Building B

Chapter 2786: Plan ahead

Seeing the crowd bowed to him, Lou Yi quickly stood up, waved his hands at them and said, "Sit all, sit all!"

"Thank you Lord!" everyone said in unison.

After everyone was seated, Lou Yi looked around. Among the people present, Tieshan was not in it, but Huo Yan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, was sitting not far away.

This guy looks a lot stronger than when he walked, his whole body was angry, his muscles were sharp and angular like cast iron, and beside him was a little girl who thought she looked like a teenager. Guess it is Yanqing.

Seeing Lou Yi looking at him, Huo Yan nodded slightly. Lou Yi smiled, and looked at Xiao Yanqing who was aside. Now she is slim and majestic, with a faint sense of majesty.

Yan Qing blinked her big eyes and looked at Lou Yi, and smiled brightly at him. Lou Yi's eyes swept to her side again, and she saw her daughter Hualian Lou and son-in-law Chi Feng.

The two nodded slightly to meet them, but Hua Lianlou's eyes were slightly resentful, thinking that after all these years, they were so busy and tired here.

Then came Loutong, Youhuang, Gao Lumu, etc. Among them, the blue-eyed monster and Tang Yin who soared up from Kunwu realm were also listed, and after that came the people of various domains.

There are vacancies in the starting position. They originally belonged to Gan Zihao, Ming Xin and Wang Kai, but now they are vacant. When Lou Yi saw them, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

But soon he had a new allocation of these positions in his heart. Mo Sheng, Wang Xian and others were just able to fill this vacancy. After Lou Yi glanced over Fei Lian, he opened his mouth and said to everyone, "Call everyone here today. Therefore, it is because of one thing, I believe everyone here has already guessed what it is!"

Lou Yi's eyes swept over the crowd, and everyone said in unison, "Everything is for the world of the same desire!"

"Yes! Everything is for the world of same desire!" Lou Yi echoed.

He first looked at Huo Yan and said to him, "Please, please!"

Huo Yan nodded, got up to say goodbye and left. Lou Yi's face was slightly embarrassed, and he said inwardly, "I'm afraid this guy will be unable to sit still long ago..."

Yan Qing hesitated for a moment, and wanted to go with her, but in the end she sat down, because she was not only Huo Yan's daughter, but more importantly, she is now the Yanlin clan's acting patriarch.

It turned out that not long after Lou Yi and the others left, the Yanlin Clan once again sent people to look for Yanqing and the people who split off. The Yanlin Clan is facing an unprecedented crisis.

When they came to the world of the same desire again, the earth-shaking changes had already taken place here from what they had seen before, and Yan Qing also gradually grew up under Huo Yan's meticulous care.

The royal blood in her body is gradually being aroused, which is why Lou Yi can feel the power of Ruoyouruwu from her body.

The envoy of the Yanlin clan informed Emperor Lin of the news. After the other party came to confirm in person, he appointed Yanqing as one of his successors. Although Huo Yan and Yanqing were reluctant, but for those who were already The Yanlin people who wanted to define and live and thrive, they had no choice but to accept this imperative decision.

So now Yan Qing is not only a girl, she is also the patriarch of the Yanlin clan in the same desire world, and has the right and obligation to help her clan members seek welfare and status.

Lou Yi looked at Yan Qing and passed on the task. He asked Yan Qing to assist Huo Yan to build the star formation. He was thinking that maybe this was Yan Qing's favorite thing to do.

Sure enough, Yan Qing, who had a slightly tangled face on her face, suddenly smiled and stood up to express her gratitude. Lou Yi felt funny in her heart and sighed inwardly, "Sure enough, she's just a child... "

After Yan Qing left, Lou Yi cast his eyes on Hua Lian Lou. He looked at each other apologetically. Hua Lian Lou was originally very aggrieved, but seeing his father suddenly felt that he seemed a bit too much, and the grudge in his eyes suddenly slowed down. Dispersed slowly.

Lou Yi asked her to step up the grain reserves for the two domains under her jurisdiction. After all, once the fight really started, no one knew how long it would last. Hua Lian Lou felt the weight of his words from her father's tone, and quickly She got up and agreed. She tilted her head and glanced at her husband beside her, then left.

Chi Feng raised his head and looked at Building B. Building B nodded to him. After Chi Feng got up and bowed his hands, he also turned and left. Building B arranged the tasks one by one, and finally it was dawn.

As the commander-in-chief of the same desire world now in charge of the entire army, Lou Yi's expectations of him can be imagined, and what Liming has done over the years is indeed worthy of Lou Yi's cultivation.

After years of condensing, Liming has become more calm and capable, giving people a sense of calm and self-confidence between gestures, and his eyes always seem to have an insight into the whole situation, and the victory is in hand.

