Building B

Chapter 2771: We go home

Lou Yi's expression looked a little sluggish, as if he was still thinking about how he lost to the other party, but at this time the folding space slowly disappeared, Lou Yi returned to the real world dumbfounded, causing everyone's note.

Tieshan rushed over to everyone, and asked, "Is it all right?"

Lou Yi was asked by him so, his thoughts slowly returned to reality, first he was taken aback, then he looked around and asked, "Where are they?"

"Who are you referring to?" Tieshan asked suspiciously.

Lou Yi shook his head and finally recovered completely. He laughed at himself and said, "It's nothing, I'm fine!"

Tieshan glanced at him suspiciously, thinking that this guy was a bit nagging, looked up and down a few times, and found that he was okay, so he stopped talking, and at this moment the sky fell again from above, six high platforms. At the same time, a strange light burst out.

The six completely different energies slowly connected together, forming a six-color halo, just like the six-way circle in the rumor.

At this time, Li Wenfeng stepped forward and said to Lou Yi and Tieshan, "This is the last gift, we must take the opportunity!"

Lou Yi expressed his gratitude to him. He tilted his head to look into the distance and saw that almost everyone had sat cross-legged. Even after the golden pattern, they all sat down respectfully. Everyone closed their eyes and waited for the gift. arrival.

Lou Yi and Tieshan glanced at each other and nodded at the same time. They sat cross-legged and closed their eyes. For a moment, their bodies felt many strange energy fluctuations. Their flow was irregular and even a little messy.

At first Lou B didn't know exactly what the use of these chaotic energies were, but when he remembered what Jia Tianxia told him when he left, he suddenly realized what, from these seemingly chaotic powers , Exploring like a whirlwind.

Soon a strange source of energy was gradually sorted out by him. He carefully felt every flow of this source of energy, the change of every branch, and his understanding of Tao gradually increased. .

At this time, there are countless strange energies surrounding them, but there are no less than thousands of energies in the same breath and different flow methods. If it were placed in the past, Lou Yi would definitely be greedy again, but now he has learned well.

In this way, everyone was immersed in the gift together, time passed by little by little, but no one was willing to interrupt the process.

Many, many days passed in a flash, and the energy surrounding them was finally exhausted. At this time, many people had already ended their perceptions ahead of time. It was not that they were willing to do so, but the Taoism that they could comprehend had arrived The limit.

After all, the way of others can only be used as a reference. Although it is a shortcut to copy completely, it is also the most stupid way. Everyone present here is naturally not stupid. They are all pursuers and want to surpass the existence of their ancestors. .

Lou Yi slowly opened his eyes, the pupils of the eyes were shining with cyan light, countless cyan lights and shadows quickly turned in the pupils, and then as the pupils slowly expanded, the light and those cyan shadows slowly disappeared. .

Lou Yi slowly stood up, showing a gratified smile, it seems that the insights these days have given him a deeper understanding of his own way.

Tieshan woke up almost at the same time. The difference from Building B was that his body released sharp sword aura, and the sword print reflected in his eyes looked even more mysterious than before.

Some people got up and said goodbye to Lou Yi and the people around him. Huo Yunlie came to Lou Yi and said to him, "This time I went to the floating monster battlefield, thanks to Brother Lou's care, I have no teeth for this kindness. Unforgettable, if Brother Lou is free, he still hopes to come to my Huoyun Palace as a guest and let me do my best as a landlord!"

Lou Yi clasped his fists and said, "Definitely! Definitely!"

"Then say goodbye here. The sect has something to urge me back to the sect, so I will take a step ahead!" Huo Yunlie clasped his fists and said goodbye.

"Good voyage, there will be some time later!" Lou Yi said with a fist.

Huo Yunlie nodded, walked off the high platform, and disappeared from his sight in a blink of an eye. After that, Li Wenfeng and others also gradually woke up. They also said goodbye to Lou Yi. It seems that the outside situation has indeed begun to be a little serious. Up.

After a while, Yun Lan woke up with an unfinished expression on his face. At the same time, there was confusion and doubt in his eyes. He subconsciously looked in the direction of Lou Yi, and Lou Yi was also looking at him at this moment. Unannounced smiled.

Yun Lan arched his hands and stood up and left without saying anything. Lou Yi smiled and retracted his gaze, and turned to look at Jinwenyan, Lava Basalt and Luan Yuefeng one by one.

Soon Luan Yuefeng woke up, his breath seemed more elegant than before. Luan Yuefeng came to him and said to him with his mind, "I should go!"

Lou Yi said to him with thoughts, "There will be a period!"

Luan Yuefeng nodded, and Lou Yi handed something to the other party. At the beginning, Zhou Likui had stolen everything from Luan Yuefeng's body, and what Lou Yi handed to him belonged to Luan Qisheng.

The misunderstanding between them is deep, but here is the battlefield. Others want to kill you, but you don’t fight back. It is a cowardly and stupid behavior. He is very clear that he is forged with Luan Tianzong’s Liangzi, but perhaps he and Luan Yuefeng Can still be friends.

It’s just that whether this friendship can withstand the test, it’s up to Luan Yuefeng to see how Luan Yuefeng decides. Luan Yuefeng’s hollow eye sockets are shining with soft white light. He casts his gaze on the Tieshan next to Lou Yi and uses his mind to oppose it. Said, "If there is a future, you and I will fight again!"

Tieshan nodded, and Luan Yuefeng turned and left. His relationship with Luan Yuefeng was more complicated, and he was both foe and friendly. Tieshan looked at the opponent until the opponent completely disappeared from sight.

Today, the only ones who are still here are Jinwenyan and Lava Basalt. These two behemoths are indeed the descendants of Emperor Yuan and Shi Huang, and their backgrounds are really powerful.

While feeling emotional, Lou Yi suddenly heard something, he leaned forward curiously, only to hear a slight snoring in the golden veins of the nose. This guy was not enlightened but fell asleep.

With a little embarrassment on Lou Yi's face, he turned his head to look at the lava basalt on the other side. It happened that the lava basalt shook his huge head, and then yawned to the sky.

Yes, dare to feel that these two regard this as a resting place. He thought they both were still comprehending. When the lava basalt lowered its head, he saw Lou Yi looking at himself. It walked over with a heavy step and lowered. He stared at Lou Yi, then slowly lowered his head and said to him, "It seems that what the ancestor said is right, you really are the son of destiny..."

At this moment, Jinwenyan also slowly opened its It slowly got up and shook its body vigorously. It also lowered its head and stared at Building B, being stared by these two giants, that kind of The oppression can be imagined.

Lou Yi smiled wryly, scratched his head and said, "Who can tell who is not destined, I just don't want my past efforts to be in vain!"

Jin Wenyan and lava basalt looked at each other and nodded at the same time. They both walked down the high platform together with Lou Yi, walked out of Xiancheng and returned to their respective people.

At this time, more and more people outside Xiancheng gathered here. Lou Yi even found Wang Xian and Li Wo among the group of people. He returned to the crowd. After Jinwenyan came to say goodbye to the lava basalt, he Leaving with their respective clansmen.

Those who are still in place today are those who are willing to follow him on the floating monster battlefield, but it is a pity that some of them are destined not to return.

Lou Yi looked around and didn’t find Huang Yuan and Meng Wei. He originally wanted to find a reward for them, but now it seems that they don’t appreciate it. Lou Yi laughed mockingly and raised his head to look at each other. The people behind him said, "Let's go, let's go home!"

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