Building B

Chapter 2712: Tumo 9 cents

When Lou Yi took the first step forward, suddenly the light and shadow flickered in front of him. Suddenly a monstrous wind blew around him. Lou Yi was surprised to find that he was in an endless desert, all around him. A huge figure.

They are all thousands of feet tall, with strange totems carved on their bodies, shining with cyan light, and at this moment they are fighting with something, the power of the elements in the world, to be precise, the power of the wind.

These giants had four arms and a cyan whirlpool on their palms, and the power of the wind enveloped each of them. Soon the world became dark and even the monstrous wind was extinguished.

A huge crack appeared on the sky, as if the sky was split by something, and then the crack became wider and wider. During the period, a very terrifying alien phase began to appear. A dark light fell from the sky and fell to the group of giants below. The place.

The sky gradually became extremely dark, and the dark light turned into a terrible palm, which covered the sky and suppressed the sun. Everything around was wailing, and countless terrible cracks appeared in the sky.

Demon flames flooded the sky and the earth, these giants chanted ancient mantras, four arms were raised at the same time, and everyone combined their power into one and slashed towards the sky.

The huge wind blade enveloped the sky and collided with the huge demon palm that fell down, but what everyone did not expect was that the power of the demon palm was so terrible that it reversed the wind that gathered all of them. The blade was pressed down.

Building B is not clear about everything after that, because he returned to the real world with a flower in front of him. In front of him there was a huge statue of great height, which was carved with arms facing the sky and kneeling on one knee. But the giant who refused to bow his head.

Lou Yi was standing in front of it at this moment. At this moment, there was a voice in his mind whispering to him, "The Xunfeng people swear not to bow their heads..."

Lou Yi respectfully bowed to this sculpture. A ray of light flew out of the statue and plunged into Lou Yi's body. Lou Yi suddenly felt that his body was much lighter, and even the connection with the surrounding heaven and earth's vitality changed. Get closer.

He didn't know what it was, but he knew it was a kind feedback to him, and he whispered, "Xunfeng Clan..."

Lou Yi stepped forward again, and his eyes suddenly changed again. It was a burning world. The world was filled with terrifying fire power, and huge explosions kept coming and going.

Lou Yi felt a terrible pressure from the sky, and when he looked up to the sky, the same scene appeared in his eyes again, but the suffering protagonist turned into some kind of ancient monster.

They have coral-like red-red horns, and between the two horns there are mysterious demon patterns like the pupils of flames. The body of this monster is like a tiger, but it is everywhere. There was also a terrible flame burning above it.

They are extremely large in size. At this moment, they are all roaring towards the sky. The terrifying voice is shaking the earth. The demon patterns continue to gather the power of the surrounding flames, forming a huge ball of flame covering all directions in the air, as all the beasts rise up and roar. , The huge flame ball lifted into the air and slammed into the terrifying clutch that was enveloped.

But everything seemed to be in vain. The flame ball was squeezed and exploded by the devil's palm, and the flames exploded like fireworks. The group of monsters looked up at the sky and made a final roar.

The picture before Lou Yi's eyes flickered again, and a sculpture appeared before his eyes again. It was the huge monster beast in the scene that he had just experienced. They stared at the sky, bent and roared towards the sky, and the tail seemed to release. With terrible flames.

Lou Yi saluted him respectfully, and another voice whispered in his ears, "Yan, I will never give in..."

"Yan Wu Clan..." Lou Yi muttered these three words softly. After that, another flame flashed and fell into his body. Lou Yi felt the coldness of his body being dissipated, and he suddenly It feels much warmer.

As he continued to move forward, races he had never seen appeared in his sight, and he briefly experienced the moment when their race finally came, the process was short and long.

He constantly shuttled through each of their worlds, feeling their unyielding will and the power of their desperate clutches, and even the other party did not even show his face, and his world was destroyed by the other party.

Lou Yi was astonished as he walked into his heart, because this kind of despair was constantly accumulating in his heart, making him feel extremely pressure.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Lou Yi’s footsteps are getting slower and slower, and he doesn’t even want to go any further. He wants to stop and stay where he is. At this moment, the two incomplete ancient swords of Jingzhe and Jingxi, Suddenly appeared and suspended in front of him.

Lou Yi cast his eyes on them, and suddenly his pupils began to emit light. He felt his body lighten up in an instant, and then his feet lifted off the ground. Two incomplete ancient swords rushed forward, leading him to disappear into these statues. Group.

After a while, the rapidly passing landscape finally freezes. There is a huge space in front of Building B. In this space, there are nine sculptures. They have different expressions, males and females, and you can feel immortal at a glance. General.

Stepping on a huge and ugly head under their feet, the nine people each held an ancient sword with a strange shape. Lou Yi looked intently and saw that the Jingzhe and Jingxi were suspended in front of two of the sculptures. The things they hold in their hands seem to be very similar to the current state of Jingzhe and Jingzhe.

As Lou Yi stepped forward, the nine sculptures suddenly burst into light, as if they had come alive, and as he first saw it, they were as elegant as a fairy.

However, the faint aura radiating from them made Lou Yi understand that their cultivation was by no means what he could So he had a guess in his heart, I am afraid that all the nine people have golden immortals. The realm, maybe even the realm is still above the golden fairy.

Lou Yi stepped forward respectfully and bowed to them. However, the nine lights and shadows did not seem to have the slightest interest in him. At this moment, the space suddenly oscillated. Lou Yi saw that there was a dark demon under them. The qi was writhing, it was trying to break through the restraints, Lou Yi immediately understood something.

The nine radiances flickered continuously, and the lightsaber in his hand was shining with strange light, and the light and the magic energy were frequently intertwined. After about half an hour, the magic energy seemed to have temporarily given up the struggle, and obediently fell back into the darkness below.

At this moment, Lou Yi's eyes were attracted, and a magic light appeared in an instant, covering his whole person, and then a terrifying magical thought eroded toward his sea of ​​consciousness, but at this moment, the life and death tree shadows and their hands Ming Yuan burst out of light at the same time, and the light cut off the connection between Lou Yi and the magic light. Lou Yi's face paled and shook his body, and the crazy and angry roar of magic thought was constantly echoing in his ears.

Lou Yi's footsteps were unstable, and he fell to the ground with a puff, and then fainted. When he lost consciousness, nine rays of light suddenly appeared from the statue, forming a strange mask, covering it, and then Lou Yi His consciousness was drawn into a whole new world.

This is a place he once set foot on, surrounded by immortals with magical powers, the number is impossible to count, and the same countless demons are fighting against them. The battle between the two has stirred the entire sky. B unconsciously raised his head, and in his eyes there was a scene similar to the countless previous experiences. A clutch that covered the sky and the sun was stretching out from a huge crack. The only difference was that it Nine figures appeared below the sculpture, exactly the nine immortals that appeared above the sculpture.

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