Building B

Chapter 2659: Unexpected visitor

The two talked in the room, and Lou Yi's mood was obviously much better. He got up and walked out and saw the Tieshan standing at the door. The latter looked at him up and down and left when he saw that he was fine.

Lou Yi's heart warmed. Now the person who came out with him from Kunwu Realm is probably Tieshan for the longest time. The relationship between the two has surpassed the ordinary friendship and is more like a family brother.

After he appeared, Yun Lan came to visit one by one from the others, and informed him of the current situation, there were some problems on the Yaozu side, and I hope he can go there in person.

Yuwen Wudi told Lou Yi that the last battle lost about one tenth of the troops, but it also made the team more united. It was only because Mingxin and Gan Zihao left that the defense of the coalition appeared. There is no small gap, I hope he can find a way to solve it as soon as possible.

After Lou Yi nodded and agreed, he went to see Jinwenyan. The last time Jinwenyan didn't seem to fall in the wind, he was injured badly by the opponent. After checking his injuries, Lou Yi showed his face. A worried look.

Jin Wenyan explained to him some of the weirdness of Jin Ao, including its unusual performance. The opponent's strength seemed to burst out in a short period of time, not only crushing himself in speed, but also in strength. It is not the same.

Jin Wenyan told Lou Yi that it was worried that if this situation persists, the result will be very unoptimistic. He hopes Lou Yi will be mentally prepared, and the final battle may be extremely difficult.

Lou Yi nodded, and after giving some healing medicines, he left, and when he left the resting place of the golden pattern, he heard the loud voice of Wang Zixiong. They seemed to be arguing with whom. .

When Lou Yi walked over and checked, he saw the confrontation between the two sides. On the left side was the king violent bear, and the right side was the rhino-horned terrifying beast. They are all descendants of ancient alien beasts, and they have very powerful strength.

However, the current confrontation scene caused Lou Yi to have some concerns. The monster clan is the strongest person. Although Jin Wenyan is injured, it is not a loss to Jin Ao, but in the eyes of many monsters, it is already a defeat.

Nowadays, the bright heart of the monster race is unstable, but what makes Lou Yi feel puzzled is that these monsters have followed the Jinwenyan clan for so long. Is it just because of a defeat in a battle that it will cause such uneasiness. Turbulent?

He felt that something was not quite right in it, and the most important thing now was to stabilize the situation. Now Jinwenyan was obviously not suitable to appear here, so this mess could only be solved by him.

He had thought about letting Zi Li solve this matter. After all, in terms of strength alone, Zi Li should be incomparable to Jin Wenyi, but because of the difference between the spirit monster and the floating monster world. , He finally decided to solve the trouble by himself.

Lou Yi stepped forward and walked to the center of the quarrel between the two parties. For Lou Yi, the so-called leader, most of the monsters do not recognize it. Part of them is due to the majesty of Jin Wenxian, and part of them is embracing. With a grateful heart.

Seeing Lou Yi's arrival, Wang Lei Shou awkwardly walked to his side. In the situation of the confrontation between the two sides, it was the most embarrassing existence, but it was also the most supportive of Lou Yi.

At this time, Wang Leiyu brought his men and horses to the back of Lou Yi, undoubtedly swearing Lou Yi's status as the leader to all the monsters present, which caused dissatisfaction between Wang Zixiong and the Rhinoceros.

Lou Yi glanced across Wang Zixiong’s camp, and saw Tyrant Lei hiding behind him at a glance. He glared at him and shouted, "You follow the foolishness, come here!"

Ba Lei smiled sullenly, walked out of Wang Zixiong’s camp, and walked towards Building B. When he came to Wang Zixiong’s side, he was held down by a huge bear paw. .

Ba Lei stopped, looked up at Wang Zixiong, and said to him seriously, "I am his person!"

Wang Baixiong was visibly stunned, and then slowly raised his huge bear paw. Another Wang Baixiong looked at Lou Yi and let out an uncomfortable growl.

When Jin Wenyan chose to join the building B camp, they were the first to jump out to oppose it, but now it's better. The original iron brother was also abducted by the opponent.

Ba Lei came to Lou Yi's side and smiled at him, but Lou Yi whispered to him, "There is a problem here, come with me later!"

Ba Lei immediately put away his smile, nodded at him, and took his own men and horses to stand behind Building B. At the beginning, Xia Yao and Ba Lei were both recommended to enter the floating monster battlefield, but Xia Lei has been here since. After the battle of the sub-ghost tribe, they have not completely adjusted until now. Their bloodline seems to be undergoing a certain transformation, so all members of this tribe are staying in the artificial secret realm at this moment to retreat and practice.

Wang Baoxiong may feel that he killed them, because since they met again, they have not seen the fear of Yao and the fear of crow dark feather clan again ~ ~ Lou Yi stepped forward Go, carefully inspecting each monster in the two camps, he always feels that there is something wrong in it, and he needs to pick it out himself.

At the beginning, he wondered why the Jinwenyan clan would be attacked by the Demon Clan Shura. At first he thought it was the Golden Wing Dapeng clan who betrayed the Jinwenyan, but now he felt that there were other factors in it.

Before Lou Yi came to the camp facing the two sides, the monsters on both sides were looking down at him. To them, Lou Yi was obviously small, and Lou Yi didn't care about it, so he calmly said, "Since you have chosen to follow the golden pattern. , You have to follow its instructions, I don’t think I need to remind you, you should also understand what betrayal will end up?"

"At this time, we Yaozu's own affairs, you should not be nosy, right?" Wang Paoxiong said coldly.

Lou Yi raised his head to look at the opponent, and released the Dragon Emperor's might in an instant. A strong sense of oppression made the talking Wang Zixiong unable to help but step back and his face became hard to look.

Lou Yi’s eyes flashed with an imperceptible glimmer, and then turned to look at the rhino-horned fear beast. The pressure he released from his body also acted on them. The rhino-horned fear beast was silent for a while, then quietly Go back.

Lou Yi glanced around in his camp, and found nothing wrong for the time being, but as the so-called slap is not sound, there must be other people involved in it, maybe they are spies of the monsters, maybe They are the puppets of the demons, and everything will be examined carefully afterwards.

Just when Lou Yi calmed down the monster riots, someone came to inform him that there were visitors and there were still a lot of people, so Lou Yi temporarily put the matter down, pressing too tightly and sometimes unable to catch the opponent. The tail, after putting it on the line, a big fish may be caught.

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