Building B

Chapter 2692: Ugly dog

Lou Yi looked at the chaotic and chaotic **** pattern all over his body. He frowned at first, but soon he seemed to realize something, and walked towards it. This move made Little Mengbao nervous and flew to him. In front of Lou Yi's eyes, spread out her small fleshy hands with open arms, pouting to prevent Lou Yi from approaching.

Just as Lou Yi wanted to explain helplessly, suddenly he felt something in his subconscious. When he changed his hands, he grabbed Xiao Mengbao in his palm, and at the same time opened and opened Yuanyue Wall for protection, a burst of extremely violent energy instantly disappeared from The body of the ugly monster was released, chaotic and fierce.

This energy raged wildly in this temple, causing the stroboscopic flicker prohibited by the **** pattern in the entire temple. The hall was crumbling with the raging energy of this energy. Lou Yi glanced at the little dream treasure in his hand. I don't seem to realize what I did.

Lou Yi sighed and said to him, "You little thing blocked me twice. Although the trouble is different, each time it causes a difficult situation to clean up."

He shook his head and placed Little Mengbao on his head. In order to prevent the hall from collapsing and wasting the materials he had carefully refined over time, he had to sacrifice array beads to bring the monster together with himself. They were also included in the array beads.

In a blink of an eye, they appeared in an endless desert, with no grass on all sides, dry sand and gravel in the air, and the wind kept blowing from the northwest, making people's faces rise.

The surrounding environment was pale yellow, Lou Yi frowned slightly, and sighed silently. It was obvious that something happened suddenly and he hadn't had time to make a selection. To be honest, it would be difficult for him to like a place like this.

The monster was exuding a terrible aura at this moment. In this aura there were the auras of the Protoss, the Demon Race, the Spirit Race, etc., and the three forces were anxious at this moment, constantly striving for the initiative.

The original messy fur on his body continued to fall off and grow, and within a short while, piles of hair appeared around him. These things were piled under the monster's feet, but they seemed not to be disturbed by the wind.

Soon those furs seemed to finally admit defeat, the monster became naked, but at this moment it looked extremely terrifying. The original thin body and limbs suddenly grew explosively, and the body shape was never slapped before. The size has become a monster that now stretches over a hundred feet.

It has become slender and sleek like a newborn mouse, and its cloak has also changed from the previous purple-red to black-gold color. What shocked Lou Yi is that in the two eyes of this guy. , Each has three eyeballs lined up.

The one shot in the front is dark gray, exuding a strange air, the second one temporarily is bright silver, exuding a strange air, and the last one is dark. It seems that the breath is slightly normal.

He has two eyes and six pupils, and they all look very strange. Although he knows that Chongming Bird has the ability to have one eye and two pupils, although he has an alternative monster like Hundred Eyes around him, he saw it when he saw this monster. , He still felt very weird.

The reason is that this monster originally had no eyes, but now they appear on this monster that looks like a dog monster, which in itself feels incredible.

The monster’s mouth became longer, and the fangs in the wide open mouth were distinct, and the drooping tongue looked dangerous now, especially the dripping saliva, which was corroding the surrounding air. As well as the gravel below, the unaffected thing seems to be the hair that fell off after defeat.

Xiao Mengbao was sitting on Lou Yi's head, clutching his little hand nervously. It wanted to persuade this strange baby to feed by himself, but instinctively told him that he should not be close to him now.

Little Mengbao was wronged and looked at each other, her expression suddenly depressed, Lou Yi seemed to feel its mood at the moment, and sighed and said to him, "You little troublemaker, don't be sad, let me help you beat it. , It should be honest!"

Xiao Mengbao flattened his mouth and wanted to say something. Before he had time to speak, Lou Yi temporarily sent it into the divine bag. The guy in front of him looked very tricky, and he had to go all out.

Lou Yi's figure suddenly disappeared, and he appeared directly under the opponent's body in the next second, making a fist and blasting upwards, directly towards the softest abdomen of his body.

Unexpectedly, a punch was blasted, and the storm swept across the sky, but it hits the air, where there was the other person's figure in front of him, a shadow flashed, Lou Yi felt that the whole world seemed to darken, and the moment he raised his head He was swallowed directly by the monster.

Fortunately, everything is just an illusion. Lou Yi's figure appeared out of thin air in a no-man's land, thinking about how the other party made the first come first, but only just out of danger, the dark shadow that enveloped the whole body It appeared weird again, Lou Yi didn't want to dodge immediately, he heard a loud bang, and a terrible noise came from the place where he stood just now

This time he chose to hide his figure, not actively revealing it. It was useless if he didn't expect it. The monster reappeared at an incredible speed. Lou Yi didn't even understand that he had already covered up all his breath. Find yourself.

He couldn't escape, he could only bite the bullet and go into battle. When the monster was about to swallow himself, he used the power of the dragon's blood to boil, with his hands and feet as the support point, he used his whole body strength to resist this. The bite of the monster.

An astonishing force is trying to crush him, Lou Yi is in it, constantly suffering from this violent squeeze, and his clothes keep getting wounds, and even the breath from the monster’s mouth begins to erode his skin. .

The five-color dragon scales that were originally hidden under his skin gradually appeared, and his body became larger than before, and then used his strength to forcibly escape from the monster's mouth.

Lou Yi almost turned into a dragon before escaping to heaven, but the monster still chased itself reluctantly. Its power seemed to come from the **** pattern imprinted on his body at the moment. This **** pattern was silver when it first appeared. Now it gradually turned gray, thinking that the other party was constantly squandering its power.

Lou Yi seemed to have thought of a solution to this guy. He began to counterattack, constantly forcing the opponent to consume his strength, while at the same time using the power of Shidanshan to aggravate the consumption of this monster. After going back and forth, the opponent finally began to exhaust himself. When Lou Yi wanted to solve it, Xiao Mengbao suddenly broke free from the sac, and once again stood in front of Lou Yi, shook his head grievingly.

After the monster had consumed a lot of power, it seemed to finally regained his senses. He even murmured at Xiao Mengbao. Listening to the pitiful murmur, Lou Yi felt that what happened just now was so unreal. stand up.

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