Building B

Chapter 2629: 3 people climbed to the top

It turned out that Lou Yi appeared here because he had used the Spirit Swallowing Technique before, and the figure that stepped away was a clone phantom condensed by it.

But his own body is still hidden in this weird world. Although he doesn't know how the other party did it, he probably has a guess of his own.

He was hiding here and wanted to try his luck, but he didn't expect to wait until the other party appeared, thus witnessing his own genie's way of seizing abilities with his naked eyes.

Lou Yi was fortunate that he was cautious before, because the cultivation base aura exuded by this genie was very weak, and this was also the key to his ability to suddenly kill him with a single blow.

After killing the spirit demon, Lou Yi was relieved a lot, because the upset feeling was gradually dissipating, and the uncomfortable aura slowly disappeared.

He really crossed the hurdle and waited towards the top of the mountain. Without the genie from it, the speed of the three suddenly increased. Among the three, only Tieshan did not know what happened. He was still wondering why. The more you go up, the strength of these illusions is getting weaker and weaker.

At this moment, standing in front of him is a four-armed **** ape, known for its infinite strength. Not only that, but its speed is as fast as lightning. At the last hurdle, all the creatures encountered are basically It is an illusion from the ancient and ancient times.

These are the spiritual memories of some of the ancestors who founded Li Luan Tianzong, some are inherited from their elders, and some came across by chance when they went out to practice.

They weave these precious memories into the sky for the disciples of Luan Tianzong’s descendants to experience and learn. It is precisely because of this that Luan Tianzong can become a hot super sect in the human world. This has nothing to do with the efforts of the elders of Luan Tianzong in the past. .

It's a pity that the leader of this trip to the floating monster battlefield was not Luan Yuefeng but Luan Qisheng. His arrogance and defiance eventually made Luan Tianzong fail, and Nuo Da's advantage fell short.

At this time, there was a sky-dark figure standing in front of Lou Yi, and the whole body was shining with dazzling golden light. It was a golden giant with a whole body of golden light emitting a dazzling brilliance like the sun.

He could see the golden red **** pattern shining all over his body. This was an existence that Lou Yi had never encountered before. He could feel the vast divine power from the ancient times, but it was just a fantasy. , Does not have its own original power.

Without the hindrance of the genie, he was finally able to immerse himself in the battle. From fighting with the creatures who lived in the ancient times, he felt the Taoism in it, and left the essence of it and perfected himself. Tao.

Lou Yi has benefited a lot from this, and Li Wenfeng has also benefited a lot, perhaps because he has been here before, and now as he continues to move up, under the blessing of confidence, he gets far more than Lou Yi and Tie mountain.

It was a very special feeling. He made Li Wenfeng feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that he had never had before, making his eyes confident and focused. He was immersed in every battle, no matter who the opponent is, no matter how the opponent is. Powerful, there is never a hint of hesitation in his eyes, which may be an important opportunity for Li Wenfeng to break the cocoon and transform the butterfly.

Tieshan swung his sword at the four-armed divine ape. Although these guys are not as fierce as the behemoths before, the ancient creatures are still ancient creatures after all. Their fighting methods and the way they use their magical powers are unprecedented. Unprecedented.

Tieshan's sword slashed on the fist of the four-armed **** ape, bursting out dazzling sparks, the huge fists that looked like falling meteors, making Tieshan gradually immersed in it.

This divine ape is shining with the oldest divine pattern. They are all creatures that were blessed by the heavens in the ancient times. If the great changes in the world hadn't caused their living environment to undergo a devastating change, I am afraid that the world today is still their world.

With a hearty smile on Tieshan's face, he waved the sword in his hand, and collided with the opponent again and again. He did not choose to back down, but tried his best to get close to the opponent. This was actually an extremely dangerous thing.

As long as he was hit by the opponent, he might be a dead end, but Tieshan faced the huge divine ape without fear, and swung the giant ancient sword towards the opponent.

The brave power was added to his body, making his explosive power reach an unprecedented height. A stronger explosive power means a stronger power and speed, which just fills up the power gap with the opponent.

However, the other party finally had a pair of arms more than him. It is still a bit difficult to take advantage of this four-armed ape...

On the other side, Lou B’s situation is exactly the opposite of Tieshan. Tieshan chooses to fight hand-to-hand, while Lou B resorts to fighting with the opponent. The powerful creature with the sun's rays all over his body can trigger terrible heat waves by hooking his fingers. , And turned the surrounding light into a terrifying beam to hit Building B.

