Building B

Chapter 2639: Joining Hands with the Devil

Huo Yunlie was invaded by the opponent's demon, and he was in a trance for a moment. When he recovered his consciousness, he found that everything around him suddenly became dark, and a terrifying magic force was squeezing his body from the outside to the inside.

But Huo Yunlie did not panic. He suddenly burst into flames and enveloped himself. Then the devil's claws slammed against his body, but at the same time, he was stung by a wasp. The hand was released again.

He saw Huo Yunlie's body burning with samādhi real fire, and the flame escaped from his body and chased the fleeing devil's claws. The devil energy around him was instantly swallowed by samādhi divine fire, and the samādhi real fire was shining all around.

There was a terrible cold snort from the sky, and then a dark storm fell from the sky, directly suppressing the reluctant samādhi fire. Huo Yunlie raised his head and looked towards the sky, but saw a huge monster body, that The demon body was dressed in a dark magic armor, and he carried an unusually exaggerated blood moon magic axe in his hand.

The huge black and red magic pupil of the other party hurriedly glanced at him, and then disappeared immediately, and then suddenly the magic sound roared around, countless strange monsters suddenly appeared out of thin air and killed them all around.

At this time, the monks of various races were still in a state of panic. Before many people had time to react, they were torn to pieces by these monsters. Huo Yunlie first reacted and immediately fell from the sky to gather everyone in Huoyun Palace. Together, the fire cloud array was immediately deployed to deal with more and more monsters appearing out of thin air.

He cast his gaze to the sky. At this moment, a huge vortex appeared above the sky. He suspected that those monsters appeared from there, but when he tried to burn it with the real fire of Samadhi, he found the flame and the vortex. There seemed to be an invisible barrier in the space, making it impossible for his divine fire to penetrate through.

Not long after, some monks who recovered from the panic began to organize a counterattack, but because they were too hasty and couldn’t put aside the problem of the ethnic group, they could not really form a countermeasure force, but were embraced by the demons one by one. Break through.

More and more victims appeared. After being killed by these terrible demon slaves, they shared their food. Finally, this cruel scene caused the monks of all races to put aside their prejudices, and instinctively began to come closer, and the most concerned was the Huoyun Palace. Here.

Because of the fire cloud formation, coupled with Samadhi Real Fire's restraint on monsters, this place has become the safest and most stable battlefield, attracting monks of all races from all directions and gathered together.

If it were before, I’m afraid Huo Yunlie would have suspicions for these foreigners, but since going all the way with Lou Yi, after being influenced by the other side, he has gradually put aside the ethnic stereotypes and acquiesced to these asylum seekers. exist.

The elders in Huoyun Palace didn't say much in the face of Huo Yunlie's changes, but when they looked at each other, there were many complicated emotions in their eyes.

Although Huo Yunlie was a little bit regretful and disappointed because his previous practice was unexpectedly interrupted, but now he suddenly found another opportunity. He guided the monks in the Huoyun Palace and continued to grow the Huoyun formation. The subtle means, the power of the flame is superbly displayed.

He gradually entered a state of selflessness. At this moment, he seemed to be a flame, and he was the flame of this fire cloud array. He could feel the slightest change in the details, which was one thing for him. An unprecedented experience that can greatly enhance its senses and fire control power.

The strength of the monks in the Huoyun Palace is based on the strength and grade of the different fires, and the power to control the fire. The former relies more on financial resources and opportunities, and the latter is true. It can reflect the core performance of a person's strength.

The power of fire control requires strong mental power to enable oneself to control the power of flames. Fire control and fire control are required courses in the Huoyun Palace, but being able to use flames freely requires great perseverance and time. Of condensed.

At this time, the elders and cultivators of the Huoyun Palace had already felt the earth-shaking changes in the Huoyun Array. In addition to their joy and encouragement, they were also affected by Huo Yunlie.

It can be said that Huo Yunlie unknowingly improved his own fire control power, and also helped the people in the door to also improve the use of the fire way, so that they can feel under the display of his fire control power The use of the way of fire is of great benefit to their future practice.

Under Huo Yunlie’s unconscious guidance, the scene seemed to have finally stabilized. Those monks of various races who were still undecided also slowly calmed down. They displayed their magical powers and began to help clean up the demon races outside, giving these monks in Huoyun Palace. We reduce the pressure.

On the other side, Lou Yi finally awakened Tieshan and Li Wenfeng with the help of the guardian gods. At the same time they opened their eyes, the real body of Shura Moko suddenly came here.

This confined space could not withstand its terrifying power at all. At the moment when the magic core burst open, Lou Yi took everyone out, but because this place was a prison arranged by Moko, even if they could escape from this place , I am afraid it will be terribly affected.

