Building B

Chapter 2695: Spiritual War

These things wrap up the huge Blood Moon Demon Axe previously seized from Moko. They are all useless to him. Now they are temporarily handed over to Chonglou. If he takes advantage of it, it will be considered a Favoring favor, if you don't know it, it doesn't hurt to take it back again, and you can even win a good reputation among these protoss soldiers.

His main purpose is still Nahawang Maru. Although the Park Hyatt God Liquid can be refined, it needs the blood of Park Hyatt Gods. Those Park Hyatt people who are used as blood supply can provide a continuous supply of God blood for the time being, but it will last forever. But it is always not a solution.

But Chou Chou is different. This guy is very aware of his situation now. As long as Lou Yi takes blood from him to make alchemy, he will bring him all kinds of delicious food, which makes the blood he loses far less than that. Benefits obtained.

Although it looked terrifying at the beginning, it got used to it after a long time. Anyway, it didn't really want to kill it. It just lost some blood. It just can't be beaten and eat more.

Chonglou looked at the colorful spar armor in front of him, and the somewhat mysterious black spear. He first took off the Park Hyatt Clan-style armor. The defense power of this thing was really limited, even if it was blessed by the Park Hyatt. Still can't resist enough damage.

At the beginning, he fought with Huang Shang, and after the opponent got up and fell to the ground, the stormy fist fell, and this divine armor really didn't resist much damage.

He took the spar armor with both hands, but found that it was extremely heavy, as heavy as a mountain, but after putting it on his body, the **** pattern on the armor automatically began to change, and the heavy feeling suddenly disappeared. However, the feeling of solidity still exists.

Zhonglou brushed this armor with his palm, feeling the uneven pattern of spar on it, and feeling the connection between himself and it, but maybe this is the first time wearing this armor, it can't be done overnight, He needs time to get acquainted with this divine armor, hoping to integrate with the power of his own divine pattern, and achieve both offense and defense.

Chonglou showed a satisfied look, and then reached out his hand to grab the black spear, and for an instant a terrifying evil thought directed at the sea of ​​consciousness. Chonglou staggered and almost fell, his eyes flashed with black and red light. However, there was a faint surging of demonic energy on the whole body, causing its breath to change suddenly.

Lou Yi's face changed as he was about to stop it, but found that there was a strange light bursting from the depths of Zhonglou's eyes. This divine light dispelled the black and red color in his eyes, and gradually dispelled the demon energy around him, and let his body exude again Out of Yiyi Shenhui.

But Lou Yi always felt something wrong. He wanted to take the magic spear back, but Zhong Lou carried it behind his back and said to him, "I'm very satisfied, you can't go back!"

"But..." Before Lou B finished speaking, Zhonglou interrupted and said again, "I have the confidence to surrender it. Let's do it for now!"

Lou Yi opened his mouth and finally did not speak any more. At this time, he still had a blood moon magic axe in his hand, but because of the magic spear, he had no plans to send it out again. It's still too dangerous, and I don't know if this heavy building can really suppress its devilishness.

He temporarily suppressed these distracting thoughts and asked, "How did the pill just now feel?"

"Very good!" Chonglou answered truthfully.

Lou Yi nodded, and Zhonglou asked, "What is this pill?"

"I call it the Overlord Pill, I refined it myself, and I can refine it for you later if I need it!" Lou Yi said in a persuasive way.

Chonglou thought for a while, and involuntarily looked at the dog next to Lou Yi, and finally resisted the curiosity in his heart and said to Lou Yi, "I think about it!"

Without further persecuting the other party, Lou Yi nodded and agreed. After that, he uniformly distributed the Park Hyatt Divine Liquid to all the Protoss soldiers present, and told them that they could try the effect as much as possible. If satisfied, he would continue to distribute it for them. Things.

Then there came cheers again on the square of Nuo Da. Just as Building B was about to leave, Zhonglou still did not press to ask whether Building B still has the Overlord Pill. The corners of Lou Yi’s slightly raised mouth reflected it. Out of his inner delight, as long as this guy recognizes this thing, the next thing will be easy.

He could see that Chonglou was indeed talented. If it weren’t for the guys of the Park Hyatt clan who kept pressing him, he would have been a prominent figure among the protoss. Now he has picked up a big deal and waits for him to use the Overlord. When Dan shows his skills, it will probably become easier to promote him among the protoss soldiers.

After leaving the square, Lou Yi went to search for Tieshan. After repeated battles, Tieshan's cultivation seemed to be more refined, and he could feel strange sword energy fluctuations around his body.

