Building B

Chapter 2744: Liu Meng 0 Search

The magic spear, the devil’s pupil, the ghost tripod, the true phoenix feathers, and now there are iron pieces with palpitating power everywhere. It seems that the shadow of the demon **** holds each hand of each race. Baby, it seems that only the treasure of the Spirit Race is not present.

But Lou Yi is not concerned about this now, because the piece of iron is not something else, but one of the fragments of the Conferred Swordsman. Lou Yi now has five of its fragments, three of which are pieced together. The so-called Slashing Immortal Flying Sword, but it is actually only a small part of the Fengshen Slashing General, and its original appearance is larger.

When Lou Yi saw that the shadow of the demon **** used the magic power to impose the iron piece, he knew that Jinwenyan and lava basalt were both dangerous. He rushed out desperately, and appeared in an instant and blocked Jinwenyan's body. At the same time, the shadow of the demon **** threw the iron piece in the same way.

The iron piece made a piercing scream, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Lou Yi's body. The light of Chaos Force in Lou Yi's left hand flickered, and the wall of Yuanyue was unfolded in an instant. At the same time, the light on the right hand flashed, two pieces The iron piece, which was almost the same as the iron piece that hit, was blocked in front of him by his imperial envoy.

Hearing a loud bang, the iron piece first hit the iron piece placed outside of Building B. Because of its huge impact, the blocking iron piece was carried and slammed on the wall of Yuanyue. When there was another loud bang, Lou Yi plunged backward and downward like a cannonball.

However, at this moment, Jin Wenyan immediately shot and blocked his out-of-control body. Lou Yi's left hand and his arm trembled uncontrollably, and he could even see that his entire palm was shaken by the terrifying force. Distorted.

However, Lou Yisi remained unmoved, his gaze only stared at the top. At this moment, after the violent impact, the three iron pieces above were combined together in a strange way, but the piece of iron that seemed to be in the center , It seems very reluctant.

It struggled and tried to break free from the other two pieces of iron, but the three of them were originally one, no matter how it tried to break free, it couldn't break free smoothly.

With a thought, Lou Yi immediately opened the knife mark space and took away the combined iron pieces. This sudden scene made the shadow of the devil feel incredible.

For a moment, Lou Yi felt that the shadow of the demon **** really came alive, and in the midst of it, he felt that he was being stared at by the other party. At this moment, the shadow of the demon **** shook his hand, and the pupil of the demon king suddenly There was a terrible magic light.

The magic light enveloped all the places here for an instant, and everyone who was illuminated by the magic light was affected by it. They felt a dizziness, and even a suffocation from their chests, and an unknown fire was rubbing against them. Of rising up.

Many of the demon cultivators of the demon race and the spiritual cultivators of the spirit race lost control in an instant. Their eyes became crimson, and they madly killed the comrades around them. The posture was as if the other party was uncommon. Like an enemy.

Lou Yi's face showed a solemn look, because he already knew what this weird magic eye was. It was similar to his own Vientiane Sun Luo Eye Art. The original owner of this magic eye should be an extremely powerful one. The pupil manipulator.

He had to find a way to liberate everyone from this pupil technique, otherwise he would not dare to imagine the consequences. Lou Yi took a deep breath, his pupils suddenly turned into two rotating pitch-black vortexes, and all kinds of colors fell into his eyes. , All was sucked into the deepest part of the pupil.

Lou Yi's eyes bloomed with an unprecedented strange brilliance, and he muttered to himself, "All things have anims, all souls have hearts, all hearts return to the path, all paths become tactics, all spirits magic tactics..."

As his voice fell, a towering tree shadow suddenly descended from the body of Building B. It was as tall as a sky pillar connecting the world, surrounded by trees that were equally old and powerful. Shine with its own unique brilliance.

"Hundred eyes come!" Lou Yi summoned to the hundred eyes.

After Baiyan heard Lou Yi's call, he immediately disappeared from Mo Sheng's side, and in the blink of an eye, he reached Lou Yi's side. The latter said to him, "Leverage me your power to help them escape the nightmare!"

"Yes, Master!" Baiyan replied with thought.

It took the initiative to release its spiritual power and connected with Lou B. In an instant, their spiritual power was connected. After Hundred Eyes contacted Lou B, they immediately used the power of soul connection. The world of Hundred Eyes is linked with the spirit of all people affected by the magic pupil.

In an instant, countless nightmare fantasy realms rushed towards them, and Baiyan opened its own unique Baiyan fantasy realm at this time, providing powerful help to Lou Yi.

Lou Yi glanced across the phantom nightmare in the Hundred Realms in front of him, and the countless nightmare illusions blocked by these Hundred Realms. He took a deep breath and said to Hundred Eyes with his mind, "Go!"

The hundred pupils of the hundred eyes simultaneously reflected the reflections in all the illusions, and entered the hundred realms together with Lou Yi's dream power.