But the moment they left the magic core with Luan Yuefeng, a strange breath suddenly enveloped all of them at the same time, which was like a force of attraction, guiding them forward, Lou Yi suddenly smiled. Know who is doing all this.

At this moment, in the outside world, Yun Lan has been carrying the monks of Fengyun Temple, struggling to support the surroundings. Since the devil core space has oscillated, Yun Lan, who is guarding outside, has taken the monks of Fengyun Temple, doing Well, prepare in advance.

When Mo Ke arrived, they were hit by a terrible magical force, almost ruining their previous efforts, but in the end, Yun Lancong and everyone's efforts made them able to preserve the most important space channel.

It was relying on its existence that Lou B and others were safely brought out of the magic core space. The terrifying magic power continued to skyrocket. Yun Lan reversed the power of the space from the moment he received Lou B and the others. , Sent everyone out safely.

However, some monks from the Palace of Wind and Clouds were left behind. They were willing to sacrifice themselves to buy time for Yun Lan. There was no hesitation in their eyes. Instead, Yun Lan had a little more complex sentiment in his eyes.

They disappeared in a burst of white light, and then the magic core space exploded, and a terrible magic storm swept everything around, exploding a terrifying black hole with hundreds of thousands of feet in the constructed space.

The devilish energy raged madly around, making this black hole look so terrifying, and Moko then descended here, and it made a terrifying sound of devilish whistling, sweeping the entire space.

The majesty of the magic sound instantly changed the complexions of many monks of all races, and then their souls fell to the ground and died. The other monks who were affected by the impact and did not die also showed extremely fearful expressions on their faces.

Afterwards, some of them began to constantly show dark devilish energy on their bodies, and in the wailing of pain, they directly transformed into demon slaves, and killed their friends and relatives who were still fighting side by side before.

This sudden scene made all the survivors present in danger. They looked around vigilantly to prevent the sudden demonization of those around them. It can be said that the atmosphere that Huo Yunlie managed to create was affected by this demon roar. It was completely destroyed.

This Shura Moko deserves to be the leader of the demons this time. The power can really be said to be terrifying. At this time, it has already given up its previous calculations. It has to use absolute strength to kill everyone present, only Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be eliminated.

The consequences caused by Mo Ke's magic roar are absolutely disastrous. It is now unscrupulously displaying its magic power. The most severely affected are the Lou Yi and others who have just gotten out of trouble.

But fortunately, at a critical moment, everyone worked together to resist the terrifying power of the Demon Howl, but their faces at the moment were not very good, because through the power of this blow, they all realized that the Shura Moko was powerful. .

Almost for an instant, everyone's bodies suddenly stiffened, as if there was a pair of extremely terrifying eyes locked in them behind them, and that feeling was like being caught in the middle of a dense forest suddenly by a predator.

Mo Ke flashed dangerous magic light in his eyes, grinning at Lou B and the others, and roared, "The deity is here, where do you want to escape?!!!"

The magic sound turned into terrifying sound waves and shook the, making the entire space roar, a black and red light flashed, and Moko appeared directly in front of Lou Yi and the others, retreating them. It was sealed.

Lou B, Tie Shan, Li Wenfeng, and Yun Lancong are now ready to fight like a big enemy. At this moment, Lou B said to Yun Lancong, "Young Master Yun, Yue Feng will give you and Gui The people of Zong have taken care of it!"

Yun Lan was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what Lou Yi meant. Although Luan Yuefeng has gotten rid of the erosion of the demonic energy, he did not really sit back and relax. Although his consciousness has been awakened, he wants to truly wake up. Come, it will take some time.

And during this period of time, he is very likely to be controlled by that Shura Moko again. If this is the case, then all their previous efforts have been completely defeated.

Lou Yi handed Luan Yuefeng to Yun Lancong. The latter immediately summoned the monks of Fengyun Temple and quickly fled to the side with Luan Yuefeng. Shura Moko swept his gaze toward Yun Lancong and the others, just about to stop him. , But saw countless extreme white light suddenly appeared around him, blocking his way forward.

Then Tieshan and Li Wenfeng plugged in from left to right, the golden sword shadow and cyan sword wind were also fully spread out, and the sky in the same building B formed a three-layer airtight net during the day, giving Shura Moko temporarily Flowed down.

Na Shura Moko glanced at the escaped prey from the corner of his light, let out a cold snort of disdain, then retracted his gaze to look around, suddenly waved the blood moon magic axe in his hand, countless terrifying scarlet shadows swept across the square, easily Then all these obstacles were broken apart.

It locked its eyes on the three very small existences in front of it, and said dismissively, "You overweight maggots, this deity will let you realize what life is better than death!!"

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