Lou Yi first asked if the people whom he had handed over to him were still satisfied. Liming said that they were all manufacturable materials, and Lou Yi had a heart-to-heart talk with him, and faintly informed him that he was about to leave the floating monster world.

Liming didn't seem to be too surprised by Lou B's telling himself of such an important thing, just like when Lou B first soared to the upper realm and created the same desire realm here.

Liming first expressed his support, and then vowed to him that he would help him take care of the world of homosexuality. Lou Yi was very satisfied with this. He euphemistically expressed his understanding and Gan Zihao's affairs, and said whether he could let Mo Sheng Come with Tang Yin to take over from them.

Liming said that he can consider that Tang Yin is familiar with him, but Lou Yi brought Mo Sheng back. As for whether he can afford the position of Gan Zihao, everything is still open to question.

Lou Yi told Liming that Yuwen Invincible might not be able to rush back in a short while, so he would need to bother to guard against the world of homosexuality, and Liming also said that there is no problem.

After Dawn left, Wang Xian and Jiang Feng were the only ones left on Lou Yi's side. Lou Yi looked at them and said, "I don't think I need to say more about the situation now. I told you both. There is only one task, no matter how detailed the investigation is, I have to completely control the current situation!"

"Yes, the subordinates understand!" the two replied in unison.

Lou Yi nodded, and everyone left. He rubbed his eyebrows, looked at the empty conference hall, and sighed sincerely, "Unknowingly, I have raised another family. Let's have fun in hardship... .."

He got up and left and walked out of the Conference Hall, and then first went to the current territory of the Biyou clan, visited the snake god, and by the way saw the magic scroll. When he saw the round appearance of the magic scroll, he knew this guy. Today's small life is a moisturizer.

"It's easy to get fat if you have no heart and lungs..." Lou Yi slandered.

The magic scroll was extremely happy to see Lou Yi, it jumped directly, and got onto Lou Yi's head. Lou Yi suddenly felt that his head was filled with lead, and shook his head.

He sighed helplessly. After leaving the snake god, he went to the Five Color Mantis Domain. The purpose of this visit was to leave with the Nine Wing Heaven Wings, because he knew that he didn't have much time to stay in this place. Up.

Lou Yi went to find Lou Tong again, and the two exchanged heart-to-heart. Lou Yi expressed his intention to leave immediately this time, and he planned to hand over the world of same desire to him.

Lou Tong was very calm. Obviously he had already realized the arrival of this day. After Lou Yi left Lou Tong's residence, he went to the place where his daughter Hualianlou was.

Lou Yi expressed her apologies to her and confided her helplessness to her. Hua Lianlou also confided her thoughts over the years to her. When she heard that her father was leaving again, she might never go back. When, she fell into silence.

Tong Lou Tong is different. Hua Lian Lou's feelings are particularly delicate and sensitive. When she first came to the world of homosexuality, she might only see her children and Chi Feng in her eyes, but as time goes by, that share is buried in her heart. The family affection gradually sprouted.

She was very worried about her father's safety, and also missed him very much. When she saw her father again, the grievances she showed, maybe even she didn't know it at first.

This may be the power of family affection. After Hualianlou was silent, she threw herself into Lou Yi's arms and burst into tears. Lou Yi felt distressed and patted the other person's back gently, quietly comforting. daughter.

After Hualianlou's mood gradually calmed down, he explained something to him. For example, the future of the same desire world was left to their two brothers and sisters to rule.

Hualianlou nodded and agreed, and at the same time asked her to take care of your body no matter what, and don't always take risks regardless of your own safety.

Lou Yi promised it back then, but he actually knew this kind of thing very well. Sometimes he didn't touch it, and those troublesome things would take the initiative.

Finally, Lou Yi went to see Tieshan. This time Tieshan did not appear in the Chamber of Meeting. It turned out that he came back first to help him reorganize the Wuyue Jian Pavilion. The reason for this was that he had decided to leave with Lou Yi.

Lou Yi didn't say much about this. The two of them looked for a mountain with a wide view, drank strong wine and looked at the sky, and explored the higher world above the firmament. Their eyes were full of yearning.

After that, everything started to get on the right track. The whole world of homosexuality was completely moved, and all resources were fully utilized. Not only that, Building B also purchased a large amount of materials through the business alliance, even if the other lion opened his mouth. .

After everything was prepared, Lou Yi took Tieshan on the road to the Dark Feather Realm of Dread Crow. There were some things he needed to explain to Dread. After all, he walked down the battlefield of Drift and gave him Dread. However, none of the people came back. In any case, you have to give the other party an explanation.

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