Everyone, including Tieshan, adjusted themselves as much as possible during this month, hoping to survive the subsequent battle. After he had a conversation with Tieshan, just after leaving his residence, someone came to report. , Said that a large number of demons appeared in the realm of the spirit.

Lou Yi frowned slightly, and the opponent chose the Spirit Realm as an offensive point, which really surprised him, but what was even more surprising was that the other person could appear in the Spirit Realm unconsciously.

He couldn't help but think of the weird space cracks and the huge amount of demons hidden in it when he set foot in the realm of demons, and one more thing is that since the demons no longer hide their strength, these demons are like after the rain. Like the weeds, the number is increasing, and there are even nearly twenty upper Asuras.

If there hadn't been the participation of Jinwenyan and others, he would have faintly confronted him with the people gathered in Xiancheng, I am afraid that the opponent would have been served by the other party long ago, which would have attracted his attention.

Lou Yi immediately summoned all the horses in the human domain and began to discuss countermeasures. The demons used the spirit domain as an attack point. This contained a lot of speculation. If this is just a feint, then it is very likely that the human domain and the gods The realm is their real attack point.

The biggest hidden danger now is Jin Ao. With Jin Ao's strength now, even if it is fighting against any one of Jin Wenyan, Lava Basalt, and Zili, it will not be its opponent.

The enchantment of the gods of the realm of gods and the formation of the realm of humans may not be able to stop them. It is just a matter of time. But if you don’t care about the life and death of the realm of spirits, you can simply use the magic array of all spirits. If it comes to stop it, I am afraid that the realm of spirits will not be able to stop these demons.

Lou Yi's plan to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank was in his mind, but it was quickly rejected. If the realm of spirit is lost, then the realm of **** and human will ignore each other, even if they can win the realm of demon or the realm of demon. Territory, it seems that it doesn't help. After all, Jin Ao's existence is itself a very headache, not to mention the opponent's strength is far above them.

Lou Yi rubbed his somewhat swollen eyebrows, and muttered to himself, "I really have a problem for me..."

Moller did it deliberately. Its real destination was not the realm of the spirit, but the realm of the people in Lou B. The reason was that the realm of humans and the realm of demons were too close.

Another reason is that Zhou Likui’s previous waste messed up its perfect plan, so this matter has to be recovered anyway, and the human being, Building B, caused it a great sense of uneasiness, so it had to get rid of it. Then fast.

At this time, Lou B has secretly contacted the lava basalt, so that the spirits will strengthen their guard, and at the same time, let Zhonglou take the protoss men and horses to temporarily return to the realm of gods. There is only one order for him, that is, it is impossible to hold on. If there is an unmanageable change, then just give up the entire God Realm.

Lou Yi has already planted a large number of traps and hidden barriers in the realm of Gods in advance, and has already made plans to give up the realm of Gods. If the opponent really attacks, he cannot allocate more manpower to prevent it. The realm of the gods, so in fact the realm of the gods has long been positioned as an abandoned child.

His focus has always been on the domain of humans, and the resources of almost the three races are also hoarded goal of Lou Yi is always the domain of demons, and the final battlefield he envisioned is Demon domain.

He has one thing in common with Moller that he will never fight in the most tightly defended place of the opponent, so Moller uses this method to test Building B. If he doesn't accept the move, then an army of demons will arrive one after another. Cut off the hub of the realm of God and the realm of man, then the three parties can encircle and win the realm of man in one fell swoop.

As for the Realm of Gods, it is just adding heads, and it has also made some preparations for the Realm of Gods, thinking that it will soon make the leader of the opponent rush to the head.

Moeller waited quietly in the void, and under his feet was the frightening Jin Ao. After more than a month of full control, Jin Ao's last bit of resistance was also dissipated under the tame of the Demon Lord Orb. Up.

From now on, Jin Ao will be a dog under its hands. It will bite whoever bites it. The dangerous accident like the previous one will never happen again, and it does more than that.

Those demon races that succumbed to the power of Jin Aoyan were also incapable of escape, and they were all transformed into demon slaves by Mole and Shura under them. Their will had been completely deprived and they had become a tool to drive.

After receiving the letter from Lou Yi, Lava Basalt personally took a few powerful spirit race experts and went straight to the place where the demons appeared. It was confident that with its own strength, even if it encountered Jin Ao head-on, Can also be invincible within a certain period of time.

Doing so is a very dangerous behavior, but in order to find out what the real purpose of the Demon Race is, it can only stand up and do it. The lava basalt move was quickly reported back to the Demon Race spies hidden near the Spiritual Realm. Moeller.

There was a dangerous smile at the corner of Moeller's mouth. It licked its lips and said, "It seems like a good choice to use this hard shell to beat the teeth..."

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