Building B

Chapter 2633: Smart Eye Tiantong

That day, the demon called himself Moko. From Lou Yi's point of view, he should be the real leader of the demon clan coming to this battlefield. At least in his opinion, he was stronger than the Shura he had encountered before.

A bunch of celestial demon wings spread out, and the dark magic light suddenly enveloped the entire world. Vaguely you can see the black and red light shining in this dark world. The other party grinned and said, "I don’t know if you, fragile humans, can be in this deity. How long will it last under this dark sky!"

The devilish energy is constantly tossing, and the attack continues. At this moment, even the light of the guardian **** has been firmly bound in the body. Although it is still fighting, the other party’s magical power is really It's too powerful.

"The naked eye is the eye of an ordinary man! Seeing near but not far, before and behind, outside but not inside, day but night, top but not down..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

It’s just that his words sounded weird. I didn’t understand the meaning of what he said, until his eyes suddenly sparkled with golden brilliance in the dark, and the two slowly rotating * characters seemed to be especially for this. Then, Lou Yi said, "Because of this, I ask for the eyes of heaven..."

After that, he folded his palms together, raised his eyes to the sky, and in an instant thousands of brilliance were released from the pupils of the eyes, and the dark world was instantly riddled with golden pupils. Lou Yi said again, "Sky eye, yes For the eyes of heaven and man! See from far and near, front and back, inside and outside, day and night, up and down..."

He opened his palms, the palms of both palms were turned up, and he chanted Fa Jue. The lake of pure water that was originally shrouded in black light seemed to burn with a golden flame in an instant.

These flames are entirely composed of tiny Sanskrit scripts. They scrambled to gather towards Lou Yi's palms. When enough golden light gathered on their palms, Lou Yi's palms slammed together and shouted loudly. ,"open!"

Snapped! ! !

The crisp sound spread across the sky in an instant. Tieshan and Li Wenfeng, who had their eyes darkened, flashed golden light in front of them, and the dark world around them suddenly became bright again. They saw the guardian gods trembling with the demon. .

The two looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They turned into two rays of light and went straight into the sky. They flew up to the sky to help the guardian **** general. Although the guardian **** will be very strong at this time, Lou Yi had asked them before. , This means that the power of the guardian **** is actually equivalent to the power of Lou Yi at this moment.

The fact is indeed the case. The power of Buddhism displayed by Lou Yi is supported by these ancient bergamot flowers, but these bergamot flowers have continuously consumed their own Buddha power since they came here.

Such a consumption naturally cannot provide unlimited power for Building B, not to mention that Building B has more important things to do, which is to free Luan Yuefeng from the pain.

His eyes reflected the Buddha's light, and the Buddha's light passed through Luan Yuefeng's body, shining into his body. He saw countless devilish energy passing through his body, turning into countless locks that only held Luan Yuefeng's body.

Especially in the two positions of his heart vein and the sea of ​​consciousness, there is a strong and unreadable demon energy gathering here, forming a dense chain of demon energy, blocking Luan Yuefeng's power.

At the same time Lou Yi also discovered a special phenomenon, that is, in Luan Yuefeng's body, there seems to be an extremely powerful force being restrained. He doesn't know what it is, but if Yun Lan is there , He can tell the reason.

All this is actually the game played by Nasura Moko. With the help of the monster race, Zhou Likui returned to this place, looking for the monk alliance and causing them to have infighting, hiding in the dark to provoke right and wrong, and at the same time planting the magic seeds on the monks. In our hearts.

Afterwards, the cultivator alliance became antagonistic due to differences. This Shura Moko used the anger in these people's hearts to continuously intensify their contradictions, and then it was the moment for Zhou Likui to perform.

He continued to win over the major forces of the monk alliance, persuading them to join the monster camp to participate in the grand event. Under the bewilderment of Shura Moko and Zhou Likui's unswerving lobbying, everything came to fruition, but at this time Shura Moko found one. Very interested target, and he is Luan Yuefeng.

Luan Yuefeng is talented, even in the entire human world, it is a very top-notch existence. Shura Moko once wanted to use power to confuse him, but was discovered by the other party.

After that was a psychological battle. In the end, Luan Yuefeng withstood the magic of Shura Moko, but it also laid the bitter fruit for everything that followed. Shura Moko used the greed in the hearts of human monks to put Luan Yuefeng in this space. I told them and bewitched them that as long as they seized these jade pieces, they would be able to comprehend the supreme magical powers.

Therefore, under the bewitching of greed and demons, Zhou Likui led people into this place, and launched a fierce fight with the monks of Luan Tianzong. Originally, Luan Yuefeng had the power to suppress everyone, but because of the battle with Shura Moko’s spirit, he After a lot of influence, and the beginning of the battle, he was once again entangled by Asura Moko.

