will do my best!"

"Thank you!" Lou Yi nodded and said.

After Yun Lan left, Lou Yi asked the other two people to sit on the left and right sides of Luan Yuefeng, while Lou Yi sat face to face in front of him. He took a deep breath and said to the other two, "Remember, no matter what happens, Things, remember to hold onto the faith in your heart!"

The two nodded at him, and then Lou Yi's pupils began to shine with strange light, turning into two slowly rotating vortices, he put his hands on Luan Yuefeng's temples on both sides, and suddenly injected power into his body. At this moment, Luan Yuefeng's blind eyes suddenly opened.

First, he opened his mouth and wanted to roar, but there was no sound. Then black gas gushed from his seven orifices, and then the three people and Luan Yuefeng were simultaneously enveloped by black gas, and then they disappeared in place.

The three people in a trance came to a world filled with black air, which gave people a sense of horror. Lou Yi said to them, "From now on, you must be very careful in any step you take. Otherwise, you will be invaded by the demonic energy of this place and enter the land of immortality!"

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