In the beginning, Lou Yi wanted to use his speed to get close to the opponent, but in front of the light, how dare he pretend to be able to surpass its speed, and finally after several attempts, he was beaten back by the opponent's almost invincible defense method.

Even once again, he almost caught the other side's way. If it hadn't been for the rubbing of the Ten Thousand Fire Catalogue to appear and rescue him immediately, I am afraid he would have been blasted into dregs by that beam at this moment.

At this time, Lou Yi's whole body was also shining with bright golden red light, and he saw him stand side by side with his index finger, middle finger, and ring finger, and hit the opponent's three-finger technique, Golden Crow Burning the sky.

At this moment, the two are competing against the power of the flames through the flames of the burning sky. The creature on the opposite side knows that they are ancient gods. All the gods are the darlings of the sky. They have an affinity for the power of natural elements far beyond other races. .

It can be said that the elemental powers of the world are all powers that can be used at will. When fighting against such an existence, Lou Yi tried to use fire to fight against the fire of the other party. This seems to be a kind of trick, in front of Guan Gong The absurdity of playing with big swords.

But Lou Yi did it. He had his own plan. He wanted to know the real gap between himself and these protoss, because now these self-proclaimed gods are eyeing his other precious daughter and want to It is his own.

For him, this kind of thing is naturally not allowed to happen, but there are more than tens of thousands of strong people in the God Realm, and many of them are descendants of gods inherited from the ancient times, and some are even from the ancient times. The old immortals that have survived so far have gone through too many catastrophes and have long since become unfathomable.

With this kind of existence, how can he contend with a man who has ascended from the mustard world, he can only desperately improve himself and squeeze all his potential, because only in this way can he keep the people he cherishes.

What Li Wenfeng encountered here was the ancient sacred bird, with three heads and six legs and beautiful feathers all over his body. The only bad thing was its cry.

Its voice is like human laughter. This laughter possesses strange magical powers and can affect people’s minds. However, Li Wenfeng is full of confidence today, and he turns a deaf ear to this laughter. The ear attacks of the 鵸鵌 are very fast, with three heads like The swift blade is just like that, constantly producing shocking power, covering Li Wenfeng's surroundings.

And its weird six-legged movement is as fast as lightning. When Li Wenfeng faced it, it was like facing a siege of several people at the same time. However, the teacher Li Wenfeng accepted the sword pavilion, and the most practiced on weekdays was several times Fight your own enemies.

Among the colorful lights and shadows, Li Wenfeng enjoyed this rare and precious experience, and the three of them looked for opportunities in their respective battles until the moment they gradually surpassed their opponents.

Tieshan’s body was surging with unprecedented kendo power, and the ancient sword of Juque responded to his heart at the moment, bursting with a fierce and vigorous sound of swords, accompanied by Tieshan’s two-handed swords, a dark sword capable of splitting the world. The light whizzed out, the four-armed **** ape felt the deadly threat, and his four arms moved back at the same time.

The **** pattern on its arm flickered, making it as hard as a gold stone, but the black sword light seemed to ignore the terrifying defense of the four-armed ape, and the black light flashed past the four-armed ape's body. The center flashed past.

Then there was a sound of earth-shaking wailing, the body of the four-armed **** ape crashed down, and then dissipated into countless particles, merged into this world, Tieshan looked at the sword in his hand, grinning still. Up.

At the same time, he finally gave up the strategy of making fire with fire, because he found that flame was of no use to the guy in front of B eventually bent his ring finger and the surrounding air Suddenly it became cold, and the power of extreme cold whizzed out from his index and middle fingers, condensing into two huge ice fingers in the air.

Bingyue Burying the Sky, although it is only the second form of the common people's finger, the mutual generation and mutual restraint of the elements is a hurdle that any Protoss finally cannot overcome. At this time, the sky is like a round of ice moon hanging above the sky.

After the spells were cast, the place turned into an ice world. The body of the huge shining Protoss was frozen in place. As the ice gradually dissipated, his figure slowly melted into the snow and ice.

Lou Yi sighed silently, raised his leg and walked forward, through the vortex to the final place, and at this time Li Wenfeng also happened to defeat the red hawk and walked into the vortex with a smile on his face.

The three of them walked out of the vortex almost at the same time and came to the final place where they reached the sky. The three looked at each other and revealed a knowing smile. After that, the three looked forward at the same time.

This place was full of extremely rich devil energy, and from the depths of the devilish energy, there was a heart-piercing roar. When the three of them came here, one of them said hoarsely, "Kill! Kill! Kill!!!"

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