Xiu Luo Mo Ke deliberately used Brother Luan Tianzong's tragic death to stimulate Luan Yuefeng, causing his psychological defense to collapse a little bit, and then it used Zhou Likui's ambition and cruelty to completely collapse Luan Yuefeng's spirit.

After that, it grandiosely planted the seeds of magic in Luan Yuefeng’s heart and the sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time used magic power to temporarily seal its power. It is full of expectation to wait for the day when it blooms and bears fruit, when it will have a Cold-blooded, bloodthirsty, demon without any emotion.

Although Li Wenfeng and Yun Lan found Luan Yuefeng, Shura Moko was extremely confident and believed that under its power, these cowardly humans had no chance to stand up.

But it was a coincidence that Lou Yi's appearance completely disrupted all of this, forcing it to change its plan, introduce the three of them into Luan Yuefeng's spiritual world, and then kill them all.

The original plan was to use the seeds constructed by his magic power to transform into the demons of these three people. Here is the genie that Lou Yi and the others face.

This spirit, heart and demon's appearance has the characteristics of swallowing and copying the opponent's power, and it is precisely because of this that Lou Yi and the others will continue to undergo various tests, with the goal of mastering the power of these three people as much as possible.

But what I never expected was that one of the links was flawed, which eventually led to the failure of this plan. The reason was actually very simple, that is, demons possess purer greed, even more greedy than humans.

It was this greed that made Li Wenfeng's genie think that it had enough strength to kill and swallow the opponent, and it was naturally killed by Li Wenfeng.

After that, Tieshan’s genie made its own claim and wanted to force Lou B to expose his true strength by fighting Lou B. But unfortunately, he is the one who knows Tieshan the most. Everything about Lou B is almost as if Know the palm.

In the end, they did not get what they wanted, and both died in the hands of Lou B. At this point, Shura Moko's wishful thinking was lost. It had to emerge from a hidden place to stop these three **** humans and destroy its upcoming masterpiece. .

Unexpectedly, the attack that was originally thought to kill with one blow was blocked by these three humans one after another. As the demon Shura, how could it swallow this breath and directly displayed the dark magical powers.

It's hard to imagine that one of the humans actually used Buddhism's celestial eyesight, but fortunately, the human's celestial eyes are extremely immature. If it can be meticulous and transparent, I am afraid that even it can only retreat. .

Buddha and demons themselves are not completely opposites, but because both Buddha and demons focus on spiritual practice, people in the world often place Buddha and demons on opposite sides for comparison. The same situation also occurs in Taoism, as the old saying goes One foot, the height of the demon is one foot high, which is to compare the Dao Demon.

In fact, demons are demons, and they can affect the existence of all living beings. Their birth is extremely mysterious, and the entire demon world itself is a cruel world where the weak and the strong.

They are extremely cruel to the people of their own clan, let alone those who are not demon clan. There are cruel and cunning generations in the demon clan, and the Shura Moko in front of him is obviously a powerful demon with both.

It said that the highest state of Tianyantong is actually the method of wise eyes and Tiantong. Although Tianyantong is strong, there are also strong and weak points. It is divided into four levels. The first and most obvious is the magical power of Tianmu displayed by Lou Yi. .

He can restore the disharmony imposed on the world with the power of true vision. If it is distinguished by the power of celestial vision, it will be divided into four realms: inner vision, perspective, remote vision, and micro vision.

The reason why Shura Moko is afraid of is because these four realms, from shallow to deep, can understand all the truths in Luan Yuefeng's body, and if they can crack them with the power of wisdom eyes and heaven, there will be no place here. Its foothold.

At this time, Lou Yi has begun to use the method of introspection, and began to sort out Luan Yuefeng’s chaotic meridians. Through his eyes, he can see different colors of light flashing through Luan Yuefeng’s body, and he can see at the same time. Know the imprisoning force Shura Moko exerted on Luan Yuefeng.

Just as the other party said, Lou Yi's understanding of Buddhism's supernatural powers was still in the groping stage. He refused to be converted to Duhua several times, causing the Buddhism to temporarily give up support for him.

Not only did he take away the catalog of thousands of Buddhas, but also sealed most of the Buddhist supernatural powers that he was able to use at the beginning. Perhaps this is also the test of the Buddha on himself. If you don’t have to go through hardships, you don’t know where to turn back. But don't cross the undestined.

As for whether Lou Yi is really predestined with the Buddha, it still depends on his own choice. At least when he is dealing with a crisis, he does not resist using the Buddhist supernatural powers to fight his enemies. Maybe he just doesn’t want to let go, or he doesn’t want to. Admit it...

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