The nightmare world is full of blood and killing. Most of the fantasy world is a doomsday-like scene. People affected by the nightmare are fighting alone in the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain. All around them are hideous. Powerful Shura.

Lou Yi's pupils shined with strange lights at the same time, projecting the power of their dreams into these illusions, and in an instant, distortions and collisions began to occur in each illusion.

Two completely different nightmare powers began to formally clash, and towering trees appeared among the hundred realms. The golden red flames surged all over the sacred flame parasol tree, and the flames turned into Suzaku true. The spiritual appearance, went straight to the demons with their teeth and claws.

In an instant, the flames of the gods turned the demon army into ashes, and at the same time formed a ring of fire to protect those who had suffered from the power of the nightmare, and two completely different powers of the nightmare stood in a stalemate here.

In another illusion, the sacred tree Fusang was shining with golden divine light, and the light it emitted was as warm as the sun, shining on the besieged person.

The light warms the heart and instantly eliminates the tension and fear of the opponent, but this light is fatal to those demons. Any demons who are illuminated by this golden light will melt away like snow. Then, the surrounding demons turned into ashes under the sunshine.

In another fantasy world, blue and white flowers are flying in the sky, forming an endless wave of blue and white. The light it releases is concentrated on the trapped person, protecting him from the harm of those demons.

The blue and white flowers were flying all over the sky like a different kind of sky. The flying flowers and fallen leaves swept around like a knife and light sword. The bodies of those demons were instantly cut into countless fragments by the petals. As the blue and white flowers were flying all over the sky, the surroundings were immediately cleared.

In every illusion, there is the power of Vientiane Senluo surging, which makes the pupils of the Demon King in the hands of the Demon God’s Shadow begin to vibrate slightly, but at this time, the vertical lines begin to release more powerful The power of nightmare.

The illusion that originally occupied the advantage was once again shrouded by the nightmare. A demon **** who destroys the world and the earth, took a terrible step towards the people affected by the power of the nightmare. They waved their arms and blasted towards that one. Towering trees.

However, Lou Yi’s Vientiane Sun Luo power is endless, and coupled with the dominance of the Myriad Spirits Divine Art, the power of the Demon King’s pupils did not achieve the expected results, and the two nightmare powers began to fight. , But it seems that Lou B's side is better.

Lou Yi's dream power originated from the Great Northern Warriors. He has an indissoluble bond with the Green Willow Sect. In his dream, he has the heart of nightmare willow tree. After taking it, he has the power of dreaming.

After that, he and his companions entered the Wuwang Sea and ate a meal of dream tapir by accident. The dream tapir was the spirit beast of the dream tapir that his master brother Feng Yu had raised in the previous life. Lou Yi was forced to do so. Going down into the cave of his previous life, he obtained the power of the nightmare by accident, and since then opened up the way of dreams for him.

The way of this dream is very mysterious. Lou Yi has gone through life and death, constantly exploring its mystery, and finally has a place to use it today. Wanling Shenju is his strongest pupil technique today and the source of his confidence.

After the Demon Sovereign’s pupils continued to try, although they had made some achievements, the overall situation was being eaten away at every step. In a rage, the Demon Sovereign's pupils even turned the spear head and placed the target directly on Lou Yi.

The terrifying pupils directly shone on Lou Yi's body. The latter's body shook suddenly, and the surrounding sky turned around. For a moment, he seemed to be in the world of demons. There were rugged and dark strange rocks everywhere in the distance. There are many strange mountain shadows that are twisted and deformed.

Above the sky, there was a huge eyeball that looked like the sun, and it was releasing a strange magic light of black and red. Lou Yi, who was illuminated by this light, was constantly showing black its Facial expressions gradually became distorted.

The expression on his face was like a face change in a shadow puppet, constantly changing the mood of happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, but soon a little green light bloomed in Lou Yi's body, like a tree planting roots in his heart.

A whole emerald green sapling is blooming from his body little by little, and he is the nightmare willow tree that introduced Lou Yi into his dreamland.

At this moment, it was devouring the power of the surrounding illusion bit by bit, transforming it into its own power, and protecting Lou Yi from being robbed of the mind by the power of the nightmare.

And Lou Yi is also brewing something in his body at this moment. The vortex in his pupils is still there, but at the center of the vortex, there are two more lights and shadows like willow leaves. It seems that Lou Yi has an epiphany at this moment. What special abilities have arrived.

As the Nightmare Willow Shadow continues to grow, traces of the green shadow continue to spread around, like the filaments spit out by a spider, they continue to spread to the whole world, and it didn't take long for Lou Yi to suddenly lift from a motionless state. Starting from the beginning, he stretched out a finger and pointed to the front, a weird section of emerald green willow appeared in the palm of his hand, and the whole world was illuminated the moment it appeared.

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