Building B

Chapter 2646: New alliance

Moko felt an unprecedented panic and threat. It was convinced that if he didn't flee here, he would die here. It had never seen such a terrible formation since its birth, and it was only a sideline.

Moko flashed the magic wing crazily to escape from here, but because of the attack of Tieshan and Luan Yuefeng, its magic wing was damaged and difficult to fly at this moment. When it was forcibly flapped, the magic wing broke...

Mo Ke roared in annoyance, using the magic vortex to carry his body, but he was interfered with by Li Wenfeng, coupled with the restraint of the earth's chains, eventually making all his efforts fail.

In its pupils are reflected one by one huge stars that are falling down rapidly, although they look tattered, even though they seem to have long since disappeared, but at this moment they are so dazzling and so deadly.


The first broken star fell down, but it was exploded by Moko with magical power. However, there is still a big gap between its power and this broken star. What's more, Lou Yi will part of the original chaos because of his emergency. The force was poured into it, making it carry a trace of the power of Pangu opening the sky.

Just a star fell and exploded Moko's left arm that Moko used to resist. The force of shock generally applied to Moko's huge body. It made a complex roar, and the body was already in tatters. The magic armor burst into pieces in an instant.

The second, third, fourth...

Broken stars are falling down continuously. They don't seem to fall fast, but they give people a feeling of being hard to get rid of. Moko feels like he is fighting the real strong.

At this moment it suddenly felt that it was small and sad. In its eyes, human beings are fragile and small and vulnerable. But now it itself, when facing the falling stars, it again What's the difference?

Mo Ke could never imagine that as the commander-in-chief of the demons, with arduous and complicated tasks, he would die in the trap he set, or in the hands of the humans he most looked down upon.

Its pupils swept around, trying to take a look at the guy who forced himself into this situation, but unexpectedly found that he was lying behind the group of human beings, already in a faint.

If he could give him another blow, he would definitely be able to kill him at this time, because he looked so fragile now, but it knew that he could no longer do it.

Mo Ke looked up at the sky and let out a final roar, with its ambition and unwillingness, buried under this cluster of stars, and the earth-shaking explosion completely buried the terrifying powerhouse of Asura. , Leaving only a huge blood moon battle axe with a faint dark red light.

In fact, what Moko didn’t know was that the only thing capable of hurting the cluster of stars this time was the three broken stars that fell at the beginning. As for the following ones, because of the broken stars, they were not really powerful. The man’s control is unable to use it. After all, it is Da Luo Jinxian who is really capable of controlling it. It is no wonder that Mo Ke feels heart palpitations and powerlessness.

Not to mention that it is difficult to contend with the power of this star banner, even their king, when faced with the real star banner's power, I am afraid that he can only be slaughtered.

The battle is finally over, but the next thing is far from over. Lou Yi is unconscious, Tieshan, Li Wenfeng and others are even more wounded. Today, only Yun Lancong and Huo Yunlie are still fighting. Luan Yuefeng is over.

Luan Yuefeng was originally a member of the monks' alliance, and his defeat at the hands of Tieshan and Li Wenfeng indirectly led to a series of ear tragedies afterwards, and even he himself was not spared.

The task assigned by Zongmen to their brothers was no longer possible, and his fourth brother and all the monks of Zongmen died here. This result was unbearable for Luan Yuefeng.

Now there are no foreign enemies. If he makes a move at this time, everyone on the scene will probably be unable to contend with him. Therefore, Tie Shan and Li Wenfeng are looking at him at this time, and the hands holding the sword have never been released.

Although Luan Yuefeng can’t see his eyes, his senses have been greatly sublimated now, and he can naturally feel the vigilance of the people around him. He uses his mind to say to the people around him, “You don’t have to be like this, my enemy is not you. ......"

As soon as these words came out, everyone felt a lot more relaxed. Even if they had stood on the opposite side, Luan Yuefeng's behavior was worthy of their trust. Even Tieshan actually relaxed his vigilance.

Put away his giant ancient sword, carried Lou Yi on his shoulders, and said to everyone, "Let's go!"

Li Wenfeng and Yun Lan looked at each other, and at the same time shook their heads with a smile. Luan Yuefeng stayed where he was, seeming to be thinking about something, Tieshan turned his head and looked at him and said to him, "Come together. This guy didn't even want his life for you, isn't it enough to prove his sincerity?"

Luan Yuefeng nodded and slowly followed, and after they came to the ground together, they saw the surviving monks of all races standing together neatly, and said to them, "More of you, help. I am willing to use my life to follow it!"

Tieshan passed through them, and the monks looked a little disappointed. For them, following these people might be able to save their lives, so they were forced to make this choice.

Tieshan chose to ignore it because his intuition was extremely keen, and he expected that these real ideas ~ ~ these people can indeed be helpful, but they can also become hidden dangers.

Just as the Iron Mountain was about to pass through them, they heard the sound of kneeling down, and they swear to the sky, "I am waiting to swear by my heart demon, swear to follow, and never betray!"

Tieshan stopped, turned his head to look at them, and his eyes swept across their faces. Although there was no energy overflow, they rushed to a sword hovering in their throat. Tieshan said, "You It’s best to remember what you are saying now and get up!"

Tieshan turned and walked out. At this time, the barrier had collapsed, and the people outside were finally able to set foot here. At this time, Tu Jiu and all the horses of the Fighter Alliance really felt how dangerous the battle just now was. Scary.

Especially when the real body of Shura Moko came, and the scary and terrifying banner after that, Tu Jiu's heart was shaken, and his abacus fell through again. Now he needs to think about how to interact with this group. The guys came together.

He looked around and saw the army of monsters, dragons, monks, and the army of monks of all races that had just been incorporated. Now, looking at his Union of Fighters, it seems that his thoughts were a bit naive before. .

At this moment, the strong men behind him were all silent. Like Tu Jiu, they thought they could have a good bargaining chip with Lou Yi and others. Now it seems that their men have become Not so important anymore.

Tu Jiu looked back at them and asked, "Have you figured it out clearly?"

"Everything is determined by the leader!" All the strong said in unison.

Tu Jiu shook his head and grinned, "I am no longer the leader, but a member of the new alliance that is about to be formed. Let's put down the grudges and fight together. I think the result will be very interesting!"

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